View Full Version : The new Guardian - the secret is now out

01-30-2007, 04:40 AM
Hi Y'all,
First time post-er here. I am glad to be joining you all here, looks like a lot of fun!

Well, anybody else out there still not know who is in the new Guardian suit? Seems to be a lot of ideas floating around, and I think some of them are way off in left field (no offence) - some of you may have missed some large and obvious clues...
:idea: Back in October, I thought I knew who it was. And now...now I know! Anybody willing to see if my ideas don't make a whole lot of sense?

Take a quick stroll on over to this link here,
and a quick look at my lastest Alpha Flight blog there will fill you in quite quickly on my "hunch."

I'd be proud if some of you took a look, and then let me know what you think!

01-30-2007, 08:55 AM
Heya Flightpath07, welcome to our asylum! Make yerself comfy in the cupboard, don't mind the Oompa-Loompas, they entertain us with witty songs when we are about to kick spammers off the forum.

As for your theory, you aren't the first to think it might be Kyle in the suit. The only problem I have with the point you make in you blog is saying that he's an American who has worked for the Canadian government. He is actually a Canadian, born in Vancouver BC.


01-30-2007, 11:38 AM
Hey Ben, I always thought he was a Canadian too. I looked up his bio on Marvel.com and they say:

Citizenship U.K. (criminal record in Canada and U.S.)
Place of Birth Canada

When was he in the U.K.?

01-30-2007, 12:16 PM
I wouldn't go by that! The handbook says Vancouver.


01-30-2007, 02:11 PM
Great blogspot Flightpath07. Kyle Gibney and Mac Hudson are likely the leaders in the 'who is Guardian' thing now.

One of my sons emailed Marvel about the downgrade and they emailed him back, asking why he cared it was not ongoing anymore. The little guy did a good job responding, though I never edited it.

BTW, nice logic about why it could be Wild Child. Omega links, once Weapon Omega... But to me it's still a guess, Mac?

01-30-2007, 02:17 PM
Personnally, he's very far from been my favorite and for that stupid reason I really do hope it's not him in the Guardian costume.

Actually I liked him in the Byrne issues, but when AF became Wildchild/Wildheart and Alpha Flight, I got saturated with him. Plus, because of him, I got to suffer the apparition of Wyre which really suck big time. So I guess I should blame Lodbell for that too, no? He was the writer at that time, no?

01-30-2007, 04:46 PM
I stand corrected!

I had no idea that he was of Canadian citizenship or born therein.

Okay, here is then the problem that i am having. Again, there is that quote that mentions that the originally released photo of Omega Flight (showing five members) has only ONE Canadian in the pic.
But that HAS to be Talisman, then, right?

:?: [ whimpering and looking confused ]

sigh...I am afraid that either I just do not understand, or somebody over at Marvel has made a boo-boo of some sort.
Any way we can clear this up? Anybody talked with Oeming lately?

By the way, thanks for all the kind words and stuff from y'all.

“Slainte Mhath, Slainte Mhor”

01-30-2007, 04:54 PM
Oh, one more thought on this subject just came to me.

Seems to me that Omega Flight has to be associated with the Canadian Govt in some way. I mean, there can't be a bunch of Amercian SuperPajamas types running around Canada fighting Baddies without being sanctioned by Steve Harper and friends.
That means the Flight must have some sort of govt control over them.

01-30-2007, 05:44 PM
I'm still sticking with the Collective Postman, the teardrop just makes my gut feeling stronger.

Ottawa Renegade
01-30-2007, 06:08 PM
Oh, one more thought on this subject just came to me.

Seems to me that Omega Flight has to be associated with the Canadian Govt in some way. I mean, there can't be a bunch of Amercian SuperPajamas types running around Canada fighting Baddies without being sanctioned by Steve Harper and friends.
That means the Flight must have some sort of govt control over them.

I wonder how Beta Ray Bill fits into the government equation? Is he considered, in some weird way (his secret identity, if he has one) a citizen of the U.S. or Canada?

If not, I don't know why they'd keep him around, or why he'd stay (long-term). Unless the connection talked about between he and Talisman is strong enough that he can't/won't/shouldn't leave her side. Otherwise, what would be his motivation? What does he care about villains crossing the Canadian border? And why would the government(s) feel comfortable having this wild card around who has no attachment to either of them? You could argue that they like the power he brings, but why would they trust him?

