View Full Version : Weapon X Limited Series Summary of Alphan Appearances

03-01-2006, 05:50 PM
Would someone be willing to tell me what Alpha-related events occurred in the final limited series of Weapon X? Did anything happen that will have an impact on stories in the future or was it all a potential timeline type story? What Alphans showed up? And what happened to them? I don't have the $ to spend on something that may not have any real impact.

03-01-2006, 06:22 PM
Hiya Ahab, can I point you to the following
http://forum.alphaflight.net/viewtopic.php?t=1023 and http://forum.alphaflight.net/viewtopic.php?t=944&start=0 Hopefully others can give any further details.

03-01-2006, 06:48 PM
No, this wouldn't have an impact on anything down the road, any future is just a possible future. As for Alpha Content...

Jeffries is starting to burn out as Colcord has used him to make an army of Sentinel robots. His tag-along Box-Bot is starting to show signs of individual thought.

Aurora shown in flashback from the War of the Programs

Wildchild shown in flashback from the War of the Programs


Jeffries (5 years from now) has been mentally connected to the Sentinel bulding plant. Box-bot tells Colcord that productivity is down due to Jeffries exhaustions, so he (the bot) took innitive to pick up the slack.

Wild Child (6 Years from now) is shown at Colcord's side. Sentinels are ordered to kill the X-Men. They take thier comman to kill all mutants literally and kill Wildchild along with several more of Colcord's lackies


Wild Child (around 1 year from Now) is shown at Jackson's side and actually speaks.

Diamond Lil is shown in a flashback to Neverland described as one of Jackson's "Pick Of the Litter" to be reprogrammed as agents.

Aurora (13 years from now) is chosen to be in Wolverines new group of X-Men. She is in a nunnery in France with her Jeanne-Marie persona in control. He slaps her around saying he doesn't need either Jeanne-Marie or Aurora, he needs "HER" being the 3rd personality.

Aurora (14 years from now) Is shown as having been involved in the X-Men destroying a Sentinel plant.

Aurora (19 years from now) is shown dead at Agent Zero's hands having double crossed the X-Men due to Mesmero's mental control.

Box-Bot (19 years from now) has evolved himself into a new Mastermold of the Sentinels.


Puck (29 years from now) is a member of Wolverine's newest X-Men

Diamond Lil (29 years from now) is a member of Excelsior, a group of Weapon X refugees.


Puck (30 years from now) seems to be dead, as his gravestone is in a dream of Wolverine's as he lamented those that have died under his command agains Weapon X.

Sasquatch (30 years from now) is now a member of wolvie's X-Men.

Jeffries (30 years from now) has been integrated into Mastermold (formerly box-bot), he seems to be a mindless piece of Mastermold's machinery.

Sasquatch (30 years from now) is involved an a raid on the Weapon-X facility, lead by Wolverine. He is one of the few who make it inside the facility, but is killed by a Sentinel.

That pretty much summs it up. Hadn't intended on being that exact, but what the heck ;)


03-02-2006, 11:50 AM
Now this sounds like something I'd like to read, anyone know if it's a TPB yet?

03-02-2006, 01:45 PM
Now this sounds like something I'd like to read, anyone know if it's a TPB yet?



03-02-2006, 03:12 PM
Methinks I may have to do Forbidden Planet for that, local stores don't have it in.

03-04-2006, 02:59 PM
Since it sounds like it really has no bearing on the current timeline, and Lil has shown up in X-Men, this summary is good enough for me. I'd rather spend my money when Northstar shows up in X-Men.