View Full Version : Omega Flight #2 [Got it]

05-02-2007, 03:04 PM
Awesome issue, we basically see a cameo from all the members. Bill's having vision of Snowbird a crazy temple....and THE GREAT BEASTS!

HA! Called it.

Captain Primate
05-02-2007, 03:22 PM
yup, got it as well - great issue.

Lets hope that this one sells out as well.

05-02-2007, 03:29 PM
No word of a lie my store opened at 12:00 and OF #2 was sold out at 12:10

05-02-2007, 04:48 PM
No word of a lie my store opened at 12:00 and OF #2 was sold out at 12:10

So did my local store but it was because they under ordered to the point that they could not fill even the people on the pull list so I had to go elsewhere to get a copy.

While I was at that other store a 1/2 hour drive away, I asked them there how the book was doing and they said they sold out of the first issue (well, I guess everybody did) and that they were pulling for the book to become an ongoing.

05-02-2007, 05:56 PM
If it sells out here, it better be tomorrow! I'm workin til 8 tonight. I've got 3 comic shops on the way home. I'm hoping one of em will have at least one left!

I know, I know, this is a "I've got it" only thread. Please don't shun me!


05-02-2007, 07:21 PM
Shocked not more people picked it up yet.

05-02-2007, 07:44 PM
great issure.. i refused to look at the teasers with words and i'm glad... man talisman ripped into iron man... dunno why pointer was in that lock up... weird that they would lock him up like that if they eventually trusted him on the team

I really really liek Arachne alot... U S Agent is a tool.. but hey so was nothstar and i love him!!!

so the blakc guy with the visions is BRB? sorry i don't knwo alot about BRB.

Great issue, my store had tons.. i mean tons.. they were putting them out when i came in.. still a huge stack... most people were buying Avengers:initiative but we're in Texas so what can you expect.. but the mere fact that they had a hgue order of OF is a good sign right?

Uncle Toxie
05-02-2007, 08:43 PM
I have to try and hold out 'till Saturday. Then it's Omega/Hulk day woooo!

05-02-2007, 08:44 PM
so the blakc guy with the visions is BRB? sorry i don't knwo alot about BRB.

Yep his name is Simon Walters and apparently an artist too 8)

05-02-2007, 08:54 PM
Finally picked it up! I had to visit all 3 comic stores in Moncton. None of them had any left. I asked the guy at the 3rd store and he looked behind the counter and found one. Not in the best of shape, but I got it! Man that was luck. What a great issue! 8)

05-02-2007, 08:57 PM
Always good to hear shops selling out in the first day of it's release

05-02-2007, 09:13 PM
I can't join the general acclaim, I'm afraid. Because this issue annoyed me on a couple of levels.

1: Beta Ray Bill. Or, more accurately, Simon Walters, who has apparently changed from "a human being with Bill's personality" to "a mortal artist who seems completely baffled by events", and uses slang like "you don't know the half of it". I could understand a writer wanting to put his own spin on the character... but Oeming _created_ Walters.

2: Sasquatch the furry orange punching bag. I think more time was spent depicting him being tortured than in actual plot.

3: The shocking reveal of the new Guardian... which has been known since the preview story. And why the Hannibal Lecter getup?

4: The mini is 40% over, and we've barely moved forward. Didn't Oeming say he'd rewritten issue #2 to adapt to the miniseries length?

None of these, by themselves, would be deal breakers, but combined...

05-03-2007, 12:19 AM
I'm "meh" on it. The treatment of Walt is not something I like but whatever.

I still don't like who's wearing the suit.

The art kicks ass once again.

I like US Agent and think it's going to be a great book based on the way Oeming writes him.

05-03-2007, 12:39 AM
Honestly the dealign with sasquatch is good.. it got liz in the team, for a good reason, to keep the team in canadian hands.. Yeah they treated sasquatch like crap, but it will be taken care of...

The only thing that annoyed me was the hannible getup aswell

05-03-2007, 12:51 AM
I'm conflicted on the issue... I guess I hoped that we would get all the characters together by now or something. And I don't get why Sasquatch never seemed to struggle or something, he certainly didn't seem to be broken or anything... That said, I like Simon Walters the artist. 'Far as I concerned, Oeming created him, he's his god, he can do whatever he want's with him and his personality. If this were an ongoing I'd give it 5/5, but I can't really rate it as of yet when I have no idea how Oeming's going to put a timely wrap on this arc.

05-03-2007, 12:55 AM
I don't see why people have a problem with the Sasquatch thing. It's believable after getting hit with a gas truck that he'd be captured.

If it's the actual act of torture you don't like, well, I'm sure he will be avenged/vindicated and the Crew will get what's comin to them, which will be all the sweeter. What good is beatin the Wrecking Crew if they didn't do anything to deserve it?

The Hannibal thing kinda took me out of the story too, but I think it was a more dramatic cliffhanger then if he was just standing there. I'm sure ish #3 will tell us why he's locked up. 8)

05-03-2007, 01:01 AM
I'd have liked it better if it was him standing in the doorway holding the mask with two guards on either side to "protect" him.. give him the "i still don't fully belong here" thing but still give him a reason.. not "the way I talk and look you'd think they put Stephen Hawking in here"

05-03-2007, 01:11 AM
Wow mixed reviews of this issue, suprized.

05-03-2007, 03:24 AM
I picked up my copy earlier today. I enjoyed it, but I agree that it is moving along very slowly... as if it were an ongoing. It woulda been nice if the first two issues were jammed into a double sized issue#1.

I also don't get why Pointer was in restraints.

As for Sasq; I personally think he could take the Wrecking Crew, but then, one lucky shot is all it takes. I guess the Crew got that lucky shot.

I liked when Thunderball was in the hole pounding Sasq, but he didn't make a peep. Just stared at him with those sullen eyes. However, I wonder what T-ball did that made him wail like a little girl when he dragged him out of the pit. You don't think he grabbed Sasq's, errr, well, you know...

Captain Primate
05-03-2007, 08:56 AM
The whole "moving slowly" is a universal complaint. Not just among us fan boys and girls, but among reviewers as well. However, everyone knowns why it is moving slowly. The one or two reviews I've seen for #2 (as well as all of the reviews for issue #1) acknowledge the reason why the pacing is not of a mini....and are sometimes even critical of Marvel's decision. I actually think that all of the talk of the pace is really good as it always seems to bring the whole "downgraded to a mini" into the discussion....and strongly suggests that downgrading it was a horrible mistake (given how incredibly well it is being received). I'm hoping that this kind of tone will help Marvel make the decision we are all waiting for.

