View Full Version : HARRY POTTER (Spoilers inside...)

07-22-2007, 12:57 AM


So has anybody else read the book yet? What did you think? I for one thought it was horrible. None of the main main characters died as promised, and the ending, the defeat, all of it, ended up coming off like a piece of fanfiction...

I literally fell off my bed when I read that Malfoy's son's name was "Scorpius." Lily, Albus, James... And then for the not-named-after-someone-obvious characters we have Rose, and Victoire, and other such names. I really thought that someone named Mary Sue was going to show up and tap dance on the train at the last moment.

07-24-2007, 04:59 AM
I thought it was a fair ending, though I could have done without the epilogue. But then I am a 30 something reading a book obviously aimed at the 10-14 year olds who will love the way the epilogue ties everything up.

The one part in the book where I went "WTF" was when they showed the year in which the Potters died ie. 1981. This means that Book #7 is set in 1997 when Harry (presumably born in 1980) would be 17. Which means that the epilogue is set in 2016.

And I thought a number of major characters died...


Mad Eye Moody
Fred Wesley
Remus Lupin

... did Lavendar Brown survive?

07-24-2007, 11:26 AM
The one part in the book where I went "WTF" was when they showed the year in which the Potters died ie. 1981. This means that Book #7 is set in 1997 when Harry (presumably born in 1980) would be 17. Which means that the epilogue is set in 2016.

Actually, if you re-read "Chamber of Secrets", you'll see that the chronology was already set up: In the chapter where Nearly-Headless Neck has his "Deathday" celebration (at Hallowe'en), he had said it was his 500th "Deathday", and the decorations said "1492" as that day, meaning the book took place from July or August 1992 to June 1993...

Hmm, interesting: I'm the same age as Harry Potter.....

07-26-2007, 01:02 PM
And I thought a number of major characters died...


Mad Eye Moody
Fred Wesley
Remus Lupin

... did Lavendar Brown survive?

We have varying ideas of what major means. To me major would have meant Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, either of the Weasly parents, Professor McGonagal, Hagrid.

And I can very much say that when I was ten to fourteen I wouldn't have liked the epilogue either. When I was ten to fourteen I was reading the dragonlance chronicles, where every character was deeply flawed and where every ending and book had some sort of character death/thorn in it.

The one question about the chronology I've always had is "how did Dudley get a Playstation in 1992?"

Le Messor
08-05-2007, 12:52 AM
There are advantages to having a stepbrother who's magic. :)

I managed to avoid any spoilers apart from 'that epilogue sucks' 'it's not as bad as people say'.

I enjoyed it. I thought Rowling was pretty bloodthirsty. The twins are more major characters than their parents; 'least I thought so.

I figured out what Dumbledore had planned for Harry shortly after Snape gave him the mems.

I'm wondering; did this book not introduce any new characters? There's the kids, of course, (btw, I theorise Rose was 'named after' Lily and Petunia. I saw a running theme at the time, it escapes me right now.) but are there any new characters actually in the book proper? (Luna's father was discussed in earlier books, can't remember if he was seen.)

I also thought that Snape would HATE that Harry named a kid after him!

- Le Messor
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once the child grows up."
- Pablo Picasso

08-09-2007, 01:51 PM


So has anybody else read the book yet? What did you think? I for one thought it was horrible. None of the main main characters died as promised, and the ending, the defeat, all of it, ended up coming off like a piece of fanfiction...

I literally fell off my bed when I read that Malfoy's son's name was "Scorpius." Lily, Albus, James... And then for the not-named-after-someone-obvious characters we have Rose, and Victoire, and other such names. I really thought that someone named Mary Sue was going to show up and tap dance on the train at the last moment.

Did they NEED to die? Who the heck wants a depressing ending after seven books living with these characters, not me. Besides Harry did die, he had to to destroy the last Horocrux. I thought it was the best book in the series. And the Epilogue showed us what we needed to know. A) Harry had a family which he always wanted and B) The world was safe.
Oh, and C) Draco has horrible taste in names. :lol:
No way did this seem like a Fan Fiction, c'mon. No FF I ever read had so many different layers to it. So Jo thinks being a regular Dad is a happy ending for Harry! After all the hell he's been in, I think it's the perfect ending.

Ryan Maxwell
08-13-2007, 12:33 PM


So has anybody else read the book yet? What did you think? I for one thought it was horrible. None of the main main characters died as promised, and the ending, the defeat, all of it, ended up coming off like a piece of fanfiction...

I literally fell off my bed when I read that Malfoy's son's name was "Scorpius." Lily, Albus, James... And then for the not-named-after-someone-obvious characters we have Rose, and Victoire, and other such names. I really thought that someone named Mary Sue was going to show up and tap dance on the train at the last moment.

Did they NEED to die? Who the heck wants a depressing ending after seven books living with these characters, not me. Besides Harry did die, he had to to destroy the last Horocrux. I thought it was the best book in the series. And the Epilogue showed us what we needed to know. A) Harry had a family which he always wanted and B) The world was safe.
Oh, and C) Draco has horrible taste in names. :lol:
No way did this seem like a Fan Fiction, c'mon. No FF I ever read had so many different layers to it. So Jo thinks being a regular Dad is a happy ending for Harry! After all the hell he's been in, I think it's the perfect ending.

Harry didn't destroy the last Horcrux, Neville did. Harry hadn't destroyed one since the diary in "Chamber of Secrets", and that was the only one he took care of. Dumbledore destroyed the ring, Ron did the locket, Neville the snake, Voldemort killed Harry, the diadem was by Crabbe, and the cup by Hermoine. Sorry, had to be a bit picky there :^)