View Full Version : What do you want from this comic?

06-13-2007, 05:57 PM
Okay, first let me apologise for the length of this posting - it may be a bit lengthy, but hey! how often do I post anymore?!

Second, I have (so far) only read Issue # 1 of Omega Flight (Issue 2 will be arriving at my door in about one week's time) - however, I have read all the postings here, as well as have checked out the links to other blogs and reviews and message boards. I have immersed myself in Omega Flight as best as I am able. I do not profess to be an expert? I am merely asking the question; What do you want from this comic?

I found the first issue to be...just okay. I read it over carefully, then packaged it up and put it away. I have had no desire to read it through a 2nd time; at least, not yet. Seriously, I enjoyed Avengers:The Initiative # 1 way more than OF # 1. And I am not even an Avengers fan!

Some message boards, and some posters here, have bemoaned the pace of the series. Because of the slow pace, some people have called into question Mr. Oeming's abilities as a writer, while others have cursed Marvel (yet again) for cutting this back to a mini-series at the last moment.

I have noticed something that disturbs me. Whn I read the thoughts of other comic fans (people on other sites than AlphaFlight.net), it seems to me that those who wholeheartedly support OF are fans of Alpha Flight. The fans who latched onto OF beacuase of an established hero forced ont this team because of the events of Civil War (Arachne, USAgent) , or because they are big BRBill fans, these fans are the ones who are starting to drop this series, or are complaining the loudest about it. It seems almost like the ones who support it, are the ones who got shafted by the deaths of their heroes in order to make this series a reality. Ever heard the expression, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you?"

Does anybody else out there notice this trend as well? I find it to be...disturbing.

Okay, here is what we have, We have two American heroes on Canadian soil. One wears the American flag, was sent here by SHIELD, and has a big-time attitude problem. The other is a 2nd-rate hero who is running from persecution, and whose boyfriend (the Shroud) is still back in America. These two heroes seem to me to be "unlikely" to make their move to Canada as Canada's super-powered protectors permanent. Next we have an alien, whose alter-ego could be Canadian, although he was previously shown to be an American soldier. This alien's back-story was completely cut out of the mini-series, thus making his reasons for being here in Canada, still virtually unknown. Already message boards are lighting up with people asking that he be returned to space in his own monthly title (if you ask me, that means people think that -1- he is not believable as a Canadian super-hero, and -2- he is too good for Omega Flight, he deserves his own series, thereby suggesting that he could make it on his own...but OF cannot). Again, a small likelyhood that he will stay in Canada for long. After that, we have the man in the "Guardian suit." The man who murdered Alpha Flight. Nobody wants him on the team. He doesn't want to be a hero, either. He is scared, weepy, and whiny. He wears the Maple Leaf, but the costume was designed by Reed Richards and SHIELD (so where is the real Guardian suit, then?). And he is an American from Alaska. Next up is a powerful young Canadian sorceress. She still has somewhat limited experience with her powers. She has been known to fly off the handle, and make rash decisions (sorry Dana, but it is true - see volume 1 of AF). She has been described (by one person on a message board) as being, in this series, a whiny brat. And, as is seen in Issue 1, she doesn't want to be a superhero right now, she wants to be the shaman to her people. Finally, we have the furry strongman. An accomplished and veteran hero, he has been mentally and emotionally scarred from the deaths of his teammates. He doesn't want to be a hero right now, and definitely not a leader (by the way, as evidenced in Volume 3 of AF, if anybody knows how to find Canadian superheroes to fill out a roster with Canadians, it is Walter Langkowski!). His heart isn't in it, and it shows; he is getting his butt thumped in battle.

Again I ask; What do you want from this comic?

