View Full Version : Preview of Omega Flight #1 *SPOILERS*

03-13-2007, 07:48 PM
No dialogue. There's also some OF-related content in the Ms. Marvel preview:


Well, they had a memorial for a panel....

03-13-2007, 07:57 PM
Nice a statue...that's destroyed :(

A kid is holding up Alpha Flight #1

03-13-2007, 08:12 PM
Ha! just noticed Daisy who appears in issue #2 shows up in the preview pages.

03-13-2007, 08:33 PM
Hey, is Walt gonna be a daddy again?

03-13-2007, 08:53 PM
Wonder who the guy is, rom Federal gov't or Department H? Walter visting a class, a bit of a celebrity, class sure wants to answer his questions.

First page shows all the crimes that Civil War drove into Canada, though I don't recognize characters (OK Daisy).

03-13-2007, 08:59 PM
Gentry perhaps?

03-13-2007, 09:05 PM
Wonder who the guy is, rom Federal gov't or Department H? Walter visting a class, a bit of a celebrity, class sure wants to answer his questions.

First page shows all the crimes that Civil War drove into Canada, though I don't recognize characters (OK Daisy).

It's Donnie Yen:)

03-13-2007, 09:05 PM
Hehe "Go Wolverines"

The art is fantastic! Way to go Scott! 8)

Captain Primate
03-13-2007, 09:09 PM
someone had mentioned that they thought that the OF pages in CW:I looked "fuzzy." Having looked at this art, I'm inclined to agree. It looks like everything is just slightly out of focus. Even though I like the illustration, this fuzziness (which I can only assume is intentional) turns me off a little bit.

03-13-2007, 09:31 PM
I am very impressed. The art is tip top and the story is looking good (even without words) with nods to old AF like the monument, the commerative coin, and the kid reading AF#1.

03-13-2007, 11:35 PM
scott's art looks awesome.

o.k., a little help.

wheres daisy? and who's donnie yen?

rebuild the memorial!!! :lol:

03-14-2007, 12:19 AM
Daisy is the one carrying the safe, she has a daisy on her pants. OK, we're guessing.

03-14-2007, 12:48 AM
yeah I wonder what it is about the soft-focus on all the art we've seen. Other than that though, I'm pretty impressed so far. I hope a lot more people than just us will pick this up.

03-14-2007, 01:56 AM
Daisy is the one carrying the safe, she has a daisy on her pants. OK, we're guessing.

Omega Flight's first foe, a super powered hippy? :wink:

maniac mike
03-14-2007, 02:43 AM
When comicscontinuum.com previews anything comic related, it looks fuzzy all the time. If these OF pages were shown on comicbookresources.com or newsarama.com they would be much clearer.


03-14-2007, 04:05 AM
The late, great AF seems to be treated with respect here - anyone else note that the monument is of the original Alphans and that the other Alphans that were presumed killed in NA #16 are not represented (even Heather is not shown there).

I can see how this would be the start of a first issue of a regular series - 4-5 pgs set up to develop context and character and not a fight in sight. No doubt, the pacing will change in #2.

I'm excited about OF! Very!

03-14-2007, 11:16 AM
Yeah, that certainly wasn't a memorial for the fallen. If so you wouldn't see Northstar, Aurora, Sas, or Snowbird there. This is just a homage to the originals. Nice! Still need some closure on the dead though.

Captain Primate
03-14-2007, 11:53 AM
so, if its an homage to the dead....why is Sas there?

03-14-2007, 02:20 PM
I think it is more symbolic of the passing the torch from Alpha Flight to Omega Flight. Alpha is now supposed to be that old group that we revere, and Omega is our new protector. Half of the members in the statue and on the coin are still living. The pay homage, they don't memorialize.

03-14-2007, 02:39 PM
I can promise you this, like the series or not, respect for original AF is writtenand drawn all over this thing:)

03-14-2007, 02:52 PM
I have much more clear and larger versions of the images, along with a bonus page going up tonight, I just can't do it 'till my kid's in bed.