05-03-2007, 10:00 AM
I'd have liked it better if it was him standing in the doorway holding the mask with two guards on either side to "protect" him.. give him the "i still don't fully belong here" thing but still give him a reason.. not "the way I talk and look you'd think they put Stephen Hawking in here"

I'm thinkin maybe he's not 100% in control of his powers yet. They said it themselves that they were rushed into putting this team together. I think they would have trained him more if not for this crisis. So I think he's not fully ready yet. I'm sure it will be explained next issue(the one with him on the cover). It might also be to help new readers see just how dangerous and powerful he is. It might not grab the casual fan if it was just a guy in a flag suit. They might say "boring!" and not pick up the next issue, whereas now they want to know why he's being restrained.

It's even getting us talking about it, so I think the scene did it's job. 8)

05-03-2007, 11:21 AM
Got it yesterday afternoon! My local store had just about sold out. There were only 4 copies left in the store when I left. Another strong showing in the sales department.

As for the story, it did move slowly, but it was very well paced for a team formation story. You get most of the characters' motivations. The dialogue from USAgent reminded me very quickly why I love to hate his character. He's the consumate smarta$$ed American. There will definitely be conflict on the team with him around. Clearly Pointer will provide conflict as well. I'm waiting to see how Talisman is reined in. What argument trumps "You murdered my father!" I'm sorry, but the "I was only a vessel" argument wouldn't hold up with me, and I doubt based on Talisman's personality it would with her either. I have to agree with comments on the art and the job it does in telling the story. The book seemed to flow from frame to frame. Also, there really wasn't a lot of verbage in the word balloons, but the story was told in great detail. The pacing may be a bit slow, but the story is dead on. As for the Sasquatch torture, I wasn't overly bothered by it. I think he's lying in wait now. And I think T-Ball will be the first one Sas drops like a rock. Perhaps there wasn't a whimper during the torture because the Great Beast has taken over. I'm intrigued to find out.

If you're still dropping in Mike and Scott, I'd like to compliment you once again for some of the best Flight stories I've read. You're definitely doing the team justice. Too bad you weren't around 20 years ago when Alpha Flight veered off into Mantlo's bad dream.


05-03-2007, 11:41 AM
I can't join the general acclaim, I'm afraid. Because this issue annoyed me on a couple of levels.

1: Beta Ray Bill. Or, more accurately, Simon Walters, who has apparently changed from "a human being with Bill's personality" to "a mortal artist who seems completely baffled by events", and uses slang like "you don't know the half of it". I could understand a writer wanting to put his own spin on the character... but Oeming _created_ Walters.

2: Sasquatch the furry orange punching bag. I think more time was spent depicting him being tortured than in actual plot.

3: The shocking reveal of the new Guardian... which has been known since the preview story. And why the Hannibal Lecter getup?

4: The mini is 40% over, and we've barely moved forward. Didn't Oeming say he'd rewritten issue #2 to adapt to the miniseries length?

None of these, by themselves, would be deal breakers, but combined...

I couldn't disagree more. This is another solid issue. Showing how the team is coming together and why there are probably going to be internal disagreements and more importantly (hopefully) problems with Iron Man and Ms. Marvel; spotlighting Elizabeth without shortchanging Sasquatch; the introduction of USAgent and Arachne, and; the cliffhanger (not a surprise, I know) Michael Pointer's membership and Talisman's reaction to it.

The pacing is fast, the writing is tight...nothing wasted, the subplots are interesting, and the characters are converging on Toronto for what looks like an old-style good-versus-evil throwdown. I hope. MARVEL has problems delivering real conclusions.

What Sasquatch has never been given much credit for is his heart. When he fought the Hulk in the Annual and he painfully realized that he was not as strong, he put the nurse aside knowing that he was going to pay for his miscalculation, the price was unknowable as the Hulk was madder than heck. He didn't flinch, he didn't run, he didn't whine or snivel.

The same thing in OF# 2. Except that the Wrecking Crew---and in this instance, specifically Thunderball---is truly vicous. Icepick(?)...don't even want or need to see what happened to finally make Walt scream. I just hope that Walt/Sasquatch/Tanaraq puts a hurting on all of them the likes of which they've got coming.

OF# 2 avoids the second-issue let down that most series suffer from. Example, Dynamo 5# 2: not quite as good as #1. If OF were an on-going series, I doubt that the plots would be moving along as fast. The editor, Andy Schmidt, is doing an excellent job, and if this five-issue limited series does not culminate in an on-going, tptb are making an awful mistake.

05-03-2007, 11:58 AM
i loved this issue. not sure if its because the past alpha being refrenced and used so much while still moving the new team forward or just a love for mike and scotts story telling. the only minor gripe i have is carting michael out in a "thunderbolt" type way.

but me complaining about this issue is like telling marissa miller i don't like the mole on her right hand.

i loved it and am looking forward to more.

i am curious as to why everyone is saying the series is running slow? does everyone just want a worthless "we're all here, lets fight the villian and start a team" route?

05-03-2007, 12:56 PM
This pacing is still far faster than the likes of New Avengers, JLA, and various other team books that came out recently.

05-03-2007, 01:11 PM
Yeah, to me I thought the issue was a lot faster paced than #1.
#1 seemed to be the Af respect issue and this issue brought the team together.

I honestly don't have a bad thing to say about both issues so far.
It's not Alpha Flight and I'm not claiming it to be as such but so far it seems a really well told story that has ties to AF.

Well done to all involved, here's to the big announcement...

05-03-2007, 01:30 PM
I think the main reason people are upset is the handeling of sasquatch, but any non-flight fan will jsut be like "dang that beast couldn't take them?" then bam. the team will rip them up. wouldn't be suprised if a censor sign or two has to be shown when sasquatch rips off Thunderball's head.

Having an Iron Man suit: Millions
Leading Shield: Billions
Having everyone treat you like some kind of god: billions more
Having a Canadian tell you to shove it and blow up the monitor you're talking from: Priceless

05-03-2007, 02:14 PM
..Wait did The Wreking Crew walk from BC to Toronto!? lol I'm sure they drove.. just wondering what happened to their car. 8)

05-03-2007, 02:25 PM
i loved the torture scene. as hard as thunderball tried sas would not scream.

05-03-2007, 03:04 PM
..Wait did The Wreking Crew walk from BC to Toronto!? lol I'm sure they drove.. just wondering what happened to their car. 8)

They snuck through one of those "state to state" negative space jump things? lol beats me

05-03-2007, 04:22 PM
So was the muesum the ROM they were going to?

05-03-2007, 04:24 PM
Man, but the art is boo-ti-ful. I LOVED the spotlight given to Eliz- I mean Talisman! :shock: The reeming she gave Stark and Danvers was great. The fight between USAgent and Daisy was eye-popping.
I already like Arachne and her daughter based on their intro. Alpha has always had a strong family aspect in the book, nice to see Omega continuing that.
The spirit world was an interesting journey. Also enjoyed the Shaman-in-the-Clouds.

