View Full Version : Kind of wondering...

06-05-2006, 01:28 AM
How will Civil War spill into the new 'thrilling' series?

- will it be about deserters heading north, getting bored and forming a team based in Canada? Yawn. :.

- will it be like J. Torres idea, people running from the U.S. get safe haven in Canada but Alpha Flight has to protect them sometimes, fight them others? That's OK. O:)

- will it be Alpha Flight after they are forced to get involved, because it spills over into Canada, and that's just how we meet the team? Why not? :wink:

- could it even be that the Registration Act will cause severe border issues, and only AF can fix the damage, leading to their new role as peacekeepers? Maybe, unlikely. 8-[

There are likely other possible scenerios but I'm a bit tired of waiting for good news. Spring is quite stressful around here, even more so this year (my boss has said more swear words lately, he rarely swears).

It's more than a 'pray for rain' thing. I know Ben's hands are tied but those Marvel guys... [-(

06-05-2006, 01:46 AM

06-05-2006, 11:01 AM
well, i would love to believe that something big is on the horizon for alpha flight, but joe q and tom b have both said there will be no new alpha series and they have a little more pull then millar and bendis.

a cool proposal from a top writer does not mean a new series is on the way.

06-05-2006, 11:49 AM
An influx of supers onto Canadian soil could mean ALOT more work for a governement funded supergroup.

maniac mike
06-05-2006, 04:05 PM
I always thought it would be cool if the USA and Canada had a little "Cold War" going on between them because of all the American super villains that hide out up there and Canada getting sick and tired of it because the US can't imprison them correctly.

MM :idea:

06-05-2006, 06:45 PM
Yes, that does sound interesting. Who knows if anyone at Marvel has thought like that, though :shock:

06-09-2006, 05:07 PM
God bless ya' Ben! :lol:

06-09-2006, 05:44 PM
I always thought it would be cool if the USA and Canada had a little "Cold War" going on between them because of all the American super villains that hide out up there and Canada getting sick and tired of it because the US can't imprison them correctly.

MM :idea:

That's something like I was wondering too. If fans love the old cast, even though the book was cancelled, maybe they think the problem is with the villains and will change them up a bit and bring in some heavy hitters who don't want to put up with an American-lead SuperHuman Army

Just like watching sports, a game vs two elite opponents will garner more attention then, say, vs a lowly team. Would you rather watch Toronto(Alpha team constantly changing members) vs Columbus(Wax figures), or Ottawa circa 2006(this is regular season of course) vs Montreal circa 1950s(Apacolyps ;) )?

06-09-2006, 05:57 PM
I still say the first cancellation was due to the team being unrecognizable. There were very few originals when they finally sailed off into oblivion. The Registration Act should force some villains north of the border, so an improved rogues gallery should follow.

06-09-2006, 07:32 PM
I definitely agree that one of the prime ingredients that AF has always lacked, in my experience, has been an impressive, recurring villain.

Jaxon and the original Omega Flight rocked. But after that first arc, Omega Flight went off in all kinds of whacky directions. They could have lost Jaxon, and ultimately made Smart Alec their leader, but...

Tundra and the Great Beasts are cool... once in a blue moon, as a uber-major event, but not as a recurring villain/s or a mere one issue story.

Now, I haven't read all of vol. 1, let alone all of vol.2 or any of vol.3, but sucky villains is why I never made it threw the first volume.

maniac mike
06-09-2006, 08:16 PM
I thought that what Nitro did in ish#1 of Civil War should have happened on Canadian soil, that would be a perfect launch pad for AF, which sets off the "Canada/US Cold War". An American villain claiming hundreds of Canadian lives and wiping out an entire city in the process. Canada demands justice and the US Dept. of Justice not doing much in the wake, so Canada reforms AF to seek out American villains and deporting them back to the US and also beefing up the border between Canada and the US.

MM :wink: