View Full Version : Any Purple Girl fans?

S. Michael Simms
02-16-2008, 06:32 PM
I know she wasn't around for very long, but I thought she had a great storyline (esp. her back story), and I found her powers and character to be very interesting and a nice addition to alpha. I kinda had a bit of a crush on her when I was a kid...I think we'd be about the same age if she existed...heh. Anyway, I found a couple of nice fan manipulations/fan art of Kara Killgrave online, but I don't know if it'd be appropriate to link to them here. Just wondering if there were any other Purple Girl (I didn't like "Persuasion" as a name) fans or if I am a lone Purplehead.

- Smikes

02-16-2008, 06:43 PM
Purplehead fan here. I did like the Persuassion name though. It meant she got older

S. Michael Simms
02-17-2008, 12:34 PM
True. I haven't done the exact math yet, but if memory serves me correctly, she was only 13 when her powers manifested themselves back in '86. I had thought her quite a hottie back in the day (as apparently did the guys whose "fan art" I found...heh), but I tend to remember her having "blossomed" rather quickly over a short period of time; "quick blossoming" is not unheard of in comics, but that soft continuity afforded artistic licensees gives you pause when you realize that your eyebrows may have licentiously lifted over some potentially pedophilic pencils. Be that as it may, I can't feel too bad since she and I are pretty much exactly the same age...it's almost like we went to high school together at Alpha University (all right, I've officially crossed over into mildly insane territory...phew, what a loony!). My favorite panel used to be the one of her in the bathtub trying to wash away her powers, but I think I could go to jail for liking it too much now...


Heh...anywho, as far as the name goes, I liked "Purple Girl" because it was directly derivative of her father and therefore kind of a nod to a classic character. But as you say, "Persuasion" served to "age" her nicely without taking the somewhat cheesy step of upgrading her to "The Purple Woman" (Marvel did well to erode the jailbait factor), although her powers really did far exceed the classic definition of persuasion, being more mind control than suggestion.

I seem to remember something about "Lavender Lass"; I don't know if it was a suggestion in the Letters to the Editor or something the team discussed themselves, but that one cracked me up...had that "DC" ring to it. Some other possible rejects: "Eggplant Sorceress", "The Passionator", "Princess Grape", "Mother Mayi", "Pheremony" and "Purpla the Slaver".

Purpleheads Unite!

- Smikes

p.s. Here's a link to her gallery on Comicvine, nothing you couldn't see on Network television, but some are a little risque I suppose:

02-23-2008, 12:54 PM
Hiya Smikes. Lavender Lass was a name suggested in a letters column, I also remember the name 'Grape Gal' being offered as an alternative. :?

S. Michael Simms
02-23-2008, 09:36 PM
thought so. lol yeah, sometimes marvel really DOES know best...

02-27-2008, 09:32 PM
I liked her but never really felt she was used all that well in the books. Alot of potential if written well.

02-28-2008, 04:00 AM
In her first appearance, Kara Kilgrave had the distinct possibility to be well-developed character, however, one thing made it quite difficult to give our favourite lavander-hued heroine a decent chance at stardom, and that's her powers and alliance.

Think of it from a writer's perspective: How do you effectively use a character who's primary ability is the total subjugation of other people - typically, a characteristic of a villain - in a heroic capacity? It's quite complicated to write someone as 'innocent' as Kara effectively entertaining without dropping her into the 'dark side' of her powers. Mantlo touched on this when he first introduced Kara, using her abilities recklessly to subjugate first Northstar for her own personal gain, but because of her inate goodness, she felt that she was wrong in her use and chose instead to give Northstar back his free will. Second, she took over Madison Jefferies, but only as a way of self-preservation when she thought that Alpha intended to kill her for her powers (thank you, Shaman/Talisman for screwing THAT pooch). Again, because of her inate goodness, she only took him as a method of preserving himself. It wasn't until later, under Furman's control, that she started using her powers a little more recklessly, taking over such people as Windshear at least twice, to achieve an end. But this change under Furman gave her more of a dark twist, less of the innocent hero she was introduced as, and more of a lean towards the "anti-hero" classic that became prominent in the early '90's (see such 'heroes' as Cable, Punisher, Ghost Rider and Wolverine - the more popular characters of the time - for comparison).

It comes down to, in the case of Kara, how do you stay true to the character without compromising who the character is?

03-02-2008, 04:58 PM
The best way is to set natural limits to her powers. Without the limits, there's always hackneyed excuses why she couyldn't just take control of every opponent. When I think limitations of powers like hers, I think Claremont's Karma. Well done with her limit of two people and constant concentration necessary.

S. Michael Simms
03-03-2008, 10:37 PM
In her first appearance, Kara Kilgrave had the distinct possibility to be well-developed character, however, one thing made it quite difficult to give our favourite lavander-hued heroine a decent chance at stardom, and that's her powers and alliance.