Pacing seems fine to me. I hate super condensed books. As for Pointer in the straps, I'm sure it will be explained next issue, I have patience.

But how DID the Wrecking Crew get cross-country so fast? With a trussed up Sasquatch in tow? :?

05-03-2007, 04:27 PM
An excellent issue.

Elizabeth's reaction to the news about Walter is a VERY good hook to get her onboard. The one thing to get her involved with a project she disapproves of. Her cold shoulder to Iron Man and Ms. Marvel is very cool, and Iron Man's failure to directly contradict her is hilarious in my eyes.

Snowbird seems to be getting set up as the mover and shaker behind Omega's formation (check "Bill's" sketches. I really like 'em).

I personally thought Walter was standing up to torture pretty well. The Wrecking Crew, for all that they've jobbed in the past, are actually pretty bad dudes.

And he was being worked over with what looked like a linoleum knife by a superstrong DOCTOR.

I'm glad that U.S. Agent's fight with Daisy was such a brief affair.The solicit had me worried that the issue would focus too heavily upon JUST Agent. That said, I LOVE his attitude here.

I just wish we'd seen his reaction after his "keep your mumbo-jumbo out of my way" bit was followed by a display of decidedly un-fuzzy mumbo-jumbo.

Arachne's fun and all, and my only beef with her has to do with her side in Civil War.

She WORKED for the Feds before. She was on Mystique's Freedom Force. In fact, her role on the team was to be a spy FOR the Feds, since they had no reason to trust the Brotherhood members. And now she minds so much she basically has to flee the country?

Honestly, my only real beef with the issue?

You're a Toronto police officer. A normal guy.

You see four jackanapes carrying SASQUATCH around wrapped in a chain and looking like he's been used as a punching bag. SASQUATCH. One of the most visually distinct of your country's superheroes- and these guys have evidently thrashed him.

And you open fire on them. With your pistol.

Way to be smart.

Edit: ANd I just noticed, on the same page, that the Wrecker calls Piledriver "Thunderball" Whoops!

05-03-2007, 05:15 PM
So was the muesum the ROM they were going to?

Yup. It was.

I loved this book more then I loved the first one. Can't wait for the next one.

05-03-2007, 05:39 PM
I loved this book more then I loved the first one. Can't wait for the next one.

Ha! awesome touch, I love the ROM but even I have a hard time finding it :?

05-03-2007, 05:44 PM
what were under the two sheets on either side of BRB's alter ego???

05-03-2007, 05:52 PM
what were under the two sheets on either side of BRB's alter ego???

Sheets? you mean those red stones? I have no idea, I don;t remember seeing that at the ROM.

05-03-2007, 05:53 PM
I figured they would have soemthign to do with that scene that he was drawing.. it looekd liek maybe soem type of robot was in the picture, perhaps soemthign like that is under the sheets

or were they stones?

05-03-2007, 06:02 PM
Alright I read it again and I'm thinking maybe Walt is playing possum. Towards the end when they put him out on display he's conscious but not fighting back. Maybe he knows the calvary is coming?

Overall the issue grew on me a little. (btw sold out in the two shops I know about in Philly) The art is great. I don't know how long it takes to do a page but attention to detail really catches the eye. I don't read comics regularly any more but this one is really sharp.

05-03-2007, 06:06 PM
I figured they would have soemthign to do with that scene that he was drawing.. it looekd liek maybe soem type of robot was in the picture, perhaps soemthign like that is under the sheets

or were they stones?

what page you talking about?

05-03-2007, 06:22 PM
Alright I read it again and I'm thinking maybe Walt is playing possum. Towards the end when they put him out on display he's conscious but not fighting back. Maybe he knows the calvary is coming?

Overall the issue grew on me a little. (btw sold out in the two shops I know about in Philly) The art is great. I don't know how long it takes to do a page but attention to detail really catches the eye. I don't read comics regularly any more but this one is really sharp.

yeah the artwork was very detailed. I just had a little bit of a problem with one panel....a closeup of Talisman that stretched her face a bit much. Other than that the book was awesome. I love the storytelling, and as many of you know I'm all about a good story. Decent art will keep me if the story is good. Great art won't keep me through a bad story though (unless it's AF V3 I guess). It hurt being a completist for V3!

05-03-2007, 06:48 PM
I figured they would have soemthign to do with that scene that he was drawing.. it looekd liek maybe soem type of robot was in the picture, perhaps soemthign like that is under the sheets

or were they stones?

what page you talking about?

in BRB's picture he was drawing.. it looked like sasquatch and soem robot in a city or soemthing, or was that one of the great beasts?

05-03-2007, 06:50 PM
in BRB's picture he was drawing.. it looked like sasquatch and soem robot in a city or soemthing, or was that one of the great beasts?

Oh I know what your talking about and naaaa...was a temple or potentially a gateway the true villians will use to enter our realm and the key is Wrecker's crowbar.

05-03-2007, 07:05 PM
ha just realized it doesn't actually say great beasts says creat..and then under beasts. Nice touch.

05-03-2007, 07:59 PM
I figured they would have soemthign to do with that scene that he was drawing.. it looekd liek maybe soem type of robot was in the picture, perhaps soemthign like that is under the sheets

or were they stones?

They sorta look like Box's feet from the time he absorbed Bedlam's Arctic complex, so he could be big enough to fight Tundra way back in the first series.

I REALLY want Talisman to take USAgent's voice away from him (she could do that, eh?) just to see him flip out. :lol:

And I REALLY REALLY want to see Sas stomp Thunderball! :x

05-03-2007, 08:03 PM
I really want an R rated comic just to watch them litterally tear the wreckign crew limb from limb

05-03-2007, 09:17 PM
And I want an X-rated comic just to watch ******** *** ** **** from limb.



05-03-2007, 09:47 PM
I have no idea what you just said

Scott Kolins
05-04-2007, 11:38 AM
Glad most of you are really enjoying #2. #3 is going to crank things up another notch - brace yourselves!

BTW- has anyone else seen the Sasquatch appearance in Woverine #53? WTF? I'm going to have a talk with that Loeb fellow.


05-04-2007, 11:43 AM
...the Wrecking Crew, in # 1, apparently killed a bar full of patrons. Add the town they looted while Thunderball is torturing Sasquatch, and I hope that the entire foursome pays a dear price for the evil they are bringing.

While I stand by the assessment that both issues are solid, Omega Flight can get better. I'm one who doesn't particularly like the decision to add Michael Pointer to the group, so I like Talisman's reaction to having him foisted on Canada, but I sincerely hope that issue three deals with him with the brevity and succinctness as Daisy vs. USAgent. Besides, if Pointer stays on Omega Flight---if Omega Flight actually survives the run-in with The Wrecking Crew and/or "the real villains"---then the likelihood of the twins joining this group is slim, since (iirc) Michael's power is to absorb mutants' power.

