View Full Version : Byrne Draws AF Again...

03-13-2006, 08:44 PM
It's a commissioned piece (20x30), Guardian vs. Gamma Flight 8)

Click to see it as his website:


03-13-2006, 08:49 PM
That is one excellent image. Brings back the memories of Alpha around that time. Thanks for the heads up SasqFan.

03-13-2006, 09:27 PM
Nice! I think I'm gonna have to take a shot at colouring this bad-boy!


03-13-2006, 09:45 PM
hate to sound stupid......

but whats a commission?

btw, brings back old memories.

03-13-2006, 10:20 PM
It's basically when you pay an artist to draw, ink or paint a peice for your collection.

Shaman Of The Whills
03-14-2006, 12:40 AM
Hey, that really was a nice piece! Very enjoyable... what an interesting man Mr. Byrne is... very quirky! Claims to abhor Alpha Flight, yet draws such a nice Guardian... *sigh* I hope he does more...

03-14-2006, 02:16 AM
Nice! I think I'm gonna have to take a shot at colouring this bad-boy!


Yeah, me too..! It's a Beauty.


03-14-2006, 02:45 AM
The next person who tries to convince me that it was a *good* thing that the inker all but redrew Byrne's Superman panels is going to have a hard time reproducing -- I'm short and have fine access to the vitals.

Just...yeah. Byrne-on-Byrne art is the love. *melt*


Weapon Omega
03-14-2006, 01:05 PM
Absolutely wonderful! It's nice to see Bryne doing Alpha again, I know it's just one piece but still, it looks great.

Ben-any chance get a copy of the pic for the site?

03-14-2006, 04:11 PM
Absolutely wonderful! It's nice to see Bryne doing Alpha again, I know it's just one piece but still, it looks great.

Ben-any chance get a copy of the pic for the site?
I think reproducing the pic on the site could be a problem. John Byrne is very definate in regards to his work. The pics from published works are shown at the discretion of Marvel, while Byrne's commissions are not considered public domain.

Thats why when I post anything from Byrne robotics it's only as a link, as even the text is considered copyright. Not being a legal eagle, I would consider asking Byrne himself or more prolly the person who commisioned the piece before any reproduction.

Just saying :-)

03-14-2006, 08:37 PM
Absolutely wonderful! It's nice to see Bryne doing Alpha again, I know it's just one piece but still, it looks great.

Ben-any chance get a copy of the pic for the site?

I would highly recommend against it.


03-15-2006, 11:52 AM
How much do you think he charges for a commissioned piece? Reason I ask is I just got my income tax return 8) .

I'm seriously considering a Sasquatch piece if the fee is doable.

03-15-2006, 05:44 PM
Nice commission.

Some very nice Bryne AF artwork here:

has more alpha artwork. Some nice pieces. Unused covers etc.

03-15-2006, 06:13 PM
Nice commission.

Some very nice Bryne AF artwork here:

has more alpha artwork. Some nice pieces. Unused covers etc.
No matter what you think of his net personna, I think most people will agree that no one draws AF like Byrne. They come alive when you see a Byrne rendition IMHO.

03-15-2006, 08:29 PM
I particularly love how huge he drew Sasquatch, especially in the promo ads - that depiction was one of the things that really grabbed my attention the first time I ever saw them (which was the ad for #12)....

03-16-2006, 12:09 AM
Yah, so I asked on the Byrne forum if I could show this pic on AF.net, the fellow who commisioned it gave his OK, still waiting on JB's ok, but should he have a problem, I'll take it down. Anyway, I just finished colouring this image, and had to put it up. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, there's a lot of detail on the image, so presented it's self as a chalange. The machinery-wall had me stumped for a while, I had to come back to it with a fresh mind before I figured out something I was happy with. anyway, sorry for stretching the heck out of the forum, but I didn't want to resize the image.



03-16-2006, 12:51 AM
that looks amazing with the colour, you should pat yourself on the back. awesome job :D

03-16-2006, 01:11 AM
AWWWW Dammit,

Great job Ben. No point me doing it now!


maniac mike
03-16-2006, 01:12 AM
Awesome job there Ben.

MM :shock:

03-16-2006, 01:13 AM
AWWWW Dammit,

Great job Ben. No point me doing it now!


Sure there is! It's always nice to see different styles on the same piece! Thanks though :)

and to Shaman, I'll refrain from any back patting 'till morning when I see it fresh and decide if I'm really happy with it or no ;)


03-16-2006, 02:25 AM
Good looking colors. It's nice to know there are people out there that like digital coloring. It comes in handy later on for us pencilers who hate doing it. :) Nice work.

