View Full Version : Omega Flight #3..Got it

06-06-2007, 02:43 PM
Well got it and it was great, Tanaraq is a beast..no pun intended.

Also seems he may have had a connection with Surtur's demon army, which I called earlier as well. I'm on fire :)

06-06-2007, 02:46 PM
Well got it and it was great, Tanaraq is a beast..no pun intended.

Also seems he may have had a connection with Surtur's demon army, which I called earlier as well. I'm on fire :)

I'll be picking it up in 1/2 an hour. I'm at work with zero to do so could you spoil one thing? Does Sassy spend the entire issue chained up still?

06-06-2007, 03:00 PM
Yes, he is barely shown and is left in the Realm of the Beasts....with Tanaraq watching over him.

06-06-2007, 03:51 PM
got it. loved it. i am sick of all the omega members getting wooped!!! i really hope they give it back ten-fold.

i was looking for the image that scott put "after byrne", could have sworn it was this issue, maybe next?

06-06-2007, 04:33 PM
It's there but for some reason they put a two page ad for another book right smack in the middle of the spread.

06-06-2007, 04:36 PM
It's there but for some reason they put a two page ad for another book right smack in the middle of the spread.

Yeah that was dumb, ruins actually see the spread in all it's glory

Great job on the book Reber

06-06-2007, 06:04 PM
Got it. Liked the action, didn't like that we're 3 issues down and the team hasn't come together yet. For a team book, thats not really what I'd expect, especially for a limited series, and contributes to the "slow moving" complaints and comments in reviews.

So, the connection between the Great Beasts, and the demons that destroyed bills people is interesting. I'm curious now who that glowing robed figure who brought Bill back to earth was now. Snow Bird? Shaman?

06-06-2007, 07:12 PM












Damn! It's been a little more than a week since they opened the new Michael Lee-Chin Crystal section of the ROM, and the Wrecking Crew level the place! :lol: Nice action this issue with BRB and the Wrecker throwing down, and his crew tearing up T.O.
I loved Bill's battle with the Wrecker and the army of demons. It sure showed his power level when he took out the demons with one attack. However, it seems OF's strongmen keep losing it in battle, only to end up getting a crowbar in the snout. Bad habit that. Can't wait till next month when the team will finally be together, assuming someone frees Pointer.

It's there but for some reason they put a two page ad for another book right smack in the middle of the spread.

Easily remedied with a gentle tearing motion. Whose bright idea was it to put it there anyways?! It seems OF is getting the same respect as AF. :(

06-06-2007, 08:26 PM
However, it seems OF's strongmen keep losing it in battle, only to end up getting a crowbar in the snout. Bad habit that. Can't wait till next month when the team will finally be together, assuming someone frees Pointer.

I think that is done purposely to add to the threat level of these guys. If Sassy beat them in issue one, what would the rest of the books be filled with? With Sassy and Bill going down and the Crew just getting stronger, I can just see Guardian coming in at the end and obsorbing thier power and kick some ass.

06-06-2007, 10:18 PM
I got issue 3, but I still don't have issue 2. For some reason they were short last month. I'm supposed to begetting one sent to me at some point. OF really seems to selling well. They had no copies of issue 3 left at my local shop.

06-06-2007, 10:28 PM
I got issue 3, but I still don't have issue 2. For some reason they were short last month. I'm supposed to begetting one sent to me at some point. OF really seems to selling well. They had no copies of issue 3 left at my local shop.

I went early afternoon today and I had to stop at 2 shops to find one. I got the last copy at the second store. It's selling well in Moncton.

06-06-2007, 10:57 PM
Got it, read it, and loved it. The only thing I have to say thats only close to being negative was what a quick read it was. The visuals where breath taking as usual.

06-06-2007, 11:05 PM
I have to agree that this was a particularly quick read. This isn't necessarily bad, or good, but I read it before I even left the comic store. The art is beautiful, and I loved the spreads of Beta Ray Bill! Though he went down this round, I think that OF will be able to handle the Wrecking Crew.

Did it seem to anyone else like the Wrecking Crew got amped up with new powers or something? Is that why their eyes were glowing?