Not meaning to be overly negative, but what hope is there for this to make it as an ongoing series? Who will lead this team? Will Sasquatch even be on it? Remember, before the mini-series started, Oeming said that Sas would "maybe" be a member of the team. Just because he is in the comics, doesn't make him a member of Omega Flight. How long will Beta Ray Bill stay in Canada, and why? When things die down, won't Arachne return to the USA to be with her boyfriend? Will the rude and brash USAgent be happy staying in Canada long-term? Will Canada get sick of him and his flag-suit and show him the door? Surely having him in Canada has to be a political nightmare!

There are a lot of variables to consider. Personally, I do not think that this comic will survive long-term without the return of some original Canadian heroes (some more, I mean - Talisman and a soon-to-be depowered Walter are not enough to make this team Canadian). You cannot have Americans protecting Canada. You can't have SHIELD running Canada's border security. It...just...doesn't...work. Not long-term, it don't.

For long-term survival, you need to be bring back at least two of the Alphans that are presumed dead. Pointer cannot remain; let SHIELD take him, and go home. USAgent can stay for a while, but eventually the media outcry in Canada will force him to leave (or be escorted out). Arachne can stay if she wants to, but only if she becomes a citizen. And if she stays, then does the Shroud come to Canada too, or do they break off their relationship? Also, there has to be a clear-cut leader on this group. Somebody stand up and lead already! I believe Sasquatch will be de-powered. Perhaps Walter can stay on as the team's scientific mind (think Dr Pym from West Coast Avengers), making them handy little gadgets and stuff. And honestly - there has got to be some more Canadian heroes out there somewhere. Find them! Bring them aboard!

As it is, I can't see this team surviving and thriving. The whole team dynamic just doesn't work for me. It is way too forced feeling. And a whole lot of other people out there feel the same way.

In the end, if this comic's support comes mainly from fans of Alpha Flight, then why not give us what we really want?

So...what do you want from this comic?


06-13-2007, 06:34 PM
What do I really want from this Omega Flight? Good to great art, good to great stories, strong characterization, the team being a team taking on threats, Guardian being a Canadian (Flex, Agent Brown, Feedback...), no USAgent for the long hall (what exactly does he bring that the team actually needs??).

Keep Saquatch and Talsiman, put in a true Guardian, Arachne and Beta Ray Bill can stay. Keep USAgent around for a few issues then send him packing. Most of all, get the team together and write a team book. That's the big problem, it's still not a team book yet, 3 issues in there's no team yet. Why the Hell does Marvel do that for two consecutive Flight issues, not write a team book for three whole issues to start off a team book???

Overall I really like this series but come on, we need to see Omega Flight in issue #4, not a collection of various individuals in various places. That's my one true beef, and I really like this series!

06-13-2007, 08:28 PM
"There's no team yet"

"A collection of various individuals"

Yes, that seems to be part of the problem, at least. The team is not yet a team. And, for me, so far this team has not in any way shown that they can represent (let alone defend) Canada and everything She holds to be dear and true.

Any other thoughts?

06-13-2007, 11:07 PM
What I want from this series is for it to be a starting point for getting Alpha Flight back. Get some new fans in, then slowly introduce some old characters back into the book. Ease the newbies into AF while telling good stories backed up with good art. I feel we have the stories and the art, but we lack AF!
Once the book is an on-going, and after a few issues have passed, USAgent should go back to the US, and the real Guardian needs to return. By "real Guardian" I mean Mac. He takes back his togs and name, while Pointer gets new ones. Keep Arachne and Bill, and of course, Sasquatch is a full time, active member. Then we can see about the twins and Jefferies making a return.

06-13-2007, 11:14 PM
What I want from this series is for it to be a starting point for getting Alpha Flight back. Get some new fans in, then slowly introduce some old characters back into the book. Ease the newbies into AF while telling good stories backed up with good art. I feel we have the stories and the art, but we lack AF!
Once the book is an on-going, and after a few issues have passed, USAgent should go back to the US, and the real Guardian needs to return. By "real Guardian" I mean Mac. He takes back his togs and name, while Pointer gets new ones. Keep Arachne and Bill, and of course, Sasquatch is a full time, active member. Then we can see about the twins and Jefferies making a return.