01-30-2007, 06:12 PM
Gibney? I could like with that.

01-30-2007, 07:11 PM
I wonder how Beta Ray Bill fits into the government equation? Is he considered, in some weird way (his secret identity, if he has one) a citizen of the U.S. or Canada?

Yeah his human body is Canadian 8)

01-30-2007, 07:12 PM
There's a few I would accept as Guardian, Wild Child, Feedback, Box, Flex, Windshear, even Hudson :shock: . Still, I doubt very much that it would be Postman Mike. That would easily kill the series.

Ottawa Renegade
01-30-2007, 08:29 PM
I wonder how Beta Ray Bill fits into the government equation? Is he considered, in some weird way (his secret identity, if he has one) a citizen of the U.S. or Canada?

Yeah his human body is Canadian 8)


Well, forget all that other crap then. :lol:

01-30-2007, 08:37 PM
That would easily kill the series.
How so?

01-30-2007, 08:45 PM
Sasquatch mini!? sorta lol



01-31-2007, 12:36 AM
i've been looking around on the internt for hours now, looking to see if elizabeth is a canadian or not. all the info i did find said legal status is unknown. thus if legal status is unknown then the one canadian in the pic could still be mac or kyle. i know we had this dicussion before, but did anyone find proof that eliabeth is a canadian citizen?

01-31-2007, 12:49 AM
i know we had this dicussion before, but did anyone find proof that eliabeth is a canadian citizen?

well, i saw somewhere recently that she was born in Alberta. To me, that means Canadian. Father and mother were Canadians, so she should be too.

01-31-2007, 01:00 AM
i found a site that stats her nationality is sarcee (shaman is also labeled as sarcee). if this i true then guardian is the canadian which opens alot of great doors and makes the suit have pride again. the site i found her on is http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/characters/showquestion.asp?fldAuto=1046

01-31-2007, 02:28 AM
i found a site that stats her nationality is sarcee (shaman is also labeled as sarcee).


01-31-2007, 10:23 AM
Well first nations people aren't technically a nation like Quebecers :wink: , so she would be Canadian, though part of the Sarcee first nations. If her ancestral grounds crossed into the states she would have citizenship there too, but in fact the Sarcee nation is limited exclusively to Alberta ( a bit of BC too) so she would be Canadian.

Sarcee website: http://www.tsuutina.ca/page.aspx?pageID=2-2

(The spelling tsuutina represents the actual aboriginal name of their tribe.)

01-31-2007, 10:50 AM
Well first nations people aren't technically a nation

They are not? I think they should. As for quecekers been a nation recognized by the federal, we are still wondering what Harper meant when he used Québécois in the english text... :evil:

01-31-2007, 11:48 AM
Yeah, my first thought was that Talisman is technically from the First Nation rather then Canadian.

But if it turns out that she is the person that Mike was talking about I'm more tempted to believe that the new Guardian will be some high profile Marvel type (like Hawkeye or Pym) rather then someone like Kyle.

It somehow has to connect to Civil War, and Kyle just doesn't seem high profile enough.

01-31-2007, 01:04 PM
Keeping us guessing to the end, aren't they?


01-31-2007, 01:37 PM
Well, potentially there is a way to clear up some of the confusion regarding Talisman.
So, I thought I would give it a shot, and I have emailed Mike Oeming. What the heck, he responded when I wished him a Happy Birthday via email, maybe he will answer my question too!

Here is what I wrote...

If you do not mind me asking you, do you consider Shaman and Talisman to be Sarcee nation members, Canadian citizens, or both?
Flightpath07 on Alpha Waves Forum

Short and simple - let's see if we hook any big fish!

01-31-2007, 01:53 PM
She's listed as being from Edmonton in Marvel cards I have.

01-31-2007, 02:05 PM
If Mike O gets back to me with an answer, I will let y'all know.

It would be nice to nail down, once and for all, whether or not the dude in the Guardian suit is a Canadian or not. The answer to this question, if received, should go a long way to solving that mystery.
Has no one asked him this before?

01-31-2007, 05:38 PM
I just assumed since she was on a team listed as all Canadian, and was born in Canada, and had absolutely no legal reason to not be listed as Canadian that there was no reason to wonder about it.

