View Full Version : so if you could pick the creative team for the next series..

02-20-2006, 11:08 AM
who would it be?

i say peter david with cassady drawing.

02-20-2006, 12:10 PM
Me writing and McNiven on art.

Dana :wink:

02-20-2006, 02:25 PM
I'm definately on the Peter David wagon. I did love Clayton's art, so I'll go with PAD writing, Clayton Henry art.


02-20-2006, 03:14 PM
just read your millar interview, and to have him writing the series would be incredible.

btw, anyone remember the creative team that did the xmen/alpha 2 issue series? the one with hydra?

they really seemed to capture the magic of the original team.

02-20-2006, 03:31 PM
I would also quite enjoy having Mark Millar write AF. Every time I talk to him , I'm struck by the real respect he does seem to have for the team. I know many people called him many things when he "killed Northstar" but in retrospect, I'm sure people can now appreciate it.


02-20-2006, 03:31 PM
I like Ed Benes as an artist. For a writer? Maybe Grant Morrison. A team that includes a demi-goddess, a Sasquatch, a dwarf, an Indian Mystic, and a guy who's died four(?) times is tailor made for Morrion. ;)

02-20-2006, 03:33 PM
I've been away from comics for some times but I do think Peter David would be a good choice as for a penciller, many are goods, but maybe Mario Alberti? He got a really nice drawing, I don't know if he can keep the american comic book publishing rythm, but I really like his style that can be liked by many AF fan and suite the book.

Look here for his drawing:


02-20-2006, 04:07 PM
just read your millar interview, and to have him writing the series would be incredible.

btw, anyone remember the creative team that did the xmen/alpha 2 issue series? the one with hydra?

they really seemed to capture the magic of the original team.
I believe the creative team for the second AF/UXM mini was Ben Raab and John Cassady.

02-20-2006, 06:17 PM
A guy can dream right...

Claremont/ Scripts
Jim Lee/ Art

02-20-2006, 08:21 PM
just read your millar interview, and to have him writing the series would be incredible.

btw, anyone remember the creative team that did the xmen/alpha 2 issue series? the one with hydra?

they really seemed to capture the magic of the original team.
I believe the creative team for the second AF/UXM mini was Ben Raab and John Cassady.

well, thats who i would pick. they really seemed to get it with alpha flight.

Shaman Of The Whills
02-20-2006, 08:35 PM
Yeah, I was just about to note that I loved Cassaday's X-Men/Alpha Flight work... unlike some writers he now has some familiarity with them at least, so he would probably be one of, if not the one, top picks to do it... as I've expressed elsewhere, I'm awful fond of Joss, and since they have a good collaboration going on right now that'd make things all the smoother... if I had a dream team for Alpha Flight (at this moment), that would be it.

02-20-2006, 08:45 PM
Like I said on the other thread, it would be nice to have some Canadian talent work on this like Ty Templeton or David Finch.

But there are many really good writers out there… Whedon or Heinberg are longshots… Fabian Nicieza and Dan Slott are always fun... I’ve always liked Paul Jenkins

02-20-2006, 09:32 PM
I would also quite enjoy having Mark Millar write AF. Every time I talk to him , I'm struck by the real respect he does seem to have for the team. I know many people called him many things when he "killed Northstar" but in retrospect, I'm sure people can now appreciate it.

Actually, no. I liked Northstar as a teacher, especially once he was out of reach of Austen, and Millar's shock-value writing gets on my nerves, not to mention that the timing makes it look like a pair of writers whose work I do like got overridden for no substantial reason *except* to use Northstar in a psuedo-death designed to raise hackles. Sits wrong with me for a lot of the same reasons NA #16 does and then some.

As for dream creative team, I'd chime in for David on writing, except that I'd be afraid of Northstar becoming a redo of PAD's X-Factor era Quicksilver. Snarky speedster with sister issues? Ground already covered.

I'd actually like to see Alan Davis on art and writing duties. I swear, the man can actually write well and have fun when there's not someone from editorial standing on his neck.

*waves Excalibur #42 - 62 in the air*

Solid proof, I swear! My second and third choices on writing would be Dan Slott and Robert Kirkman.


02-20-2006, 10:44 PM
Like I said on the other thread, it would be nice to have some Canadian talent work on this like Ty Templeton or David Finch.

But there are many really good writers out there… Whedon or Heinberg are longshots… Fabian Nicieza and Dan Slott are always fun... I’ve always liked Paul Jenkins

I like the Peter David suggestion as writer. Wouldn't mind a Frank miller Dave Mazzucelli (sp? you know who I mean) story arc.
I would sooner have Mantlo write in his present condition than have Fabian Nicieza on the book.
Some quality Perez art would be cool.
Ty Templeton if it were Alpha Flight the Animated Adventures. Duncan Roloeux (sp? again you know who I mean)
Wouldn't snub my nose at some Bill Sienkiewicz covers either.Go nicely with the Frank Miller run.
Jim Lee would be good to have back.
James Hudnall would be cool.
Steve Seagle again might be nice. Especially with a consistent art team.
Brian Bolland covers would be awesome.
Joss Whedon I'll second. Especially with Cassady art. He's improved so much since the X-Men/Alpha Flight mini and he's worked well with Whedon so far.

I could go on but I won't.


Wohoo I finally made Alpha Flight.

02-20-2006, 11:48 PM
Finch, Hitch, or Henry would be my first artist choices, though Lee would be awesome.

Writer? Man, who knows? Millar would be good, Vaughn, Weir and Fileppis (is that how one spells his name?), David, lots more. I'm not a Claremont or Slott fan, though.

If I had to pick one realistic team, besides me and... I'd go with Clayton Henry and, oh, Vaughn since who knows.

