View Full Version : your new alpha/omega flight

09-05-2007, 01:23 AM
if you could write omega or a new alpha series, would you be fine with the left overs of the alpha/ omega survivors. I would read it if it had Sasquatch, Northstar, Aurora, Box and Lil. it would have alot of stories to tell.

09-05-2007, 02:24 AM
I'd have Northstar, Aurora, US Agent, Arachne, Sasquatch, Beta Ray Bill and Agent Brown as a new Guardian (let's just say Pointer exploded, lol)

09-05-2007, 09:16 AM
The team would get back it's true name...Alpha Flight...

I wouldn't include Pointer (I agree with Jay...He should just blow up or something) or Agent (I'd kick his unwanted All-American butt back to the states) and I'm not sure if I'd keep Arachne (She just doesn't fit with my team)...I'd keep BRB, since he's Canadian now.

I'd definitely bring in more Canadians: Aurora, Northstar and...Snowbird, who would be a reserve member, called if needed.

A few surprise new members: One very popular Canadian character (if permission to use the character in the book could be gained), one character already "based" in Canada, who may or may not be a Canadian citizen and a couple of fan-favorite characters that have very strong ties to a immensely popular Canadian character.

Not all team members would be in every single issue...I'd structure the team a bit more like John Byrne had them, leading seperate lives to an extent and called together when needed. They would have a central base and they'd be working with (not for) a newly restructured Dept. H.

My 10 member team is below...(Hey, if the X-Men can have a billion members, so can Alpha Flight)...

*Beta Ray Bill
*Mystery character I
*Mystery character II (would remain at the team's home base most of the time)
*Guardian (I'm not telling you who it is, but it's not a freakin' American poser)
*Mystery character III
*Mystery character IV

Snowbird (Reserve, patrolling the arctic)


09-05-2007, 02:32 PM
Beta Ray Bill
Diamond Lil

maniac mike
09-05-2007, 06:06 PM
Mine would be:

Guardian (Michael Pointer)
Beta Ray Bill
Jack Frost

MM :wink:

09-05-2007, 08:03 PM
Given where the team was left, I'd morph it into Alpha Flight:

Guardian (remade from his cybernetic parts)
Puck (nearly immortal, eh?)
And likely one or two more, like Feedback or someone from Weapon PRIME to take stories in a new direction.

09-05-2007, 08:15 PM
Team Leader:

Frontline Members:
Beta Ray Bill
US Agent (I love the conflict he brings to the team)
Guardian (Pointer)
Diamond Lil (I think that a storyline that focuses on finding her lost husband within the ruins of the Weapon X program, would be awesome)

Support Staff:
Manikin (I know! But I think he would make a great team medic as well as a their technical support now that Heather is gone. His love story with Persuasion could be revisited. Plus, he is super awesome!)

09-06-2007, 12:04 PM
(1) Snowbird, brought into the world and raised by Michael
(2) Talisman, Michael's biological daughter
(3) Sasquatch - big, smart, but kind-of-a-jerk
(4) Aurora, original AF member, very complex character, and Walter's companion
(5) Northstar, another original AF member and Aurora's brother

plus these interesting newer characters:

(6) Earthmover, Michael's supposed protege
(7) Beta Ray Bill - proved himself a hero in Omega Flight mini-series
(bonus) Witchfire, who could generate a bunch of stories (and problems) just by delving into her origins

If Alpha or Omega Flight ever consisted of these characters in the same book at the same time doing something effectively against a major threat and TPTB let the creative team tell its story, MARVEL probably would have an honest-to-goodness winner.

09-08-2007, 05:08 AM
In an "Oracle" spot- Heather Hudson. Have her come out of a Collective-induced coma or somesuch. Gimp her up, but not too much- the memory of Mac's (most recent) death and the responsibility she has for their child should keep her well out of harm's way. Her fieldwork days are behind her, but she's still the leader, the one who makes things tick.

