View Full Version : Vindicator = Circuit Breaker ?

06-08-2006, 04:13 AM
Anyone here ever notice the resemblance that the Guardian battlesuit has with the cybernetic suit of Circuit Breaker (from the Transformers comic book) ?? She even has the glowing yellow EM field!


I knew of Circuit Breaker long before I heard of Alpha Flight, so when I first saw Vindicator I thought of C-B.

She also indicates a stylistic directon Marvel could go with if they decided to replace the flag-suit concept of Vindicator. If the "metal bikini" look was tone-down it might be all right.

The idea of C-B was that her suit was to overcome her paralysis (caused by Shockwave). Conceivably, a similar thing could happen to Heather, and this could be a solution. 8-[


06-08-2006, 09:33 AM
That drawing of Circuit Breaker certainly isn't from the original TF run, who drew it?

06-08-2006, 12:36 PM
Don't know. Might be from her UK comic appearance.

08-05-2006, 10:22 PM
That's a pretty modern drawing, and she hasn't appeared even in the UK comics since the late 80's.

I am curious who drew that. Where did you find it?

(edit:) I checked the Wiki article, I expect that is fan art some artist added.