I don't want to go into Aurora's biology was changed so she's technically not a mutant anymore....I just want to take things uncomplicatedly, for as long as possible. Walter is Sasquatch...period. Narya is Snowbird...
period. The twins are mutant siblings...period. And Elizabeth is Talisman...period.

# 2 is tighter than # 1 in that it settles down and focuses on the formation of the team, but I really wanted a more personal exchange between Talisman and Iron Man. I know Marvel time is not real time, but some time has passed since the destruction of Alpha Flight yet this seems to be the 1st time Tony has offered his condolences.

I wish Talisman had said:

"So you're going to help/protect us/Canada like you helped/protected Bill Foster...and Captain America?"

or something to that effect, to bring home Iron Man's lethal (mi)stakes.

05-04-2007, 12:40 PM
Glad most of you are really enjoying #2. #3 is going to crank things up another notch - brace yourselves!

BTW- has anyone else seen the Sasquatch appearance in Woverine #53? WTF? I'm going to have a talk with that Loeb fellow.


Well you have impressed us all Scott, love your visions quests

Yes, I even posted on Mike's board about it. He better not be making him a lupine, and compared to your Sasquatch he looks like a wet dog on crack

05-04-2007, 12:43 PM
well in all honesty when issue #1 was written Oeming didn't know captain america was going to die, thus sasquatch says "It aint cpatain ammerica"... thus, if you use that plus the fact a civillian mistakes U S Agent for captain america, you can figure that oeming still was unaware of the death of cap at this point thus he couldn't refer to it in the conversation as he wouldn't have known yet

05-04-2007, 01:57 PM
BTW- has anyone else seen the Sasquatch appearance in Woverine #53? WTF? I'm going to have a talk with that Loeb fellow.


Thank You!! I almost fell over when I saw that.

Grade to hear about the cranking in issue 3. I can't wait. Talisman's transformation was so awesome, it's pretty obvious that she's come up quite a bit in her powers.

05-04-2007, 02:43 PM
Glad most of you are really enjoying #2. #3 is going to crank things up another notch - brace yourselves!

BTW- has anyone else seen the Sasquatch appearance in Woverine #53? WTF? I'm going to have a talk with that Loeb fellow.


when you posted this it made me remeber about your appearence in roundrock tx, I totally forgot to go today.. wooops

05-04-2007, 02:50 PM
Now I figured out what you guys were talking about the robot legs, I was stumped. I thought you were talking about Bill's vision where he draws on the paper and we see Sasquatch and a gateway.

05-04-2007, 04:04 PM
Now I figured out what you guys were talking about the robot legs, I was stumped. I thought you were talking about Bill's vision where he draws on the paper and we see Sasquatch and a gateway.

Simon has Bill's legs in the dream sequence and looks to be leaning against a giant hammer.

05-04-2007, 04:37 PM
..Wait did The Wreking Crew walk from BC to Toronto!? lol I'm sure they drove.. just wondering what happened to their car. 8)

Since their splash panel has an Ontario license plate on it, I think they've always been close to TO.

05-04-2007, 05:00 PM
Simon has Bill's legs in the dream sequence and looks to be leaning against a giant hammer.

Yeah I saw that, but I thought you were talking about his vision not Talisman. That's why I was stumped.

05-04-2007, 05:01 PM
..Wait did The Wreking Crew walk from BC to Toronto!? lol I'm sure they drove.. just wondering what happened to their car. 8)

Since their splash panel has an Ontario license plate on it, I think they've always been close to TO.

Their hideout, Walter's apt and the fight scene look an aweful lot like Vancouver to me (I lived there for a year). It was raining in both places, I assumed it meant the same city. Plus I don't think there's too many mountain ranges like that in Ontario. Although I could be wrong. 8)

05-04-2007, 05:13 PM
plus its stated in alpha already that Walters APT is in BC

05-04-2007, 05:16 PM
I really enjoyed #2. I havent heard much so far in reference to how well its selling. I LOVED Talisman giving it to Tony. She is a really fun character so far as being written by MAO. I also thought it was very cool to see some of the group dynamic I thought we would see with the very different and distinct personalities on this team. It should be a very fun ride. Lets hope the flight keeps on flying past #5

05-04-2007, 07:05 PM
IMO, speaking as a pro-reg.'er who has never been an Iron Man fan, and has always been a Cap fan; 'Liz needs to chillout.

Afterall, the reason why American villains are fleeing into Canada is because the Yanks have finally gotten their act together. They're more effective heroes, and the villains can't hack it. Thats not a bad thing.

If Canada can't protect itself, that's Canada's fault, not the U.S.' and it's abilty to protect itself.

Secondly, everyone seems to remember Giantman, but why is it no one remembers, whats his name, Bantom... the first casuality of the CW and a pro-reg.'er. Sure, Thunderclap didn't mean to kill him, but then the New Warriors didn't mean to kill all of those kids at Stamford either. Not meaning too however, is a poor defense, when the fact is that, in both cases, the negligence, born of a lack of training and experience, of those invovled was to blame. And not everyone can be a Captain America, whioch is my big beef with Cap during CW.

Thirdly, like IM protected Giantman or Cap?!?! Okay. And like Talisman protected Sasq after he defined the situation for her and implored her to aid him. Nice way to turn her own fumble into Iron Man's.

05-04-2007, 07:34 PM
IMO, speaking as a pro-reg.'er who has never been an Iron Man fan, and has always been a Cap fan; 'Liz needs to chillout.

Afterall, the reason why American villains are fleeing into Canada is because the Yanks have finally gotten their act together. They're more effective heroes, and the villains can't hack it. Thats not a bad thing.

If Canada can't protect itself, that's Canada's fault, not the U.S.' and it's abilty to protect itself.

Secondly, everyone seems to remember Giantman, but why is it no one remembers, whats his name, Bantom... the first casuality of the CW and a pro-reg.'er. Sure, Thunderclap didn't mean to kill him, but then the New Warriors didn't mean to kill all of those kids at Stamford either. Not meaning too however, is a poor defense, when the fact is that, in both cases, the negligence, born of a lack of training and experience, of those invovled was to blame. And not everyone can be a Captain America, whioch is my big beef with Cap during CW.

Thirdly, like IM protected Giantman or Cap?!?! Okay. And like Talisman protected Sasq after he defined the situation for her and implored her to aid him. Nice way to turn her own fumble into Iron Man's.

The problem wasnt registering itself. It was the way it was gone about. No due process, no trial, if you have powers hero or not you where forced to register and join their program. It was about not having a corrupt government tell you who your enemies where. Captain America on more than one occasion rebelled against American policies because they where wrong. He recognized that the government would use their super hero army for their purposes. Those purposes are not always just and correct. Behind the scenes Iron Man was also secretly creating a war with Atlantis to be an insurance policy. Had he not won Civil War he was going to start the Atlantis war to show why registraion was necessary. Iron Man in true American form was willing to start a war for "American" interests, Casulties be damned. So overall it was about the way he did it and went about it not the act itself. The very principals with which how it was implemented and executed where unamerican. The reason why villains where flooding the borders where not beacause the heroes where more organized it was because they to where being forced to register and join the Initiative.

