View Full Version : Michael Avon Oeming interview with AlphaFlight.net

01-12-2007, 12:39 PM
I just posted the AlphaFlight.net interview with Mike Oeming leading into Omega Flight.



01-12-2007, 12:55 PM
Most excellent! Thanks.

"the original flight haunts the new flight, almost litterally" Almost? I really expect to see the ghost of Shaman visit Talisman.

01-12-2007, 01:11 PM
Another good interview Ben. The Old Alpha haunting the New Omega, I'm in agreement with Snowsquatch about the Shaman thing. Passing on the tribal secrets as his Grandfather did, would be a nice nod to the old.

01-12-2007, 01:13 PM
Wow, sounds like magic and pow stuff is going to be big! Could Walter wind up as Guardian, and who has baby Hudson then?

01-12-2007, 04:30 PM

01-12-2007, 04:33 PM

ANd now I'm roped into buying a regular title.... for the first time in YEARS, I might add.

Ottawa Renegade
01-12-2007, 05:57 PM

ANd now I'm roped into buying a regular title.... for the first time in YEARS, I might add.

Yeah...I'd kind of broken the habit, but now I'll likely end up buying every appearance they make.

It'll be interesting to see how involved they are with the rest of the Marvel U. I've read a lot of complaints about the line-ups for the Avengers and Thunderbolts. It'd be cool if disappointed masses decided to give this team a try as a result.

01-12-2007, 06:04 PM
HA! So called Shaman would appear in astral form to Talisman, as his grandfather did to him.

01-12-2007, 06:36 PM
Oeming: Wow, its hard to say. Either Sasquatch (as Walter!)

Please, please, please, please, please, please. 8)

01-12-2007, 07:05 PM

01-12-2007, 08:11 PM
Thanks guys. Sorry for that cheesy photo, I never should have let that out. All my friends tease me:)

01-12-2007, 08:40 PM
Thanks guys. Sorry for that cheesy photo, I never should have let that out. All my friends tease me:)

Then send us a exclusive photo of you, just for us :twisted: :P or a drawing... that would be nice, an af drawing or Omega flight drawing...

01-12-2007, 08:47 PM
Yay! So is Sasquatch the mystery last member who's connected to the first Alpha flight? Awesome! Everyone needs a sasquatch on their team. Me included. In fact, I would very much so appreciate having my own personal Walter. He could be my bodyguard/person to do my science homework/move stuff around for me. It would be fantastic.

Wow. That was random.

01-12-2007, 10:00 PM
Thanks guys. Sorry for that cheesy photo, I never should have let that out. All my friends tease me:)

At least it wasn't a picture of your crotch, like the infamous photo that one comic writer had showing up on the web on occasion...

Le Messor
01-13-2007, 10:56 PM
Mike, if you're still reading;
You hope someone kills off Brother Voodoo?
Now's your chance, man! You've got a book! A magic book. The book with the power. What power? Voodoo. Who do? You do. Do what? Remind me of a man. What man? The man with the power. What power?

Damn you, Abbot and Costello! :shock:

"This is Marvel. Hell has no door."?
Sure it does. It's a revolving door. :twisted:

- Le Messor
Top Tips: Avoid bickering and petty arguments by immediately punching anyone with whom you disagree.

01-14-2007, 06:36 PM
OK Mr. Oeming, what the heck is going on? Were you really told only Friday that your new ongoing was cancelled before it was even solicited?

01-14-2007, 06:52 PM
From whats been said at Jinxworld he was told four weeks back. I'm interested to see what is said tomorrow, but get the impression that when it's all been said we are still only gonna end up with five issues :? :cry:

Ottawa Renegade
01-14-2007, 06:54 PM
From whats been said at Jinxworld he was told four weeks back. I'm interested to see what is said tomorrow, but get the impression that when it's all been said we are still only gonna end up with five issues :? :cry:

You know, I know it sucks compared to an ongoing, but it wasn't that long ago that we saw the entire team wiped out in the snow. I'll take five issues over the zero issues it looked like I was getting a year ago.