03-16-2006, 09:10 AM

03-16-2006, 09:53 AM
we should make a contest, like how can you draw differently the same pic. I would like to try even if I'm nowhere as good as Ben :P

03-16-2006, 01:32 PM
I tried coloring the pic last night with MS Paint and had no luck. Ben what program did you use? Also any tips?

And does anyone know how much it would cost me to get Byrne to draw something up for me? I hate to ask again but I'm serious about commisioning him to do an image.

03-16-2006, 02:02 PM
I use Paint Shop Pro, it's like a poor-man's photoshop, but I really like it. As for tips, you gotta learn how to use layers!

Cost is as follows, quoted from an email by his art-rep:

"He is most interested in doing the artwork on 20" x 30" board and charges $3,000-$3,500 for most non-X-Men pieces and $5,000 for X-Men pieces. The actual price will be determined when John agrees to do the piece."


03-16-2006, 02:34 PM

thats alot of money to draw a picture.

03-17-2006, 10:02 AM
Yeah it is. Thanks Ben. I think I'll be drawing it myself.

03-19-2006, 12:46 AM
Another color attempt:


Looks amazing! $3-5K for a piece?! I was going to have one done, maybe I won't at that rate. :shock:

Le Messor
03-19-2006, 01:21 AM
This picture makes me sad. :cry:

I wish we had more Byrne Alpha Flight.

Beautiful artwork, beautiful colouring!

- Le Messor
"Envy is a pain of mind that successful men cause their neighbors."

03-25-2006, 09:01 PM
Hey Ben, looks like you may have pissed off the great man. I would think, that like any of the stuff he does he considers it a masterpiece and won't tolerate us mere mortals tampering with it. Prolly wishes he could write, draw, ink, colour and letter anything he does to prevent lesser mortals sullying his greatness :-) :shock: :? :roll:

Bad Ben :!:

03-25-2006, 09:22 PM
Heh, yah I saw that. What really pissed him off was when someone took two of his pieces and combined them into one, but he seems to have a hate-on for meer mortals colouring his art. If he had such a huge problem with it, then why does he allow that thread on his board to begin with?


03-25-2006, 09:30 PM
I think there is a certain code of conduct when colouring his work. It has to go in the right thread or somthing, but it's the way he responds to infringements of the rules of his forum that irk me. He'd get a lot more respect if he didn't talk to people who infringed the rules like they were errant schoolkids who needed chastising. Tact and diplomacy don't cost nothing. He wouldn't be ridiculed as much amongst the comics fraternity if he tempered his egocentric responses.

Just my uninformed opinion :-)

03-26-2006, 12:00 AM
I can understand why he'd be annoyed at people chopping up the piece and posting that, but wtf is wrong with people coloring the work? Last time I checked most comics are in color...so is JB just that big a control freak or what. Granted since it's a commissioned piece that may have something to do with it, but I don't really understand either way.

03-26-2006, 10:53 PM
Hey Ben, looks like you may have pissed off the great man. Prolly wishes he could write, draw, ink, colour and letter anything he does to prevent lesser mortals sullying his greatness :-)

But the great man has one fatal flaw in his plan. He's colour blind and can't colour unless it says what colour it is on the bottom of his crayola.


03-28-2006, 10:05 PM
But the great man has one fatal flaw in his plan. He's colour blind and can't colour unless it says what colour it is on the bottom of his crayola.

He has been red/green color blind but wrote about a pair of yellow-tined sun glasses which seem to have helped him with that. They belonged to another comic artist I think. Can't remember the details. Still, he doesn't care for his own color work.

The thing about these commissions is that they were not done intended for color and I think that's a bit of his irritation. I like the color versions and am glad that topic is allowed to exist.

03-29-2006, 09:12 AM
Ben, You did a great job coloring the commission piece.

Dana :D

03-29-2006, 11:43 AM
I think it's just sad that Byrne talks to the fans in such a manner. It's our money that puts a roof over his ass.

$2-3,000 for a commision? Byrne, if your reading this, you must be out of your (profanity) mind to think your art is worth that much. I grew up loving your artwork but I'll be damned if I drop one cent on it now considering the way you address the folks who simply wanted to try their hand at coloring one of your original works.

Your not god, your art has been eclipsed by many other artists in the industry, and your bitter. Get off your false throne, lighten the F up, and try, try and be a f*cking human being once in awhile.

03-29-2006, 12:10 PM
Wow. And I thought I had a serious mad-on because of the original "Dark Phoenix" travesty.

03-29-2006, 01:20 PM
Wow. And I thought I had a serious mad-on because of the original "Dark Phoenix" travesty.

