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View Full Version : Possible AF in Civil War info?

01-31-2006, 05:15 PM
In the most recent issue of Wizard, they have a small bit on Civil War. Here is a quote from the article:

"...the rift that divides Captain America and Iron Man forms after a massive tragedy involving Marvel heroes kills hundreds of innocent bystanders. As a result of this catastrophe, the government institutes a superhero registration program..."

I dunno about you guys, but the moment I read this, I immediately thought 'Alpha Flight!', especially considering that NA #16 is touted as a Prologue to Civil War, which this sounds like it'd be.

So, yeah, Alpha faces off against the Collective, hundreds die, Civil War starts? Sounds plausible?

01-31-2006, 05:20 PM
quite possible. Allow me to stretch that a bit further:

AF joins New Avengers in the battle with the collective (landing in Canadian territory?) battle ensues, stuff blows up, people die, AF is disbanded (hence the promo as their last battle) Civil War happens, in the wake AF reforms under Avengers jurisdiction as Avengers: Alpha ;)


01-31-2006, 08:29 PM
I don't know....The promo for New Avengers#16 states that it's a prologue...meaning that it supposedly, takes place before the "real" story begins. That leads me to think that Alpha goes down quick and hard, then the Collective goes after the Avengers. I'll be very surprised if Alpha Flight is featured in any more of "the Collective" story arc after the prologue.

Dana :cry: :cry: :cry:

01-31-2006, 09:17 PM
sadly I agree with cmdrkoenig67 (not that I'm sad to be agreeing with you)

I just have an impending sense of doom surrounding the next issue of NA. I honestly don't think they have much respect for Alpha Flight and they are going to be thrown to the dogs.

I hope they prove me wrong.

01-31-2006, 09:37 PM
Well, NA 16 comes out in what, two weeks? So that should be some explanation.

I figure AF will show up in 4-5 pages, get defeated/blown away/killed somewhat, and they won't appear in NA soon again. But other books... :shock:

02-01-2006, 06:42 PM
sadly I agree with cmdrkoenig67 (not that I'm sad to be agreeing with you)

I just have an impending sense of doom surrounding the next issue of NA. I honestly don't think they have much respect for Alpha Flight and they are going to be thrown to the dogs.

I hope they prove me wrong.

Well Puck and Guardian are on the cover of the Civil War poster so I don't think it will be all doom and gloom.

Shaman Of The Whills
02-02-2006, 11:39 AM
Well Puck and Guardian are on the cover of the Civil War poster so I don't think it will be all doom and gloom.

Yes, well so the Hulk and he won't even be on the planet during the war.

But my hopes are strong for the survival of Alpha Flight. I'm hoping that perhaps one or two of them are taken out (preferably wounded, not dead) and then are backed up by the New Avengers and the two teams attempt to take on this new threat together for the issue. Even with as little respect as Alpha Flight has received, taking out a whole group of heroes and then not being able to take out any of the New Avengers seems completely irrational, even for Marvel, especially given the established powers of many of the Alphans.

Furthermore with regards to the Civil War poster, I think that there presence is significant and they will play a role, despite my above comment suggesting an opinion otherwise. There is a whole kind of foreign legion up there at the top, and I think that is quite intentional as the representatives of various nations make known their views on the superhero registration act, some of them perhaps allying in the United States' decision or others perhaps offering safehaven for those who want their identities to remain secret. My real dillema comes in trying to understand who is going to take which sides in the upcoming battle, and I really think that the sides alone will tell me whether or not I'm going to enjoy this event.

