View Full Version : Picked Up Comics

02-28-2006, 05:56 PM
As I said earlier, I haven't picked up any comics in over a year. I've been promising myself that I would enter a shop again and pick up whatever caught my eye. I did that today and came out with the following.

X-Men #183 : I've read this through twice. Wasn't sure about the art to begin with, but it grew on me while reading. The story was well paced and had that grandiose storyline I use to associate with the X-Men. It was good to see Diamong Lil. Will definately be putting this on my pull list for the immediate future.

New Avengers #16 : Well I've read it, seen the pictures, put it away and may take another couple of glances before it's off to gather dust. The arts fine, but the concept of the Avengers in any form just doesn't appeal. May pick up issues if and when, but not on the pull list.

Marvel Universe Thingy : Nice write ups on a few characters I'm interested in, plus I know a couple of people who have helped with the profiles so it's like a kind of moral support. On the list.

Wolverine #179 & Wolverine #25 (latest vol)Picked up solely for the AF appearences. The gutting of Northstar was well written imho and I wouldn't mind a copy of his return, unfortunately no copy of that issue in the shop. Shaman and Wolvie in #179 worked well together, but that always seems to be the case when they get together. The way Michael was talking, it would seem that Earthmover (whatever?) is some powerful dude with awesome potential. Just a shame he never seems to have been written that way in subsequent appearences. Wolverine is an infrequent comic for me, gonna stay that way for the foreseeable future.

House of M (TPB) : Wanted a look at what all the fuss was about. Just glanced through it so far, but it looks like it could be a good read.

Nice to be back in the swing of things.

Shaman Of The Whills
02-28-2006, 06:09 PM
Shaman and Wolvie in #179 worked well together, but that always seems to be the case when they get toggether. The way Michael was talking, it would seem that Earthmover (whatever?) is some powerful dude with awesome potential. Just a shame he never seems to have been written that way in subsequent appearences. Wolverine is an infrequent comic for me, gonna stay that way for the foreseeable future.
Yeah, I loved that issue of Wolverine. The cover art alone for that one made it worth it to me, and I thought the story and writing were excellent. Earthmover also appears in an issue of one of the X-Mens (Uncanny #?), when the other 'new' Alpha Flight goes to face down Juggernaut. Northstar also whoops up on his old Alphan pals in that issue. His power as illustrated there is very much a power that sounds exactly like his name... don't have the issue on hand, but think Marvel Vs. Capcom, the Hulk's move where he can like uplift the earth... I believe its kinda like that. But yes, shame that Earthmover hasn't shown again. Potential new team member, hm?

02-28-2006, 06:15 PM
The only times I recall seeing him apart from his debut issue today, have been in Uncanny X-Men. Probablyall written by Austen. He hasn't come across as any thing special. Maybe he'll get some depth in any future appearences.

03-01-2006, 12:51 PM
i like the character and concept of earthmover, but i did not really 'approve' of his attachment to Alpha Flight. imho, the team is convoluted enough with secondary characters and is only further convoluted by the addition of another underdeveloped associate who kind of becomes excess baggage in guest appearances, illiciting the 'who the hell's this guy?' reaction.

03-01-2006, 01:22 PM
He was also in Volume 3 with the classic team as "Kid whose name I always forget" (Walt) or something to that extent.

03-04-2006, 03:23 PM
Well I read through the lot, 'House of M' wasn't bad, wasn't good either, just a read that kept me interested enough to reach the end.

On a different tack, visited Camden today with a couple of my gothy kids. I like Camden, always a lot going on and very vibrant. Wandering around one of the many stalls came across a gent from 'Pulp Theatre Entertainment' knocking out individual issues and the TPB of 'Brodies Law' (http://www.brodieslaw.com/). I had told myself that I was only gonna stick with Marvel for the forseeable future and leave the indie stuff alone. Well that's that idea out the window. From what I've read so far it was worth picking up, if your into grim and gritty then I think you'll enjoy this. We also got talking about different comics types and the outcome of our convo was that he mentioned the John Calimee interview.

So all in all a good day.