View Full Version : New Warriors #1

06-08-2007, 10:38 AM
Anyone else pick it up?
I wasn't going to but flicked through it in t'shop and really enjoyed it.

06-08-2007, 10:52 AM
Wind Dancer is supposed to be in it right?

06-08-2007, 01:40 PM
Yah, Sophia is the main in issue 1 for sure. Alot of people didn't like the drastic changes she and beak went through personality and looks wise, but I think both can be explained away.

Honesty time: I enjoyed this more than OF3, (a much longer read), I highly recommend picking it up. I'm psyched to see Night Thrasher and Sofia kick some @$$.

06-08-2007, 02:14 PM
Ya, she'd probably have to know martial arts or something otherwise the nW'S Wouldn't want her...

but it would be cool if SHE were the new NT, no?

06-08-2007, 04:23 PM
Ya, she'd probably have to know martial arts or something otherwise the nW'S Wouldn't want her...

but it would be cool if SHE were the new NT, no?

It would, but since NT says hi to her at the end of issue one I doubt that happens :) . I hope she'll get some tech to work with seeing that the NW somehow have the funds to use Teleporters (and I'm so sick of seeing IM blind people with science. Its time anti-reggers struck back with tech or their own.)

06-08-2007, 08:32 PM
Yup...but man...I wish I knew who the new NT was.....o.o
Maybe it's another depowered Mutant like Specter, Kidogo or someone who survived the assault?

06-09-2007, 12:06 PM
I was pretty impressed with this, Wasn't sure if it would hit the right notes with me.

As to who the new NT is, the only person who springs to mind is Aegis, he has an axe to grind considering what he put up with in the pages of X-Factor. Probably isn't though, too obvious.

06-09-2007, 12:11 PM
I loved this issue honestly. I know no history about the new warriors, but the cover looked interestign so i grabbed it and loved it.. it has suspense and i love the small cracks by the nypd.. and any one else notice the guys from the Avengers: Initiative flying through new york in one of the panals. That was fun to see, esspecially sicnei had just read A:I before this issue.


Though after reading this issue it makes alot more sense as to why they were chasing spidy in A:I

Le Messor
06-10-2007, 12:21 AM

Though after reading this issue it makes alot more sense as to why they were chasing spidy in A:I

Explain? I've read both...

My first impression was, the new NT is white. Actually, that's my last impression, since it's on the last page, but it was my first impression of him. (Looks 'him'ish, too.)

- Le Messor
"Will you join me in Death?"

06-11-2007, 12:51 AM
As a first issue I thought it was decent. I didn't buy it but I read it in the store.

06-11-2007, 01:38 AM
I never read NW before and decided to give it a try and I was totally lost. Not a good way to start if you want to bring new readers to the book.

06-11-2007, 08:03 PM
I never read NW before and decided to give it a try and I was totally lost. Not a good way to start if you want to bring new readers to the book.

Really? I picked it up when I got OF3 and I didn't have any trouble, and I didn't know much about them, other than their role in setting off Civil War. It didn't seem like you needed any preexisting knowledge of the various earlier NW teams to follow what was going on here.

Beta Ray Daz
06-13-2007, 01:08 AM
Yeah I followed it pretty well having only read bits and pieces of Civil War and The Initiative + having no knowledge of the New warriors at all... i'll pick up the next issue

06-16-2007, 08:47 AM
My guess is Bandit - Dwayne's brother.

06-16-2007, 09:36 AM
I thought it might be Bandit, but could think of no reason why he would want to honour his half-brothers memory.

06-16-2007, 10:47 AM
2 things that occur to me - one is for him to be unregistered and throw some confusion into the mix.

The second thought is that writers may be a bit inconsistent, and of course that would never happen!

Actually a third thing that occurred to me was that maybe in some linked to Dwayne's death some level of wealth (insurance?) has come Bandit's way.

06-16-2007, 11:02 AM
I can go with the insurance thing, but doubt Bandit would suddenly come over all righteous. His sole motivation was to cause pain and humiliation to Dwayne at every opportunity. Also he never struck me as much of a street fighter, relying on his mutant powers. Not sure if he was de-powered after House of M?

Not saying it isn't him, but it's going to have to be some back story to make it believable.

06-16-2007, 11:38 AM
I can go with the insurance thing, but doubt Bandit would suddenly come over all righteous. His sole motivation was to cause pain and humiliation to Dwayne at every opportunity. Also he never struck me as much of a street fighter, relying on his mutant powers. Not sure if he was de-powered after House of M?

