View Full Version : Omega Flight #3 solicit

03-18-2007, 01:21 PM
OMEGA FLIGHT #3 (of 5)
Pencils and Cover by SCOTT KOLINS
The new GUARDIAN's stunning introduction! You know you want it.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99


03-18-2007, 01:52 PM
Man, that cover image looks even more stunning in colour...


03-18-2007, 02:39 PM
I am sure this will become an ongoing. This looks stunning.

03-18-2007, 03:58 PM
Incredible cover, so I guess Micheal is going by Guardian then?

03-18-2007, 03:59 PM
Yup, no way Marvel can make the money they want from this title without it being an ongoing.

I figure they know that now, after seeing how much other books are over budget and this one under.

Captain Primate
03-18-2007, 04:17 PM
holy crap - that cover is beautiful...just beautiful. The colouring is absolutely incredible. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed about the covers we've seen thus far. The cover for #1 had good composition, but some of the figures (especially arachne and talisman) really weren't to my liking. The cover for issue 2 is striking...but once again, some figure illustrations were not my cup of tea.

But this cover...wow...its damn near breathtaking.

Not to be melodramatic or anything...but this is seriously like nothing we regularly see in comic covers.

wow...did I say that already? Well, its worth saying again...wow.

03-18-2007, 04:25 PM
Great cover! The art for this series is looking really amazing.


Captain Primate
03-18-2007, 04:26 PM
Does anyone else things its weird that they are introducing the "new" guardian more than half way through the series? While I'm of course not privy to the story, seems to be "off-tempo" for an arc that is only 5 issues. You would think that if the series was really only 5 issues that they would introduce him earlier so that you would be useful (in terms of narrative and story arc) though a greater portion of the 5 issues.

Maybe this is just a holdover from the story when it had a far longer arc than just 5 issues. Maybe his reveal so late in the 5 issue arc really means that we are going to see this converted into an ongoing quickly.

Then again, maybe my fanboy addled brain is just desperately grasping at straws in the hope that we are going to see OF as a regular fixture on store shelves.

03-18-2007, 04:30 PM
Err, didn't they introduce him in the Initiative? I mean, we already know who he is. I don't understand the solicit at all. Something that was revealed before the series even started hardly counts as "stunning."

The cover looks great, though I think I actually prefer the black and white version.

Captain Primate
03-18-2007, 04:42 PM
Err, didn't they introduce him in the Initiative? I mean, we already know who he is. I don't understand the solicit at all. Something that was revealed before the series even started hardly counts as "stunning."

The cover looks great, though I think I actually prefer the black and white version.

Maybe this is the issue in which his identity is revealed to the rest of OF.

03-18-2007, 05:15 PM
Hmmm...Could be a reveal to the rest of OF. I suppose he could also be training behind the scenes, then officially joins the team in issue 3?..I dunno.

Dana :?:

03-18-2007, 05:21 PM
He doesn't look happy at all to be in that suit.

Now if I could just get a HQ of that image so that I could have a new desktop.
:idea: :idea: :idea:

03-18-2007, 05:22 PM
I'm guessing that originally Guardian was supposed to be someone other than Mailman Mike, but when the delays in CW occured and ongoing was reduced to a limited and CW:The Initiative was added onto the schedule the situation changed and it was written in as him.
Which would indicate that Guardian remains unmasked in #1-2, and that any dialogue was re-written.
This would tally with Oeming's original comments that Guardian wouldn't be Mailman Mike.

Probably wrong though, I usually am :D

Captain Primate
03-18-2007, 05:30 PM
I still think that adding such an important character in issue 3 seems seriously out of wack with the tempo of a series that is supposed to only be 5 issues long. Then again, as others have mentioned (including me)...maybe he'll be in all 5 as "guardian," but only be revealed to the rest of the team as mailman mike in issue 3.

03-18-2007, 05:50 PM
I swore that Mike said that they moved up the unveiling to issue two... Any help here Mike?

03-18-2007, 06:39 PM
I'm glad you guys dig this cover. This one is one of my favorites I've colored. It's the first cover Scott and I did together. The first two in the series are all Scott and he is a great digital painter in his own right. Scott was originally going to color this himself, but got overloaded with another project. I was chomping at the bit to color this one though cause I had this vision for it as soon as I saw the linework.

