View Full Version : New Avengers #37

12-13-2007, 03:18 PM
Sasquatch makes an apperance...well kinda, Dr.Strange makes illusions of superheroes to fight the Wrecking Crew and the Hood, Sasquatch is one of them.

All I can say the Crew is back to their old ways...jobbing to people they shouldn't. Also their back in their classic clothes, seems Bendis is ignoring what happened in Omega Flight

12-13-2007, 07:54 PM
What a surprise, eh? :roll:

12-13-2007, 08:37 PM
Love the fact punches from Spider-Man and Wolverine rocked the Crew causing them to instantly spit out blood. Yet in Omega Flight, they were pratically shrugging off Sasquatch's blows.

Hell, even Wrecker alone took it to the New Avengers before but this time the entire crew got creamed....and easily.

12-13-2007, 09:50 PM
Love the fact punches from Spider-Man and Wolverine rocked the Crew causing them to instantly spit out blood. Yet in Omega Flight, they were pratically shrugging off Sasquatch's blows.

Hell, even Wrecker alone took it to the New Avengers before but this time the entire crew got creamed....and easily.

What a joke!

12-16-2007, 04:34 PM
OK I'm really going to knock Bendis here. Not as if he's one of our favorites here after the unfortunate events of New Avengers #16. This is a rare rant from me. OK

What's with his "one word per speech bubble" writing style? Reading this comic is unbearable when there's barely anything to read. The words don't even match the action in the panels, there's cursing (!@#) all over, and nobody says anything that makes any sense. Spidey's the only one written in character, and maybe one or two quick lines from Doctor Strange. All the rest of it is just one word here and one word there from the characters. It took me fewer than 3 minutes to read the whole comic and everything said was just silly and bizarre.

Over the first five pages that contained any speech bubbles, the average number of words per bubble is fewer than 4. There were 24 with exactly 1 word, 16 of which were actual words and 8 of which were either curses or non-words. Terrible.

Here's an example from one panel:

"I just want to go!"
"And I want a pony."
"You want a pony?"
"I would like a pony."

This is all during a panel with about a dozen characters fighting each other in close quarters. It just makes no sense.

On the previous page, there's another panel with these gems:

"Crazy $&^@!"
"Let's get out of here!"
"The money!"

Toss in a few panels with the character saying nothing but "Dude" and you have a read DUD.

Now I understand why Shaman's last words were, "Yeah, right." Bendis was showing him respect by having the benificence to grant him a precious SECOND WORD.

I can't believe with all the aspiring talent out there who actually know how to string together more than 4 words into a sentence, we get this nonsense. New Avengers is one of the top books out there? I really can't understand why.

Ok I feel better.


12-16-2007, 06:09 PM
Amen brother, amen.

12-17-2007, 03:01 PM
GAK!!!......That's terrible! I was reading New Avengers for a while (only for the original Spider-Woman), but I had to drop it as Bendis couldn't do right by her in the series or in the Origin series he did for her...He is absolutely awful at characterization (or even having a handle on the history of a character)...Blech!


OK I'm really going to knock Bendis here. Not as if he's one of our favorites here after the unfortunate events of New Avengers #16. This is a rare rant from me. OK

What's with his "one word per speech bubble" writing style? Reading this comic is unbearable when there's barely anything to read. The words don't even match the action in the panels, there's cursing (!@#) all over, and nobody says anything that makes any sense. Spidey's the only one written in character, and maybe one or two quick lines from Doctor Strange. All the rest of it is just one word here and one word there from the characters. It took me fewer than 3 minutes to read the whole comic and everything said was just silly and bizarre.

Over the first five pages that contained any speech bubbles, the average number of words per bubble is fewer than 4. There were 24 with exactly 1 word, 16 of which were actual words and 8 of which were either curses or non-words. Terrible.

Here's an example from one panel:

"I just want to go!"
"And I want a pony."
"You want a pony?"
"I would like a pony."

This is all during a panel with about a dozen characters fighting each other in close quarters. It just makes no sense.

On the previous page, there's another panel with these gems:

"Crazy $&^@!"
"Let's get out of here!"
"The money!"

Toss in a few panels with the character saying nothing but "Dude" and you have a read DUD.

Now I understand why Shaman's last words were, "Yeah, right." Bendis was showing him respect by having the benificence to grant him a precious SECOND WORD.

I can't believe with all the aspiring talent out there who actually know how to string together more than 4 words into a sentence, we get this nonsense. New Avengers is one of the top books out there? I really can't understand why.

Ok I feel better.


12-19-2007, 02:03 PM
...I can't believe with all the aspiring talent out there who actually know how to string together more than 4 words into a sentence, we get this nonsense. New Avengers is one of the top books out there? I really can't understand why...

Based on the amount of NEW AVENGERS issues I saw at a local mini-comicon on Dec. 3rd, I'm beginning to think that NA is ordered in insanely high numbers but doesn't actually sell at those numbers. This may be true for a lot of supposedly huge selling comics.

NA has been hit or miss for me. I only started reading it when I heard Alpha Flight was going to get axed in it, but I've stayed on even though I had planned to stop reading it when the Hand arc was about to start. My enjoyment level is again dropping, mainly for the reasons already stated.

I don't know why Brian Bendis would disregard what had happened in the Omega Flight mini-series. That makes no sense to me, especially since Bendis helped set up Omega Flight with Michael's backstory...which was actually rather good. While I have my doubts about the OF mini-series overall, making The Wrecking Crew formidable was a smart move, one that other writers/artists should have respected.

Yes, the crew got power-boosts, but what they decided to do with their power was vicious.

01-29-2008, 06:52 PM
Mike Oeming/Scott Kolins rendition of the Wrecking Crew make their appearance in New Avengers Annual #2...now will they fair any better?