05-04-2007, 08:26 PM
So then, what you're saying is that all of these villains, who were engaging in illegal activities to begin with, suddenly decided to hit the trail, not because America's superhero police force was suddenly more organized and capable of taking them down, but because of a piece of paper which, like many others pieces of paper, centred them out as criminals?!?!

Sorry. I can buy the all of the implentation stuff without a problem, but I simply can't buy that. The villains are villains precisely because they don't give a rats ass about what is illegal, or why, and what is not.

05-04-2007, 08:51 PM
IMO, speaking as a pro-reg.'er who has never been an Iron Man fan, and has always been a Cap fan; 'Liz needs to chillout.

Afterall, the reason why American villains are fleeing into Canada is because the Yanks have finally gotten their act together. They're more effective heroes, and the villains can't hack it. Thats not a bad thing.

If Canada can't protect itself, that's Canada's fault, not the U.S.' and it's abilty to protect itself.

Secondly, everyone seems to remember Giantman, but why is it no one remembers, whats his name, Bantom... the first casuality of the CW and a pro-reg.'er. Sure, Thunderclap didn't mean to kill him, but then the New Warriors didn't mean to kill all of those kids at Stamford either. Not meaning too however, is a poor defense, when the fact is that, in both cases, the negligence, born of a lack of training and experience, of those invovled was to blame. And not everyone can be a Captain America, whioch is my big beef with Cap during CW.

Thirdly, like IM protected Giantman or Cap?!?! Okay. And like Talisman protected Sasq after he defined the situation for her and implored her to aid him. Nice way to turn her own fumble into Iron Man's.

You make good points and I agree with you for the most part. However, I'd like to point out that while you can that the Registration Act allowed for the American superheroes to get their act together, the intention was never to have all the supervillains flee the country and, in fact, counterproductive since if there are no supervillains left in the US, the Act is kinda moot.

Also, as it's been stated, the US has both political and economical interests in keep Canada safe, therefore I believe it's completely reasonable to say that America has a responsibility in providing the man(and woman)-power for the Omega Flight program.

05-05-2007, 12:37 AM
Ahhh, but I'm not saying that American heroes should not be serving on Omega Flight. All I'm saying is that Liz needs to chill. Crime is like one of those boxes with sticks poking out of all sides. You push one stick in here, another pops out over there. It's natural that criminals will gravitate to regions they feel they can more succesfully ply their trade. This is why some regions (of cities, states, countries and the world) are riddled with certain types of crime and others aren't. And cracking down in one area, always results in a migration to another more criminally viable area. In this case, the success of the American SRA coupled with the destruction of AF and the, ummm, "disappearance" of all our other Canadian heroes, made Canada a target for superpowered crime.

That's hardly the fault of I.M. or the U.S.A. And I don't think that it is very nice of Liz to frown on the U.S.'s success, or turn their friendly offer of assistence into something dirty. 'Specially considering what happened to Sasquatch at the hands of the Wrecking Crew.

05-05-2007, 12:47 AM
You see, I wouldn't really qualify it as a "success", per se. It's kinda like in Sudbury, which used to be plagued with severe pollution problems due to their factories constantly creating smog. Well, one day, they built what became the world's tallest chimney and suddenly the smog that plagued the city virtually disappeared. Only problem was that the smog simply carried itself over to its neighboring cities and suddenly they were stuck with the problem. Was it their fault because they weren't adequately prepared to deal with the pollution generated by Sudbury's factories?

05-05-2007, 01:19 AM
Well, I don't think that you can compare criminal activity to smog. Afterall, if your home has a security system, a watchdog, and you make sure to lock all your windows and doors, but your neighbour is way lax in comparison, is it your fault if a burgaler choses to break into his house rather than yours?

It's not your fault. You didn't create the crime or the criminal. You didn't point at your neighbours house and say, "sorry, but try your luck over there". You took measures to protect yourself. If your neighbour didn't that is his oversight; being loathe to say that a crime is the fault of the party so offended. Now, if you offered to set them up with some security tech. and protocols, one might expect that neighbour to be pleased with you rather than raving about how your trying to cover up some "dirty" little secret, like how you defended yourself vs. criminal activity. :? :roll:

Now, let's say your other neighbour, your good and trusted friend, knocked on your door, and told you about how a buncha new criminals had recently moved into the area. He asks for your help in defending the neighbourhood against them, but you say "tough, it's not my problem, you're on your own". And then your friend ends up getting completely trashed by the very criminals he asked you to help him with.

Liz needs to chill.

05-05-2007, 01:43 AM
Well, I don't think that you can compare criminal activity to smog. Afterall, if your home has a security system, a watchdog, and you make sure to lock all your windows and doors, but your neighbour is way lax in comparison, is it your fault if a burgaler choses to break into his house rather than yours?

If the burglar is a member of your household, while it may not be directly your fault, you would bear some responsibility in compensating your neighbor.

Don't forget, these are criminals that are FROM the U.S., which is the major concern here.

If you want to stretch your analogy even further, say your neighbor was holding a few things for you that would be of value, it would be in your best interest that your neighbor is properly equipped to prevent anything from happening to your valuables.

05-05-2007, 02:49 AM
So if a Canadian citizen commits a crime in another country, and because he couldn't get away with the same at home, it is Canada's fault?

But in fact, I can see your point. I would however point out that offering assistence is precisely what Stark and the U.S. are doing in Omega Flight.

Liz is spitting in their face for "having the nerve".

05-05-2007, 03:15 AM
plus its stated in alpha already that Walters APT is in BC

And he's on the record as having done Hulklike leaps to cover distances. Plus, the Government could certainly have gfiven him a ride.

FTR- yes, it looks like BC. But we're never told just WHERE it is, are we?

05-05-2007, 03:17 AM
So then, what you're saying is that all of these villains, who were engaging in illegal activities to begin with, suddenly decided to hit the trail, not because America's superhero police force was suddenly more organized and capable of taking them down, but because of a piece of paper which, like many others pieces of paper, centred them out as criminals?!?!

Sorry. I can buy the all of the implentation stuff without a problem, but I simply can't buy that. The villains are villains precisely because they don't give a rats ass about what is illegal, or why, and what is not.