Not saying it isn't him, but it's going to have to be some back story to make it believable.

If it is Bandit, he may not be what he seeems, as in he may not be on tthe side of right (I'm still with cap as far as CW goes BTW!). It isn't logical to be Bandit I know, but we all know that hasn't always stopped comic book writers... :wink:

06-16-2007, 11:49 AM
Fair comment.

Comics Writer : 'Continuity ? Ain't no such word in my dictionary Bub'.

If it is Bandit (Donnell or something like that iirc) then it would at least give a way for Sil to appear. I think she remained powered after 'House of M', so it would be good to see her.

06-16-2007, 01:52 PM
Was Silhouette a mutant with he shadow powers (long time since I read those issues!)?

06-16-2007, 01:57 PM
Yup, her shadow melting ability was a mutation. Her Brother was also a Mutant, but not absolutely sure what his power was. Looking like a dork with a ponytail may have been it.

Le Messor
06-16-2007, 09:52 PM
Midnight's Fire had (I believe) enhanced agility, speed, maybe strength. You know, that old chestnut. The power you're having when you're not having powers.

I've read all of New Warriors, v 1-3, and most of the solo appearances, but I don't think I needed one bit of that knowledge for this issue. (Things that lost me were Academy X, I believe, mutants; but I didn't feel completely lost. I'll have you know I was only mostly lost. Now, if you're completely lost, there's only one thing you can do. Go through the forest and look for loose breadcrumbs.)

I still think, but it's just a bizarre impression, that the new Night Thrasher is white. Is Bandit? I dunno, I don't suppose it makes that much diff; it's an art thing.

- Le Messor
"EIEIO is a gross mispelling of the word "farm"."
- George Carlin (attrib)

06-17-2007, 05:08 AM
You read volume 3, you brave man! Never looked at it myself. Although I have read the majority of the other series including Nova vol 3 which was oh so bad.

As to Thrashman being white, maybe, but if I was a betting man I'd be putting my dosh on Aegis. Seems to be the in thing this year, putting newbies into established costumes.

Le Messor
06-17-2007, 05:16 AM

My sum up of NW v3:
idea: horrible.
art: horrible.
writing: excellent.

It surprised me.
(The art might've been good, but it's cartoony, and I really, really can't stand that in a superhero book.)

Looking at that pic again, I'm gonna change my mind; Night Thrasher is a member of a race. Or multiple races. I won't go beyond that.
don't know where I got 'white' from.

- Le Messor
"Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped."
- Groucho Marx in A Day at the Races

06-17-2007, 05:22 AM
From what I've heard vol 3 was probably better than vol 2, but I really couldn't get my head around the art so didn't bother. The first few pages of Civil War #1 seemed to give a good sunnation of what occured in vol 3 so I don't feel I missed anything.

Out of the Warrior afilliated books out there Nova, New Warriors, Loners and New Avengers (?). I only pick up three and the Warrior book hasn't had time to convince me it's a better read than Nova or Loners. A lot of the complaints I've heard about Warriors is that the dialogue is very unconvincing. My only quibble would be the slow pacing, but it has time.

Le Messor
06-17-2007, 05:27 AM
From what I've heard vol 3 was probably better than vol 2, but I really couldn't get my head around the art so didn't bother.

More memorable, certainly. And, I don't blame you. I really, really, didn't like the art.

Out of the Warrior afilliated books out there Nova, New Warriors, Loners and New Avengers (?).

New Avengers? How?

I only pick up three and the Warrior book hasn't had time to convince me it's a better read than Nova or Loners. My only quibble would be the slow pacing, but it has time.

Dude, you read Omega Flight! :P

I don't read Loners. How is it? I do read Runaways, which it spun out of.

- Le Messor
"Either you are part of the solution or you are part of the precipitate."

06-17-2007, 05:41 AM
From what I've heard vol 3 was probably better than vol 2, but I really couldn't get my head around the art so didn't bother.

More memorable, certainly. And, I don't blame you. I really, really, didn't like the art.

Out of the Warrior afilliated books out there Nova, New Warriors, Loners and New Avengers (?).

New Avengers? How?

I know one of the Avengers books has frequent appearences by Justice, may be Initiative, but Justice has been defanged imho. He's not the same person who stood up to an abusing father.

I only pick up three and the Warrior book hasn't had time to convince me it's a better read than Nova or Loners. My only quibble would be the slow pacing, but it has time.