And that is exactly what I am talking about!
I am *hopeful* that Mr Oeming and company desire to do just that - bring back the Flight in all of it's glory. Why pay homage to the past like has been done so far in this series, yet insist (as many at Marvel seem to want to do) that this is (and never will be) Alpha Flight?
You're right - God, i hope you are right. Maybe they are gonna lure fans in, then switch some of the American characters out and bring back some original Flight members.
It sure would be a pleasant surprise , coming out of Marvel, wouldn't it?

Keep hoping, and keep your stick on the ice!

06-13-2007, 11:43 PM
Just this. The All-New, All-Different X-Men didn't start out very well as a team either. Wolverine and Thunderbird were wildcards. Colossus was inexperienced as was Nightcrawler. Sunfire was a pompous git. Only Cyclops and Banshee and maybe Storm could work well as a unit.
After the first adventure Sunfire quit. After the second adventure Thunderbird was dead.

People have these preconceived notions of team books, especially Marvel fans, where the team has to be assembled and complete a mission all in the same issue. I don't need to see that. The recent JLA revamp took 7 issues to finalize themselves.

Above all I want good characterization. USAgent maybe a jerk, but if he's a well written one then I don't care. The current team is fine with me, I really don't get bent out of shape with things like an American is in the Guardian suit. Let the writer tell his story, if I don't like it after, then I'll say something, but I always give the writer the benefit of the doubt.

Sure I want some more A-list Alphans back in the fold. Northstar, Aurora, Snowbird, Madison Jefferies and Diamond Lil especially. But I'm patient. Hell, you have to be if your an Alpha Flight fan.

Anyways, I'm enjoying Omega Flight at the moment. If I can take an alien being on the team, I can take some American neighbours as well.

06-14-2007, 05:10 AM
3 issues in and well...

...it doesn't really feel a lot has happened in my view, which is not great for a 5 issue series is it? That said I am nonethelss enjoying the book and have been very impressed with the art (I have struggled with Kolins' art in the past). I would like this to be an ongoing, but were that the case I want the team to feel more Canadian, not simply the 'The Initiative: Canada'.

Just my two pence.
In fact my first 'two pence' here...

06-14-2007, 07:24 AM
Next up is a powerful young Canadian sorceress. She still has somewhat limited experience with her powers. She has been known to fly off the handle, and make rash decisions (sorry Dana, but it is true - see volume 1 of AF).

Huh? I think you've got me mixed up with somebody else...I've always said she's passionate. Somebody else did suggest she was emotionless...I posted a contrary view and gave examples from Vol 1.

She has been described (by one person on a message board) as being, in this series, a whiny brat.

She was a major whiny brat in Mantlo's run....I don't see that in this series, though.

And, as is seen in Issue 1, she doesn't want to be a superhero right now, she wants to be the shaman to her people. Finally, we have the furry strongman. An accomplished and veteran hero, he has been mentally and emotionally scarred from the deaths of his teammates. He doesn't want to be a hero right now, and definitely not a leader (by the way, as evidenced in Volume 3 of AF, if anybody knows how to find Canadian superheroes to fill out a roster with Canadians, it is Walter Langkowski!). His heart isn't in it, and it shows; he is getting his butt thumped in battle.

Again I ask; What do you want from this comic?

Not meaning to be overly negative, but what hope is there for this to make it as an ongoing series? Who will lead this team? Will Sasquatch even be on it? Remember, before the mini-series started, Oeming said that Sas would "maybe" be a member of the team. Just because he is in the comics, doesn't make him a member of Omega Flight. How long will Beta Ray Bill stay in Canada, and why? When things die down, won't Arachne return to the USA to be with her boyfriend? Will the rude and brash USAgent be happy staying in Canada long-term? Will Canada get sick of him and his flag-suit and show him the door? Surely having him in Canada has to be a political nightmare!