06-06-2007, 11:15 PM
I have to agree that this was a particularly quick read. This isn't necessarily bad, or good, but I read it before I even left the comic store. The art is beautiful, and I loved the spreads of Beta Ray Bill! Though he went down this round, I think that OF will be able to handle the Wrecking Crew.

Did it seem to anyone else like the Wrecking Crew got amped up with new powers or something? Is that why their eyes were glowing?

Yeah I believe so. That's why they are talking about their powers at the end and their weapons are glowing red.

06-06-2007, 11:27 PM
Got it, read it, and loved it. The only thing I have to say thats only close to being negative was what a quick read it was. The visuals where breath taking as usual.

Yah, it actually reminded me alot of Ghost Rider when I read it. Similar color pallette used and a very art driven story over all.

I like GR so that's good, but I am concerned about pacing.

And I still don't like Pointer in the Guardian suit. Brown's argument is bad. Canada needs a Guardian because he's a Canadian symbol, but the symbolism is lost if its an American in the suit. He could use the tech without the gear.

P.S. I really wanna see Talisman throw down.

06-06-2007, 11:44 PM
Did it seem to anyone else like the Wrecking Crew got amped up with new powers or something? Is that why their eyes were glowing?

They did Tanaraq even mentions he gave them a boost.

06-07-2007, 12:19 AM
I got issue 3, but I still don't have issue 2. For some reason they were short last month. I'm supposed to begetting one sent to me at some point. OF really seems to selling well. They had no copies of issue 3 left at my local shop.

I went early afternoon today and I had to stop at 2 shops to find one. I got the last copy at the second store. It's selling well in Moncton.

I'm going to Halifax this weekend. I'm hopin' I can track down issue 2 since I'm loosing faith in my local comic shop getting it. Plus, I can't read issue 3 till I get 2

06-07-2007, 01:27 AM
I have to say, this is moving waaaaaaaaaay to slow.
Hardcore Alpha fans are gonna be into it but those that weren't AF fans in the first place, I can see them being turned off big time by the pacing.

06-07-2007, 09:21 AM
Got it, read it, and loved it. The only thing I have to say thats only close to being negative was what a quick read it was. The visuals where breath taking as usual.

I think this is in large part due to the fact that we've all read half of it in the previews posted here and abroad. Still a great story, though I agree the pacing is slooooooow! Picking up, but slow. This just leaves 2 issues to get the team together in one spot and resolve the arc.

06-07-2007, 12:06 PM
Yesh! pacing is killing it for many


06-07-2007, 12:40 PM
I have to agree that this was a particularly quick read. This isn't necessarily bad, or good, but I read it before I even left the comic store. The art is beautiful, and I loved the spreads of Beta Ray Bill! Though he went down this round, I think that OF will be able to handle the Wrecking Crew.

Did it seem to anyone else like the Wrecking Crew got amped up with new powers or something? Is that why their eyes were glowing?

If Sasquatch couldn't take down the Crew before they got the power-boost and BRB is getting his *$$ kicked by Wrecker after the powerboost (and the demons), logically I'd have to say (1) US Agent is going to get his *$$ whooped, (2) Arachne is going to get her *$$ whooped, (3) Talisman better hope that all she gets is her *$$ whooped, and (4) Snowbird, who has a penchant for rushing in by herself, is probably going to get her @$$ whooped, too.

I don't see much hope for this team surviving (after) this limited series.

06-07-2007, 02:18 PM
Yesh! pacing is killing it for many


Yep. The pacing is just really, really, slow for a limited series.

06-07-2007, 02:50 PM
Well, that's likely a Marvel edict. "We don't like AF so go slow and see if it works, do just like Lobdell, slow, pace it out, don't tell a story an issue." JOe Q all the way.

06-07-2007, 04:20 PM
Well, that's likely a Marvel edict. "We don't like AF so go slow and see if it works, do just like Lobdell, slow, pace it out, don't tell a story an issue." JOe Q all the way.

I couldn't agree more. Still I liked this issue and will wait til everyone has it before I comment further.

This art is some of the best I've seen in a very long time.

06-07-2007, 04:33 PM
Well, that's likely a Marvel edict. "We don't like AF so go slow and see if it works, do just like Lobdell, slow, pace it out, don't tell a story an issue." JOe Q all the way.