I've got a larger version on my deviantart site (http://daikaiju.deviantart.com) if you are interested. I've got samples from my other projects there too if anyone is curious what else I've worked on.

03-18-2007, 06:47 PM
I'm glad you guys dig this cover. This one is one of my favorites I've colored. It's the first cover Scott and I did together. The first two in the series are all Scott and he is a great digital painter in his own right. Scott was originally going to color this himself, but got overloaded with another project. I was chomping at the bit to color this one though cause I had this vision for it as soon as I saw the linework.

I've got a larger version on my deviantart site (http://daikaiju.deviantart.com) if you are interested. I've got samples from my other projects there too if anyone is curious what else I've worked on.

Very nice work! The sketch is great but the colours really bring the image out. Love the somber red. I'm surprised none of the "can't have an American in the Guardian suit!!!" people didn't mention the red, white and blue colours lol. 8)

03-18-2007, 06:52 PM
HAH! That was not intentional.. well atleast not for that reason. I wanted the red to pop, but I didn't want to follow traditional color theory and use a green backdrop.

Captain Primate
03-18-2007, 07:04 PM
I'm glad you guys dig this cover. This one is one of my favorites I've colored. It's the first cover Scott and I did together. The first two in the series are all Scott and he is a great digital painter in his own right. Scott was originally going to color this himself, but got overloaded with another project. I was chomping at the bit to color this one though cause I had this vision for it as soon as I saw the linework.

I've got a larger version on my deviantart site (http://daikaiju.deviantart.com) if you are interested. I've got samples from my other projects there too if anyone is curious what else I've worked on.

seriously dude - this is one of the best covers I've seen in a long, long time. I'm so taken by it. The illustration is great...but, frankly, the colours are what make it special. The contrast between the red/white and the blue is stunning.

03-18-2007, 07:09 PM
Well done! And welcome!

Hope you get to do more colouring for Omega Flight, maybe issues 11-25....

Captain Primate
03-18-2007, 07:10 PM
of all the art that I've seen this far - and this includes the Silvestri reveal panel in CW:I - this is the piece that I would most like to have a big ass glossy poster (with the OF logo) of. I would sooooo stick this on my office door for all of my students and fellow faculty to see.

Tiberius Bane
03-18-2007, 09:06 PM
That cover is FANTASTIC!
Definitely one of the best covers I have seen in awhile.
And the colours are amazing!

03-18-2007, 11:09 PM
I just noticed the tear.

Nice job all around. I too would totally rock this on poster form. Much in the way it's now rocking my PC's desktop.

03-18-2007, 11:50 PM
I just faved that cover on your DevArt site. I looked at all of your other stuff and I must say that your stuff is amazing. I'm particularly impressed with the blending jobs you do. How do you do it so good??

Shaman Of The Whills
03-20-2007, 03:22 PM
I'm thinking that all of the artwork looks really great as well, and I'm hoping the story will match as such... the whole promise of a reveal though seems to be detracting from the story... really, especially if this is correctly mailman Mike, we already know and wouldn't really care about such a reveal... and most of the team wouldn't really care either... I dunno... I just hope that the series carries a solid plot throughout rather than a simple development of characters story (which would be really pointless if it didn't become an ongoing...) I'll buy for this cover though...

03-21-2007, 12:54 AM
I'm thinking that all of the artwork looks really great as well, and I'm hoping the story will match as such... the whole promise of a reveal though seems to be detracting from the story... really, especially if this is correctly mailman Mike, we already know and wouldn't really care about such a reveal... and most of the team wouldn't really care either... I dunno... I just hope that the series carries a solid plot throughout rather than a simple development of characters story (which would be really pointless if it didn't become an ongoing...) I'll buy for this cover though...

I'm fairly certain Talisman would really care about sharing a team with her father's murderer. Others on the team I don't know if they'd have issue with the mailman, unless they got poor letter service back in the USA. You know it just struck me....Mailman Mike went postal on Alpha Flight didn't he! I can see USAgent making a really distasteful joke along those lines. "Liz, calm down! You don't want him going postal on us, too!" Chuckles to self: "Mailman going postal....that was a good one!"

