View Full Version : Omega Flight 4 Cover

04-14-2007, 04:01 PM


04-14-2007, 04:16 PM
What? The Wrecking Crew will still be around in #4?

04-14-2007, 04:27 PM
That's how a Comic cover should be. If you had never bought a comic in your lifes and saw that on the shelf, wouldn't you take a quick look inside ? 8) :lol:

04-14-2007, 04:30 PM
What? The Wrecking Crew will still be around in #4?

That was my first thoughts too. But really, we saw most of Issue 2 from the previews. Arachne, Talisman and USAgent come together, then the 3rd will probably be about Mailman Mike and Beta Ray and everyone come together for the first time. This issue will probably be their first mission together to find Walter. I assume. 8)

04-14-2007, 04:30 PM
Beautiful cover, but the Wrecking Crew is the main villians in the entire mini? :cry:

Still no Sasquatch on the cover, I believe Omega Flight and the Crew think that Walter is dead, but he will make a reapperance.

04-14-2007, 04:35 PM
Beautiful cover, but the Wrecking Crew is the main villians in the entire mini? :cry:

Still no Sasquatch on the cover, I believe Omega Flight and the Crew think that Walter is dead, but he will make a reapperance.

He'll be back by ish 5 to kick some bottom.

04-14-2007, 04:37 PM
He'll be back by ish 5 to kick some bottom.

That's what I'm hoping as Oeming did say the Great Beasts were going to make an apperance, wether they will or not since the downgrade to a mini is to be seen.

04-14-2007, 04:49 PM
So what's the solicts say?

Shaman Of The Whills
04-14-2007, 05:07 PM
Well as a point, I don't believe that the Wrecking Crew are the villains throughout because of what the solicits do say which is that the "Real villains" behind are revealed... so I think there is a little bit more to come...

I'm also kinda glad that we're sticking with the Wrecking Crew, mainly because I don't like the villain of the week style that has come up recently, and I like story arcs against villains, even if they are the 'working men' of the Marvel universe... also makes them more of a challenege which is always a plus... this way we're also not overloading the book, and we're also not draining away all of its options but flourishing under just one point... that kind of thing... still sad to see that Sas is not appearing on the cover, which really does suggest that he might be out for quite a count... still, like the setup of the cover, its a nice little action shot... might not fit everyone's tatses but it sure fits mine.

04-14-2007, 05:08 PM
Here's how I see it- very little actual time passes between issue 1 and 4.

2 is going to be Liz and the Yaniks coming on board... maybe with BRB putting in an appearance on like, the last page.

3 is going to be about Pointer. We know almost nothing about him. I'd say he merits some page-space- PARTICULARLY since, as this isn;t an ongoing, we donl't have time to get his story gradually.'

4- The whole team goes after the Crew.

5- Either the denoument of the battle with the Crew, or, if they went down the issue before, a "So now what?" issue.

04-14-2007, 05:17 PM
Well as a point, I don't believe that the Wrecking Crew are the villains throughout because of what the solicits do say which is that the "Real villains" behind are revealed... so I think there is a little bit more to come...

What does the solicits say? I can't find it.

04-14-2007, 05:28 PM
Well as a point, I don't believe that the Wrecking Crew are the villains throughout because of what the solicits do say which is that the "Real villains" behind are revealed... so I think there is a little bit more to come...

What does the solicits say? I can't find it.

OMEGA FLIGHT #4 (of 5)
Penciles & Cover by SCOTT KOLINS
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

I'm not really all that happy with the short little solicits they are writing for the book. Look at http://www.newsarama.com/NewJoeFridays/NewJoeFridays43_extra.html

most of them have at least 5 lines, and as many as 11 lines. Beats the heck out of the 1.5 lines OF #4 got.


04-14-2007, 06:32 PM
they might be hiding it because alot of stuff is happening.. they might have to much that is in store that they have to hide...

I lvoe this cover By the way!!!

04-16-2007, 02:23 AM
I figure the Wrecking Crew is still around because of the change to a miniseries, they couldn't do it the way they wanted to so... Wrecking Crew gets there's in #4 when Sasquatch and Talisman throw them at a SHIELD helicarrier.

04-16-2007, 10:25 AM
I'm not really all that happy with the short little solicits they are writing for the book. Look at http://www.newsarama.com/NewJoeFridays/NewJoeFridays43_extra.html

most of them have at least 5 lines, and as many as 11 lines. Beats the heck out of the 1.5 lines OF #4 got.


Maybe that's a good thing. No room for "eh?". 8)

Captain Primate
04-16-2007, 11:39 AM
Well as a point, I don't believe that the Wrecking Crew are the villains throughout because of what the solicits do say which is that the "Real villains" behind are revealed... so I think there is a little bit more to come...

What does the solicits say? I can't find it.

