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View Full Version : Doing Penance for Speedball

02-06-2007, 03:18 PM
Dana, I'm with you on that one. We've already got 'Speedball' doing 'Penance', last thing we need is a bleeding heart with a consience to pander to. Mailman Mike would be better suited anywhere but OF.

What's the chances it is him and we all grow to enjoy how MAO wove it all together ?

I may not be the biggest Steve Ditko fan (please don't string me up, folks), but the man is a legendary creator. I hate that Marvel has turned one of his creations, Speedball into this Penance freak....Another sad day at Marvel, when that idea popped up.

Dana :(

02-06-2007, 03:38 PM
Not meaning to derail the thread and maybe this should be it's own thread, but what Marvel has done with Speedball is probably one of the most ridiculous things Marvel have done in a long time. Unless Robbie is going to come up with a big reveal somewhere down the line :?

02-06-2007, 03:52 PM
Pretty graphic the change, such as the care-free Speedball turned into Penance, the morbid character with 612 internal spikes going into his body so he constantly feels pain.

Joe Q was right, Speedball is dead.

02-06-2007, 04:07 PM
Everything about Speedball becoming Penance to atone for Stamford is utter bollacks in my opinion. Robbie always maintained that he didn't believe the Warriors responsible for Stamford. If Nitro hadn't been enhanced by whatever that drug was, then Stamford would have still caused an outcry, but not a Civil War.

Robbie suddenly has this change of heart and wants to be the MU's answer to Silas. If Speedie isn't playing some devious game and really is this charade of a character that Marvel have made him, then they really need to take a step back and get a reality check. Speedie would not be doing what he is, if it was a true characterisation of what Robbie Baldwin is really all about.

IMO :lol:

02-08-2007, 01:19 AM
To be honest I find this character change kinda interesting. But many of things that caused it to happen are pretty hokey. But pain is the only way that he can access his powers now. Though it is really, really morbid.

But I guess it really doesn't matter to me. Speedball didn't matter to me one way or another anyways.

02-08-2007, 08:59 AM
I'm OK with the change because the character is in constant use so things will probably be done with it. If they made the change and threw the character in limbo, I'd probably be "WTF?"

02-22-2007, 09:15 PM
It's a little creepy what they did to Speedball. And what about the other Penance. The one that's showing up in Loners?