03-21-2007, 11:55 PM
You are forgetting that when Elizabeth Twoyoungsmen wears the Talisman she is void of all emotion... so honestly with the talisman controlling her she acrtually probably wouldn't show much of a difference

03-22-2007, 06:35 AM
You are forgetting that when Elizabeth Twoyoungsmen wears the Talisman she is void of all emotion... so honestly with the talisman controlling her she acrtually probably wouldn't show much of a difference

Uh...I hate to be correcty-correctington, Smurf....But...

In the Byrne run, Elizabeth was shown to have her normal personality and emotional responses after putting on the circlet/tiara (Enjoying her training with Puck and expressing great anger at her father for losing her in the void of his medicine pouch...Saving Snowbird first from Delphine, instead of her)...Even during the Mantlo run, she still harbored rage and resentment for her father (and apparently Snowbird) and was shown to express fear (when Pestilence removed the circlet from her).

I think it was mentioned that the ciclet was changing her personality and making her feel less human (or something like that, IIRC), but I don't recall her becoming void of emotion anywhere in the series. Shaman's personality after donning the circlet seemed to change much faster than Elizabeth's (he did become somewhat Spock-like, again IIRC).


03-22-2007, 09:50 AM
I refer specifically to around issues 70-85ish when she came back, esspecially during the sorcerer run she became very droid-esqu... also early on when she first joined the team she started to slowly become less and less "human" which is why originally Shaman tried to get t he circlet away so that his daughter didn't have to be controlled and have her personality ripped from her... originally when the talisman was put on her personality was there it was after time that it drained. That was the Double Edged sword of the Talisman, the gaining of great power for the loss of personality and what roughly makes her human.. she becomes more God and less human in personality.

03-22-2007, 02:13 PM
During most of Vol 1. she was hardly what I'd call void of emotion, though.


03-22-2007, 02:42 PM
The Talisman power took Shaman's emotions because he was not the intended to wield it. I see Elizabeth's personality after her return as being more cold and angry with what had happened with her father. She had lots of emotions, they were just harsher emotions.


Le Messor
03-24-2007, 09:03 PM
1. Beautiful cover. Love it. (I don't know if I like the colour version any better or worse than the sepia version; though the tear shows up stronger.)

2. In Byrne's run, Shaman mentions that the prophecy of The Talisman is tragic. Mantlo seemed to interpret that as she loses her humanity.

- Le Messor
"Do not be angry with me if I tell you the truth."
- Socrates
"You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! No truth handler you! Bah! I derided your truth-handling abilities!"
- Sideshow Bob

03-26-2007, 12:05 PM
I agree with Dana and Ben. Talisman's emotions are still there, when she is wearing the coronet...the good and the bad emotions. Elizabeth's resentment of her father saving Snowbird first and nearly dooming her to the void was the only really spot-on character motivation that I feel was right throughout the Mantlo run that I've got so far. Taking it out on Snowbird and her baby was a true tragedy, and if it had been written and drawn better, it could've been a classic.

But it isn't.

What reeks (and I understand what Ben is saying about Michael not being the intended one to wear it) is that the coronet warped Michael's fundamental character, considering killing Kara (hardly a Great Beasts-level threat), which is totally contradictory to his being a doctor and a shaman charged with protecting the people of Canada! This is just arbitrary manipulation that is unbelievable! I couldn't---and still can't---suspend disbelief that a shaman of Michael's training would become so unlike himself.

03-26-2007, 02:12 PM
Right...Not to mention, Michael was not the one destined to wear the circlet in this generation...Elizabeth is/was. It was bound to have some not-so-good side-effects after he put it on.

I don't believe the circlet alters Liz's personality...But power can corrupt and she was royally peeved at her father (and indirectly, at Snowbird)...I think she was jealous of Shaman's attention toward Narya too(and Michael's choosing to save Snowbird first and not his own flesh and blood daughter in AF Vol.1 # 28). Maybe she was just so consumed with anger coupled with the fact that she had this tremendous power, it allowed her to take her revenge on those who she believed hurt her (people aren't always rational when enraged or bitter...LOL, myself being a good example...See my sig below).