Captain Primate
03-14-2007, 02:53 PM
I think it is more symbolic of the passing the torch from Alpha Flight to Omega Flight. Alpha is now supposed to be that old group that we revere, and Omega is our new protector. Half of the members in the statue and on the coin are still living. The pay homage, they don't memorialize.

yeah, I kinda figured that was the case as well.

Captain Primate
03-14-2007, 02:55 PM
I can promise you this, like the series or not, respect for original AF is writtenand drawn all over this thing:)

no sh*t - even in those 4 pages, you can see it everywhere. From the name of the school team, to the statue, to the kid holding AF#1. Which is all awesome...of course

03-14-2007, 03:33 PM
I can promise you this, like the series or not, respect for original AF is writtenand drawn all over this thing:)

Where did this guy come from and how is it he's allowed to work for Marvel? :twisted: I definitely appreciate the nod to the old school Alpha Flight. It's a shame so many are now "dead", but I guess there are plausible ways for them to return. Hell Mac could probably show up without an explanantion at this point and no one would question it. "Oh, look he's back! Or is that the guy from Great Lakes Avengers in Guardian's suit?"

Thanks for the respect. It's been a long time coming! And it is very much a breath of fresh air!

03-14-2007, 03:36 PM
I have much more clear and larger versions of the images, along with a bonus page going up tonight, I just can't do it 'till my kid's in bed.



try benadryl, they will sleep much better, and much quicker.

03-14-2007, 05:24 PM
I can promise you this, like the series or not, respect for original AF is writtenand drawn all over this thing:)

Is that some sort of commemorative medal that one "suit" is holding?

Good stuff.

On the other hand, it looks like that little snotnose hit a nerve with Walter.

Now I gotta wonder... just WHAT could that little twerp have said? Hmmmm?

03-14-2007, 06:22 PM
ok, the bigger/better images are up, as is the first look at page 13 with Sasquatch and Talisman:


***for those who might not realize, the images are quite large, most people will have to click on the picture it's self once it has loaded to see it in it's full size, as most browsers will make images fit the screen if they are large.


03-14-2007, 06:39 PM
ok, the bigger/better images are up, as is the first look at page 13 with Sasquatch and Talisman:


I think I just fell in love for the second time. If this series ends at 5 issues, it will be a travesty.

03-14-2007, 07:02 PM
Nice handling of Elizabeth and Sas.....

Walt looks AWESOME- and he's not even throwing a car at anybody..,.

03-14-2007, 07:54 PM
...and Michael O. and Scott K. are getting me psyched! I figured it would be better than Vol. 3 (the series that didn't happen), but I really didn't expect to get this psyched!

If the rest of the book (and series) is anything like this, I think Omega Flight will be a winner.

03-14-2007, 08:15 PM
Man oh man that loooks gooood!!

Congratulations to both Mike Oeming and Scot Kolins for great work.

Marvel can and should make this an ongoing within weeks.

Captain Primate
03-14-2007, 09:08 PM
ok...its freakin' official....I'm giddy like a schoolgirl with excitement. Less than a month to go. Now, its up to us to buy, buy, buy and get Marvel to turn this mother into an ongoing!

03-14-2007, 09:59 PM
Thanks for the nicer quality images Ben. The ones on that other site were a bitter blurry, and the site itself was hard on the eyes.

The little chalk cloud coming out of Walt's back when the Secret Agent looking guy touches him is a nice touch. I think everyone had a teacher at one point who didn't seem to notice that he was wearing a pound of chalk on his back.

03-14-2007, 10:17 PM
I love that Sasquatch is being drawn as the same size as he was when Alpha began. Through the various series, his enormity seemed to come and go...

03-14-2007, 11:55 PM
Loving what I see here! I'll definitely be picking it up and a couple extra copies to pass around as well. Time to send Marvel some positive feedback!

03-15-2007, 02:53 AM
Amen to that. I don;t think five issues is going to be nearly enough for me...