Let's take what we can get for now, support the hell out of it, and see what happens.

01-14-2007, 06:58 PM
I agree whole heartedly that five is better than nothing, but it just irks that there can't be a little more honesty from Marvel. Quesada was answering questions about OF on Friday, are we as fans that unpredictable that he couldn't say it then and give some form of explanation? Instead we have to read it on the solicits, kinda like well there ya go, no explanation, live with it. I think you can only stretch fan loyalty so far.

Ottawa Renegade
01-14-2007, 07:06 PM
I agree whole heartedly that five is better than nothing, but it just irks that there can't be a little more honesty from Marvel. Quesada was answering questions about OF on Friday, are we as fans that unpredictable that he couldn't say it then and give some form of explanation? Instead we have to read it on the solicits, kinda like well there ya go, no explanation, live with it. I think you can only stretch fan loyalty so far.

Oh, well that's different then. I totally understand that.

I'm not a big Marvel fan anyway, so I don't feel particularly betrayed. I used to be a huge fan of the Ultraverse and when they picked that up and crapped all over it, that was it for me and and Marvel, by and large. Since I haven't been a big supporter of them in many years, I guess I don't feel as slighted when they screw their fanbase around.

01-14-2007, 08:37 PM
Quesada likes to be a jerk. 'Nuff said. :x

01-14-2007, 10:08 PM
From whats been said at Jinxworld he was told four weeks back. I'm interested to see what is said tomorrow, but get the impression that when it's all been said we are still only gonna end up with five issues :? :cry:

Since he knew about this weeks ago, I have to wonder why he didn't take the time to break the news in his interview with this site? It would at least have been a better PR move then just having this dropped on folks in the solicits.

01-14-2007, 10:11 PM
From whats been said at Jinxworld he was told four weeks back. I'm interested to see what is said tomorrow, but get the impression that when it's all been said we are still only gonna end up with five issues :? :cry:

Since he knew about this weeks ago, I have to wonder why he didn't take the time to break the news in his interview with this site? It would at least have been a better PR move then just having this dropped on folks in the solicits.

Editorial decision, he can't speak about things like that without editorial permission. In short, he wasn't allowed to say anything, and it killed him.


01-14-2007, 10:47 PM
+1 Ben.

I hope that nobody is angry at Oeming or Kollins for this. It wasn't their fault, and I have nothing but endless sympathy for both of them. It looked like this was a story they really wanted to tell. One can only imagine what it must have been like giving interviews but having to keep your mouth shut about such a huge change.

Le Messor
01-14-2007, 11:27 PM
I know I never thought otherwise.
Though a certain new raven-ous member may have got the wrong impression?

What is it with me and bird people anyway?

- Le Messor
Pigeon: "I've got an idea. Who's seen Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds?"
- The Far Side

Ottawa Renegade
01-15-2007, 12:12 AM
+1 Ben.

I hope that nobody is angry at Oeming or Kollins for this. It wasn't their fault, and I have nothing but endless sympathy for both of them. It looked like this was a story they really wanted to tell. One can only imagine what it must have been like giving interviews but having to keep your mouth shut about such a huge change.

Not at all. I felt their enthusiasm was genuine the whole time, unlike Lobdell who claimed to be an Alpha freak when in reality he showed little appreciation for what made them special.

The current team may not have used the ful original line-up, like Lobdell, but they stated a reason why and showed a tendency to lean towards using Flight stuff. I got to understand their point of view and agree with their approach even though I had to sell myself to it somewhat. This is why this kick in the teeth feels like it's coming from "Marvel" and not the creative team themselves.