No they "hit the trail" cause they didnt want to join the army. They wanted to be "bad guys". They became villains in the first place because they where either crazy, psychopathic, anti-establishment, anarchist, or just plain bad. Staying and registering to be a government puppet didnt seem like a good idea so they went somewhere where that wouldnt be the choice made for them. Hence the whole oppresive point of what Iron Man is doing. If you read Avengers: The Initiative the ongoing. There is a character called Cloud 9. She is a teenage girl who has the ability to fly on self generated clouds. She wasnt a vigalante, she wasnt a super villain. She just enjoyed flying for fun. She is as average teenager with average teenage insecurities and flying was her realease. BUT...because she has a "power" she is forced to join the Initiative and become a super hero. Putting her life at risk and witnessing a peer of hers die in training on her first day. She is than put into combat situations in her first week and all the poor girl did was want to fly. By the way. Under Iron Man's new regime. If you dont sign up they take your powers away or simply put you in the negative zone prison. No trial, no due process. Registration under the CURRENT system is wrong. As Talisman put it what Canada has done has worked for them. While we dont know the paticulars of those laws. As she also put it "we never turned it against ourselves". In case you havent picked up on it. The whole point about Civil War. Are the the projected loss of civil liberties to protect the citizens of our country. Is it ok for the government to spy on us and monitor everything? Is it ok for them to tell us what to watch and what to read? No its not. That is the not to thinly vailed message behind the Civil War story. That is why they killed Captain America. To show in their own way. That the former American way of life is not what it once was and that it like Captain America is dead.

05-05-2007, 11:14 AM
well in all honesty when issue #1 was written Oeming didn't know captain america was going to die, thus sasquatch says "It aint cpatain ammerica"... thus, if you use that plus the fact a civillian mistakes U S Agent for captain america, you can figure that oeming still was unaware of the death of cap at this point thus he couldn't refer to it in the conversation as he wouldn't have known yet

Good point.

05-05-2007, 01:13 PM
plus its stated in alpha already that Walters APT is in BC

And he's on the record as having done Hulklike leaps to cover distances. Plus, the Government could certainly have gfiven him a ride.

FTR- yes, it looks like BC. But we're never told just WHERE it is, are we?

i'm pretty sure around within byrne's run they go to his apartment in BC, and is refered to as "Walter's apartment in BC"

05-05-2007, 02:08 PM
A lot better than #1. Still not entirely sure I like the coloring over pencils thing that's going on. Did anyone spot any easter eggs in this issue?

05-05-2007, 02:34 PM
I personally find the art amazing, probably some of the best art in comics lately, has a great feel to it.

I didn't spot nay easter eggs no

05-05-2007, 02:55 PM
Thoroughly enjoyed this issue. Can't really think of any minuses apart from the scream from the pit as Thunderball came out. We already knew that Sas was being tortured, this just seemed like overkill to me, a bit of a pointless panel. (IMHO)

Talismans actions in regards to Iron Man seem perfectly in character. She's always been feisty and ready to speak her mind. Does she need to chill? Well let's see, a neighbouring country introduces a draconian law with dictatorial overtures that causes villains that wouldn't normally visit Canada to come over and knock the **** out of the place. I think she has every reason to rip Iron Man a new one.

In regards to Easter Eggs, wasn't Shaman supposed to be in a cloud or something?

05-05-2007, 04:19 PM
plus its stated in alpha already that Walters APT is in BC

And he's on the record as having done Hulklike leaps to cover distances. Plus, the Government could certainly have gfiven him a ride.

FTR- yes, it looks like BC. But we're never told just WHERE it is, are we?

i'm pretty sure around within byrne's run they go to his apartment in BC, and is refered to as "Walter's apartment in BC"

YOu miss what I was drivign at.

WALTER can be in B.C.
It doesn;t mean that the Crew's rampage was as well.

05-05-2007, 04:23 PM
oh i thought some o ne else said that.... yeah come to think of it they were in toronto rampaging wern't they?

05-05-2007, 07:29 PM
No they "hit the trail" cause they didnt want to join the army. They wanted to be "bad guys". They became villains in the first place is not what it once was and that it like Captain America is dead.

Well, whatever I may or may not have picked up on, I think that you're entirely mssing my point. And as for why the villains are in Canada, one only has to read Omega Flight and the reason is right there... "The smell of NOT Spider-Man, NOT Avengers or Fantastic Four or any other pain in my rear! I LOVE CANADA!"

Seems fairly self-explanatory to me. Canada is easy pickins... straight from the horses mouth. Sasq would seem to concur... "You thought you could come up here and raid my country? You thought that we cannot defend ourselves? That we are weak?"

Nowhere is anyone saying that the *villains* morally object to the SRA and it's implementation, the possibility of incarceration or depowerment, all without due process. I mean, gimme a break, they're *villains*. They face all that anyway, albeit with the benefit of due process. What is being stated and repeated, explicitly, is that Canada is easy pickins. And that is something that actually makes sense.

Now, back to my point, 'Liz needs to chill 'cause it's not the fault of IM or the USA.

05-05-2007, 09:58 PM
Canada was easy pickings once Alpha was dead. They didn't attack til the SHRA was put through. I think it's a mix of both reasons. The Act was just the straw that broke the back.

05-06-2007, 12:37 AM
Did anybody else find the choice of a Vince Carter milk ad on the last page to be a tad ironic? I mean, surely Marvel had no idea this issue would coincide with the NBA playoffs and be a sore point with us Raptor fans? :P

Can't wait for ish 3!

05-06-2007, 11:08 AM
The SRA was stirring up the ant mound, so to speak. The Pro-Reg heroes were out in force with teams of SHIELD agents backing them up. They were leaving no stone unturned looking for unregistered superhumans, any villian that got in their sight was either headed to the Thunderbolts or a massive beatdown.

With that kind of nationwide crackdown being spearheaded by SHIELD, there was just too much pressure for most super villians to deal with. So they headed to the much easier pickings North of the border. Being typically American, I'd be suprised any of the super villians even knew about Alpha Flight or the team's fate.

05-06-2007, 07:54 PM
Speaking of knowing about Alpha Flight; I'm positive that AF faced off against the Wrecker and/or the entire Wrecking Crew in vol.1. And I'm sure Sasq. was involved. As such, I woulda expected some reference to that battle, and all we got was "I read you were dead" or something to that effect.

Not a huge beef, and perhaps a defeat that the Wrecker or his Crew would rather not reference -- or maybe they just got clobbered o hard they can't remember -- but then, maybe Sasq. would've liked to remind them how they got beat down the last time they trekked up north... for the sake of a kick to the morale if nothing else.


05-07-2007, 12:04 AM
The SRA was stirring up the ant mound, so to speak. The Pro-Reg heroes were out in force with teams of SHIELD agents backing them up. They were leaving no stone unturned looking for unregistered superhumans, any villian that got in their sight was either headed to the Thunderbolts or a massive beatdown.