I couldn't agree more. Still I liked this issue and will wait til everyone has it before I comment further.

This art is some of the best I've seen in a very long time.

While I liked the art, did anyone else find it sort of blurry? Its almost like it was resized poorly or something.

It just wasn't "crisp" is the best way I can think of describing it. Its like its slightly out of focus.

06-07-2007, 05:30 PM
So the pacing (which is undeniably weird at this point) is, let me get this straight, Joe Q's fault?

06-07-2007, 05:39 PM
I picked up my copy today.

I loved BRB's "No, *this* is cosmic" line. And lest we discount our horse-faced friend, lets not forget that, while the Wrecker KO'ed BRB, horseface did have to hold back a demon horde as they fought.

Likewise, Sasquatch stood alone against the entire Wrecking Crew.

And of course, Pointer is going to have to make a big save at some point in the story if we are ever going to like him. Incidently, loved USAgents comment about Pointer's crying. Spot on. Classic.

Anyway, I wouldn't discount 'Liz either. She's got the magic and thus the capacity to nullify the Crew's power boost. She also knows about the Great Beasts, and at least one member of the Crew has already expressed insightful doubt about their new master/s.

As for the pacing; yeah, it's not too good. Nevertheless, we're getting good stuff in every issue, and have been left wanting more... though admittedly, perhaps too much more with 3 issues now behind us, and only 4 left to go.

06-07-2007, 07:05 PM

Well yeah it feels really slow yet it read really fast, especially with all of those splash pages, but I think this was a result of the shrinking from a ongoing. Talisman faced Pointer for the first time and he had to defend himself. They found out where Sassy is going and they are all off to find him while Pointer is left in a dramatic scene. The wreking crew had to travel to the other side, we learned what drew them to Canada, they got a power up, we learned there is a connection with BRB, his homeworld and the Great beasts. Beta Ray made his first appearance with a bang, fought off the demons and Wrecker in a big battle. A lot happened in a short time and I assume Mike had to cut out a lot to get the story to this point.

If you think about it, we have two full issues left where the bad guys are suped up, the team will appear all together for the first time and you know Guardian will make his return and save the day. Snowbird or Shaman might reveal themselves. The true master mind will be revealed and a battle royal will insue to create a new ongoing threat as a status quo, hopefully setting up a new ongoing series. 8)

06-07-2007, 08:18 PM

If you think about it, we have two full issues left where the bad guys are suped up, the team will appear all together for the first time and you know Guardian will make his return and save the day.

I seriously hope he doesn't. The whole conversation between Liz and Pointer and Brown was basically a retelling of the concerns of the comics community vs. the opinions of the Eds/Oeming. If Pointer suddenly saves the day it'll be even worse. Ugh. As a reviewer said, the fact that the suit will help him out in no way necessitates his being Guardian. I really thought that something might happen to make me like him as Guardian, but right now it just seems forced, and I think most people are seeing it that way too, which is unfortunate. I mean I could really see Pointer on the team, but not as Guardian. That's just messed. So far the only cell I smiled at in which Pointer was present was the cell in which Liz almost blew his head off.

06-07-2007, 09:52 PM
Well I think we're supposed to feel anywhere from indifferent to sorry for him at the moment. That is of course a setup. Just like the big beatings the "big guns" are recieving. Redemption/Vindication is meaningless unless there's something to vindicate or redeem.

He will definitely come in and either save Talisman's life or do something significant to start his long redemption. I can't see anything else happening. Maybe he even obsorbed the memories aswell as powers of all those he killed and somehow is able to communicate with Elizabeth through her father. Or something. That Oeming is a tricky one. 8)

06-08-2007, 12:37 AM
Well, the solict for Issue Five kind of implies that someone dies. I can see Pointer doing something like blowing himself up to save the team somehow.

06-08-2007, 12:48 AM
"Not coming home" doesn't mean death, for all we know Sasquatch stays in the Realm of the Beasts [which he is in now] and doesn't come back.

06-08-2007, 09:27 AM
I've got it!
well, not exactly, because i get it yesterday afternoon... but i was too busy in reading again and again so i wasn't able to reply...

