View Full Version : Best place to loose weight

03-03-2006, 05:29 PM
Based on barbara Corcoran study, it's Quebec City.


Nice article, but so full or clichés. No I'm not a french women, they (the french one and the quebec ones too) do get fat and I don't drink wine in a restaurant, it's too expensive.

That's the kind of cliché, I hope I won't get in a AF serie. I already had enough of it.

02-27-2007, 11:19 PM
I guess what she meaned is that maybe there are fewer people overweight in Quebec...But yes, we can gain weight too, unfortunately!

I still prefer that cliché that the one saying that Quebec girls are horny all the time...

02-28-2007, 12:22 AM
I guess what she meaned is that maybe there are fewer people overweight in Quebec...But yes, we can gain weight too, unfortunately!

I still prefer that cliché that the one saying that Quebec girls are horny all the time...

me too. Elle disait finalement que c'est parce que Québec est construit en pente, c'est qui fait que le monde de Québec, fait plus d'exercice et donc, sont moins gros. Le cliché, c'est surtout sa présentation. Genre grosse image du chateau Frontenac et dire qu'on est :“Paris on the St.Lawrence River” Old.

02-28-2007, 09:33 AM
Cliché au boute... Surtout que tout le monde * Québec prend son char pour aller au dépanneur * 2 minutes * pied!

02-28-2007, 10:25 AM
je'tem J'ai 19 ans, J'amapelle Jonathan, tu es tres sympathique et tres jolie. FANTASTIQUE-CA! Je suis le roy! Tu est le nes roy pas!

What? Its all I remember from high school french..Thought I'd join in... not that I have any idea what is going on

02-28-2007, 11:22 AM
LOL! We are talking about some author who said that the best place to lose weight was in Quebec- and we don't really believe it's true.

I understand what you wrote, but I don't understand the "Tu est le nes roy pas! " Talking about a king? From what book it is? lol

But just for you info, here is the right spelling :wink:

Je t'aime
J'ai 19 ans
Je m'appelle Jonathan
Tu es très sympatique et très jolie
Fantastique ça!
Je suis le roi
Maybe you meaned there "Tu n'es pas le roi" or something like that

02-28-2007, 02:14 PM
yeah.. I havn't taken a french class in two years, so I didn't expect to be great.. lol.. I can remeber how to say just not spell.. I sometimes wish i had learned more but I didn't lol.. Good luck i'd be in quebec

02-28-2007, 06:51 PM
Sorry about all that french, I was feeling lazy and did not knew how to say in english that Québec was full of slope.

02-28-2007, 08:16 PM
oh don't worry I don't mind at all, I jsut thought I'd join in lol

02-28-2007, 11:29 PM
Welcome into this nice discussion! :D
Any place to lose weight in the states, lol? California maybe?
Just kidding :wink:

I'm sure that you're French is better when you speak that when you write it :D
I learned German before, I still speak it, but don't ask me to write any sentence, I'm terrible!

02-28-2007, 11:39 PM
not in texas thats for sure... unless you are wanting to sweat off the weight

02-28-2007, 11:48 PM
LOL! LOL! :lol:

I've been to Texas before, I really enjoyed my trip, boys were friendly there (well, the ones I met!)

Personally (and that's really personal), I think the best place to lose weight is in Japan if you eat their food, they eat a lot of of fishes and sea foods out there, it's very good for health. I've never been sick there, and I'm often sick here, the foods are low in fat and very light in restaurants. You think you don't have much on your plates, but actually, you will be full after! Very nutritive.

Le Messor
03-03-2007, 09:25 PM
The best place to lose weight is your waist.

03-04-2007, 04:36 AM
I lived in Japan for two years, and yes their diet is overall very healthy...but carb heavy. So if you're someone like me who doesn't process carbs well it's NOT a good place to get thin. If my diet isn't at least 50 ~ 60% protien I'm screwed. And of course the Japanese LOVE to drink, which certainly won't help you stay thin. But you can sure have a good time. :)

03-04-2007, 11:40 AM
I don't know if it's healthy to drink saké or not.... Must be better than beer for the diet I mean?
And the deserts were good there, so I had to resist, he he! But I was a bit tired of fish....