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03-23-2006, 10:20 PM
That Diamond Lil in the charge?
1. http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/0603/23/marvelfirsts.htm

03-23-2006, 10:42 PM
I'd say so. :)

ETA: Woo! I graduated to Alpha Flight! :D

03-24-2006, 12:11 AM
Yes, I'm sure it's her. Maybe she'll actually play a role in 198.

03-24-2006, 06:19 AM
I wouldn't really count on much, unless she gets some lines of dialogue...she's just window-dressing(which is a really sad use of the character).

Dana :(

03-24-2006, 09:59 PM
I'd say any use of the character is a positive.

03-25-2006, 07:26 PM
I agree, it's positive! I think she can be seen in two of the panels, one on page 4 and one on page 6.


03-26-2006, 12:28 AM
I'd say any use of the character is a positive.

In your opinion. My opinion is different, that's all.


03-26-2006, 01:21 AM
I'd say any use of the character is a positive.

In your opinion. My opinion is wrong, that's all.

Fixed that typo for you.

03-26-2006, 02:46 AM
Hey, no opinion is wrong, Defunct, and if you feel the need to bash other members then you have no place on this board. Ben and Phil have always kept it that all opinions are welcome, but derogation and defamation are not welcomed.

In other words, Watch it.

03-26-2006, 05:01 PM
It's called a joke, buddy.

And please, leave it to the people who opperate the board to talk down to people. It's not your job to tell me to "watch it", even if you were right.

Oh, and if you feel the need to lecture people, you have no place at this board. Because surely I am in a position to decide what qualifies someone to be welcomed here.

Shaman Of The Whills
03-26-2006, 08:27 PM
*Nervous Laughter*
Anyways... the reason why I'll agree with the thought that any exposure is good exposure is that at least there as an indication that the character is still in the minds of current writers and artists, which is always a plus... sure, they may not have a role for her at this point, or they may not even toss her a throwaway line, but would we really want her reduced to just that character anyways?

To elaborate further, the selection of the 198 to me indicated some elaborate potential purpose for each and every one of them... even if that plan hasn't been drawn up yet, their inclusion in first the files and now in actual appearances within the comics indicates that they at least retain some company value... to put it this way, the 198 is perfect for a comparison to the 4400 (an excellent show on USA during the summer by the way)... if you've seen the show, then you'll understand what I mean... every member of the group, all 4400 of them, serves a specific purpose, to the creation of a greater machine of an image, a destiny of sorts... actually, this is the other thing that hit my mind when thinking about the 198... at first I was quite upset at the inclusion of so many prominent faces within the group of the 198, but then I realized that while Wanda's powers are at a basic level based around the principles of probability, there has always been an emphasis on the fact that they are indeed 'magic', within the same vein of Dr. Strange of Shaman... as such, could Wanda not be an instrument or perhaps even the publisher of a greater destiny? Its already been suggested that she selected those who would make it through the purging process... while she may not be familiar with each individual selected, perhaps destiny is still within the works of the 198... in which case, Lil is definetely a force to be watched in the coming days! (As are those we haven't even seen yet)

03-26-2006, 08:41 PM
Gentlemen, play nice. If you want to continue this discussion of behaviour, please do so in PM, otherwise the subject is now closed, I'd rather not lock the thread if possible.


03-27-2006, 02:01 AM
I'm of the 'any use is good' camp, look at Weapon X. Had Lil not had her stupid pointless little window dressing cameo in that, I seriously doubt that she would have been thought of when the time to decide the 198 came around.

03-27-2006, 09:54 PM
My opinion is different(no snarky comebacks or altering others' posts and calling it humor, needed) and here's why I feel the way I do...

I'd rather see characters like Lil or Kyle, Persuasion, etc...explored a bit, active members of a team or at least, given lines in group scenes...rather than standing around and used for just filling panel space. Especially since Lil has always seemed to be a vocal character...she's never struck me as being a quiet sheep.

As for "any use" of a character being positive....Nope...I in no way agree...If Lil were killed off in the Weapon X series' gas chambers(like Maggott, Tar Baby, Ape, etc...), I'd hardly call that positive.


Shaman Of The Whills
03-28-2006, 12:15 AM
I'd rather see characters like Lil or Kyle, Persuasion, etc...explored a bit, active members of a team or at least, given lines in group scenes...rather than standing around and used for just filling panel space. Especially since Lil has always seemed to be a vocal character...she's never struck me as being a quiet sheep.
Well, I think we'd all prefer actual fuller usage of the character, but given the climate of things, does the average reader really want to hear extensively from Lil? I mean, looking at the roster of the 198, there are alot of very popular, very interesting characters... but they can't really explore each and every one of them within such a short period of time... and just because they aren't speaking and being involved now doesn't mean they won't be (or for that fact aren't, if we'll remember we only get a window into a small space of time).

As for "any use" of a character being positive....Nope...I in no way agree...If Lil were killed off in the Weapon X series' gas chambers(like Maggott, Tar Baby, Ape, etc...), I'd hardly call that positive.
Well, okay, but I think that was kind of a given... a bit of an extremist interpretation of the "any use" idea... I think by any use is good use we're pretty much referring to window dressing... and from the looks of things, this situation hardly makes Lil and company eligible for such termination.

If Lil were completely out of the picture, I'm certain we'd all be sitting around going "Where is Lil? What is she doing? Why isn't she around? They're completely ignoring and neglecting characters that have a long and honored history!" At least now she remains in the picture.

03-29-2006, 09:21 AM
I have to agree with you, that we know now where she is and that's good(instead of wondering what happened to her when she and the other prisoners vanished from Neverland), but I'd like to see more explanation of how she, Leech and the other prisoners ended up totally free(out of Weapon X's control) and I'd like to see her get some fricken speaking lines(sue me for being greedy, but that's how I feel).

I just dislike when characters appear as "window dressing" only(especially those who've not been really used for a long time). If a writer is going to use a character, I feel they should actually USE the character(and not just for boring crowd scenes).


Edited for typos :D

04-09-2006, 11:59 PM
As I said before, bringing back Ape and Tar Baby after about 15 years to kill them off in one issue was a real waste... :cry:

I know I've been gone awhile, but I've been distracted...

04-20-2006, 01:13 PM
I'm begining to like Kyle's new look, though not as much as the old one. His appearance in Weapon X: The Draft: Wild Child threw me off because he was drawn all shrivelled and ghoulish looking, with that ugly cloak, but in the rest of the issues he's almost looks like a little bald kid with big eyes...
O:) O:)
I like the blue sleeveless uniform, but not as much as his orange X-Factor uniform, or his black, red and blue Gamma Flight look... 8)