03-15-2007, 03:03 AM
File compression is not an artist's friend. Cause of the style of art the jpeg compression really does a number on the pages. The printed pages will be much nicer (I hope anyway). I'm glad the initial response to these pages are pretty positive. Wait till you guys see the action scenes. I think Scott is trying to break me.

03-15-2007, 05:30 AM
File compression is not an artist's friend. Cause of the style of art the jpeg compression really does a number on the pages. The printed pages will be much nicer (I hope anyway). I'm glad the initial response to these pages are pretty positive. Wait till you guys see the action scenes. I think Scott is trying to break me.

Welcome Reber! Nice job on the colours!

Mr Oeming, nice to hear from you again as well.

Ben excellent job posting those pics up quick. They do look delicious, don't they?

Okay, my quick two-cents worth. So far, what I have seen looks good. I am reserving true judgement until I have seen the whole thing. But I like what I see so far. And personally, I am beginning to hope that they do NOT put the final nail in the coffin of Alpha Flight with this series. By which I mean, if it is true that somewhere out there could still be the temporal copies...leave 'em out there, for somebody to bring into a comic at some point, whether it is this creative crew or another one. To tell the truth, if the Temp Copies are all that is left of AF this side of Omega Flight's two members, then I think it is high time I stopped calling them Temporal Copies, and just call them what they are - the future of Alpha Flight, just as Omega Flight is the present.

Looking forward to what happiness Issue One brings!

03-15-2007, 09:02 AM
Loving what I see here! I'll definitely be picking it up and a couple extra copies to pass around as well. Time to send Marvel some positive feedback!


Tiberius Bane
03-15-2007, 09:54 AM
I love that Sasquatch is being drawn as the same size as he was when Alpha began. Through the various series, his enormity seemed to come and go...

That happens with the Hulk too. Sometimes he looks like he is 7 feet tall and some times he looks like he's 15 feet tall.

03-15-2007, 01:24 PM
I love that Sasquatch is being drawn as the same size as he was when Alpha began. Through the various series, his enormity seemed to come and go...

That happens with the Hulk too. Sometimes he looks like he is 7 feet tall and some times he looks like he's 15 feet tall.

***Suppressing the urge to make a "size does matter" comment...*** :D

03-15-2007, 01:27 PM
One of those little things I tend to notice...

Elizabeth's parka has the same color scheme and pattern as her father's original costume.

03-15-2007, 01:35 PM
One of those little things I tend to notice...

Elizabeth's parka has the same color scheme and pattern as her father's original costume.

Yup, we first saw this in the Kolins character sketch:



03-15-2007, 08:04 PM
Hey Ben, you should update the front page of the website to list this.

03-15-2007, 08:15 PM
Hey Ben, you should update the front page of the website to list this.

oops, missed adding that to the list of updates. Thanks.


03-15-2007, 08:35 PM
If nothing else, Omega Flight is going to be the prettiest book on the shelves. Scott really went the extra mile with the art. I'll be on the phone with the Silver Snail comic shop tomorrow morn to make sure they reserve a copy for me.

03-15-2007, 09:32 PM
To Mike and Scot - BIG RESPECT!

This is going to be the comic that draws me back into the fold. Well done fellas - and this is purely based on preview art!

03-15-2007, 10:48 PM
Well, half the battle is won already. :) The artwork looks great, and I appreciate all the little homages I've seen, (the kid holding AF #1; Elizabeth's jacket resembling her father's costume). If the script is as good as the artwork here, then "Omega Flight" looks to be a real winner! Can't wait.

(Now, all we need is for Birdie to show up.... Ohhh, you knew I'd say that one, didn't you? :lol: )

Scott Kolins
03-16-2007, 04:10 PM
Thanks for all the positive response - can't wait for this book to come out. Everyone has done a great job putting this book together.

And we have little something for you too - Birdie!


03-16-2007, 04:13 PM
Well the feedback has been positive thus far, hope it reaches the level of on-going.