OMEGA FLIGHT #4 (of 5)
Penciles & Cover by SCOTT KOLINS
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

I'm not really all that happy with the short little solicits they are writing for the book. Look at http://www.newsarama.com/NewJoeFridays/NewJoeFridays43_extra.html

most of them have at least 5 lines, and as many as 11 lines. Beats the heck out of the 1.5 lines OF #4 got.


Well, its not like OF was singled out. The Fantastic Four description was even shorter.

04-16-2007, 11:49 AM
Yah, I know, I just found that the writeup for #3 was pretty short, and this one was shorter still, but that's just me being biased.


04-16-2007, 11:51 AM
That's how a Comic cover should be. If you had never bought a comic in your lifes and saw that on the shelf, wouldn't you take a quick look inside ? 8) :lol:

I would. I like this cover, The Wrecking Crew looks like it's going to cause the whole team some grief, and I'm worried about the fate of Walter, now. I hope he's not dead, but Sasquatch not on the cover...doesn't look good.

Hope there is a lot of stuff in both #4 and #5, and a good, satisfying conclusion.

Captain Primate
04-16-2007, 12:01 PM
Yah, I know, I just found that the writeup for #3 was pretty short, and this one was shorter still, but that's just me being biased.


I don't disagree with you - it was too short. I can only hope that the very short descriptions has something to do with Joe Q's promise for upcoming OF news. Maybe I'm just overly optimistic.

04-16-2007, 06:08 PM
Good looking cover.
Is it just me, or does that pic make it seem OF is getting their lunch money extremely stolen by the Crew? Can somebody say "arse-whoopin.."?
Of course, we all know that covers do not always tell the whole story, and often even mislead on purpose. But I am starting to get the feeling that perhaps this team of heroes is not really a team yet (in issue 4, even), and it is going to take some help from SOMEBODY (oh God, please let it be Kyle Gibney!...) to win this battle. Perhaps by the end of issue 5, we might even have new members added to the team?
Personally, i wonder if Tony Stark shows up and saves the day...wouldn't that piss people off... :twisted:
:wink: :lol:

04-17-2007, 04:10 PM
Oeming wouldn't let this book become another way to promote Iron Man... He's smarter and alot kidner than that lol.

I could see Sasquatch returning and saving the day.. they believe him to be dead in #2.. and stil think he's dead in #3.. meanwhile peopel on this forum get utterly pissed off and throw stuff in anger and lash out at people because Sasquatch dies... and than in #4 sasquatch coems and daves the day, and yells "It takes alot more than that to kill me" and he kills off one of the crew immediately. And starts taking it out.. it all looks like the flight is going to slaughter the crew, when out of no where apears the mystery figure

Oh and P.S. Kyle gibney isn't big enough of a charatcer to save the day.. No offence, if it is going to be a memeber of alpha it will be one of the twins that saves the day.

04-17-2007, 04:31 PM
Oh and P.S. Kyle gibney isn't big enough of a charatcer to save the day.. No offence, if it is going to be a memeber of alpha it will be one of the twins that saves the day.

No offence taken! lol
Hey, I realize that Kyle is de-powered, at least for now. i would just like to see him return, somehow, to super-heroing (is that a word?). This'd be the best comic book for him to do so. Maybe not now...but maybe, sometime?

04-17-2007, 04:52 PM
Yah, I know, I just found that the writeup for #3 was pretty short, and this one was shorter still, but that's just me being biased.


I agree, the solicits are well, stupidly short. The full Marvel Solicits for July are out now (check Newsarama), and OF still has a weak two sentence solicit.

I don't understand how this short, not very informative solicit, helps sell the book? Especially when every other solicit seems to be a full paragraph or two.

04-17-2007, 04:58 PM
Oh and P.S. Kyle gibney isn't big enough of a charatcer to save the day.. No offence, if it is going to be a memeber of alpha it will be one of the twins that saves the day.

Haha yeah I was gonna say the same thing. What would he say? "Sasquatches Great Beastiness, Beta Ray's Godly Hammer nor Talisman's Sorcery could defeat these foes... looks like it's up to me and my claws! Graaaaawwww....rrrrr.......ehhhh...... please don't hit me in the face..." 8)

04-17-2007, 05:45 PM
Oh and P.S. Kyle gibney isn't big enough of a charatcer to save the day.. No offence, if it is going to be a memeber of alpha it will be one of the twins that saves the day.

Haha yeah I was gonna say the same thing. What would he say? "Sasquatches Great Beastiness, Beta Ray's Godly Hammer nor Talisman's Sorcery could defeat these foes... looks like it's up to me and my claws! Graaaaawwww....rrrrr.......ehhhh...... please don't hit me in the face..." 8)

Actually, Kyle wouldn't say anything. No vocal chords, Sabretooth ripped 'em out, remember?
And, as far as we know, right now he has no claws, either.
sigh...what does a hero do, when his powers disappear on him?...

04-17-2007, 05:52 PM
Steals Guardian technology from a now defunct Dept H and reforms Alpha Flight with Jefferies, Northstar, Aurora, Snowbird, and a crippled Heather in Box!