06-08-2007, 02:36 PM
"Not coming home" doesn't mean death, for all we know Sasquatch stays in the Realm of the Beasts [which he is in now] and doesn't come back.

True. Its suitably ambiguous. It could mean someone dies, or it might mean that someone stays in the realm of the beasts, as you say.

06-08-2007, 04:19 PM
"Not coming home" doesn't mean death, for all we know Sasquatch stays in the Realm of the Beasts [which he is in now] and doesn't come back.

What we do know:
We can be pretty sure that its Sasquatch due to his repeated absence from the initial team pics, all the covers, and the fact that Oeming said that Talisman would represent the old guard (when it was still an ongoing.)

06-09-2007, 03:06 AM
Getting kind of worried about the future of OF.


06-09-2007, 09:22 AM
Getting kind of worried about the future of OF.


You getting negative in your old age? :wink: Dont sweat it. Its just your average message board with people being negative. I know we have not heard yet. But I think the next Marvel solicits will be telling. I believe they come out soon actually. I know this was already speculated but perhaps Mr. Oemings little jaunt to Canada was to celebrate the books impending ongoing status. I think when he gets back we will hear something. If the book picks up from #6 we would have to hear something very very soon. BTW any news on how its selling?

06-09-2007, 11:38 AM
my shop was out, i think he normally orders 20 or so copies. this issue was the worse of a good series, but it is a very good series.

anyone going to the toronto show?

06-09-2007, 01:11 PM
Getting kind of worried about the future of OF.


You getting negative in your old age? :wink: Dont sweat it. Its just your average message board with people being negative. I know we have not heard yet. But I think the next Marvel solicits will be telling. I believe they come out soon actually. I know this was already speculated but perhaps Mr. Oemings little jaunt to Canada was to celebrate the books impending ongoing status. I think when he gets back we will hear something. If the book picks up from #6 we would have to hear something very very soon. BTW any news on how its selling?

I think the first two issues sold very well, figures for #2 should be out pretty soon.

I enjoyed this issue, but was surprised to see Tanaraq doing his impression of Chewbacca. Makes you wonder where Bianchi got his idea for Sas in Wolverine.

I think the pacing could be better, but OF did have the rug pulled out from under it with very little time to adjust to limited formats. As to what other forums may or may not be saying, no biggy, negativity is rife on comics forums. If any book doesn't have a Wolvie or Spidey appearence every three issues people get angsty :-)

06-09-2007, 01:32 PM
my shop was out, i think he normally orders 20 or so copies. this issue was the worse of a good series, but it is a very good series.

anyone going to the toronto show?

When I got my copy there were still plenty left on the shelf, but I noticed there was only one copy left of the second print of #1! I was planning to go to the show, but this weekend is a big one at work so it's impossible. sigh :(

06-09-2007, 04:24 PM
You know what I love?

This issue was mostly the "action" that people have been whining about for the first two.

It's almost entirely a BIG FIGHT, except for the interlude with Pointer and the rest of the team.

Also- everybody whined and whined, "Where's Beta Ray Buill"? Well, there is is.

And now people are kvetchign about that.

I WILL say it's my least favorite issue thus far- but snce 'm a massive Thor fan, it was nice to see a hero using a "real" Mjolnir- even if he did get shellacked.

Sadly, not a lot to review on the text front- the pages with the most actual script on them are the ones that got leaked before the issue came out.

HJWEVER- the fight is VERY cool to look at, and the Crew being amped up on Tanaraq 'roids goes a long way toward explaining how they're gonna be able to handle a tussle with the whole team.

But really...
Agent Brown had better go get Pointer loose if he think they really need him.

06-09-2007, 05:24 PM
I leafed through it at the store, saw that it was mostly BRB fighting wrecking crew and the rest of the team continuing to squabble, and decided to get something else instead.


JJ Mohareb

06-09-2007, 05:30 PM
It seems that folks keep pointing out that the slow/odd pacing of this series is the result of it being scaled back form an ongoing -- but I guess I'm unclear on how that covers it? I guess it just seems to me that, even if this were the first three issues of an ongoing series, I'd still think it was a bit on the slow side. Maybe I'm missing something though about how the title/writing/approach was affected by such a late in he game change.