03-16-2007, 04:16 PM
Thank you, Scott! I'm definitely looking forward to the book! :D

03-16-2007, 04:54 PM
And we have little something for you too - Birdie!

ooo..another spoiler ! love it! 8)

Now, don't forget, Mr Oeming, the Temporal Copies are out there something. All you have to do, is mention them (as stil being alive and kicking), then leave them alone.
Time will do the rest.

“Slainte Mhath, Slainte Mhor”

03-16-2007, 05:27 PM
Thanks for all the positive response - can't wait for this book to come out. Everyone has done a great job putting this book together.

And we have little something for you too - Birdie!


I've seen nothing but positives concerning the art. I think most folks are concerned with the decision to drop to a mini and the decision to put Mailman Mike in the Guardian suit. The mini decision really bothers me now more than it did when first announced. The preview art is awesome. If the stories are as solid as the art, I can't see why Marvel would reduce it to a mini. The Collective in Guardian suit angle should definietely provide some interesting character interaction. Can't wait to start reading them.

03-18-2007, 02:51 PM
It look so good it'll be ongoing. Hell, even XM first class is ongoing now.

03-19-2007, 01:19 AM
New solicit for OF #1
"Following the team's introduction in Civil War: The Initiative, Canada once again has its own super hero team. The destruction of Alpha Flight at the hands of the Collective has left a gaping hole in Canada's line of defense as its greatest heroes were struck down. Now, the last surviving Alpha Flight member Sasquatch joins an all-new team of heroes in Omega Flight! This isn't your father's Flight! This new team of Canuck heroes includes the Asgardian-powered Beta Ray Bill, former Avengers U.S. Agent and Arachne, Alpha Flight legacy Talisman, and a new hero in the Guardian suit!"


03-19-2007, 03:59 AM
Same thing is up at Newsarama as well:

03-22-2007, 01:57 PM
And we have little something for you too - Birdie!

ooo..another spoiler ! love it! 8)

Now, don't forget, Mr Oeming, the Temporal Copies are out there something. All you have to do, is mention them (as stil being alive and kicking), then leave them alone.
Time will do the rest.

“Slainte Mhath, Slainte Mhor”
The handbooks stated that the temporal copies have reverted to their own time

Le Messor
03-24-2007, 10:13 PM
Is it just me, or does that front row of kids 'represent' Omega? Arachne, USAgent, Walt, Talisman in a row... (Or BRB instead o' agent). Which would indicate a relationship between Arachne and... whoever.

Nice touch.

I hope that commemorative coin isn't a temporal copy coin! 8)

- Le Messor
"Do not go gentle into that good night, Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
- Dylan Thomas

03-24-2007, 10:55 PM
Kind of nervous as after reading several threads over at a few boards, Omega Flight isn't getting much needed attention or well for that matter...respect.

I don't know how well it will fair from seeing these threads. I hope the general public outside of boards rally behind it.

03-25-2007, 08:44 AM
Kind of nervous as after reading several threads over at a few boards, Omega Flight isn't getting much needed attention or well for that matter...respect.

I don't know how well it will fair from seeing these threads. I hope the general public outside of boards rally behind it.

What threads do you mean? I've read lots of very positive comments other places, and lots of people are showing excitement and anticipation.


03-25-2007, 12:56 PM
What threads do you mean? I've read lots of very positive comments other places, and lots of people are showing excitement and anticipation.


Same, but recently especially at newarama there was a thread bashing Flight and saying "NO WAY is it going to become an on-going". I will see if I can find the threads again

03-25-2007, 01:15 PM
I checked comix-fan and Omega Flight is very positive, almost 8000 views too! More than Avenger and other 'big' books.

03-25-2007, 01:19 PM
What threads do you mean? I've read lots of very positive comments other places, and lots of people are showing excitement and anticipation.


Same, but recently especially at newarama there was a thread bashing Flight and saying "NO WAY is it going to become an on-going". I will see if I can find the threads again

I found that thread and it was really as bash Kolins art thread and was really spearheaded by one guy who said he thought the art was muddy, coupled with not having a big name creative team, that the book had no chance of being an on-going.

Over on Marvel's boards there is a thread on which new title were you looking forward to and a lot of people there listed OF.

