View Full Version : Civil War: Aftermath Spotlight

03-14-2007, 03:12 PM
Some intersting this revealed:

-Talisman is the leader....with USAgent
-Penance almost became a member of Omega Flight.

Tiberius Bane
03-14-2007, 04:31 PM
Penance? Former Speedball Penance?

03-14-2007, 06:53 PM
One in the same.

03-14-2007, 07:36 PM
Some intersting this revealed:

-Talisman is the leader [Alrighty, then! Elizabeth gets some respect! G/A-F :D ]....with USAgent
-Penance almost became a member of Omega Flight.

Thanks for the heads up. Thank goodness Penance didn't become a member of Omega Flight! That really would've sucked!

I've gotta wait until Friday to pick up a copy.

03-14-2007, 08:19 PM
Could you imagine the angst,
Penance : "NO, I must atone more, for I killed children".
Mailman Mike : "Yeah, but at least you were in the game to begin with and must have realised that innocents could die. I was delivering letters one minute and the next, wiping out a team of 25 years standing. Off panel might I add"
Penance : "Kay, you win, but at least I got an original suit, that's something, right?"

03-14-2007, 09:51 PM
Some intersting this revealed:

-Talisman is the leader....with USAgent

That seems reasonable. US Agent is possibly (well, probably) a superior combat/tactical leader, while Talisman would be the brains and strategy side of things.

-Penance almost became a member of Omega Flight.

Ok, so I don't feel so bad about Pointer now.

03-15-2007, 12:08 AM
yeah... I think i will be much like Talisman and Vindicator in the 70's of volume 1 where Talisman handled the behind the scenes leading and vindicator was the on field leader

03-16-2007, 10:24 PM
I just picked it up and a few other things that caught me in the interview with Oeming and Kolins were that in the initial set up for the interview whoever is doing the interview (who says they are a old school Alpha fan) says that OF "rises from the ashes of those seemingly dead heroes" refereing to AF in NA #16.

Also, Guardian is referred to as, well Guardian so I think Mailman Mike is going to be using that name.

Also, Oeming and Kolins say that have some interesting ideas for Sas if the series goes past 5 issues.