Dana :D

03-26-2007, 05:20 PM
I don't believe the circlet alters Liz's personality...But power can corrupt and she was royally peeved at her father (and indirectly, at Snowbird)...I think she was jealous of Shaman's attention toward Narya too(and Michael's choosing to save Snowbird first and not his own flesh and blood daughter in AF Vol.1 # 28). Maybe she was just so consumed with anger coupled with the fact that she had this tremendous power, it allowed her to take her revenge on those who she believed hurt her (people aren't always rational when enraged or bitter...LOL, myself being a good example...See my sig below).

Dana :D

I think that is exactly what happened. Shaman failed to save Elizabeth's mother, then he abandonded her, then he "adopted and raised" Snowbird and finally, when he had to choose who to save, it wasn't her. Man, if my dad did that to me I'd be a tad PO'd at him too! I have no problem believing she would do something to get back at both of them.

03-31-2007, 05:35 PM
But the reason why Shaman's portrayal while wearing the coronet doesn't ring true for me is---and it's been mentioned by others beside myself---Talisman was really P.O.'d, took revenge in a spoiled-bratty way, but didn't contemplate killing Shaman or Snowbird, either in # 28 or during the Pestilence storyline. And she had far less training in mystism than her father.

Yet, Michael (and again I totally understand that he isn't supposed to wear it) contemplates killing Kara as a logical solution to her power?

The coronet does one thing and then something else. I don't get it.

04-01-2007, 01:35 AM
Yet, Michael (and again I totally understand that he isn't supposed to wear it) contemplates killing Kara as a logical solution to her power?

The coronet does one thing and then something else. I don't get it.

Perhaps the coronet was influencing Shaman, because he was not meant to wear it. Or maybe he lacked the will/ability/power to properly harness its power, and to do so he had to "give up" some of his emotion to maintain control. While Liz, the "destined one" behaved exactly as she would normally (which didn't include homocidal tendancies), but having access to the Talisman's powers she overdid her revenge, and was too green to stop things from getting out of control.

04-01-2007, 01:43 AM
The coronet does one thing and then something else. I don't get it.

Its the John Kerry of mystical artifacts.

04-01-2007, 05:12 AM
I recall one panel during AF Annual #1 where Shaman is invited to eat and he replies "I no longer eat (pause for dramatic effect) food". That always suggested to me that Elizabeth controlled the power of the Talisman while in Mikchaels case, he was controlled by it. So killing Kara and Snowbird would be a logical solution to him...


04-01-2007, 11:02 AM
The coronet does one thing and then something else. I don't get it.

Its the John Kerry of mystical artifacts.


04-02-2007, 12:52 PM
Yet, Michael (and again I totally understand that he isn't supposed to wear it) contemplates killing Kara as a logical solution to her power?

The coronet does one thing and then something else. I don't get it.

Perhaps the coronet was influencing Shaman, because he was not meant to wear it. Or maybe he lacked the will/ability/power to properly harness its power, and to do so he had to "give up" some of his emotion to maintain control. While Liz, the "destined one" behaved exactly as she would normally (which didn't include homocidal tendancies), but having access to the Talisman's powers she overdid her revenge, and was too green to stop things from getting out of control.

This makes sense to me, a lot more sense than the actual books IMO, yet Pestilence removed the coronet (something in itself wasn't supposed to be a good thing which we've established in another thread), then something inside Michael is weak/homicidal (I find both of these questionable, but the 2nd one truly repugnant), and finally nobody---not even Elizabeth or Snowbird---has a sense of concern or duty to help Michael with something that was obviously doing strange things to him?

I think in trying to set up Lionel Jeffries as the doctor of choice for AF, tptb too quickly dismissed Michael by failing to deal with him fairly and made the rest of the team look so stupid they didn't even consider any other doctor except Lionel.

This will be my last post on this subject, since there's not much that can convince me that the Mantlo era wasn't designed and published primarily to tear down the Byrne era.

04-02-2007, 03:04 PM
The mantlo era started out strong.. and then came issues #50-#60 in which i wanted to kill my self..