View Full Version : Have These Quotes Been Commenetd On?

02-06-2007, 04:38 AM
A couple of quotes that I ran across when researching Civil War online. I am curious as to if anybody here has posted these quotes and commented on them before this, (a) as they apply to Omega Flight and, (b) because they are fairly old quotes now.

From a March 18th 2006 interview with Joe Quesada (and Bendis too, apparently!)

Alpha Flight isn't dead, says Bendis, “only napping.”

There is a possibility of some characters finding asylum in non-American nations during “Civil War.”

From an April 13th 2006 interview with Tom Brevoot

Will any heroes leave the U.S.A. as a result of events in "Civil War?"

How much lead time did the creative team get on "Civil War?" I don't want the series to suffer from delays.
We've been working on it for a while now, and we certainly don't want there to be delays either. But on any project of this scale, there almost inevitably are delays of one sort or another -- and we'd like to avoid having three pencilers and seven inkers on any issue of "Civil War." So, it'll all come down to how well we've planned it and whether anything unexpected happens -- if Millar is struck by lightning, or McNiven is run down by an irate Alpha Flight fan, that's going to impact on the schedule.

02-09-2007, 10:33 AM
A couple of quotes that I ran across when researching Civil War online. I am curious as to if anybody here has posted these quotes and commented on them before this, (a) as they apply to Omega Flight and, (b) because they are fairly old quotes now.

From a March 18th 2006 interview with Joe Quesada (and Bendis too, apparently!)

Alpha Flight isn't dead, says Bendis, “only napping.”

Hmmmm...I can only guess that this was Bendis' way of trying to fend off the death-threats that were pouring in from AF fans(I'm exaggerating a bit here).

There is a possibility of some characters finding asylum in non-American nations during “Civil War.”

Like the Thing going to France and Arachne going to Canada?

From an April 13th 2006 interview with Tom Brevoot

Will any heroes leave the U.S.A. as a result of events in "Civil War?"

See above...

How much lead time did the creative team get on "Civil War?" I don't want the series to suffer from delays.
We've been working on it for a while now, and we certainly don't want there to be delays either. But on any project of this scale, there almost inevitably are delays of one sort or another -- and we'd like to avoid having three pencilers and seven inkers on any issue of "Civil War." So, it'll all come down to how well we've planned it and whether anything unexpected happens -- if Millar is struck by lightning, or McNiven is run down by an irate Alpha Flight fan, that's going to impact on the schedule.



02-09-2007, 01:04 PM
certain plans change, and things that creators look to do might not always happen. Let keep in mind that it was Bendis and Millar that went to bat for Oeming doing this series.


02-11-2007, 12:38 AM
certain plans change, and things that creators look to do might not always happen. Let keep in mind that it was Bendis and Millar that went to bat for Oeming doing this series.


Great point.

And the last New Avengers issue that just came out was excellent. Bendis can write some great stuff (sometimes).