Well you see Sylvois, what Harper meant was: "I made you guys a nation! This doesn't mean anything, but at least I actually said the words! Now please vote for me in the next election instead of those stinky bloc Quebecois! Pleeease!! I'll bake you pie if you vote for mein the next election!" (Because we all know that this government ain't gonna last that much longer. The NDP can only cooperate with the Conservatives for so long. Then its back to the polls again! (Or for me, first time to the polls.))

01-31-2007, 05:57 PM
I just assumed since she was on a team listed as all Canadian, and was born in Canada, and had absolutely no legal reason to not be listed as Canadian that there was no reason to wonder about it.

Yeah, you'd think so, but according to below, obviously not!

i found a site that stats her nationality is sarcee (shaman is also labeled as sarcee). if this i true then guardian is the canadian which opens alot of great doors and makes the suit have pride again. the site i found her on is http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/characters/showquestion.asp?fldAuto=1046

Now, then we have this issue...

It somehow has to connect to Civil War, and Kyle just doesn't seem high profile enough.
And this I just do not get. Why does who is in the suit have to connect with Civil War? No matter what, the whole Omega Flight concept, which is American heroes helping Canada deal with the super-powered problem that American law has thrust upon them (super-baddies fleeing to Canada to reap distruction), is all about Civil War.
Huh. Just re-reading that last sentence. Did you ever notice that the only real reason that there needs to be American superheroes dealing with this problem, is because Alpha Flight died in a meaningless fight (a fight that the high-and-mighty Avengers managed to avoid)...
Makes me want to scream "conspiracy theory!" :shock:
"Hey, let's kill off this country's coolest and most powerful superheroes (off-panel) :x , and then send in our own heroes to save the day!" [-X
Nothing is ever easy in AF-land, is it?

01-31-2007, 06:27 PM
And this I just do not get. Why does who is in the suit have to connect with Civil War?

I think early on, when the first team silhouette was published, the question was asked about who was in the suit, the reply was something like "We can't tell you, it may ruin the ending to Civil War". Then again, that was the same time period when it was rumoured OF would be making an apperance in either the main CW book or Frontline. So basically we're back to square one.

Something popped into my head about a month ago when we first saw the Sasquatch image. That's when I first considered Kyle as Guardian. Wasn't it rumoured Kyle was Walters child at some point? Was that ever followed up on or debunked?

Also, if it is an american in the suit, why would he be crying/angry in all of the promo pics? You'd think that expression would be held only by someone who was deeply effected by what happened to Alpha.


01-31-2007, 07:11 PM
Hello all,
Here's my humble speculation on the "Who's in the suit" question:

At the death of AF, Mac's cyborg brain recorded "all that he is" and when the bodies were picked up by, most likely, Dept. H, his persona was "downloaded" into a sythezoid. This works for the whole "tear" picture in perhaps a nod to "Even an Android can Cry". Think of the story possiblities with an artificial Mac raising a newborn while mourning the loss of Heather

-be seeing you

01-31-2007, 07:43 PM

Dirty diapers!?!?! My ONE weakness!

01-31-2007, 10:19 PM


Mr Oeming has graciously decided to reply to my email question.

Although his answer was short, nonetheless it helps to clear up whether or not Talisman is the "one Canadian" shown in the promo shot.

His answer is to this question (just to remind y'all)...

If you do not mind me asking you, do you consider Shaman and Talisman to be Sarcee nation members, Canadian citizens, or both?
Flightpath07 on Alpha Waves Forum

Mr Oeming's answer? "Both."

So, Talisman is indeed the one Canadian shown, then.
So, I am back to step one, unless somebody can prove to me that Kyle Gibney is an American.

Oh well, at least I got my question answered. That should be helpful, shouldn't it?

01-31-2007, 10:34 PM
Now, then we have this issue...

It somehow has to connect to Civil War, and Kyle just doesn't seem high profile enough.
And this I just do not get. Why does who is in the suit have to connect with Civil War? No matter what, the whole Omega Flight concept, which is American heroes helping Canada deal with the super-powered problem that American law has thrust upon them (super-baddies fleeing to Canada to reap distruction), is all about Civil War.

What I'm referring to is Marvel using a big name from Civil War to fill the Guardian role for promotional perposes.