:lol: Now your just opening old wounds.

I should take that rant over to his boards but I know for a fact he will be directed here at some point to read it.

03-29-2006, 01:54 PM
If you take the rant over there, let us know how it goes. I can't see the thread lasting long, but meh...

I should also add for everyone, let's not turn this into a bashing thread, Alpha Waves has always been creator friendly, regardless of attitudes expressed elsewhere, we want this to remain a place that many creators feel comfortable visiting and posting on.


03-29-2006, 04:47 PM
If you take the rant over there, let us know how it goes. I can't see the thread lasting long, but meh...

I should also add for everyone, let's not turn this into a bashing thread, Alpha Waves has always been creator friendly, regardless of attitudes expressed elsewhere, we want this to remain a place that many creators feel comfortable visiting and posting on.

I know what ya saying Ben and I agree wholeheartedly, but seriously I gotta agree with PWalks sentiments.

The man puts his views on public display giving it all the 'Billy Big Bollacks' and portraying himself as the only true 'Comics Messiah'. I suppose it adds to the Mythos that is Byrne, but it really does get irritating when as a 'reasonably intelligent person' who won't buy into the hype, you get labeled or run out of town by his cyber posse.

In this day and age where you can do almost anything on the net, there must be a way to gimmick a page so only members can view the forum. Click the toggle that stops the forum being public domain.

IMO, it's a bit churlish to shout 'LOOK AT ME, I'M OVER HERE' and then bleat like an unpaid whore cos we do.

Just an opinion :?

03-29-2006, 05:48 PM
In this day and age where you can do almost anything on the net, there must be a way to gimmick a page so only members can view the forum. Click the toggle that stops the forum being public domain.

Dead easy to do, infact you can even make certain sections members only, and certain section public, so you don't have to make the whole forum members only, just certain sections.


03-29-2006, 05:56 PM
Kinda makes you wonder why he doesn't do it :?: :wink:

Shaman Of The Whills
03-29-2006, 08:41 PM
I suppose it adds to the Mythos that is Byrne, but it really does get irritating when as a 'reasonably intelligent person' who won't buy into the hype, you get labeled or run out of town by his cyber posse.
Cyber posse! Haha... I'd join that crew... I just have this great image in mind... I think we can all pretty much picture it... Byrne nerd fanatics in black leather on motorcycles, spinning chains and slapping bats in their hands, popping knuckles...

Kinda makes you wonder why he doesn't do it
TNT. We know drama.

03-30-2006, 10:21 PM
The thing about these commissions is that they were not done intended for color and I think that's a bit of his irritation. I like the color versions and am glad that topic is allowed to exist.

That's pretty much the thing...Byrne doesn't like it, but does allow the topic to exist on his forum. That's pretty decent, IMO.

Most of us, I think, do have friends who make a living through their creative talents. A lot of mine are artists and they do tend to get very touchy about people messing with their work...recolors, resizing, LJ icons, using pieces as RPG character portraits, that kind of thing. I consider it normal for creative folk to be protective of their work, and to not be overly pleased about having to do it. If I'm following this right, Byrne showed up in specific response to a pair of substantially altered pieces; he didn't try to forbid anyone from coloring anything, he just made it clear that he doesn't like it. I don't think that his growlish tone was necessary and I don't agree with a lot of what the man says, but for my money, this was pretty mild. (And I mean that as mild in general, not mild for Byrne.) Of course, I also hang around Fandom Wank and got to see the huge Anne Rice splooge, so most things look pretty mild after that.

I don't really think that the price tag for his art is out of bounds either; I get the impression that the pieces he's doing are a lot larger than 8x11 portraits. That's a lot of time and a lot of ink, not to mention that the majority of commissioned works involve a lot of back-and-forth communication, are a general pain, and just don't look very appealing when you've got regular work in front of you.


03-31-2006, 08:48 AM
maybe i am misinterperting what he said, but it sounded to me he was more mad at a piece that was there, but seems to be gone now, of former commisioned pieces that were splied together (i believe it was the ff and the hulk with a little super skrull thrown in for good luck).

i beleive he said something along the lines of his pieces being "hacked up" or something which that pic was, but is no longer there. i believe if he had a problem with the coloring piees the thread would be gone.

03-31-2006, 10:15 AM
maybe i am misinterperting what he said, but it sounded to me he was more mad at a piece that was there, but seems to be gone now, of former commisioned pieces that were splied together (i believe it was the ff and the hulk with a little super skrull thrown in for good luck).

i beleive he said something along the lines of his pieces being "hacked up" or something which that pic was, but is no longer there. i believe if he had a problem with the coloring piees the thread would be gone.