With that kind of nationwide crackdown being spearheaded by SHIELD, there was just too much pressure for most super villians to deal with. So they headed to the much easier pickings North of the border. Being typically American, I'd be suprised any of the super villians even knew about Alpha Flight or the team's fate.

Vert true :D

05-07-2007, 02:07 AM
With that kind of nationwide crackdown being spearheaded by SHIELD, there was just too much pressure for most super villians to deal with. So they headed to the much easier pickings North of the border. Being typically American, I'd be suprised any of the super villians even knew about Alpha Flight or the team's fate.

Bingo. Remember the tabloid tha the Crew had with them in OF #1?

"What is this?"
"Research, dude. We might run into Alpha Flight and I don;t know anything about Canada, so..."
"Are you really stupid? Are you really that dumb?"

05-07-2007, 01:42 PM
Speaking of knowing about Alpha Flight; I'm positive that AF faced off against the Wrecker and/or the entire Wrecking Crew in vol.1. And I'm sure Sasq. was involved. As such, I woulda expected some reference to that battle, and all we got was "I read you were dead" or something to that effect.

Not a huge beef, and perhaps a defeat that the Wrecker or his Crew would rather not reference -- or maybe they just got clobbered o hard they can't remember -- but then, maybe Sasq. would've liked to remind them how they got beat down the last time they trekked up north... for the sake of a kick to the morale if nothing else.


Yep, It was the next to last arc before cancellation (#125-127, IIRC) At the time Thunderball was trying to claim leadership of the group away from the Wrecker.

The fight was kind of unresolved actually, the Hardliners were raising a fuss and the Crew just ported away.

05-07-2007, 02:17 PM
I think it was #118-120. #125-127 being the Carcass storyline. IIRC didn't Northstar get badly injured in the fight with the Wrecking Crew?

05-07-2007, 03:40 PM
Now, back to my point, 'Liz needs to chill 'cause it's not the fault of IM or the USA.

Of course it's Iron man's fault. Liz is just calling him on it. As she said...Canada has had it's own Registration Act for a while now, but the Canadian super heroes never turned on each other, nor did they kill each other because of it. It is Iron man's (and Reed Richards') fault that Giant-Man/Goliath (Bill Foster) is dead, He and Reed created the Thor clone that killed him. They've taken away the freedoms of any hero that opposes them....And it's definitely Tony's/the Registration Act's fault that villains are heading to Canada.

She's only telling it like it is, that Tony and the Pro-Reg "heroes" will do/have done anything to see their goals met and Tony doesn't care who gets hurt or killed in the process. The whole Civil War Pro-Reg mentality is that of a police state, taking away all the freedoms from her citizens and forcing them to conform...All the while stating it's for their own good.

As far as Stamford being the fault of the New Warriors...That is a load of hooey! The New Warriors did not kill the people of Stamford...Nitro did. The same thing could have happened if Iron Man, Ms. Marvel or even Spider-Man had tried to stop Nitro. Nitro's power is to explode and nobody around is safe. If you blame the New warriors for the deaths of the people of Stamford, then you might as well blame the original Captain Marvel for not stopping Nitro in the first place, all those years ago. Nitro has faced Mar-Vell, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Daredevil and even Iron Man himself...Are they all to blame for Stamford?


05-07-2007, 03:47 PM
As for Issue 2 of OM...I liked it. The art was wonderful and the story seems to have a momentum. I really like that the Great Beasts may be involved and I'm looking forward to ssue 3.


BTW.... Marvel has apparently said that OM #2 has sold out at Diamond...


Thats their main distributer, right? I'm guessing that this is a very good thing?

05-07-2007, 03:58 PM
Now, back to my point, 'Liz needs to chill 'cause it's not the fault of IM or the USA.

Of course it's Iron man's fault. Liz is just calling him on it. As she said...Canada has had it's own Registration Act for a while now, but the Canadian super heroes never turned on each other, nor did they kill each other because of it. It is Iron man's (and Reed Richards') fault that Giant-Man/Goliath (Bill Foster) is dead, He and Reed created the Thor clone that killed him. They've taken away the freedoms of any hero that opposes them....And it's definitely Tony's/the Registration Act's fault that villains are heading to Canada.

She's only telling it like it is, that Tony and the Pro-Reg "heroes" will do/have done anything to see their goals met and Tony doesn't care who gets hurt or killed in the process. The whole Civil War Pro-Reg mentality is that of a police state, taking away all the freedoms from her citizens and forcing them to conform...All the while stating it's for their own good.

As far as Stamford being the fault of the New Warriors...That is a load of hooey! The New Warriors did not kill the people of Stamford...Nitro did. The same thing could have happened if Iron Man, Ms. Marvel or even Spider-Man had tried to stop Nitro. Nitro's power is to explode and nobody around is safe. If you blame the New warriors for the deaths of the people of Stamford, then you might as well blame the original Captain Marvel for not stopping Nitro in the first place, all those years ago. Nitro has faced Mar-Vell, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Daredevil and even Iron Man himself...Are they all to blame for Stamford?

Dana =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Beautifully put.

05-07-2007, 03:59 PM
:oops: Thanks, Del.


05-07-2007, 04:04 PM
WOO-HOO! It's time to par-tay! That's great news Dana, thanks! :D

05-07-2007, 04:09 PM
Haven't gotten the issue yet, but I've got it in mybox so its all good.

Just as a side point-

The Pro-regs are at fault, and the villains hopping the border isn't because they got their "act" together. Its because look at the Thunderbolts. VILLAINS, registered VILLAINS. They know what's in store for them, its a tour of duty with Uncle Sam.

05-07-2007, 10:54 PM
Now, back to my point, 'Liz needs to chill 'cause it's not the fault of IM or the USA.

Of course it's Iron man's fault. Liz is just calling him on it. As she said...Canada has had it's own Registration Act for a while now, but the Canadian super heroes never turned on each other, nor did they kill each other because of it. It is Iron man's (and Reed Richards') fault that Giant-Man/Goliath (Bill Foster) is dead, He and Reed created the Thor clone that killed him. They've taken away the freedoms of any hero that opposes them....And it's definitely Tony's/the Registration Act's fault that villains are heading to Canada.

She's only telling it like it is, that Tony and the Pro-Reg "heroes" will do/have done anything to see their goals met and Tony doesn't care who gets hurt or killed in the process. The whole Civil War Pro-Reg mentality is that of a police state, taking away all the freedoms from her citizens and forcing them to conform...All the while stating it's for their own good.

As far as Stamford being the fault of the New Warriors...That is a load of hooey! The New Warriors did not kill the people of Stamford...Nitro did. The same thing could have happened if Iron Man, Ms. Marvel or even Spider-Man had tried to stop Nitro. Nitro's power is to explode and nobody around is safe. If you blame the New warriors for the deaths of the people of Stamford, then you might as well blame the original Captain Marvel for not stopping Nitro in the first place, all those years ago. Nitro has faced Mar-Vell, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Daredevil and even Iron Man himself...Are they all to blame for Stamford?


