View Full Version : mcp #1

09-19-2007, 07:49 PM
haven't picked it up yet, but heres a synopsis from another site.

One of the storys I and a lot of Omega Flight fans have been waiting for. Starts out with some red head stuck in a room and demanding to be let out.
The Guardian and US Agent are chasing down a super-villain named "Tentakill". The mission is supposed to be all about The Guardian, with US Agent as backup if needed, Micheal is still unsure about himself and his powers, practically taking out US Agent, although John doesnt really make things easy on him. Micheal ends up loosing more and more of his energy as the fight goes on, back at Omega Headquarters Walter Langowski and Dr.Benning (?) are noticing that The Guardians power levels are constantly fluctuating and spiking during intense moments. Though when Guardian returns to base he feels fine and his power stabilizes, back at the base we see the red head again, but this time she looks as though she is dying, and much much older than she was, suggesting that Guardian is feeding off her energy somehow? Maybe has to with what mutant energys he is capable of using. The last page also suggests that John Walker is a spy, sending messages back to maybe Tony Stark or somebody back in the states. I'm guessing hes there to keep an eye on Micheal.

09-19-2007, 08:15 PM
the art is kind of crap, i mean michael pointer has hair? i liked him bald! and agent brown looks old and not as cool and sneaky

honestly it is looking down for alpha it just looks like a stupid story i'm sad to say

09-21-2007, 02:19 AM
the art is kind of crap, i mean michael pointer has hair? i liked him bald! and agent brown looks old and not as cool and sneaky

honestly it is looking down for alpha it just looks like a stupid story i'm sad to say

Hair? That stuff never grows back. It's like loosing an arm or leg.
Kidding :)

Yes, it was pretty weak. I like where the story is going, but I am not sure about the fact that he is getting weaker. I like the idea of AF having a omega level character other than Sas.

09-21-2007, 07:56 AM
Wow, not the best of starts. um, Why is Agent Brown in Walter's body? Bow tie and everything!

I wonder if that red head is Heather. Probably too much to ask for. It's more then likely some other victim of his from before. He's a mutant that obsorbs powers while she's a mutant that obsorbs powers of mutants that obsorb powers and now they are connected somehow. Or somethin stupid lol. 8)

09-21-2007, 12:57 PM
All I look at is advertising for a new Flight series (not a mini or other lame bone).

The art is OK but the story needs fleshing out.

09-21-2007, 02:08 PM
I thought it was the strongest story of the 5.

Doesn't mean it was good, but umm.. yeah...

09-21-2007, 04:27 PM
I thought it did its job and that was making we want to read the next one and find out what's going on.

09-21-2007, 07:10 PM
It was alright, kinda hard to get into a comic with such limited amount of pages to tell a story.

09-21-2007, 10:33 PM
It was alright, kinda hard to get into a comic with such limited amount of pages to tell a story.

Yeah, that was my main issue, but overall it has potential enough for me to pick up the next 11 issues.

09-22-2007, 07:11 AM
it was good, not bad, not great. i'll pick up the other 11.

one concern i do have though, is i hope they are not going back to the conspiracy driven canadian government angle. with the girl being kidnapped and drained it sure seemed that way.

09-23-2007, 01:42 AM
Maybe there just keeping his powers straight: he has no powers unless he can steal other mutants energy. Since he has their energy and is not mimicking their ability to have the powers, he can only use it so much before it's worn out. Makes sense for him to, say, have gained Radius' powers but the mutant energy he picked up from Radius is limited because it is like a bank: give them money but they can't get any more of it unless you give them more.

Pointer may be like a bank, sort of. Once he uses the money, it's gone.

09-23-2007, 10:53 AM
Maybe there just keeping his powers straight: he has no powers unless he can steal other mutants energy. Since he has their energy and is not mimicking their ability to have the powers, he can only use it so much before it's worn out. Makes sense for him to, say, have gained Radius' powers but the mutant energy he picked up from Radius is limited because it is like a bank: give them money but they can't get any more of it unless you give them more.

Pointer may be like a bank, sort of. Once he uses the money, it's gone.

You mean it could be just him vs a Great Beast in the near future and all he'll have as a weapon is Jubilee's fireworks!?!

Michael Pointer RIP 8)

09-24-2007, 11:56 AM
I read all the stories except the Thing's in MCP# 1. I like the 1st story, but was only mildly entertained by the rest, including the Weapon Omega story.

Agent Brown doesn't look like Agent Brown, who is the Walter-substitute- with-the-bowtie and how'd he get so involved with Weapon Omega, and the orange-haired woman's situation would be more interesting if we knew a little bit about her.

As for Pointer himself, I'm still not impressed, though USAgent seems like the capable (though abrasive) combat veteran that he is said to be.

The good news is I want to see what happens next. :|

09-24-2007, 06:17 PM
So "Weapon Omega" may have to drain the life out of people (or mutants, specifically) to keep or recharge his powers? Great :roll: Marvel is really going all out to make me hate this character more and more. Not only does he need Agent to save his butt, but he's a life-sucking leech...Ugh.

Tentakill? Nice...A ripped-off name from an 80's Transformer's toy...I'm thrilled. Were all the A, B and C-list villains too busy for this story?

I would still rather have U.S. Agent and Pointer return to the States (not that I really want either of them here)...I'd just like to see the Canadian heroes defend their homeland on their own, not needing Americans (especially ones wearing the Canadian flag) constantly bailing them out. Sigh...I want the real Alpha Flight back!


BTW, Smurf...Pointer's hair was growing back when he was shown in the Omega Flight series.

09-25-2007, 02:32 AM
didn't know that... i liked him better bald

09-27-2007, 01:28 PM
I couldn't get past Agent Brown, it ruined the story for me.