Do I think it needs a big name? No, of course not. Being an Alpha fan I happen to think Kyle is a big name… However Joe Q and the Marvel editorial staff are far more likely to try and market this book to the American general public by tying it into the Civil War hype machine…

Think about it, what would create more hype? Kyle as Guardian or Steve Rogers?

And I’m not 100% convinced that is a tear on the picture.

01-31-2007, 11:05 PM
Mac being a Synth would qualify as NOT being a Canadian citizen, wouldn't it?....

and, no offense, but there's no possible way that Marvel will stick Steve Rogers into OF. There's just not enough hype on the book or "Marvel hints" out there to support the theory. It's more likely Steve Rogers will end up as the new Ronin or even inside the Iron Man armor.

and the dirty diapers are WHY the Mac synth is crying.

01-31-2007, 11:56 PM
Guys, you're taking the "I see one Canadian" WAY too literally. I look at the Toronto Maple Leafs and see 20 Canadians, I look at Calgary and see none. Ooops, the Leafs wear the symbol of Canada, a Maple Leaf, while Calgary has a flaming C. That's what makes me say that. D'oh!

The "I see one Canadian" phrase refers to the fact that Guardian has a Maple Leaf on his suit. He could just as easily have said, "I see one American", referencing USAgent when obviously Arachne is American.

There are three Canadians on the team, Sasquatch, Talisman, and Guardian. Oeming has said three people with direct ties to AF are on the team, member, former member, someone associated with AF but not a full member (or something like that). Sasquatch, Talisman, Guardian.

01-31-2007, 11:58 PM
Ok, what's this "teardrop" people are talking about? What have I missed?

02-01-2007, 12:39 AM
Guys, you're taking the "I see one Canadian" WAY too literally. I look at the Toronto Maple Leafs and see 20 Canadians, I look at Calgary and see none. Ooops, the Leafs wear the symbol of Canada, a Maple Leaf, while Calgary has a flaming C. That's what makes me say that. D'oh!

The "I see one Canadian" phrase refers to the fact that Guardian has a Maple Leaf on his suit. He could just as easily have said, "I see one American", referencing USAgent when obviously Arachne is American.

There are three Canadians on the team, Sasquatch, Talisman, and Guardian. Oeming has said three people with direct ties to AF are on the team, member, former member, someone associated with AF but not a full member (or something like that). Sasquatch, Talisman, Guardian.

+1 billion.

02-01-2007, 02:38 AM
The "I see one Canadian" phrase refers to the fact that Guardian has a Maple Leaf on his suit. He could just as easily have said, "I see one American", referencing USAgent when obviously Arachne is American.

There are three Canadians on the team, Sasquatch, Talisman, and Guardian. Oeming has said three people with direct ties to AF are on the team, member, former member, someone associated with AF but not a full member (or something like that). Sasquatch, Talisman, Guardian

Just like to point out that in the interview in question, Oeming did say that three people with Canadian citizenship are on or with or associated with the team...but ONLY ONE is seen in the promo art, which is the picture with Guardian(?), Arachne, Talisman, USAgent, and BetaRay Bill.

Therefore, if the ONE Canadian is Talisman, then we come back to the original thought or question - who is in the Guardian suit? Because whomever it is, by these standards applied, cannot be a Canadian citizen.

I believe that one of the three Canadians is Talisman, one of the Canadians is Walter, and the third Canadian is whomever their Canadian Govt contact person is. The agent assigned to Omega Flight, as it were.

As for who is in the Guardian suit? I still cannot figure this one out. If Kyle Gibney is a Canadian, which several people seem sure that he is, then my theory is wrong. Whoever the guy in the suit is, he isn't Canadian, yet would have reason to wear the Canadian flag on his uniform, and reason to take over Mac's role as official (or would that be unofficial?) protector of Canada. Moreover, it would appear that perhaps the others in the group (specifically Walter and Elizabeth) have no real reason to be at odds with him wearing the suit. Then again :idea: ...
perhaps this could explain why Walter (perhaps - speculation, again) does not officially join Oemga Flight; maybe he has a problem with whomever is in the Guardian suit, wearing the suit? Or even being Omega's leader?

Does anybody know of somebody who would fit this role, and whom Sasquatch would be unhappy with wearing James' Guardian suit? Anybody?
hey , perhaps it is Smart Alec, back from the dead! Or another original Omega Flight villain? Oh wait, they are all Canadian then, aren't they?

