View Full Version : Sunday Slugfest - Omega Flight #1

04-03-2007, 12:08 AM
From Silver Bullet - 5 mini reviews, all with mostly-positive ratings. I've yet to read them but I assume there are spoilers so be warned.


04-03-2007, 01:24 AM
Breaking lent...

It didn't seem that positive to me, I read the reviews and they were pretty cynical. Guess why? They said the first issue's pace was too slow for a mini. Maybe because it was an issue originally slated for an ongoing series eh? I don't think issue one was re-written was it?


Sounds like Sassy loses his fight with the Wrecking Crew. /end spoilers

04-03-2007, 01:26 AM
You're right, issue #1 was not rewritten, it was written as art of the ongoing. Issue #2 and beyond got the screeching to a halt rewrites. But I don't care about the reviewers comments, I'll make up my own mind. :wink:

04-03-2007, 01:33 AM


Looks like Sasquatch doesn't beat the Wrecking Crew, but their going to lay the smachdown on him.


04-03-2007, 01:40 AM
Funny how the reviewers pretty much dissed Marvel for killing AF off panel and cutting it down to a mini.

04-03-2007, 01:42 AM
Well I feel like an idiot now as I told everyone that .....


Sasquatch was going to beat the Wrecking Crew and even possibly kill hinted at by Kolins in his interview


04-03-2007, 09:18 AM
Well I feel like an idiot now as I told everyone that .....

Kolins did hint it, but technically didn't say it'd be Sassy. Maybe it's the Cavalry.

Scoobie Newbie
04-03-2007, 06:02 PM
I think the reviewers were skeptical but willing give it an honest try.

04-04-2007, 12:00 AM
Hurm...Just read the reviews. Trying to apply some logic to Marvels downgrading of Omega has been like clutching at straws for me. With the death of Cap I have realized more then ever that Marvel knows how to use the media and the message boards to stir things up. Having read in the reviews that some of the stories had to be reworked to fit the story into a 5 issue mini. The thought crossed my mind the after reviewing some MAO scripts that Marvel may have felt the story was maybe moving a bit slow to draw in and keep new readers. At the least the downgrading has a lit a fire under the butts of us Alpha fans to show some support and get the word out about this book. Marvel did have the story in Civil War Initiative, the build up of Arachne in Ms.Marvel, the release of the Alpha Flight colleted edition on the same day, and the USAgent story in Choosing Sides. That sure seems like alot of build up and promotion for a book thats only gonna be a 5 issue mini. Call me a conspiracy theorist (and believe me I am) but I wouldnt put it past marvel to do the downgrade and have Tom Breevort make the comments he did to put the promotion of the book over the top. The formula of the characters they picked and the build up surrounding it reminds me alot of how New Avengers began. So many "classic" Avenger fans where furious about the new line up of that book. But it works and continues to do so. The dynamic of the characters in Omega has the potential to do the same and I think it will. I myself have reserved 4 copies of each of the 5 issue mini and will be giving them out to other comic fans. I have seen alot of support on alot of boards out there and have high hopes to get this book to be an ongoing. Cant wait to read it and hear what all of you think of it to. Enjoy the ride. LONG LIVE THE FLIGHT AND NEVER STOP THE FIGHT!

04-04-2007, 01:13 AM
Welcome Dfense75, glad to read your comments! 8)