03-25-2007, 01:30 PM
I found that thread and it was really as bash Kolins art thread and was really spearheaded by one guy who said he thought the art was muddy, coupled with not having a big name creative team, that the book had no chance of being an on-going.

It was both, here it is if people want to read it


03-25-2007, 02:48 PM
i was in on that thread king, it was mostly that titan slade guy saying he didn't care for kollin's art, alot of people came to his defense, besides me.

overall i thought that thread was pretty positive since alot of people were saying it could support a ongoing, as well as the fact it wasn't just us die hard fans.

besides, xmen: first class was made a ongoing and it was selling like 22k a month.

03-25-2007, 04:04 PM
i was in on that thread king, it was mostly that titan slade guy saying he didn't care for kollin's art, alot of people came to his defense, besides me.

overall i thought that thread was pretty positive since alot of people were saying it could support a ongoing, as well as the fact it wasn't just us die hard fans.

besides, xmen: first class was made a ongoing and it was selling like 22k a month.

That wasn't the thread I was talking about, just posted what the others were mentioning. I'm still trying to find the ones I read in the back pages.

Shaman Of The Whills
03-26-2007, 07:31 PM
It seems like most of the people that I've seen talking about it have talked with some hope... but it still feels like quite a range don't know or care at all... on the other hand I guess there is no way to truly sense that at all, but it just seems to be 'another book' out there in some people's minds... and I know that if I weren't a Flight fan, I probably wouldn't look twice because I can't afford non-essentials right now... there isn't a big enough pull...

In another note, does anyone know around what number level these books would probably have to sell to qualify as ongoing or at least worthy of another miniseries continuation (which also might not be a bad idea, because then they can plot out solid story ideas without the pressures that come along with ongoings, especially good with something thats had a recent rocky history in some minds.

03-26-2007, 08:22 PM
In another note, does anyone know around what number level these books would probably have to sell to qualify as ongoing...

Well, She-Hulk sells around 22,000 a month, Ant-Man around 16,000 a month, Runaways about 22,000 a month, and all are ongoing still, like others (Spider-Girl) that are under 20000. So I'd say an average of 40-50000 would do it, bit it's up to the editors...

(got my numbers from mumbers3.boardhost.alphaflight.com or whatever it is...)

Tiberius Bane
03-28-2007, 09:35 AM
In another note, does anyone know around what number level these books would probably have to sell to qualify as ongoing...

Well, She-Hulk sells around 22,000 a month, Ant-Man around 16,000 a month, Runaways about 22,000 a month, and all are ongoing still, like others (Spider-Girl) that are under 20000. So I'd say an average of 40-50000 would do it, bit it's up to the editors...

(got my numbers from mumbers3.boardhost.alphaflight.com or whatever it is...)

According to February, Heroes for Hire is 24,500, She-Hulk is selling in the 28,000 range. New Excalibur is 30,000, Iron Fist is 35,600, New X-Men is 37,000. I dont think any of these books are going to get cancelled, so if Omega Flight is even close to these number it should be ok. However, issue 1 always sell a lot more than issue 2. Depending on what the sales are for issue 5 will let us know how well Omega Flight did.

I hope it does well. I cant see a book like Blade outselling it. Blade only pulls in 19,100. I believe it will be cancelled shortly.


03-28-2007, 11:46 AM
i believe xmen: first class was pulling 19k a month and just got made into a ongoing.

03-28-2007, 04:48 PM
then theres threads like these where the majority of people are stating they will be adding omega to their pull list launching out of cw.


03-28-2007, 07:49 PM
X-Men: First Class does really well on the non-direct market. Several of the lower end books Marvel produces do well outside the direct market, so they end up becoming ongoings. They get collected into trades and sell really well at Barnes and Nobles, Borders, Walton books, Amazon, etc. Therefor the direct market sells aren't much of a factor. Omega Flight, however, is going to need strong direct market sells out of the gate.