02-01-2007, 07:02 AM
I'm with Phil.

I think, God help us all, it's Postman Mike.

Man's Alaskan (if not by birth, then at least by previous residence), which means he's NOT Canadian... and, having *censored* waxed the REAL Alpha Flight, he feels some sort of need to atone.

And it would do a LOT to explain why Walter might not be "on" the team.

Also, the energy aura around Mac? Yeah. Feels Collective-ish to me.

Thank God this s Marvel, and the dead characters will be back as soon as it's convenient.

02-01-2007, 10:31 AM
and, no offense, but there's no possible way that Marvel will stick Steve Rogers into OF. There's just not enough hype on the book or "Marvel hints" out there to support the theory. It's more likely Steve Rogers will end up as the new Ronin or even inside the Iron Man armor.

Obviously I was using Steve as an exaggerated example. I was attempting to demonstrate the way Marvel operates most of the time. Marvel will want to get the most bang for their buck. And as much as I like the idea of Kyle being in the suit I don’t see that having any impact for anyone other then Alpha Flight fans… and here’s the thing in order for Omega Flight to survive it needs to appeal to more then just Alpha Flight fans. The best way to do that? Have a “big name” become the surprise focus of the team.

Oh a completely different note has anyone thought it could be The Shroud? I know it blows my “big name” theory out of the water but in the pages of Mrs Marvel we saw that he and Julia were romantically linked (in fact I think they were both escaping to Canada in the book) So I would expect him to show up in OF at some point, or at least be mentioned.

02-01-2007, 02:32 PM
The idea of Guardian not being a Canadian... It doesn't sit well. People would revolt if we had a Brit take over the position of Captain America, but its okay to take away Canada's symbol? I don't like it. Thankfully though, I don't believe it either. I think the "I only see one Canadian" thing is just a way of being coy about who guardian is. And I don't see how Walt would survive something that super human samurai cyber hudson couldn't.

02-01-2007, 03:13 PM
I'm with Phil.

I think, God help us all, it's Postman Mike.

I think so too and if that is the case then I am glad it's only a 5 issue mini because I would stop buying the books after it was revealed. So I guess by making it a mini, they get two more issues out of me :P

02-01-2007, 03:29 PM
I like the theory it could be Shroud.

Could it be Chuck Moss?

02-01-2007, 04:59 PM
I like the theory it could be Shroud.

Could it be Chuck Moss?

Yeah, I was thinking about both those names myself last night.
Shroud was supposed to run to Canada with Arachne and her kid, wasn't he, until he got nabbed and then subsequently escaped. Seems to make little sense to have him stay in the US with his girlfriend (wife?) in Canada. Heck, maybe he will show up as a teammate in the Omega Flight ongoing series... if it happens.

As for Chuck? Well, maybe his mystical powers would help to explain why Guardian always appears to be smoking or steaming?

02-01-2007, 05:39 PM
If it's Chuck Moss, I'd think the image in Iniatives would show him much bigger and taller, he's like 6'4" after all.

I'm still thinking it's Hudson, maybe Wild Child, but to me the 'smoking' is asign of how much energy the suit has.

02-01-2007, 05:53 PM
i'm goin to bring up a good point. in the promo pic at the time we couldn't tell if that was talisman. we all assumed it was her and we were happy to be right. but in the pic the only possible canadian i see is guardian because the other characters were three americans and one mystery guest.

02-01-2007, 05:57 PM
If it's Chuck Moss, I'd think the image in Iniatives would show him much bigger and taller, he's like 6'4" after all.

I'm still thinking it's Hudson, maybe Wild Child, but to me the 'smoking' is asign of how much energy the suit has.

Oops, forgot about the height thing.

I dunno. Why would Hudson change the team's name? Do you think he would have gone all suicidal? I believe that if he survived, Mac is nw retired, for good.
Here is a thought! :idea:
Maybe Mac DID survive. Maybe he is going to be their Govt liaison! I really cannot believe that, with all the various troubles Mac had with how he viewed his own leadership skills from time to time, that he would be able to watch his team get slaughtered and then put the suit back on and go to work...
No, right now I am betting that Mac DID survive. Probably hurt pretty bad, maybe so much so that even if he WANTED to put the suit on, he couldn't. Think wheel-chair bound, or something. That could be why the team was named Omega Flight - as far as Mac is concerned, his time as Guardian is DEAD, finished, done - dead, just like Omega Flight tried to make him in issue 12 of volume 1.
And maybe Mac himself has a hand in picking his new sucessor.

