View Full Version : Tanaraq really dead?

01-19-2006, 01:27 AM
Well Ranaq was killed off, but is Tanaraq really dead? Snowbird did rip out his heart, and that was HIS body but is even his spirit and mind gone as well? Or is he still lingering around in the Realm of the Great Beasts?

01-19-2006, 01:49 AM
The Great Beasts are immortal, so none are dead. I think the 'killing' just sends them back to their realm. They all showed up at the end of the fight with Maulvais in Wolverine, didn't they?

01-19-2006, 01:59 AM
The Great Beasts are immortal, so none are dead. I think the 'killing' just sends them back to their realm. They all showed up at the end of the fight with Maulvais in Wolverine, didn't they?

Nope, only half of them showed up

If killing them sent them back, where was Ranaq then? or Tanaraq since Walter is using a different body.

01-19-2006, 11:03 AM
Tanaraq reappeared in the Pestilence arc, using Snowbird's then-Sasquatch form as a vessel. However, again, I don't think Ranaq appeared there either...

01-19-2006, 02:02 PM
Tanaraq reappeared in the Pestilence arc, using Snowbird's then-Sasquatch form as a vessel. However, again, I don't think Ranaq appeared there either...

ah huh....yeah I don't have the full ark of that. Thanks.

01-19-2006, 02:10 PM
Always glad to help when I can.

01-19-2006, 03:08 PM
Whose art is that? That's a great rendition of them.

01-19-2006, 03:12 PM
Whose art is that? That's a great rendition of them.

Penciler-Sean Chen
Inker-Norm Rapmund

It's Wolverine #172 if you want to pick it up

Le Messor
01-19-2006, 05:39 PM
Whose art is that? That's a great rendition of them.
Penciler-Sean Chen
Inker-Norm Rapmund
It's Wolverine #172 if you want to pick it up

What is if if I've already picked it up?

Anyway, it is a great rendition. Very Byrnese.

- Le Messor
"Don’t take life too seriously. You won’t get out alive."

02-06-2006, 01:50 PM
Tanaraq reappeared in the Pestilence arc, using Snowbird's then-Sasquatch form as a vessel. However, again, I don't think Ranaq appeared there either...

I just read it and no that wasn't Tanraq that was Pestilence using Sasquatch's body. I know in AF #38 the Great Beasts show up, but I was expecting actual Tanaraq. Ranaq appeared though.

02-07-2006, 12:48 AM
Actually, it says right in it that Pestilence channeled Tanaraq through SnowSasq's body.

02-07-2006, 01:20 PM
Actually, it says right in it that Pestilence channeled Tanaraq through SnowSasq's body.

I know, what I was expecting was actual Tanaraq popping out, like Ranaq did or at least when Pestilence took control over her he would say something.

02-10-2006, 02:35 PM
I've been reluctant to put my two cents in on this, since it refers mainly to the Mantlo version of the GREAT BEASTS, which I found to be so off-base and ridiculous.

If memory serves, all seven were raised (or whatever Pestilence did) in AF# 36/37 (?), Ranaq included. Snowbird assumed the guise of Tanaraq, and if the question being considered is if this was the real Tanaraq, I'd say it is.
Narya was a very weak imitation of who she is, at that time, and Tanaraq could've subsumed her. Stealthily.

That is if the story was written well and there wasn't a hidden agenda being implemented that Bill Mantlo gets all (or most) of the blame for.

02-17-2006, 10:54 PM
Shaman on Tanaraq in Exiles 58: "....creatures like him cannot truly be destroyed, but we did the next best thing......"

02-17-2006, 11:05 PM
Alpha history would seem to suggest that three of the Great Beasts have been totally destroyed, but this is Marvel History. I don't think I've ever read a bad Great Beast story, a couple where a little iffy, but entertaining non the less. Therefore as long as Marvel continue using the Beasts periodically, I don't care which Beast it is. Raging against Marvel incontinuity only makes you prematurely grey or bald.

Edited cos I'm bloody rude. Welcome Reaperbot, glad to have you aboard.

02-18-2006, 01:18 AM
Well we did see Ranaq again after Shaman and Talisman "destroyed" him. Anyways I just reread the chapter where Alpha Flight vs. The Wrecking Crew stated that Tanaraq was growing stronger each time Walter transformed into that form. This was even when he had Snowbird's body.

Also anyone read the X-Man apperance of the Great Beasts?

02-18-2006, 06:15 AM
Yeah, yet again another hero shows how much more powerful everyone else is than AF. Single-handedly X-man takes out Tundra followed by Somon and, if I recall properly, Kolomaq. He uses his psycho-kinetic powers to explode Tundra then reverses Earth's gravity in the localized area around the other two tossing them out into space. Funny how Shaman is so worried about doing stuff like that yet it never has a negative effect on nature when others pull those stunts.

02-18-2006, 08:08 PM
Yeah, yet again another hero shows how much more powerful everyone else is than AF. Single-handedly X-man takes out Tundra followed by Somon and, if I recall properly, Kolomaq. He uses his psycho-kinetic powers to explode Tundra then reverses Earth's gravity in the localized area around the other two tossing them out into space. Funny how Shaman is so worried about doing stuff like that yet it never has a negative effect on nature when others pull those stunts.

Bingo, remember a simple blast from Guardian on Tundra? nearly destroyed the area. Yet X-Man does a similar thing and nothing? bah! Also yeah it was Kolomaq