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04-13-2007, 05:04 PM
They say that in the next serie of 24 with Kiefer Sutherland, the next terrorists would be Quebecers from the separatist party! :o
They also say that the director and producer of the serie, Jon Cassar, was raised in Outaouais (region in Québec), which I didn't know...
Anyway, people from the Bloc Québécois are kinda mad....
Lol, what makes me laugh is that the idea of the souverainty has never been so weak according to the results of the last election in March and they're putting Quebec terrorists in the serie! :lol:
For people who didn't know, the separatist party in Québec (Parti Québécois) is in third place now, way behind the Liberal Party and Action Démocratique du Québec.
For people who can read French:
You can watch the video too.

04-13-2007, 10:44 PM
Soo... what does the U.S. government have to do with 24? Really? Oh well... So far the Canadian Government has asked people not to touch this issue because of its sensitivity, there was actually a level left out of Syphon Filter because of it if I recall correctly. Hmm... Stupid 24.

That said, if you're party has a history radicalism (I'm equating the FLQ with the BQ here) then you have to accept what's coming to you.

04-13-2007, 11:32 PM
That said, if you're party has a history radicalism (I'm equating the FLQ with the BQ here) then you have to accept what's coming to you.

I'm not sure I understand? Do you say that the BQ as an history of people being radical? and putting the FLQ in the same bag than the BQ? If so... :roll: :roll:

04-13-2007, 11:59 PM
They say that in the next serie of 24 with Kiefer Sutherland, the next terrorists would be Quebecers from the separatist party! :o

I find that idea lame as I did for Northstar being a FLQ member. Always missing the nuance and the fact that Québec separatists mouvements are mostly peaceful never dealt with. They always end up being terrorist. Right... really refect the reality. Next thing you will see is all canadians lives in wood log cabine and natives lives in tipis.

I do think that people in Québec are tired of the same old tune playing again and again and again. Separatism is more link to politics than terrorism and you may not like the idea, but it's a fact. No need to link it all the time to terrorism.

And did you know some quebecers will show up or did show up in the Soprano? (I don't watch the serie) It's seems we will see some men from Québec, play by a guy from here and swearing like crazy judging from the small preview I saw. Now, we do have smugglers and bad guys in Québec, that's cool with me. :twisted:

I just found an article about in it in the
Gazette (http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/story.html?id=0aa3a055-490c-4dbb-aaf1-47ead2ac4dfe)

04-14-2007, 10:46 AM
The FLQ was a marginal party, people between 16 and 23 years old with bad ideas... They did kill one person (now we know it's more like an accident than a real murder), but nothing major besides that.... This party doesn't exist anymore.... So I think it's funny that a minor incident like that in our history is still mentionned in 24, in Alpha Flight and in the game Syphon Filter (but this part was indeed removed from the game- FLQ put a bacteriological bomb in the Toronto subway and your mission was to stop them). The minister of culture of Quebec asked Sony to apologize for that in 2003, I remember that..... I remember when I was in the States, I was asked about the FLQ, I guess they traumatized North America, but really, that wasn't something major, and that's a good thing.....

That's cool about the Sopranos thing, hope they will take some real Quebec actors, I remember when I watched the movie Picture Claire with Juliette Lewis and Mickey Rourke, Lewis was playing a girl from Quebec, her fake Quebec accent was just awful, you should hear her swearing, lol!
It was like "Colisse, tabernok!". lol

By the way, in 24, they said that might be Roy Dupuis and Rémi Girard playing the bad FLQ guys.....

04-14-2007, 12:08 PM
I'm not sure I understand? Do you say that the BQ as an history of people being radical? and putting the FLQ in the same bag than the BQ? If so... :roll: :roll:

I didn't say that the BQ had a history of radicalism, (or I didn't mean to,) I was associating the FLQ with the BQ because BQ sprang from PQ which ended up inheriting a lot of the FLQ's former members after their cells went sour. I wasn't trying to say that I thought the BQ is made of terrorist crazies, sorry if it came across that way. I can link the FLQ with the current governor general if it will make you feel better?

I don't think the October Crisis was a minor event though. Maybe it was for French Quebecers, but for English Canadia it helped to create a major sense of "The Other" regarding French Quebec that still has unfortunate resonance with some people today. And because the FLQ were a Marxist group and the Cold War was in full swing it brought up alot of anti-commie crazieness. It was also the first time alot of english Canada even knew seperatism was an issue. And my friend had a walk on role in one of the movies made about it!! His job was to yell things at people!

For your reading pleasure: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/01/18/flq-letter.html
Of course nothing actually happened.

I'm kind of sad that Roy Dupuis and Rémi Girard are playing terrorists, actors of their calibre should not have to take limited roles such as those.

04-14-2007, 02:14 PM
Nothing is confirmed about Dupuis and Girard.... But I guess the $$$ might be for something, who knows.....