Maybe you are right, maybe the suit has more power now, and that is why it is smoking. Or maybe it is so busted up, that it is malfunctioning after the 'battle' with the Collective?

Still think it is Kyle "Weapon Omega" Gibney in the suit.

But here is to thinking Mac is still around, just not very well physically or emotionally. The suit allowed him to survive, but it hurt him bad. So too has he been hurt by the death of his teammates, and his wife. And now he has a child to raise by himself. Any wonder that he doesn't want to risk his life in the Guardian suit again?

Any thoughts on this hypothesis?
Maybe THIS is the big secret regarding who is in the suit. Not so much that somebody else is in it, but that Mac is alive but retired from super-heroing, yet still with the team in some capacity...

02-01-2007, 06:02 PM
i'm goin to bring up a good point. in the promo pic at the time we couldn't tell if that was talisman. we all assumed it was her and we were happy to be right. but in the pic the only possible canadian i see is guardian because the other characters were three americans and one mystery guest.

You have a point. But, with all due respect, you are really just trying to play with words, and I do not think that was Oeming's idea here.
Your idea, and way of getting around what was actually said, could be possible...but that'd be like saying Oeming lied. I can't believe that, any more than I believe that Marrina is in the Guardian suit...

Alos, it would have been "two Americans", an alien, and somebody that looked like either Talisman or Snowbird. Alos, even the alien was shadowed, hoping to fool people into thinking it might be Thor.
Too much of stretch. I like my idea better. But you are entitled to yours. We will all find out, eventually. Unless Marvel cancels the mini-series, too!

02-01-2007, 06:34 PM
If Snowbird can change into any creature native to Canada, can she turn into a man? Has man been around these parts long enough to be considered a "native creature"? Also, if she is part god, is she still considered Canadian?

My head hurts. 8)

02-01-2007, 07:30 PM
You have a point. But, with all due respect, you are really just trying to play with words, and I do not think that was Oeming's idea here.
Your idea, and way of getting around what was actually said, could be possible...but that'd be like saying Oeming lied. I can't believe that, any more than I believe that Marrina is in the Guardian suit...

Alos, it would have been "two Americans", an alien, and somebody that looked like either Talisman or Snowbird. Alos, even the alien was shadowed, hoping to fool people into thinking it might be Thor.
Too much of stretch. I like my idea better. But you are entitled to yours. We will all find out, eventually. Unless Marvel cancels the mini-series, too!

i agree with your point but i don't believe Oeming lied to us. but he may have planted the seed. he has got us talking, debating, and sometimes argueing about omega flight and guardian. he has us all guessing. what better way to amp the release. everyday i yern for this comic. i not only wait the return of the flight but dang it i want to know who the new guardian is and why. if this is part of Oeming's plan then kutos to the team.

Le Messor
02-02-2007, 02:14 AM
But, with all due respect, you are really just trying to play with words, and I do not think that was Oeming's idea here.
Your idea, and way of getting around what was actually said, could be possible...but that'd be like saying Oeming lied.

I agree. If that's Mac in that suit, I'll feel like Oeming lied directly to us. Not only did he see only one Canadian in that picture (and I'm sorry, but it's true (stupid song lyrics) he's the writer. He knows where every character is from; if he saw a picture of Steve Rogers and Warren Worthington, and he was writing them, I'd expect him to say 'Two Americans'); he also has said (I can't find the ref, but it's on one of the interviews) that ONE of those people has extreme ties to Alpha Flight. ONE. That would be Talisman.

If that's Mac, then I'll think Oeming is a liar.

Which won't affect my reading of the book, btw.

- Le Messor
"All writers are liars."
- I don't remember where I heard this recently...

02-02-2007, 06:47 AM
Mmmmm? The Shroud, I don't think so, I get the impression that OF are going to lean towards a Pro-Reg, given that there must have been ana agreement between the US and Canadian governments for US Agent to join the team. Then again Arachne was anti-reg and has joined, so that could be a moot point.

