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View Full Version : Checkmate #15

06-22-2007, 04:00 AM
I normally don't post about other comcis here.. but man.. This was an amazing issue.. the whole Checkmate/Outsiders cross over is amazign but thsi was the top it was absolutely amazing and superb!!! I'm not much of a DC guy but this cross over got me to start readign outsiders so i guess DC succeeded in gettign me to buy a new title. I also gotta start buying all the greenlanters connected with the sinestro crops storyline.. darn it DC is gettign more of my money..

seriously if you havn't got into checkmate yet i don't knwo why because it is by far one of the best books out there right now!

06-22-2007, 10:48 AM
Outsiders is gonna be cancelled and brought back as Batman and the Outsiders. If you ever read that old series from the early 80's. Than you should look foward to this new one.

06-22-2007, 01:06 PM
arg.. well there goes reading the outsiders.... I stopped reading legion of super heroes when it became supergirl and the legion of superheroes.... ugg thats why i don't read alot of DC they can't have a book with out one of their 5 main characters being in it

06-22-2007, 05:38 PM
I couldnt agree more. If you cant count on two hands how many versions of Batman, Wonderman, Superman, Greenlantern, and Flash there are than there is a problem.

06-23-2007, 09:51 PM
I like green lantern books I won't lie.. I'm a huge green lantern fan but thats because he in himself is a B-list of DCs in my opinion because he never was high up there...and all his books made sence, they are usually books about different lanterns and stuff but still even that can be over powering.

If they ruin checkmate I will kill them. It better just stay checkmate.

like DC has soem great writing and some of their books are amazing but they have no innovation, it is very much "If something does well don't change it"

06-25-2007, 02:04 PM
Outsiders is gonna be cancelled and brought back as Batman and the Outsiders. If you ever read that old series from the early 80's. Than you should look foward to this new one.

You know this as fact or are you speculating?

07-18-2007, 03:03 PM
Outsiders is gonna be cancelled and brought back as Batman and the Outsiders. If you ever read that old series from the early 80's. Than you should look foward to this new one.

You know this as fact or are you speculating?

It's true. #50 is the last. Then a weekly event called Outsiders: Five of a Kind (5 issues)will be released where Batman chooses his team for Batman and the Outsiders. Don't knock it 'till you try it. Ignorance is the enemy of all.

As for Checkmate. Yeah, it rocks. For more espionage and black ops fun check out Suicide Squad: Raise the Flag coming out in Sept. Greg Rucka says he was influenced a lot by the series in the 80's (written by John Ostrander). And John will be writing the new mini.