Also, a sidenote unrelated to the actual topic, I'm having trouble with a couple of the faces on the poster. These are the people I can't ID:
1. Fat guy with goggles on his head in upper left hand corner
2. Guy next to fat guy with sunglasses and hat
3. Blue chick below guy with sunglasses and hat
4. Kid with orange goggles next to blue girl
5. Girl with blonde hair wedged between Atlas and Thing next to Fury
6. Girl with red hair between Black Bolt and Falcon
7. Guy next to Strange above Cloak (know him, forgot the name)
8. And hairy guy in bottom right corner whom others have told me is "Werewolf by Night"

02-02-2006, 12:53 PM
Furthermore with regards to the Civil War poster, I think that there presence is significant and they will play a role, despite my above comment suggesting an opinion otherwise. There is a whole kind of foreign legion up there at the top, and I think that is quite intentional as the representatives of various nations make known their views on the superhero registration act, some of them perhaps allying in the United States' decision or others perhaps offering safehaven for those who want their identities to remain secret. My real dillema comes in trying to understand who is going to take which sides in the upcoming battle, and I really think that the sides alone will tell me whether or not I'm going to enjoy this event.

Doesn't Canada already have a Superhuman Registration Act?

02-02-2006, 12:58 PM
Also, a sidenote unrelated to the actual topic, I'm having trouble with a couple of the faces on the poster. These are the people I can't ID:
1. Fat guy with goggles on his head in upper left hand corner
2. Guy next to fat guy with sunglasses and hat
3. Blue chick below guy with sunglasses and hat
4. Kid with orange goggles next to blue girl
5. Girl with blonde hair wedged between Atlas and Thing next to Fury
6. Girl with red hair between Black Bolt and Falcon
7. Guy next to Strange above Cloak (know him, forgot the name)
8. And hairy guy in bottom right corner whom others have told me is "Werewolf by Night"

Spider-Man isn't wearing his new costume in the posture either

1. Microbe
2. Victor, from Runaways I believe
3. Namorita
4. Speedball
5. Tower, or Giant Girl, or Stature...she goes by a few names. She is from Young Avengers
6. Medusa
7. Nova [Guy with yellow helmet]
8. Unknown

02-04-2006, 02:33 AM
Damn i thought it was Chase not Victor... But you're right.... And assuming that the sides the characters are on in relation to Cap and Iron Man makes me think that its definately Victor. Cap will obviously side with government and Chase wouldn't do that... Assuming what I said is true I love seeing wolvering standing in the middle with his arms crossed. That said it looks to me like Iron Man's side is out matched. Of course I just dreamed up my "sides" theory and it really has no factual basis so what i said doesn't matter!! Yay!! (Can't really see Ghost Rider siding for the government after all...)

02-04-2006, 02:44 AM
Well that civil poster isn't reliable, since Hulk will not be on Earth when this goes down and the poster doesn't have Spider-Man in his new costume.

Shaman Of The Whills
02-05-2006, 03:38 PM
Damn i thought it was Chase not Victor... But you're right.... And assuming that the sides the characters are on in relation to Cap and Iron Man makes me think that its definately Victor. Cap will obviously side with government and Chase wouldn't do that... Assuming what I said is true I love seeing wolvering standing in the middle with his arms crossed. That said it looks to me like Iron Man's side is out matched. Of course I just dreamed up my "sides" theory and it really has no factual basis so what i said doesn't matter!! Yay!! (Can't really see Ghost Rider siding for the government after all...)

I'm not so sure about Cap siding with the government. I think that may very well be a twist in the line. After all, we know that Iron Man works for the government and has plenty of governmental contracts. And he was also very much standing in defense of the Scarlet Witch pre-House of M, saying that there was no way he would turn on one of his own. I would be very impressed if they had the guts to take Cap that way... unfortunately that would mean that Stark would be on the opposing side, which I wouldn't really like... but in the end, the sides are going to split up the ones that I like without a doubt, so it'll truly be a conflict. I just kinda wish that all my faves would line up together. Oh well. But also I don't think the poster is either an indication of the sides OR that it is unreliable. As was stated in an interview, the reason why Hulk is included in the poster is the fact that despite his absence in the central plotline, he will still have a great effect on the War, and his absence is a major reason why the conflict even occurs. Also, it is suggested that he will return at the finale and make an important blow. Also, the reason why Spider-Man isn't in his new costume in that is purely because its a promo to begin the excitement... people wouldn't recognize him in the new costume yet (at least people not paying attention) although by the time the War rolls around, there will have been significant mainstream events to make everyone sure of the fact that the new suit will be the official suit of the war.