03-28-2007, 08:35 PM
thanks for the input reber, can you help educate us on direct vs. non-direct?

direct=local comic shops?

non-direct=bookstores, convenience stores?

plus, is pre-sales a big factor as well? and if so wouldn't that number really only come from the direct market, since those are the induviduals that would know the accurate amount due to pre-sales, since i'm sure the non-direct would just order "x" amount not based on any ryme or reason, yet wouldn't that still factor into a books pre and post sales?

03-29-2007, 01:00 AM
Yea, no problem. The direct market is basically your local comic shops. The mainstream /non-direct or whatever people call it is every where else. ie. Walmart, Target, bookstores, etc.

I can't really tell you how much a factor pre-sells will have. I know it doesn't hurt to have them high! In all seriousness though I am not an expert on this. I just have an idea of how things work from past experiences. I was on Runaways at the start and it had low sells, but did well in the mainstream market so it was easy to make it an ongoing. The way ordering works though is most retailers have to order 3 months in advance, so issues 2 and 3 will have their orders in before issue 1 hits stands. When they talk about pre-orders it's not just 1 issue they are talking about. Retailers will try and calculate the numbers they need to order by comparing it to a similar series. They are able to adjust the orders after they are submitted from what I believe and that's where the "overprints" come in. Marvel will take the initial order numbers and overprint a certain percent. Retailers can request more issues and once all of the overprint stock is out then they may or may not go to a second printing. Marvel rarely does that atleast they rarely use to. As a side when you see press releases about comics being "sold out" that is usually just for the retailers to know that the comic isn't available at certain levels of distribution so adjust the orders accordingly. It doesn't mean you can't find it in stores and it doesn't necessarily mean the comic did well. If they only printed 15k copies and it sells out that is hardly a success.

So if that massive paragraph should tell you anything it's that there is a ton of factors that go into whether a book is succeeding or not. The sales charts are just one factor.

03-29-2007, 01:20 AM
Very interesting....soooooo...what do you think the chances of Omega Flight becoming an on-going? :wink:

03-29-2007, 11:14 AM
reber, i really appreciate you taking the time to expalin the business side of things that us fans have a hard time understanding. sometimes these things help justify why or why not a comic is a ongoing or cancelled.

as far as why the new avengers title may have been made a ongoing due to "pre-sales" this quote may explain it best:

Retailers will try and calculate the numbers they need to order by comparing it to a similar series.

omega does not have that luxury.

sooooo.....that means we will just have to buy up all the supply!! :lol:

anyone know how omega did in the pre-sales? ben? phil? beuler? beuler?

Shaman Of The Whills
03-29-2007, 12:43 PM
I don't usually go for the multiple copies approach, but depending on how this first issue reads, I may go ahead and skim off the top of the rainy day fund to show the big support. For those in the know, is the UK comic book store market included in this grander direct market or is it factored in as a separate component, as is done say with the box office revenue? I'm just wondering if my 'buy-em-up' philosophy will work as well over here.

I don't know how much other people have been watching 'similar' miniseries like this, particularly in the Distinguished Competition, but while company philosophies may differ, I still see a little bit of hope in the resolution of the recent "Freedom Fighters" series, which had a bit of a rough start (I believe, don't have stats on hand) but after making it through the limited series was elected to continue further after some fan support. This also being a patriotic team that was recently wiped clean by a terrible collective of sorts to be restarted by a core member or two... so lets hope our boys can meet the same support.

03-29-2007, 12:55 PM
Very interesting....soooooo...what do you think the chances of Omega Flight becoming an on-going? :wink:

I don't want to jinx anything. I will say that I have an excellent track record of working on minis that become ongoings. I won't be able to tell though till a few issues hit the stands.

Tiberius Bane
03-29-2007, 01:00 PM
I guess what I don't understand is how Omega Flight and Loners, both books I am really looking forward to, are only mini series, but other books like New Warriors get ongoings. The new New Warriors doesnt even have existing characters in the book. They are all new! Its like there is a double standard going on.