01-15-2007, 02:41 AM
From whats been said at Jinxworld he was told four weeks back. I'm interested to see what is said tomorrow, but get the impression that when it's all been said we are still only gonna end up with five issues :? :cry:

Since he knew about this weeks ago, I have to wonder why he didn't take the time to break the news in his interview with this site? It would at least have been a better PR move then just having this dropped on folks in the solicits.

Editorial decision, he can't speak about things like that without editorial permission. In short, he wasn't allowed to say anything, and it killed him.


Ah, so the editors have a profound lack of understanding of public relations. I get it now.

01-15-2007, 03:00 AM
Yeah, I figured that Mr. Oeming and Kollins had known about this for a while. But obviously couldn't tell anyone. That kind of stuff isn't their decision to make. They've gotta do what there bosses tell them to do. Sorry Oeming and Kollins.

And no, I don't blame Oeming and Kollins, I blame JQ and Marvel in general. Hype a new ongoing series right up till the end for nearly a year and then all the fans have to find out that it only a five issue mini in a frikkin' three sentence solicitation. Ridiculuous!

I'll still buy it, but still! :evil:

Ottawa Renegade
01-15-2007, 08:36 AM
And no, I don't blame Oeming and Kollins, I blame JQ and Marvel in general. Hype a new ongoing series right up till the end for nearly a year and then all the fans have to find out that it only a five issue mini in a frikkin' three sentence solicitation. Ridiculuous!

I'll still buy it, but still! :evil:

Apparently the best 5-issue mini-series you'll EVER read though! :roll:

01-15-2007, 12:36 PM
Let's just hope he takes the opportunity to reestablish a couple of the core Alpha members in the pages of the 5 page mini.

01-15-2007, 12:54 PM
Bottom line is Quesada does not and will never show loyalty to a fan base such as ours if he feels that a Marvel product such as this is not going to generate the necessary revenue required for an ongoing. As much as I would like to get angry about this, it doesn't surprise me. Hopefully the limited series will be such a hit that it will be crystal clear that an ongoing should be given the greenlight down the road. At least we get 5 issues written by a dedicated team that values our feedback/opinions and shows respect for Alpha Flight.

01-15-2007, 02:32 PM
I know I never thought otherwise.
Though a certain new raven-ous member may have got the wrong impression?

What is it with me and bird people anyway?

- Le Messor
Pigeon: "I've got an idea. Who's seen Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds?"
- The Far Side

I'm just asking a question. Clarifying where to direct my anger if you will.

I'll be stupidly optimistic and hope that maybe Omega Flight being a mini might lead into the possibility of a title actually called Alpha Flight with more of the old members on the roster in the future.

Le Messor
01-15-2007, 08:27 PM
What is it with me and bird people anyway?

I'm just asking a question. Clarifying where to direct my anger if you will.

I'll be stupidly optimistic and hope that maybe Omega Flight being a mini might lead into the possibility of a title actually called Alpha Flight with more of the old members on the roster in the future.

And I'm just taking things to ridiculous extremes, as usual. Sorry. ;) It's meant in jest, not in cruelty. Prob'ly should save it for people who're more used to my 'sense of humour'.

Also, on another forum, I've had some... negative dealings... with somebody who's screen name is 'Kes' and whose avatar is a kestrel.

The irony being, my parents are avid birdwatchers, and named this house (the one I'm in) 'Kestrels' after I saw a kestrel roosting in the rafters while it was being built.

And, I hand feed the ravens around here.

- Le Messor
"It's funny if you're me."
- Xander

01-15-2007, 09:33 PM
Prob'ly should save it for people who're more used to my 'sense of humour'.

:shock: wait, Mik has a sense of humour?? Wow colour me surprised!

(Just kidding Mik. I know your sense of humour quite well and it's always a sourse of amusement)

Le Messor
01-15-2007, 10:32 PM
:shock: wait, Mik has a sense of humour?? Wow colour me surprised!

(Just kidding Mik. I know your sense of humour quite well and it's always a sourse of amusement)

I don't get it. :?