06-09-2007, 07:17 PM
It seems that folks keep pointing out that the slow/odd pacing of this series is the result of it being scaled back form an ongoing -- but I guess I'm unclear on how that covers it? I guess it just seems to me that, even if this were the first three issues of an ongoing series, I'd still think it was a bit on the slow side.

I think Oeming could obviously field this question best, but from what I can gather, this plot is basically completely different than the storyline he originally devised, but he was unable to properly adapt the book for a new story because the change was dropped on him after one and a half issues were written, drawn, and coloured. Think about the first one and a half issues, they don't exactly set themselves up well for a mini. A whole bunch of backstory on BRB was actually supposed to be explained but was instead left out.

06-09-2007, 07:32 PM
I think Oeming could obviously field this question best, but from what I can gather, this plot is basically completely different than the storyline he originally devised, but he was unable to properly adapt the book for a new story because the change was dropped on him after one and a half issues were written, drawn, and coloured. Think about the first one and a half issues, they don't exactly set themselves up well for a mini. A whole bunch of backstory on BRB was actually supposed to be explained but was instead left out.

That's unfortunate. If the PTBs at Marvel forced that significant an alteration on the book they should have been willing to let them start it from scratch.

JJ Mohareb

06-09-2007, 08:37 PM
I got it too and...Well...Feh! I'm a bit disappointed.


06-10-2007, 10:51 AM
It's chapter 3 of 5. Yes, the weakest of the issues out yet, but I still found it pretty solid and enjoyable. I think we olkder readers are still too used to the old school style of assembling a team in 1 issue. Those days, sadly, are gone. JLA, both Avengers books and New Warriors, to name a few, also took/are taking time to develop the entire cast.

06-11-2007, 12:33 AM
Good review:

Beta Ray Daz
06-11-2007, 03:12 AM
Only just picked it up today.. Very happy to see BRB making his first appearance, great introduction, story and fighting sequences.. 2 page ad was annoying (lucky i'm cosmic fan!)
Hopefully the whole gang should get together next issue.


06-11-2007, 08:20 AM
Second Rate Spider-Woman to Second Rate Captain America:

"Your an @$$".

First off, this proves no one is editing the book.

Secondly, are we all twelve? Must they protect us from the mildest of curses?

JJ Mohareb

06-11-2007, 12:38 PM
It's chapter 3 of 5. Yes, the weakest of the issues out yet, but I still found it pretty solid and enjoyable. I think we olkder readers are still too used to the old school style of assembling a team in 1 issue. Those days, sadly, are gone. JLA, both Avengers books and New Warriors, to name a few, also took/are taking time to develop the entire cast.

The "This is cosmic!" line should have been on the pin-up splash page of Beta Ray Bill.

Agent Brown should show some of his skills as the head honcho to get this team to do something, like the PM intended.

This one doesn't seem like it was edited, because most of The Crew's dialog was throwaway (hair on end, I'm scared) and unnecessary. This was the one issue that shouldn't have let readers down.

06-11-2007, 02:54 PM
What an amazing comic week for me. OMEGA FLIGHT, Birds of Prey, Outsiders, Countdown and Marvel Zombies vs Army of Darkness!

Anyways, I loved the confrontation between Michael and Elizabeth (natch) and although I did find Brown's excuse to have Pointer as weak, I have to admit I felt a little sorry for Pointer. He certainly didn't choose to be here. The guy has been victimized at every turn, now he's expected to be a symbol for Canada by S.H.I.E.L.D.

BRB is one powerful horsey-alien. And I'm glad he has lips. Those Silvestri shots made him look too skeletal. This was the fasest read but also the most action-packed. I really have o problem with the pacing since I have every confidence that this will be made into an ongoing. But as I see it we'll have a full issue of Omega vs The Crew, then Omega vs Tanaraq. I have no problem with this.

BTW, Comicbloc gave it #1 for Ranking the Week.

06-11-2007, 08:42 PM
Finally got mine, great art, moved the story up to where the OF vs. Wrecking Crew fight starts, I liked it almost as much as #2. Have to go though, ball practice (I'm the coach).