What we want at this point...Is sort of irrelevant. Marvel Editorial will do what they want with the series (regardless of us fans) and there is no news about the series becoming an ongoing yet. If it were to become an ongoing series...I'd prefer more Alphans brought in (the Twins who are now much more sane and Snowbird...Oh and Sasquatch as a real member, not just the local punching bag). Then I'd want to be rid of USAgent. I don't really care for BRB and Arachne, but I wouldn't mind if they stayed. I hate the idea of Mike Pointer being Guardian more and more...I really think this was a horrible idea. The best I can see being done with him is have him die saving the lives of Talisman, Sasquatch and maybe several hundred other Canadians...Pennance done.

There are a lot of variables to consider. Personally, I do not think that this comic will survive long-term without the return of some original Canadian heroes (some more, I mean - Talisman and a soon-to-be depowered Walter are not enough to make this team Canadian). You cannot have Americans protecting Canada. You can't have SHIELD running Canada's border security. It...just...doesn't...work. Not long-term, it don't.

For long-term survival, you need to be bring back at least two of the Alphans that are presumed dead. Pointer cannot remain; let SHIELD take him, and go home. USAgent can stay for a while, but eventually the media outcry in Canada will force him to leave (or be escorted out). Arachne can stay if she wants to, but only if she becomes a citizen. And if she stays, then does the Shroud come to Canada too, or do they break off their relationship? Also, there has to be a clear-cut leader on this group. Somebody stand up and lead already! I believe Sasquatch will be de-powered. Perhaps Walter can stay on as the team's scientific mind (think Dr Pym from West Coast Avengers), making them handy little gadgets and stuff. And honestly - there has got to be some more Canadian heroes out there somewhere. Find them! Bring them aboard!

As it is, I can't see this team surviving and thriving. The whole team dynamic just doesn't work for me. It is way too forced feeling. And a whole lot of other people out there feel the same way.

I felt the same way as soon as I knew the line-up...Heroes (that don't have a home elsewhere) shoe-horned into the Alpha Flight world, just to try and increase sales. It would've worked much better to use some surviving originals (like Heather, Sasquatch and Puck all a bit more edgy from their Collective near death experience), throw in Wolverine to kick off the series (maybe starting the first issue with a funeral farewell to Mac, Shaman, Puck II and MMII)...But Marvel execs have no faith in Alpha...Hence the name change and shoe-horned heroes.

In the end, if this comic's support comes mainly from fans of Alpha Flight, then why not give us what we really want?

So...what do you want from this comic?[/b]

See above :D BTW...I totally agree with on the AF fan, "giving us what we want" angle...However, Marvel hasn't delivered in the last two volumes, but there's always hope for the future.


EDITED to fix my quoting boo-boo and added a bit.

06-14-2007, 11:48 AM
Just this. The All-New, All-Different X-Men didn't start out very well as a team either. Wolverine and Thunderbird were wildcards. Colossus was inexperienced as was Nightcrawler...Only Cyclops and Banshee and maybe Storm could work well as a unit. After the first adventure Sunfire quit. After the second adventure Thunderbird was dead.

People have these preconceived notions of team books, especially Marvel fans, where the team has to be assembled and complete a mission all in the same issue. I don't need to see that. The recent JLA revamp took 7 issues to finalize themselves.

[...and I do have preconceived notions of what a team book is supposed to be, but whether it takes one issue or 7 the reader should have the sense that the team being assembled is competent, capable, and/or effective enough to handle the threat(s) that ordinary folks cannot. Evaluating based on the 3 issues of Omega Flight that have been published, it is hard to make a credible case that---as a team or as individuals---this group is capable enough to tackle the Wrecking Crew, especially now that they are jazzed-up powerwise to BRB-Thor levels. G-AF]

Above all I want good characterization. USAgent maybe a jerk, but if he's a well written one then I don't care. The current team is fine with me, I really don't get bent out of shape with things like an American is in the Guardian suit. Let the writer tell his story, if I don't like it after, then I'll say something, but I always give the writer the benefit of the doubt.

