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View Full Version : Avengers: Initiative (Spoilers)

04-04-2007, 10:37 PM
well, I thought i'd pick it up, just to see what it was about.. and I'm glad I did

Honestly I think I like it better then Mighty Avengers, that is if this keeps going the way it is, as a training camp.

I think Cloud 9 is my favorite

The entire book though reminded me of the similar sequence in the training camp of the movie "Starship Troopers"


I was mighty pissed though when MVP got it to the head... I actually liked him.. and was very curious as to what his powers were exactly.. though they made it seem like something crazy happened with his autopsy.. I think either they will find out he is a mutant which didn't have his powers snaged, which may screw up the inititive idea due to it may mean mutants are still around everywhere... or they may find out that he actually was jsut athletic and didn't have any powers, which could compromise the project with bringign a regular human on board

I'm really nervouse eitherway... this definantly did alot more for me then mighty avengers.. I didn't think i'd like it, but i loved it.. If you havn't picked up a copy, pick it up!

04-04-2007, 11:31 PM
great issue. i added it to my pull list when i finished reading it. i hope slott keeps a wide focus and keeps the feel of big things going on, rather than focusing in on a core group.

04-05-2007, 12:09 AM
I dunno I really liek the kids... and the idea that they really suck at their powers... esspecially artillery.. woops.. sad to see her go...

sucks if your biggest fear was clowns though.. Trauma would be screwed

I still wanna know more about cloud 9 and i liek the fact that she isn't a "sexy" female hero but your average teenage girl.. her line abotu al lthe girl heroes being "models" was classic in my mind

04-05-2007, 04:02 AM
WTF??? They killed off a character? Isn't the purpose of this supposed training camp (A.K.A. Concentration camp?) to train these heroes so they can stay safe and keep others safe?

Cloud 9 isn't a mutant?


Beta Ray Daz
06-13-2007, 01:36 AM
Just read #3 earlier and i'm really enjoying it.. looking forward to learning more about Trauma, but I was also disappointed that they killed of MVP.

06-13-2007, 01:55 AM
I looked at it after getting OF, and all that keeps running through my head page after page is, "Academy X, where are the Hellions, Alpha Squadron, Wind Dancer...". Academy X was a lot better and so many characters in Initiative seem like ripoffs of that book. Boring ripoff to me. My middle boy thought it was stupid and he ain't 10 yet.

06-13-2007, 09:22 AM
I wouldnt count out MVP just yet...