OK, practice done. Anyway, I get the feeling that Pointer is going to either be part Canadian or get Canadian citizenship. Anyone notice that Brown's computer is a Bochs model?

Pointer will come out big in the nest issue. He's mad now and out to prove himself.

Even cosmically powered up, the Wrecking Crew and those demons have no hope against Talisman, BRB, and Sasquatch. And they're not alone.

I reread it and now, I'll look close for other things in the art... :wink:

06-12-2007, 08:51 AM
I particularly liked the scene where Talisman is so revved up that her feet are not touching the floor as she yells. I thought it was a nice subtle touch and show of her power.

06-12-2007, 12:52 PM
Mokole beat me to the punch in mentioning the Boch screen, nice easter egg. I read it the second time last night, I also noticed floating Talisman, nice touch. This is the best Elizabeth has ever been written IMHO. I can't wait for the throwdown, 3 weeks is too long!

Tiberius Bane
06-12-2007, 11:11 PM
I'm sorry but I just can not get over that Guardian is American. This seems to be a deal breaker for me. If Omega Flight was an ongoing and Pointer continued as Guardian, I would have dropped the series. Since it is a mini however, I will continue and get the last 2 issues and be glad when it finishes. I have no desire for the series to become an ongoing anymore.

I'm still looking forward to Mice Templar though.

06-13-2007, 11:52 AM
Tiberius, what's the big deal? If he get's his citizenship changed it's all good isn't it? Unless, of course, Guardian was your fave Alphan then I guess I can understand. But I'm pretty sure Mike would change his legal status (he has to at least get permanent residence status to work in Canada :lol:).

edit: Woo hoo I've graduated to Beta Flight. Do I get my own costume yet?

06-13-2007, 04:23 PM
Woo hoo I've graduated to Beta Flight. Do I get my own costume yet?

I believe that Aurora makes costumes - or is that only for male superheroes?

06-13-2007, 04:45 PM
So... If Pointer is in fighting shape why is he locked in a metal case? To not overheat the suit?

Anyone think that Brown might be fight as Box? Or is he just gonna be all: "You may have been superpowered before wrecking crew, but now I've shot you all in the head, so there."

06-13-2007, 11:49 PM
Woo hoo I've graduated to Beta Flight. Do I get my own costume yet?

I believe that Aurora makes costumes - or is that only for male superheroes?

Well, since I am a guy there should be no problem (don't let the avatar fool you). :D

Beta Ray Daz
06-14-2007, 04:16 AM
thought you might like this guys.. straight from Reber's Deviantart, claims it's an 'homage to the original "Land of the Great Beasts" page drawn by John Byrne'-

i've also put it in the gallery..

06-15-2007, 05:11 PM
Woo hoo I've graduated to Beta Flight. Do I get my own costume yet?

I believe that Aurora makes costumes - or is that only for male superheroes?

Well, since I am a guy there should be no problem (don't let the avatar fool you). :D

Oops. Guilty as charged, of judging a book by it's cover. My bad.

Le Messor
06-16-2007, 09:37 PM
Good review:

Cool, 'cept they seem to credit Scott with the design of the Realm, rather than Byrne.

I think I preferred it in black and white, but the red works, too.

I had noticed Talisman floating, but not the Bochs screen. Cool. Come, Mrs. Talisman, tally me banana, daylight come and me wan' go home...

I get the feeling that the mini will end with the team forming; which, of course, would've worked a lot better for an ongoing than a mini.
The loose, 'not-team' feel was how Byrne did it! Difference being, he showed us them as a team.

I liked how Oeming put our concerns in characters' mouths with the Guardian controversy. I felt like he was talking to us.
However, I didn't like his answers. Nothing in there justified Pointer in the flag; he could wear a different suit over the tech (it was established in v1 #17 that it was just a suit).
hmm... Agent Brown as Guardian?

- Le Messor
"Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists."
- John Kenneth Galbraith

Beta Ray Daz
06-17-2007, 05:23 AM
Good review:
Come, Mrs. Talisman, tally me banana, daylight come and me wan' go home...

beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice

Le Messor
06-17-2007, 05:28 AM
Gah! You shouldn't have said it three times! :D

06-17-2007, 04:11 PM
Gah! You shouldn't have said it three times! :D

Shouldn't affect you! I hear you're a Skrull!