02-21-2006, 12:55 AM
I believe the creative team for the second AF/UXM mini was Ben Raab and John Cassady.

well, thats who i would pick. they really seemed to get it with alpha flight.

Not me, it was ok, but not much good drawing but a little bit stiff. I think he improve and I'm happy about it. But it was mostly the script that I did not find all that inspiring and so i would not like to see Raab as a writer.

02-21-2006, 03:05 AM
I believe the creative team for the second AF/UXM mini was Ben Raab and John Cassady.

well, thats who i would pick. they really seemed to get it with alpha flight.

Not me, it was ok, but not much good drawing but a little bit stiff. I think he improve and I'm happy about it.

Cassaday improved a lot since this mini. His work on Astonishing X-Men is tremendous. Especially in comparison.


02-21-2006, 10:45 AM
Art choices - WOuld never say no to Jim Lee, and I REALLY like how Clayton brings out the tones of the characters. Tho, if I may be so bold now having seen his more recent work, I'd accept Calimee back on the book - maybe make atonements for his past sins.

Writers - as long as they can write a coherent dialect of English/Technobabble, I'm not picky.

02-21-2006, 11:45 AM
Script/Co-plotters: Christopher Long, Will Pfeifer, Peter Sanderson (editor?), and Eric Stephenson
Artists: Michael Turner, Califoire (sp?), Leinel Yu, Sean Chen
Inkers: Turner, Norm Rapmund, Morales
Letterer and colorist: the folks who did AF vol. 3

02-21-2006, 01:53 PM
Art choices - WOuld never say no to Jim Lee, and I REALLY like how Clayton brings out the tones of the characters. Tho, if I may be so bold now having seen his more recent work, I'd accept Calimee back on the book - maybe make atonements for his past sins.

oh, I agree with you.

Writers - as long as they can write a coherent dialect of English/Technobabble, I'm not picky.

you know me, as long as they don't get me the bad french accent, I'm happy.

Well, thinking about it, I don't want to see the **** stereotype too, the there is only 2 places in Québec : the north and Montreal, The silly expressions, the I'm guy so you got to talk about aids, The AF big armour thing because it's cool, the I'm so found of classical Byrne I lost in old memory and I don't do anything new Ã* la FF or it's supposed to be funny when there is none...

Ok, I'm picky

Weapon Omega
02-25-2006, 01:19 AM
My dream team:

Peter David would be good. Although Kurt Busiek could be cool, but that's unlikely due to his exclusive contract with DC.

I completely agree with suzene on Alan Davis! Although I would like Henry Clayton to tackle the Flight again.

Man, why can't the new book be out next Wednesday?!?!

02-25-2006, 01:06 PM
Based on my suprise love of the new X-Factor series, I too am going to put my vote in for PAD.

Artwise I'm really torn between Clayton, John Cassaday and judging by those New Avengers pages Steve McNiven.

Le Messor
02-25-2006, 09:02 PM
Peter David writing, Alan Davis on art has long been a dream team of mine.

Ben Raab, AF/XM 2 writer has too many lack of details senior moments for me. Stuff like having them all called together at a time after Ranaq but before Puck thought 'The last time we were all called together was Ranaq' (and it has to be for various reasons) are excusable.
Cassady, however, I thought drew very well then--and has truly improved since. Yay him!

Having Hydra agents use Mac's "teleporting" power inside and not ending up thin smears over the West (or East? I dunno) wall is not!

Again, No No NOOOO Mark Millar! Agh! You're killing me here!

Whedon? I'd love that. You guys should know it. But, I don't see it happening. :(

Seagle? How 'bout somebody who has clue #1 what continuity is? Or, if not that, what Alpha Flight is all about?

Calimee, from the looks of that interview, could now do it. Maybe.

Jim Lee! One of the few people who can draw Sasquatch! Yay!

- Le Messor
"Dying is a very dull, dreary affair. And my advice to you is to have nothing whatever to do with it."
- Somerset Maugham

Weapon X.5
03-05-2006, 09:15 PM
What needs to be done...............

Marvel kiss Byrne's ass till they hit his brain and bring back the man that gave birth to the team in the first place.

Just my 2¢

03-05-2006, 09:29 PM
According to the man himself, he considers AF two dimensional, he has no more stories that he could write about them and would only be interested in maybe doing a story involving Aurora and Northstar. Plus imho, I don't think he's the writer he was twenty odd years back. His art still rocks, but his writing leaves me cold.

03-05-2006, 09:44 PM
According to the man himself, he considers AF two dimensional, he has no more stories that he could write about them and would only be interested in maybe doing a story involving Aurora and Northstar. Plus imho, I don't think he's the writer he was twenty odd years back. His art still rocks, but his writing leaves me cold.

What he said


03-06-2006, 12:41 AM
According to the man himself, he considers AF two dimensional, he has no more stories that he could write about them and would only be interested in maybe doing a story involving Aurora and Northstar. Plus imho, I don't think he's the writer he was twenty odd years back. His art still rocks, but his writing leaves me cold.

What he said


I second that

03-06-2006, 01:11 AM
Oh, God, don't even mention Ben Raab. The man is the kiss of death. Worst writing I'd ever read until Austen came along. And *both* of them put their greasy mitts all over Alpha Flight.


10-19-2019, 01:16 PM
One for Mik: https://twitter.com/himwhatjolts/status/1185396715425337344


maniac mike
10-19-2019, 03:28 PM
Just beautiful...

10-19-2019, 10:48 PM
Alan Davis does the team justice! Really like the twins, Snowbird, Marrina, Puck...all of them.

Le Messor
11-08-2019, 03:09 PM
That is great!

Thanks for sharing, Phil!

~ Mik
"A hair in the head is worth two in the brush."
~ Oliver Herford