View Full Version : Captain Atom anyone?

02-07-2007, 04:47 PM
Ok, I don't know why I decided I had to ask this but ask it I shall. I have been a closet Captain Atom fan for quite some time. I thought it was cool when they included him in the first arc of Batman / Superman and then shipped him off to the Wildstorm Universe. While I wasn't terribly impressed with that storyline (I found it a little less than bulletproof), I'm still a big fan of the character.

So am I the only one out there who thinks it's an interesting juxtaposition: military officer with super-human powers that some could argue rival those of Superman's?

This last part would probably be better off as a poll, but: which costume do you think is best. The red and gold from Armageddon / Kingdom Come, the silver with red and blue boots, the starfield/chrome suit, or another of the many that he's worn?

02-07-2007, 05:59 PM
I'm a fan, and he also wore the red and gold in "I can't believe it's not the justice league" series or "Formerly known as Justice League". I forget, but he wore it in mainstream DC universe.

02-08-2007, 01:12 AM
No interest for me what so ever. But to each his own.