04-17-2007, 07:00 PM
Steals Guardian technology from a now defunct Dept H and reforms Alpha Flight with Jefferies, Northstar, Aurora, Snowbird, and a crippled Heather in Box!

Works for me!

:D :D :D :D :D

Actually, I was wondering myself - what happened to the real Guardian suit? was it destroyed? if not, who has it?

and, how would SHIELD feel if a new AF (or something like it) started up in Canada, one not associated in the least with them or there act, one they had no control over? would they be happy? somehow, i think not!

04-17-2007, 07:02 PM
its up on the wall of a teenager in BC.. was sold on Ebay by an Ambulence driver who stole it, sold for 5 grand, problem was no one believed it to be the real suit

04-17-2007, 07:14 PM
its up on the wall of a teenager in BC.. was sold on Ebay by an Ambulence driver who stole it, sold for 5 grand, problem was no one believed it to be the real suit

Nope. I am always searching for AF related stuff on E-Bay. That was definitely a fake, sorry.
And it wasn't a teenager. I'm in my 30s.


04-17-2007, 07:17 PM
lol, I jsut noticed you were from BC.. hahaha thats irony at its finest.

I'm always tryign to find a T-shirt on ebay.. I know there were some in the passed and eveyr once in a while an AF t-shirt comes up for auction, I am always waitign and hoping

04-17-2007, 10:21 PM
lol, I jsut noticed you were from BC.. hahaha thats irony at its finest.

I'm always tryign to find a T-shirt on ebay.. I know there were some in the passed and eveyr once in a while an AF t-shirt comes up for auction, I am always waitign and hoping

When it comes to E-Bay , my motto is "Go Alpha or go home"


04-18-2007, 11:41 AM
Good looking cover.
Is it just me, or does that pic make it seem OF is getting their lunch money extremely stolen by the Crew? Can somebody say "arse-whoopin.."? [That's was my first thought when I saw it: OF's in deep stuff. G/AF]
...But I am starting to get the feeling that perhaps this team of heroes is not really a team yet (in issue 4, even), and it is going to take some help from SOMEBODY (oh God, please let it be Kyle Gibney!...) to win this battle.
Perhaps by the end of issue 5, we might even have new members added to the team? Thoughts? [I'd like...no, I'd [i]love to see the ghost of Shaman assist Elizabeth like Michael's grandfather helped him]
Personally, i wonder if Tony Stark shows up and saves the day...wouldn't that piss people off... [it would be a good plot-twist, granted, but I would be disappointed and unsatisfied. I find Iron Man/Tony Stark more interesting as a villain, and to me he is the real villain in Civil War.] :twisted:
:wink: :lol:

04-19-2007, 12:41 AM
This is a slightly random question...but...

How powerful is Talisman exactly? I am sort of unfamiliar to her, and I have been searching for her bio on every Marvel database I know of. I haven't found too much. I read somewhere that she will someday be as powerful as Dr. Strange. Is that true? And what all can she do?

04-19-2007, 01:24 AM
theoretically she is the most powerful magic hero on earth, or she has the potential to be, the problem is she is very unexperienced, and has trouble understanding or comprehending the talisman itself. so in all honestly it depends, soemtiems she has a good grasp on the talisman's power and can be very very powerful, like in the Llan saga, but other times she has no idea how to control the talisman and ends up screwing up completely like in...the...Llan..Saga... The best way to really grasp alot of background on talisman is by reading i think like issue 70-86, not quite sure where it begins as my friend has 60-75 of my issues cause she is reading through all my alpha flights, but roughly read the end of the dream queen saga and then read through the Llan the sorcerer saga. That gives alot of background information on not only the talisman but during that time Elisabeth is pretty much running the team and so you also get a ncie view into her leadership skills, though keep in midn she was alot younger then and has matured drastically

04-19-2007, 01:29 AM
This is a slightly random question...but...

How powerful is Talisman exactly? I am sort of unfamiliar to her, and I have been searching for her bio on every Marvel database I know of. I haven't found too much. I read somewhere that she will someday be as powerful as Dr. Strange. Is that true? And what all can she do?

There have been many Talisman versions throughout history, the Talisman dates back even 20,000 years ago and beat a being that Dr.Strange couldn't.

Talisman I [prehistoric]: http://alphanex.alphaflight.net/index.php/Talisman_I_%28Prehistoric%29
Talisman II [prehistoric]: http://alphanex.alphaflight.net/index.php/Talisman_II_%28Prehistoric%29

Here's a great bio for current Talisman listing what she can do, and a link to a respect thread showing all her feats.

Talisman I: http://alphanex.alphaflight.net/index.php/Talisman

04-30-2007, 02:47 AM
Thanks to both of you for your help! She seems like a very cool character with a lot of room to grow into a pretty powerful player in the Marvel Universe.