Beta Ray Daz
06-18-2007, 12:16 PM
Gah! You shouldn't have said it three times! :D


Scott Kolins
06-19-2007, 05:28 PM
Sorry to be away so long. I just finished drawing #5.

Glad most of you seem to be really enjoying the series. There's some great stuff coming up. Each issue feels stronger to me and I hope you all will agree. I'm proud of this series and I think it goes a long way to rebuilding this portion of the Marvel universe - a portion I'm particularly fond of.

Now it's true that my next gig is a Wolverine arc starting in Septmeber, but know that Marvel has heard your voice and recognizes that there's gold in these hills. So I don't imagine it'll be too long before you hear what comes next - and hopefully I'll be along for the ride.



06-19-2007, 06:15 PM
I think we've all enjoyed the series. We're just all flinching about now waiting for the other foot to drop. Alpha Flight hasn't been treated kindly all that often. You, Oeming, and Reber have definitely done your part to right that wrong. Hopefully you'll be allowed to continue the fix. Your art has been spectacular for the most part (I'd be lying if I said I loved every panel) and very reverent. I have to say the cover to issue #3 is one of my all time favorite covers now! Very Nice Work!The story has been there as well. I'm moving to the camp that would have liked to see the team form more quickly, but the story has been good, so I'm definitely not disappointed. In fact this is probably a much more real look at how a team forms. The characterization and interplay has been great.
I'll hang around to hear what's next, but hopefully we're not kept in suspense for long! Folks are already speculating no news means bad news! Here's to hoping they're wrong.

06-19-2007, 07:06 PM
Now it's true that my next gig is a Wolverine arc starting in Septmeber, but know that Marvel has heard your voice and recognizes that there's gold in these hills. So I don't imagine it'll be too long before you hear what comes next - and hopefully I'll be along for the ride.


Oh you little tease, I wonder what it could be... :?

06-19-2007, 07:18 PM
Thanks for all the positives sir! Somedays, we really need them (even if it is just comics). Cheers! :D

06-19-2007, 07:37 PM
Now it's true that my next gig is a Wolverine arc starting in Septmeber, but know that Marvel has heard your voice and recognizes that there's gold in these hills.

Haha, that reminds me of Daniel Way's explanation of why Ghost Rider became an ongoing:

“Marvel was like look, money…money comes out of this hole!”

06-19-2007, 08:09 PM
Sorry to be away so long. I just finished drawing #5.

Glad most of you seem to be really enjoying the series. There's some great stuff coming up. Each issue feels stronger to me and I hope you all will agree. I'm proud of this series and I think it goes a long way to rebuilding this portion of the Marvel universe - a portion I'm particularly fond of.

Now it's true that my next gig is a Wolverine arc starting in Septmeber, but know that Marvel has heard your voice and recognizes that there's gold in these hills. So I don't imagine it'll be too long before you hear what comes next - and hopefully I'll be along for the ride.



Sound like good news! Im' definitely liking the series, and I really dig your art.

I would ike to say though, for the sake of respectful and constructive criticism, that there have been a couple of instances where the action was not depicted and reader was forced to fill in certain blanks, eg. issue #3 when Beta Ray Bill fell back to earth and we had to presume that it was the Wrecker who smashed him back down.

A fairly easy presumption to be sure, but who wouldn't have liked to see ol'horseface eat that crowbar as the Wrecker came plummetting back down from Bill's uppercut?

Anyone, like I said, I really admire your talent as an artist, so it is a very small and well intended criticism.

Thanks for your work! Awesome stuff!!!

06-19-2007, 10:04 PM
I would ike to say though, for the sake of respectful and constructive criticism, that there have been a couple of instances where the action was not depicted and reader was forced to fill in certain blanks, eg. issue #3 when Beta Ray Bill fell back to earth and we had to presume that it was the Wrecker who smashed him back down.

Thanks for your work! Awesome stuff!!!

BRB overloaded, he didn't get smashed down by the Wrecker.