Mailman Mike, didn't MAO tell Garry A1/ at a con that it wasn't him?

I think it's got to be a shock candidate, otherwise the reveal, isn't going to be the event we envisage it to be. This to mind narrows it down to
Hawkeye, but last I saw he was playing Mr Wobbly with Wanda.
Cap, maybe as a statement, "I am no longer a representative of a US system which has implemented ... and have therefore taken on the flag of a country which I feel represents the values etc etc". Yeah, bit of a stretch I know, so I'm leaning towards Mac as he seems the most logical candidate.

02-02-2007, 11:19 AM
I got it! It's the alternate son of MAc and Heather, that grew faster in a temporal dimension!

or... It's the Mac-Heather entity The best leader Canada as ever had, what do you think?

I just don't know, I feel silly this morning. :twisted:

02-02-2007, 11:49 AM
Mmmmm? The Shroud, I don't think so, I get the impression that OF are going to lean towards a Pro-Reg, given that there must have been ana agreement between the US and Canadian governments for US Agent to join the team. Then again Arachne was anti-reg and has joined, so that could be a moot point.

Mailman Mike, didn't MAO tell Garry A1/ at a con that it wasn't him?

I think it's got to be a shock candidate, otherwise the reveal, isn't going to be the event we envisage it to be. ...

MAO did say at the Baltimore Convention that it wouldn't be Mailman Mike, and unfortunately things can change as we've seen with the change from ongoing to mini-series, but I got the impression that starting off with a lot of the things that left a bad taste in reader's mouths wasn't the way this series was going to go. Personally, I think Mailmail Mike shouldn't put on Guardian's suit for the reason stated by someone else: redeem somebody for killing most of Canada's premiere super-group by making him the county's symbolic hero? That's too goofy even by Dept. H standards....and I hope it never happens.

I also don't think that Kyle/Wildchild should be in Guardian's suit either because, well, he's nuts and he was a key member in the group of Omegans who killed Mac. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me...but goofier things have happened. I don't think that Walter or Elizabeth would appreciate (or stand for) it one bit, though.

A lot of people want it to be Mac and I can respect that and I would prefer that, even though it would either (1) stretch suspension of disbelief
or (2) keep reminding everyone of the continual "resurrections." If done succinctly, it just might work. The Shroud is just a cool character that I wouldn't mind seeing in Omega Flight, though his real name...sucks.

02-03-2007, 03:47 AM
A lot of people want it to be Mac and I can respect that and I would prefer that, even though it would either (1) stretch suspension of disbelief
or (2) keep reminding everyone of the continual "resurrections." If done succinctly, it just might work. The Shroud is just a cool character that I wouldn't mind seeing in Omega Flight, though his real name...sucks.

I love the Shroud...Do I want him to be a member of Omega Flight?...Nah. Do I want him to be in the Guardian suit?...HECK NO! Here's a Marvel character who's past/origin is reasonably unconvoluted and simple....Don't make him a flippin' mess, like everyone else at Marvel!

I'd like to see him as a renegade hero patrolling the night (maybe even on the run from the authorities)...In Los Angeles.

What do you mean his real name sucks, Garry? Maximillian Quincy Coleridge...Well...It is a bit odd....LOL.


02-03-2007, 04:11 AM
I like the theory it could be Shroud.

Could it be Chuck Moss?

Yeah, I was thinking about both those names myself last night.
Shroud was supposed to run to Canada with Arachne and her kid, wasn't he, until he got nabbed and then subsequently escaped. Seems to make little sense to have him stay in the US with his girlfriend (wife?) in Canada. Heck, maybe he will show up as a teammate in the Omega Flight ongoing series... if it happens.

As for Chuck? Well, maybe his mystical powers would help to explain why Guardian always appears to be smoking or steaming?

I was more thinking that the new Guardian suit might have different powers than the old ones. Perhaps some of the powers from Heather's geothermal Vindicator suit.

02-03-2007, 05:08 AM
I was more thinking that the new Guardian suit might have different powers than the old ones. Perhaps some of the powers from Heather's geothermal Vindicator suit.

Yes, possible as well.
For another long-shot possiblity, I was thinking of that little seen character from AF Volume II, wasn't his name Flinch or something like that? He glowed red, and was real mysterious.
Of course, Guardian's suit is steaming, not glowing red. Ne'ermind!

