View Full Version : Trailer Park Boys

09-22-2006, 04:56 PM
As an American, I don't always get to sample the bountiful fruits of your Canadian television (except for Kids in the Hall, good show!), but a little while ago I was introduced, through Limewire, to Trailer Park Boys.

I was wondering how popular it actually is in Canada. Also, why so much swearing, is Showcase like a pay channel like Showtime is here.

I thought some of it was funny, and other stuff wasn't so much. I saw an episode where they boys were stealing and selling gas, that was hilarious. Then there was that "Green Bastard" episode, which wasn't so funny, except for that one part where BUbbles is like "See any spelling errors in this Leahey?!", and he says "Yeah, you missed the "r" in supervisor." and Bubbles looks at it and goes, "Oh for f#ck's sake!" That was classic. Ha ha ha...

Yeah well... enlighten me Canada!


09-24-2006, 01:31 AM
The shows the stupidest piece of god damned crap i've ever seen in my life. I couldn't handle watching for more than 5 minutes. It was all i could do to retain enough IQ points to push the buttons on the remote to spare me the pain. However, inexplicably, like Seinfeld did, it remains on and is currently in it's sixth season. So some dman fool idiots are watching.

Showcase is not so much a pay channel as it is part of the cable providers extended package (with a few other channels) usually after 9 shows with more swearing are shown. It also offeres content with more nudity and sexuality to go along with our course language. especially on friday. uh..err.. not that i watch it of course.
They actually pick up a lot of content from Showtime and HBO.


09-24-2006, 05:27 AM
Actually, on the subject of Canadian TV....

You guys get the decent coverage pf the Winter Olympics, you have Space instead of Sci-Fi (and I prefer Space), and there's the odd commercial that's not in English.

Dammit. Proof that TV need not suck in its entirety.

09-24-2006, 11:49 AM
Trailer Park Boys is an aquired taste. It's very popular in the Maritimes because, well it takes place here and we don't see too much of our area on TV. I love the fact that they always use Moncton as the "big city" lol. They come up here all the time and go to the same clubs as me.

I used to watch it all the time with a buddy of mine, have a couple drinks and watch it. I have since stopped since there's only 6-7 episodes per season so the constant re-runs really ruined it's freshness.

I moved to BC a year ago and guess who was there promoting a hockey tournament. A lot of the people I worked with loved the show out there too. I guess it's kinda like the Canadian Bevis and Butthead. If you find it entertaining to dumb yourself down a few notches every once and a while, it's great. Others just rightfully find it stupid. Again, an aquired taste.

09-24-2006, 12:37 PM
Yup, I'm one of those "damn fool idiots" :wink: who love the show, though I don't get to watch it all that often. Before seeing it I figured it was another cheap@$$ Canadian show the gov't was handing money out to so we had something other than American shows to watch. Now, however, I consider it a modern Three Stooges. My dad was the one who told me about it, and trust me if my dad likes the show it has to have something going for it.

Check out youtube to see some episodes and decide for yourself.

09-25-2006, 12:06 AM
I don't watch it much, but I do wanna see the movie. I also see them shooting episodes sometimes when I go to the mall.

09-26-2006, 01:56 AM
Trailer Park Boys is an aquired taste. It's very popular in the Maritimes

Well, I rest my case.........!


09-26-2006, 09:42 AM
Mike Oeming seems to be a new fan. Someone sent him a you-tube link on his message board and he asked if it's available on DVD. He also joked about how the episode stole what he was going to do for the first Omega arc 8)

10-07-2006, 12:34 AM
I just saw the movie!! Fantastic!! Masterful!!

I also enjoyed being able to go: "Hey I've been there, hey I've been there!! I was there today! "

And especially!! "Whoa, I'm in that movie theatre right now... Ironic."

10-14-2006, 06:43 AM
I love Trailer Park Boys. At first I really thought it was dumb but after a few episodes the characters really started to grow on me.