[I didn't think that Pointer in the Guardian suit was a good idea when I first heard about it, I still think the subtext underneath it is a subtle slap-in-the-face, but I believe that Bendis did a good job of giving Pointer a decent backstory in CW:Initiative. However, # 1 says and I quote "The Americans don't know what to do with him...", then # 3 says "The power that's left in his body is out of control. He needs the Guardian suit to contain it. Without it, he could flare out like a sun." I can accept that Pointer may need something to contain his power, but not that he has to wear Canada's flag. Pointer is being used by a fourth-rate bureaucrat [just like he was used by Z(X)orn)] who obviously doesn't see anything wrong with putting a potentially earth-destroying force (if Brown isn't being hyperbolic) on a team that is supposed to defend Canada. G-AF]

Sure I want some more A-list Alphans back in the fold. Northstar, Aurora, Snowbird, Madison Jefferies and Diamond Lil especially. But I'm patient. Hell, you have to be if your an Alpha Flight fan.

[Putting Northstar and Aurora on the same team as Pointer wouldn't make much sense if Pointer siphon's off mutant's power.]...

For the record, I have not given up on Omega Flight, though judging by what has been presented in the first three issues, it is hard to believe that the Canadians will come out on top---although the Force Works folks probably will do alright.

I like heroes to act like heroes, facing extraordinary challenges with competence and effectiveness and heart. I like the artwork to tell a coherent story. I like the writing to complement the artwork. I like the letterer to put some emphasis in the words so everything doesn't come across flat, and I like the editor to watch over the book so that it can have the most dramatic, positive impact possible.

06-14-2007, 04:01 PM
So, let me try to sumarize what I hear so far...

We all seem to have good ideas for how to make this series better, how to make it more of a team and more Canadian.

We seem to want to see heroes such as Snowbird, Madison Jeffries, Northstar and Aurora join up, and possibly some of the Alphans that have been unofficially declared dead as well.

We'd like to see the departure of USAgent, and possibly Beta Ray Bill. Mailman Mike has to go, as his presence is bad enough as the murderer of Alpha Flight, but having him in a rip-off of the Guardian suit is an ill-conceived and hopelessly doomed idea; real fans will never go along with it, it is too insulting.

Based on what we have seen and read so far, most of us do not have a lot of confidence that this will become an ongoing series.

Now, some will call us disgruntled. Some will call us wrong.

Despite being fans (which comes from "fanatics") of Alpha Flight, we seem to be able to look at things rationally, and not just complain but come up with fixes for the problems that exist on this superteam. We are passionate, but helpful.

Anybody have any real faith that any or all of these changes will come, or are we just clinging to hope?

06-14-2007, 10:56 PM
This is a great thread. Here's what I want from Omega Flight:

I want for the Alpha Flight story line to be advanced.

This has happened most recently in the X-Men Annual (http://www.geocities.com/rplass/afcollector/alphax.htm#XM2ANN2007), a very important comic book for Alpha Flight fans in 2007. The recent She-Hulk #16 (http://www.geocities.com/rplass/afcollector/alphas.htm#SH216) issue where Talisman was reintroduced also advanced the story line, so that was a good one for me, too. Elements of the Alpha Flight story line that I'd like to see in Omega Flight that define advanced:

Members join
Members leave
New costumes
New relationships
Battles won
Battles lost
Contact with the rest of the Marvel Universe
Flashbacks that reveal/explain old plot lines
Resolution of v3 ending
Whereabouts of long lost members
Beta and Gamma Flight character introductions
Other stuff

These sorts of things, that's what I'm looking for. So far we've had many of the above, not all, but many, so I'm pretty happy so far. Just keep moving the story line forward, that's what my expectations are. I'm OK to sit back and let Oeming go wherever he wants with this as long as he advances the story line for Alpha Flight.