02-03-2007, 04:33 PM
Maybe it's just all the energy given off by the man who was once host to....The Collective!

Dana :wink:

02-03-2007, 04:57 PM
For all we know the suit could just be cloth and all the power is from the man (or woman, see Ronin 8) ).

Or again, a none powered person with new suit abilities. At least he looks cooler, more of a threat then just "Flying Flag Boy".

Can't wait to find out!

02-04-2007, 01:22 AM
For all we know the suit could just be cloth and all the power is from the man (or woman, see Ronin 8) ).

Excellent point. The suit could be being used as sysmbol of the team leader. It could be Walt in a Guardian suit of unstable molecules so he doesn't have to tear clothes or strip during his transformations.

As for the height of Guardian issue, it does not look like the characters are standing on level ground, and Guardian looks a little bigger than USAgent.

02-04-2007, 06:17 AM
For all we know the suit could just be cloth and all the power is from the man (or woman, see Ronin 8) ).

Excellent point. The suit could be being used as symbol of the team leader. It could be Walt in a Guardian suit of unstable molecules so he doesn't have to tear clothes or strip during his transformations.

Hmmm...How would Walter have an energy halo/smoke and be able to fly, if it's just a cloth uniform? I'm still thinking it's a certain newly-empowered postal worker trying to make ammends.

As for the height of Guardian issue, it does not look like the characters are standing on level ground, and Guardian looks a little bigger than USAgent.

He is standing a bit behind U.S. Agent...He could be about the same height.


02-04-2007, 11:18 AM
All this Kyle Gibney talk confuses me a bit. Isn't it true that last time we saw him he was all crazy, mute and Nosferatu like working for Weapon X? I guess it's Marvel and anything can happen but seems like a big step to go from assassin to leading a super hero team.


02-04-2007, 11:58 AM
All this Kyle Gibney talk confuses me a bit. Isn't it true that last time we saw him he was all crazy, mute and Nosferatu like working for Weapon X? I guess it's Marvel and anything can happen but seems like a big step to go from assassin to leading a super hero team.


Kyle, along with most others, is no longer a mutant thanks to the House of M strory arc. No mutantcy, I assume no craziness. Who knows what physical changes may have occured. I don't think he's been seen since it happened so he is at least a possibility. Anyone know of an appearance since HOM?

02-04-2007, 01:42 PM
Anyone know of an appearance since HOM?

There is none.

02-05-2007, 11:41 AM
...The Shroud is just a cool character that I wouldn't mind seeing in Omega Flight, though his real name...sucks.
I love the Shroud...Do I want him to be a member of Omega Flight?...Nah. Do I want him to be in the Guardian suit?...HECK NO! [me neither. GAF] Here's a Marvel character who's past/origin is reasonably unconvoluted and simple....Don't make him a flippin' mess, like everyone else at Marvel! [I agree]

What do you mean his real name sucks, Garry? Maximillian Quincy Coleridge...Well...It is a bit odd....LOL.


It's just overkill. Jeez, "Quincy"? #-o

A mysterious figure who can get to the bottom of all sorts of underhanded, behind-the-scenes stuff? In a less conspicuous manner than any of the former Alphans or current Omegans will be able to do? (to paraphrase the smash-hit movie by the Distinguished Competition) Department H needs an enema.

As for Mailman Mike, since I last posted, it seemes like he would be a good candidate for Thunderbolts if his motivation is to redeem himself for what he did.

02-06-2007, 03:24 AM
Yes...I agree....Stick Mikey the Mailman in the Thunderbolts. He shouldn't be on any Flight team...Or anywhere near one.


02-06-2007, 02:04 PM
Dana, I'm with you on that one. We've already got 'Speedball' doing 'Penance', last thing we need is a bleeding heart with a consience to pander to. Mailman Mike would be better suited anywhere but OF.

What's the chances it is him and we all grow to enjoy how MAO wove it all together ?

02-06-2007, 08:02 PM
Dana, I'm with you on that one. We've already got 'Speedball' doing 'Penance', last thing we need is a bleeding heart with a consience to pander to. Mailman Mike would be better suited anywhere but OF.

What's the chances it is him and we all grow to enjoy how MAO wove it all together ?

It would be an unexpected surprise. If they do it, I hope they do it well...