Then, in the field-

Guardian (Pointer dies curing cancer or something so we don't abuse him too much, but he's gone. Now in the suit is Madison Jeffries. The poor guy gets to be a hero again, and his powers make him a natural fit for a high-tech suit.)
Sasquatch (Beefed up to a nice, potent degree of firepower. Like back when he was always compared to the Hulk- and described as stronger than the Thing)
Northstar (Bring him back North for a bit, Enough with the X-Men, dammit)
Aurora (I wanna see the twins together again- as heroes, thankee kindly)
Arachne (given what Oeming told us about his plans for her, I can see her being an interesting "outside" perspective on the team)
Diamond Lil (I'm not really a HUGE fan, but she's stick with Jeffries, and she's got some Alpha history behind her. Also she's, you know, alive)
Wolverine (he shows up to help Heather out, seeing as he's called her "family" more than once)
Talisman (more of a free agent affiliate than an actual member of the team. That way, she could be at full power, but not totally dominate things)
Snowbird (ditto. She and Talisman would comprise the "big guns")

A little light in the "mystic" department, but Shaman's dead and Earthmover never really did it for me- and I'd just as soon not shoehorn in a "token" wizard. Let Elizabeth handle that when it's necessary.

Their rogues' gallery would include (of course) the Great Beasts (and they could rescue Bill early on and add him to the team if it seemed workable), the new and nipple-pierced Wildchild (what the hell, at least use him in conjunction with AF. Preferably tweak his appearance back to something like his original look), Wendigo (I wanna see him slug it out with Walter for like, three issues), a suitably de-Liefelded Weapon: P.R.I.M.E. (Iron Man's "sanctioned" post-Omega team North of the border. 'Heroes" who step on Alpha's toes and get the occasional thumping in repayment), the tattered remnants of the Weapon X Project (after all, with Jeffries, Lil and Logan on the team, there's a LOT of loose ends), and a few U.S. baddies who head north to brign a few readers with them.

Alpha Fan
09-08-2007, 03:01 PM
In my opinion Marvel should go back to Alpha Flight and fill it with the best known and alive members of AF's rich history.

Guardian: Agent Brown isn't a bad choice as Pointer isn't a character that has grown up on me yet.

Sasquatch: No doubt.

Northstar: I like Northstar as an X-Men but since he's not being used much what better place that to send him back to where he belongs.

Aurora: Time to have the twins as heros again in one book. Thanks Mike Carey for that.

Talisman: Classic character with a lot of possibilities that hasn't been explored much yet.

Snowbird : I thought we would see her in Omega Flight. We haven't seen her reaction to her former teammates deaths. Besides, Narya is a wonderful character with cool powers, nice design and rich backstory. Time for her return.

Madison Jeffries: Every team needs a scientist.

Diamond Lil: Every team needs a couple. She and Madison would fill the romantic part. You know, Aurora's never been (and will never be) attached to just one man (sorry Walter).

Arachne: I wouldn't mind seeing her in Omega Flight. I've always thought Julia has been more than a female Spiderman.

09-08-2007, 05:40 PM
Ive never been a big fan as Heather being leader from behind but the Oracle analogy made it easier for me to see a scenario that would work well and not forget she did have a kid.
I hate Pointer as Guardian but when I thought about it, the Hudsons were never meant to wear the outfit. We just got used it.
Your villains were right on the money.
If everything stays the same and say Heather was just in a coma and everyone else is dead, in Shaman's medicine bag (we all saw it with Smart Alec coming back) or their essences are in Paradise with the Northern Gods ( Doug Thompson, Snowbirds first husband)

I would want to see
Heather- Oracle leader...you converted me as well as overseer to Beta

Sasquatch - field leader
Diamond Lil
Yukon Jack



In the end, it doesnt seem right without Puck

09-10-2007, 11:44 AM
................Aurora's never been (and will never be) attached to just one man (sorry Walter).....

Good point. However, few people have considered the consequences of Aurora's relationship with Walter/Sasquatch, something Roger Bochs should have thought about before/during his "involvement" with her...if he had been written well.