Dude, you read Omega Flight! :P

I don't read Loners. How is it? I do read Runaways, which it spun out of.

- Le Messor
"Either you are part of the solution or you are part of the precipitate."

I read Omega Flight ? Oh yea, but I was reffering to NW affiliated books, but you knew that and was just toying with ny mind.

As for Loners it's a good read and better to me than Runaways which I stopped reading quite a while back. Loners isn't exceptional, but is good solid reading and it has Turbo in it so can't be bad.

Le Messor
06-17-2007, 08:52 AM
I know one of the Avengers books has frequent appearences by Justice, may be Initiative, but Justice has been defanged imho. He's not the same person who stood up to an abusing father.

Yes, it's Initiative. He's out of the loop with what's happening to the kids, but it looks like when he gets loopy, he'll start fighting for them. (I suspect that's what they're building to; otherwise, why keep him out of the loop?)

I only pick up three and the Warrior book hasn't had time to convince me it's a better read than Nova or Loners. My only quibble would be the slow pacing, but it has time.Dude, you read Omega Flight!
I read Omega Flight ? Oh yea, but I was reffering to NW affiliated books, but you knew that and was just toying with ny mind.

I know, but I mean... An Omega Flight reader complaining about slow pacing? People who live in glass houses shouldn't play the Rolling Stones.

As for Loners it's a good read and better to me than Runaways which I stopped reading quite a while back. Loners isn't exceptional, but is good solid reading and it has Turbo in it so can't be bad.

Maybe I should take a look. The art that I've seen has turned me off.

- Le Messor

"You know, Cassandra, from this height...you could really hock a loogie on someone."
- Wayne Campbell

06-17-2007, 10:25 AM
i wasn't able to look at the art of N.W. vol 3, and then here in Italy it was published in a volume with the mini "Ares" for 25 euro and something.... something like 30 dollars. a waste of money, in my opinion, too much for a story with a bad art.
but the last week i took new warriors 1... over all, because i love mutant, and there was Sophia...and then him -you know who i mean. M.Day did a great work on him,if my sort-of-boyfriend (long story) was the half of him..i mean, wow...
it was a nice story, and i'm waiting for next issue to see what will happen!

06-17-2007, 11:19 AM
i wasn't able to look at the art of N.W. vol 3, and then here in Italy it was published in a volume with the mini "Ares" for 25 euro and something.... something like 30 dollars. a waste of money, in my opinion, too much for a story with a bad art.
but the last week i took new warriors 1... over all, because i love mutant, and there was Sophia...and then him -you know who i mean. M.Day did a great work on him,if my sort-of-boyfriend (long story) was the half of him..i mean, wow...
it was a nice story, and i'm waiting for next issue to see what will happen!Hiya Firestar, I take it your referring to Beak? :) I think any look has got to be better than that Anorexic Chicken thing he had going on.

In case you haven't heard I read of an upcoming appearence by Firestar in the 'Ultimate Universe'. Kinda like an 'Ultimate Spiderman and his Amazing Friends' limited.

06-18-2007, 12:05 AM
As for Loners it's a good read and better to me than Runaways which I stopped reading quite a while back. Loners isn't exceptional, but is good solid reading and it has Turbo in it so can't be bad.

I LOVED Runaways up until the Chase being a bad guy except not thing was resolved. Really not liking Whedon's run so far. But of course he has so many fanboys/girls that its auto-$$$ no matter what.

06-20-2007, 05:42 AM
i wasn't able to look at the art of N.W. vol 3, and then here in Italy it was published in a volume with the mini "Ares" for 25 euro and something.... something like 30 dollars. a waste of money, in my opinion, too much for a story with a bad art.
but the last week i took new warriors 1... over all, because i love mutant, and there was Sophia...and then him -you know who i mean. M.Day did a great work on him,if my sort-of-boyfriend (long story) was the half of him..i mean, wow...
it was a nice story, and i'm waiting for next issue to see what will happen!Hiya Firestar, I take it your referring to Beak? :) I think any look has got to be better than that Anorexic Chicken thing he had going on.

In case you haven't heard I read of an upcoming appearence by Firestar in the 'Ultimate Universe'. Kinda like an 'Ultimate Spiderman and his Amazing Friends' limited.
never heard of it... i stayed for a long time away from the net. by the way. in the promotional images on newsarama there were same sketches; in one of them there was a boy with a mask and "wings"... it seems to me they weren't "real", something like an esoskeletron or something like it, so, i like to think he coukd be Beck... it's nice to see he is so useless, over all, if he is really him!