View Full Version : Amalgam Alpha

05-23-2006, 11:18 PM
Remember way back when Marvel and DC combined their respective U's and created the Amalgam Universe? I always wondered who our Alphans would have been merged with and what the results would have been. I sat down one day and thought up some possibilities, but forgot about them until I stumbled across this:


So, here are some of my ideas for what Alpha would have been in the Amalgam U:

Guardian + Blue Beetle: Guardian Scarab
Real Name: James Kord
Powers: E-M battle suit powered by an ancient Egyptian scarab device of alien creation; skilled in various sciences.
History: While helping his friend (who was the curator at the ROM) to figure out a strange scarab device discovered on an aercheological dig, James realized the artifact was actually an alien energy source. Using it to power an E-M battlesuit he had created he became the Guardian Scarab, the premier hero of Canada.

Puck + The Question: Quester
Real Name: Charles Eugene Judd
Powers: Various matrial skills, acrobatic ability and a knowledge of the occult.
History: Raised in an orphanage (Hull House) from a very young age, Charles always wondered who his parents were and what their fate was. As a young teen he ran away and joined the circus honing his stunted body and mastering acrobatics. Still curious about his parents, he began a search which leads him into the shadowy world of the mystery cult known as The Illuminati. It was here he learned his mother and father had been murdered by a radical sect within the cult. Studying both the martial and mystical, Charles sought to hunt down and get revenge on the people responsible for his parents' deaths. However, he failed and was left for dead only to be rescued by the Guardian Scarab.

Aurora + Spark: Corona
Real Name:Ayla Beaubier
Powers: Flight, electrical and photonic discharges, superspeed, megavolt discharge when making contact with her brother.

Northstar + Live Wire: Arclight
Real Name: Garth Beaubier
Powers: Flight, electrical and photonic discharges, superspeed, megavolt discharge when making contact with his sister.
History: Born in the distant future, the twins were seperated at a young age to protect them from their families enemies. When the same enemies were closing in on Ayla her protectors sent her back in time to save her. Alone in a strange past she ended up in a Catholic orphanage where her tales of having fled from the future earned her punishments from the sisters. When her mutant powers developed early her mind created a second personality to deal with the stress. Years past for the twins, until as a young man, Garth was told of his sister having been sent to the past. Quickly he chose to travel into the past to find her, but became trapped when the family's enemies destroyed the time machine he used. Together again, the twins seek to make a difference in the here and now until their family can find a way to get them home.

Shaman + Deadman: Spirit
Real Name: Michael Twobrands
Powers: Possession, intangibility, invisibility, nature magic, ethereal body, magic awareness, flight, a magic pouch which binds him to the mortal plane, shamanic knowledge.
History: After the death of his wife Michael Twobrands commited suicide, but was refused entrance to Paradise by the Northern Gods. He was bound to a shaman's pouch (which allows him to create a solid form) and sent back to the mortal plane to fulfill the destiny he had cut short. Now as an agent of the gods he works to protect the land and earn his way into Paradise.

Snowbird + Raven: Darkwing
Real Name: Narya
Powers: Physical transformation into nightmarish creatures, flight, mental and emotional control, empathy, postcognition, occult knowledge.
History: Born of the rape of Nelvana by the Great Beast, Trigon, Darkwing struggles with her darker nature while trying to earn the love of her mother. To this end she acts as a protector of the land along with Spirit and the other heroes.

Those are the ones I came up with using the Marvel Heroes Classic Roleplaying Game website as an information source.


Anyone else with a few ideas for these or other Alphans?

05-26-2006, 01:52 PM
You mean "Arclight" like the Marauder? ;)

Sasquatch/Black Adam- Tanaraq
Real Name: Walter Adam
While on a polar survey mission, Walter Adam got lost in a blizzard. As he lay near death, the Great Beast Tanaraq appeared to him with a offer. If Adam would serve as Tanaraq's vessel in the mortal realm, the Great Beast would lend him enough of its power to survive. With little alternative, Adam accepted.
Powers: By speaking Tanaraq's name, Walter Adam can ssume his form, Pretty standard Sasquatch, except even stronger and tougher- after all, Black Adam can go toe to toe with Captain Marvel.... Give him black fur for a thematic feel, I guess.

Vindicator/Fury- Well and truly stuck for a combo name that isn't utter and total garbage....
Real Name: Heather Trevor
Powers: Flight, super-strength, invulnerability
Daughter of sopme northern goddess and a Canadian soldier. I'm feeling lazy. But since her powers are inherent, she's less likely to step on Mac's toes when it comes to battleifield capabilities.

Box/Robotman- "The Machinist"
Real Name: Madison ???
Powers: Very much as Box, except that the merger with the machine is permanent- Our human hero cannot escape his metal body.

Talisman/Jade- "Emerald" (crap name, but I'm stuck)
Real Name: Elizabeth Scott
Powers: Green Lantern-ish, except that the physical manifestations of her powers should tie into First Nation mythology a great deal.

Wild Child/Manhunter- "Wildhunter" (again, crap name)
Powers: More or less as Wildchild, seeing as Paul Kirk had no powers at all. However, make him fight in a more disciplined, schooled fashion.
Real Name: Kyle Kirk

06-03-2006, 11:36 PM
You mean "Arclight" like the Marauder? ;)

Yeah, I didn't think about that 'til I saw X-men 3. I wonder if her use as a "Morlock" in the movie is meant as an in-joke as she was one of the Marauders who commited the mutant massacre of the Morlocks in the comic. :-k

06-04-2006, 01:59 AM
You mean "Arclight" like the Marauder? ;)

Yeah, I didn't think about that 'til I saw X-men 3. I wonder if her use as a "Morlock" in the movie is meant as an in-joke as she was one of the Marauders who commited the mutant massacre of the Morlocks in the comic. :-k

Since the whole movie was pretty much a joke, I chose to ignore it. 8)