It's hard to put a positive spin on something along the lines of "I thought coloring was as offensive as it got". I'm guessing that Byrne really isn't fond of people tinkering with his work and probably wasn't in the best of moods over the hacked together piece, but the backhand against the other colorists in the thread really wasn't necessary. The situation seems to be that you can recolor all you like, just don't expect approval.


03-31-2006, 10:25 PM
I don't really think that the price tag for his art is out of bounds either; I get the impression that the pieces he's doing are a lot larger than 8x11 portraits. That's a lot of time and a lot of ink, not to mention that the majority of commissioned works involve a lot of back-and-forth communication, are a general pain, and just don't look very appealing when you've got regular work in front of you.

These recent commission pieces are always 20x30 or larger and take him about a day to complete while normally he could put down three comics pages. He's still doing Blood of the Demon and now The Atom and may or may not be done with a Justice League? project he's doing with Roger Stern. Considering these are one-off original drawings of pencils and inks, I don't think the price is as bad as some say. Just because he's not giving the works away, doesn't mean he's not worth the money. If that were the case, we wouldn't be seeing people commissioning these pieces at all! Those who whine, have you priced original art before? It's not cheap. Since these are "one of a kind" and not published pieces, the price will certainly be more.

Who cares if he's blunt? Get over it! I've long liked that he'll speak his mind instead of playing BS games. :roll:

What upset him was that someone took a new Hulk commission and parts of recent FF commissions and was cutting and pasting on his official website to create something new.

They had even taken the time to "redraw" it with Illustrator so it seemed a higher quality than what Byrne posts.

Basically he was angry this was taking place on his ground and certainly may have been mistaken for something of his work. Totally worth righteous anger. None of you, if your artistically inclined, would think any differently in the same position.

I don't "get" the irritation over the coloring but since he allows a topic of coloring his BW artwork on his board so it can't bother him *that* much. As I said, he has mentioned these commissions are designed for BW, not color. If I hired him to do a piece, I'd still want someone talented to do a colorized version just to have.

Shaman Of The Whills
03-31-2006, 11:00 PM
I actually spotted another recut of a Byrne original earlier today on Newsarama, actually a pretty nice Wolvie/Colossus fastball vs. Sent piece that he did, there was a little criticism about the accuracy of size versus distance, and someone photoshoped a new version... someone dared them to take that edit over to the Byrne boards... I'm certain they'd get a similar reaction...

As much as I love to laugh at the guy's overreactions, and as ridiculous as his anger can get at times, I admit that I feel for him and do kinda get the whole tampering with art thing... the coloring I'm not so sure I'd get quite as upset about... but oh well.

I'm hoping (and somewhat begging) my companions and parents to actually commission a piece for me for college graduation when it rolls around... that would be an awesome present. I'm really hoping they'll go for it. :D As for getting one done without their assistance... no dough to cough up... call me crazy, but if I could I'd probably pay that much.

03-31-2006, 11:19 PM
He's still doing Blood of the Demon and now The Atom and may or may not be done with a Justice League? project he's doing with Roger Stern.

Excuse me, I just have to go into the corner and drop dead from squee! :D


04-01-2006, 11:16 AM
I think times where his anger would be rightious and understandable is lost in the seas of venom and bile he routinely spouts, much like the boy who cried wolf.

Le Messor
04-01-2006, 07:13 PM
Alpha Waves has always been creator friendly, regardless of attitudes expressed elsewhere, we want this to remain a place that many creators feel comfortable visiting and posting on.

And yet, I remember you not coming down like a ton of bricks when Somebody (who shall remain nameless, but who, for the sake of argument, I shall call 'me') was being really rude right in the face of John Calimee. :wink:

- Le Messor
Sidney Prescott: Stu, Stu, Stu... What's your motive? Billy has one, the police are on their way, what are you going to tell them?
Stu: Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive.
- Scream

04-01-2006, 08:17 PM
I was away for a few days at that point, I dropped the ball! I'm only human!!! :cry:


Shaman Of The Whills
04-02-2006, 04:08 AM
I'm only human!!!
Well that ruins my secret theory.

who shall remain nameless, but who, for the sake of argument, I shall call 'me'

I think times where his anger would be rightious and understandable is lost in the seas of venom and bile he routinely spouts, much like the boy who cried wolf.
Enh, he make get mad a very large portion of time... but I think we still kinda owe him (and just because he's Byrne) to still look at all of his claims to see which ones are valid. I think that the cutting up of people's works is more of a general issue of respecting all artists than looking over Mr. Byrne's work...