03-29-2007, 01:24 PM
I guess what I don't understand is how Omega Flight and Loners, both books I am really looking forward to, are only mini series, but other books like New Warriors get ongoings. The new New Warriors doesnt even have existing characters in the book. They are all new! Its like there is a double standard going on.


Well, thats what they said about New Warriors initially IIRC, but the preview that went up on Newsarama the other day rasied the possibility that some of the cast of NNW may be current or existing characters in new costumes and code names. Plus, NNW has a high profile name coming out of Civil War, what with the New Warriors providing the flashpoint event that kicked the whole thing off. Marvel also looks to be wanting to use that book to keep a sort of "anti-reg" side going.

03-29-2007, 08:33 PM
I don't want to jinx anything. I will say that I have an excellent track record of working on minis that become ongoings. I won't be able to tell though till a few issues hit the stands.

You will be our good luck charm then Reber. Here's hoping. [-o<

03-30-2007, 12:12 PM
Is it just me, or does that front row of kids 'represent' Omega? Arachne, USAgent, Walt, Talisman in a row... (Or BRB instead o' agent). Which would indicate a relationship between Arachne and... whoever.

Nice touch.

Actually, Bill's human form is of African descent, so that would be him on the far left....

03-30-2007, 11:27 PM
Is it just me, or does that front row of kids 'represent' Omega? Arachne, USAgent, Walt, Talisman in a row... (Or BRB instead o' agent). Which would indicate a relationship between Arachne and... whoever.

Nice touch.


04-05-2007, 04:11 PM
Just visited one of the Comic shops here in Calgary and was told that he expcted his omega fligth stock to sell out this morning. Apparently a lot of people had placed last-minute pre-orders. I'm sure issue #1 will do very well in sales. We'll have to hope that the numbers stay steady over issue 2.

Ottawa Renegade
04-05-2007, 04:21 PM
Just visited one of the Comic shops here in Calgary and was told that he expcted his omega fligth stock to sell out this morning. Apparently a lot of people had placed last-minute pre-orders. I'm sure issue #1 will do very well in sales. We'll have to hope that the numbers stay steady over issue 2.

It'd be Interesting to see if a book could be maintained on strong Canadian sales specifically. I mean, obviously SOME people in the U.S. are going to buy it, but it'd be cool to know that the tipping point to making it an ongoing series is the interest in Canada.

04-05-2007, 04:57 PM
It'd be Interesting to see if a book could be maintained on strong Canadian sales specifically. I mean, obviously SOME people in the U.S. are going to buy it, but it'd be cool to know that the tipping point to making it an ongoing series is the interest in Canada.

This just in... Omega Flight has only been selling well in Canada, so Marvel is handing its production over to the CBC. :lol:

04-05-2007, 08:02 PM
It'd be Interesting to see if a book could be maintained on strong Canadian sales specifically. I mean, obviously SOME people in the U.S. are going to buy it, but it'd be cool to know that the tipping point to making it an ongoing series is the interest in Canada.

This just in... Omega Flight has only been selling well in Canada, so Marvel is handing its production over to the CBC. :lol:

So I guess George Stroumboulopoulos will be joining OF? 8)

04-06-2007, 03:01 PM
So I guess George Stroumboulopoulos will be joining OF?

George. lol !

george was The Man back when he first appeared on MuchMusic. He kept metal music alive. Now, he seems more like a corporate pansy sell-out, IMHO.
Yup, sounds perfect for a superhero group, come to think of it.

Mr Kolins, can we arrange to have him appear, and then die off-panel? That'd be hilarious!!! Just a spurt of blood, and some screams and whimpering and cries of "No, not the face, not the face!"

04-06-2007, 03:13 PM
I think it should be a running joke that all villians in OF should die off panal

04-06-2007, 04:01 PM
I think it should be a running joke that all villians in OF should die off panal

That would be awesome!

04-07-2007, 05:43 PM
George. lol !

george was The Man back when he first appeared on MuchMusic. He kept metal music alive. Now, he seems more like a corporate pansy sell-out, IMHO.

That is the first time I have ever heard someone accused of selling out for leaving the private sector for the public. :)