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06-29-2007, 06:33 PM
"CeeDiddy4h: With the exception of the upcoming Ultimate Wolverine title, are there any characters you would like to see get their own series?"

"I could say Sasquatch… but Iron Man and the Hulk and Captain America and Silver Surfer all have movies in the works, so, CeeDiddy4h, I'll say them."


A Sasquatch fan? At Marvel? Weird. 8)

06-29-2007, 06:40 PM
SuperStories: How well are the numbers and response to Loners doing? Is there much hope *like me* for it being an ongoing series?

While Loners (the critically-acclaimed mini starring former teen superheroes now in self-help by C.B. Cebulski and Karl Moline) currently doesn't have the numbers to support an ongoing series, it has -- like Agents of Atlas and Nextwave -- certainly hit a chord with all who are reading it. So, as with those series, we will be taking steps to keep the Loners characters in the spotlight and see how we can continue their stories. I know that's not a definite answer, but some series (like Runaways) take time to cultivate their audience. Thanks for asking, SuperStories…or should I say Mr. Cebulski?

Conspicuous by it's absence, read into that what you will :lol: :?

06-30-2007, 10:13 AM
"CeeDiddy4h: With the exception of the upcoming Ultimate Wolverine title, are there any characters you would like to see get their own series?"

"I could say Sasquatch… but Iron Man and the Hulk and Captain America and Silver Surfer all have movies in the works, so, CeeDiddy4h, I'll say them."


A Sasquatch fan? At Marvel? Weird. 8)

But Iron Man, the Hulk, and Captain America (except he's dead) already have solos, and Silver Surfer has a mini? Are we talking about an Ultimate Series?

And Whacker an Rosemann are SOOO much better than Quesada.

you all know Joe Quesada, the man who pretends not to have the largest Hentai tentacle porn collection on the Eastern Seaboard LOL.