06-19-2007, 10:27 PM
WooT! This news is very positive. I hope the news comes soon. That was a very big tease.

06-20-2007, 03:32 AM
I would ike to say though, for the sake of respectful and constructive criticism, that there have been a couple of instances where the action was not depicted and reader was forced to fill in certain blanks, eg. issue #3 when Beta Ray Bill fell back to earth and we had to presume that it was the Wrecker who smashed him back down.

Thanks for your work! Awesome stuff!!!

BRB overloaded, he didn't get smashed down by the Wrecker.


06-20-2007, 10:03 AM
I would ike to say though, for the sake of respectful and constructive criticism, that there have been a couple of instances where the action was not depicted and reader was forced to fill in certain blanks, eg. issue #3 when Beta Ray Bill fell back to earth and we had to presume that it was the Wrecker who smashed him back down.

Thanks for your work! Awesome stuff!!!

BRB overloaded, he didn't get smashed down by the Wrecker.


Like, used too much power. Alot of people criticized this actually. If I had one criticism, that really isn't the artists fault but I guess people didn't get it, its that BRB had every right to collapse. He was fighting off a super-powered Wrecker AND an entire army at once.

06-20-2007, 11:56 AM
yeah i wish it happened more in comics... when a heroe uses an extremely high amount of power it should wear him out.. i thought it was a good move for him to pass out

06-20-2007, 03:53 PM
yeah i wish it happened more in comics... when a heroe uses an extremely high amount of power it should wear him out.. i thought it was a good move for him to pass out

I would just love to see an issue of Iron Man wear his suit runs out of batteries. Or an issue of NA where Luke Cage needs to stop and catch his breath.

06-20-2007, 07:52 PM
You guys are kidding, right? :)

BRB overloaded, collapsed, fell down and couldn't get up.


And this is the same BRB that bested Thor -- who has himself faced hordes of lackey's while tackling a powerhouse on more than 1 occassion -- prior to being invested with Asgardian power? :oops:

Okay. Okay. Very funny. Ha ha. You guys got me. Good one. :?

06-20-2007, 10:23 PM
First, thanks Scott for popping in to let us know where things are at. I'm fervently hoping that Omega Flight goes regular right after the mini-series - I'm addicted to it, which means kudos to you, MAO, Reber and the entire creative team.

Secondly, I couldn't help but notice the following from the Newsarama Forum review of #3:

"Oeming presents a highly disfunctional, hostile relationship between the members of Omega Flight, and I'm loving every minute of it."

What I love about this is that it mirrors the dysfunctional relationships in the original Byrne team, which was a bit of a 'breath of fresh air' in those days when super hero teams were all so functional and noble. Good to see MAO give this a bit of a nod of his head.

I'll be picking up #3 this weekend - the preview of #4 looks spectacular. Omega Flight is gold. I just wish MAO, Scott and co would come down to Perth, Australia - I'd attend a signing. (I fear that the only comic book creator to have graced our small city is Kurt Busiek during his Astro City/Iron Man days).

06-21-2007, 12:54 AM
First, thanks Scott for popping in to let us know where things are at. I'm fervently hoping that Omega Flight goes regular right after the mini-series - I'm addicted to it, which means kudos to you, MAO, Reber and the entire creative team.

Yup, thank you Scott for the update and the work you've put into OF. I have to admit, when I first heard what was happening to AF and the new team replacing them, I was sure I'd hate it. I didn't. Scott, you and Reber went above and beyond with the art, which makes sense since it's amazing. Mike, you have renewed my belief that there are intelligent, deep, talented writers out there. This is the kind of storytelling I've been missing for so long in comics. I just hope this becomes an ongoing so you can keep bringing us this book.

Le Messor
06-23-2007, 11:30 PM
Gah! You shouldn't have said it three times! :D
Shouldn't affect you! I hear you're a Skrull!

That's just a rumour...

I just wish MAO, Scott and co would come down to Perth, Australia - I'd attend a signing.

Hey, that'd be cool. Come to Canberra, too. Or, at least Sydney.

I keep getting tempted to call Oeming The Chairman... but it's probably been done.

- Le Messor
"Entropy isn't what it used to be."