BRAVO!! I do have to say this much about the whole Civil War saga. It has without a doubt gotten people talking about the Marvel Universe in a very passionate way. I have always felt that comics where the mythology of today. Through out history mythology was used to teach lessons and spark intelligent thought through telling a story. Its a great great thing that Marvel comics is doing this today. Comics are a unique and fantastic way to tell a story. I take great pride that such a fantastic medium for storytelling is getting some long deserved respect.

05-08-2007, 12:53 AM
I got mine today and I liked it a lot, quite a page turner! To how BRB and the Wrecking Crew are lead to the same place, BRB in human form getting messages from Talisman as is Sasquatch (although Talisman does not appear to know they are getting her messages). Who is drawing them all to the ROM? How will BRB regain his true form, it seems he only has visions of it?

USAgent being Captain Jerk, true to his original creators! As are the Wrecking Crew. And I loved how Talisman kept dissing USagent, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, "Talisman to you!!".

I liked issue #1 but this was on a whole new level the story moved forward and lots to think about for #3! Just one of those wow issues!

And I got mine in the mail with the 'last one' note, so my order store sold out fast again.

BRB and Sasquatch against the Wrecking Crew, what mystical figure is behind this storyline, OF coming together as a team, not individuals, Talisman sending USAgent to Hades the next time he calls her Pocahontas... A lot to look forward too.

05-10-2007, 02:15 PM
I personally find the art amazing, probably some of the best art in comics lately, has a great feel to it.

I didn't spot nay easter eggs no

Then you missed Shaman's appearance on Page 6?

Le Messor
05-13-2007, 02:37 AM
BTW- has anyone else seen the Sasquatch appearance in Woverine #53? WTF? I'm going to have a talk with that Loeb fellow.

Thank you! :)

The only thing I didn't like about #2 was that this issue didn't have the Easter eggs of #1. I like chocolate.

Great art, we knew that already, good story. The point of the 'aargh' panel? Sasquatch finally caved to the torture.

- Le Messor
"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something!"
- Pancho Villa's last words (attrib)

05-13-2007, 05:43 AM
With hindsight, I would like to think that the ArrrrrGggghh! panel was the point were Walt succumbed and Tanaraq took over.

05-13-2007, 08:46 AM
With hindsight, I would like to think that the ArrrrrGggghh! panel was the point were Walt succumbed and Tanaraq took over.

I thought the same thing but in issue 1 just begore the gas truck hits him(unless that's what you meant). There's an "Arrrrrgh!" in the middle of a sentence when thinking about the Collective. Now that could have been a flashback "arg" but in any case it's just after Walters last words ever since.

06-05-2007, 01:11 AM
I fiiiiiiinally got my hands on #2 (I missed it the day it came out --doh! -- sold out in 3 of the nearest shops -- then vacation, yadda yadda).

Few things:
1. I'm really happy to see the book selling out! It's great!! I certainly won't miss 3 hitting the shelves this week!
2. Scott Kolins , IMO, has done a wonderful, wonderful job with Sasquatch. Really great looking. Makes me happy.

I've enjoyed both books so far and purchased my variant cover for the second printing of #1

BUT...I have to add my voice to those expressing disappointment about the way things are going down with Sasquatch. Maaaan....it's just...just painful. I dunno...I know people see their favorite charcters beat up a lot and what's happening here is serving the larger storyline and blah blah blah blah but...but.... DUUUDE. It really freaking sucks to watch as, over the years when he shows up, one of your favorite all time characters get his ass handed to him AGAIN!! Aaaaand AGAIN. And, wait for it....AGAIN. IT's strated to feel more and more sadistic with each thrashing-- and now, OF # 2 has pretty well made it official!! A new record! Nearly a full comic worth of full on Sasquatch torture. Sweet Christmas! It's almost enough to make a guy give up on a character. Who wants follow the exploits of punching bag around he MU?

Of course I'm not giving up on the lovable gus. But it's very, very disheartening.

Is there some kind of inside joke in the Marvel offices about Sasquatch beating that I'm not aware of? Or maybe some kind of contractual bi-line that says as a writer, if you use Sasquatch, you essentially need to have him beaten to the threshold of life at some point in the story?

*sigh* Oh well. That's my rant.

I guess all and all I feel like things are going way better overall for the book than I might have feared -- but in terms of the character that brought me to AF way back in 1982 in the first place, well, it stinks!

06-05-2007, 01:14 AM
BUT...I have to add my voice to those expressing disappointment about the way things are going down with Sasquatch. Maaaan....it's just...just painful. I dunno...I know people see their favorite charcters beat up a lot and what's happening here is serving the larger storyline and blah blah blah blah but...but.... DUUUDE. It really freaking sucks to watch over the years when he shows up one of your favorite all time chracters get his ass handed to him AGAIN!! Aaaaand AGAIN. And, wait for it....AGAIN. And now, a new record, nearly a full comic worth of full on Sasquatch torture. Sweet Christmas. It's almost enough to make a guy give up on orange guy. Who wants follow the exploits of punching bag around he MU?

I suggest you don't read Wolverine #54 as I feel your pain, I even made a post about this on Mike's board :(

06-05-2007, 01:21 AM
I suggest you don't read Wolverine #54 as I feel your pain, I even made a post about this on Mike's board :(

:lol: Well -- I saw this appearance mentioned earlier this evening on AW -- didn't know about it -- was all excited, but then saw the comments about the art and was a bit less enthusiastic -- but so, now your telling me tha in addition to looking crap he as per usual gets his ass kicked? SWEET!

06-05-2007, 01:35 AM
:lol: Well -- I saw this appearance mentioned earlier this evening on AW -- didn't know about it -- was all excited, but then saw the comments about the art and was a bit less enthusiastic -- but so, now your telling me tha in addition to looking crap he as per usual gets his ass kicked? SWEET!


[spoilers]...............by Wild Child [Spoilers]


I actually made a respect thread for him if you want to remember his impressive feats:

06-05-2007, 02:49 PM
I actually made a respect thread for him if you want to remember his impressive feats:

Thanks for the link KM -- that looks very impressive! I'm looking foward to working my way through it! Though just a quick scan makes mme even more bitter when I remember him lifting Ocean Freighters and catching falling buildings like they were play things.

Wild Child?!? WILD CHILD?!!? :roll:

06-05-2007, 03:22 PM
Wild Child?!? WILD CHILD?!!? :roll:

Well if you want to see that fight go check out the Wild Child respect thread. It's sad :(

06-05-2007, 04:26 PM
Heh heh. Well, You had me worried there -- now seeing the panels it's clear that there has been some confusion. That is clearly Chewbacca that has been defeated by WC, not our hero. :)