Interesting theory. I'll go a step further and add the premise that she just wasn't 'edgy' enough for modern readers, i.e. her powers weren't "cool", i.e. she couldn't beat the crap out of anybody or blow anything up. Let's look at her team mates:

Vindicator: Blows things up
Box: Blows things up/beats the crap out of people
Shaman/Talisman: Blows things up magically
Puck: Beats the crap out of people
Northstar: Beats the crap out of people
Aurora: Blows things up (kinda)
Sasquatch: Beats the crap out of people
Manikin: Blows things up AND beats the crap out of people

Purple Girl...uh...well, she uh...she's purple. Oh yeah, and she can do this mind control thing...

Be that as it may, I personally loved her character for that very reason. She added a unique and interesting element to the team. She couldn't help the fact that she was a mutant with powers more typical of a villain, but that very duality of which you speak, IMO, made her a better rounded character for it. And because she couldn't just beat people up or blow things to smithereens, her character actually required a lot more thought and innovation as well as more story development surrounding her. I for one rejoiced a little when she "gave in to the dark side" from time to time because it made her more realistic - more than just a stereotypical super-heroine.

Saying that her chances of being developed as a character were diminished because the nature of her powers was in opposition to the nature of her affiliation (i.e. she has "badguy" powers and Alpha are "goodguys") is oversimplifying I think...however, I also believe it's at least partially true considering how things eventually panned out. One of the problems is that when she was created, the writer gave a damn about the character and was willing to work on it; later wordsmiths at the helm obviously either wanted to phase her out or simply take the quick and easy route (which of course leads to the Darkside, as Master Yoda was wont to say)— I would blame part of it on 'creative laziness' and the rest on the writers trying (desperately, some might say) to up the 'hip' factor. Let's face it, the breadwinners of Alpha Flight are the badasses, not the quirky, story-driven characters. In the end it seems everything boils down to marketability. That's fine, I guess, but from an at least semi-serious reader's perspective, it makes for watered-down storylines and less interesting characters overall.

It comes down to, in the case of Kara, how do you stay true to the character without compromising who the character is?

Well, I am sure we could all figure out ways, but in comics it seems it's not necessarily about creative ways to approach the hero/heroine's actual character but rather how marketable you can make them. I think Kara could have her own book and make a hell of a lot of money for comics...trends today lean more toward manipulative ho's than morality torn goody-two shoeses, so dress her like a whore, send her to manipulate some baddies and throw a few heroes in for texture, and you've got your sales. Who knows, maybe she'll make a comeback. Nothing's impossible in the Marvel Universe...I see 'em come and I seen 'em go, but these days there's a strange dynamic...the nerds aren't in charge any more. I wonder how many artists/writers have heard "I don't see a movie here...". Well, now I'm just being pessimistic...good points, all.

Live, love, laugh & be happy,

Le Messor
03-08-2008, 09:45 PM
Let's face it, the breadwinners of Alpha Flight are the badasses, not the quirky, story-driven characters.

I take it you're talking (cynically) from the POV of the PTB at Marvel here?
'coz it drove home for me that the thing that got me into Alpha was the quirky, character-driven stories of Byrne... Back when Alpha was a bestseller.

- Le Messor
"Experience varies directly with equipment ruined."

03-09-2008, 12:35 AM
I always saw Persuasion as a character who would run with the bad guys more than the good guys. Lots of story potential there, with her leading other known characters as a third angle with the Master and Dream Queen.

S. Michael Simms
03-09-2008, 12:36 PM
I take it you're talking (cynically) from the POV of the PTB at Marvel here?
'coz it drove home for me that the thing that got me into Alpha was the quirky, character-driven stories of Byrne... Back when Alpha was a bestseller.

Of course I agree with you. As I noted in the AF questionaire:

15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?

John Byrne's having pretty much walked away from the project. Though many talented writers and artists (some of whom even penned my favorite storylines in the series) picked up the reigns and rode on as best they could, John's eclectic but genuine devotion to the original series made it the great Canadian answer to the X-men it became. I wonder sometimes if he realizes just how profound a scope of respect and admiration for Canadian culture he instilled in so many US readers by his having had the brass balls required to put forth such a supremely original effort as he did with Alpha Flight...

nuff said

- Smikes

Le Messor
03-15-2008, 09:31 PM
15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?
John Byrne's having pretty much walked away from the project...
- Smikes

Cool! I don't read that thread, so I hadn't read this insightful* comment before.

- Le Messor
"Failure is more frequently from want of energy than want of capital."
* Insightful: a word which here means 'agrees with my opinions'.

S. Michael Simms
03-17-2008, 03:20 AM
Mokole wrote:

I always saw Persuasion as a character who would run with the bad guys more than the good guys. Lots of story potential there, with her leading other known characters as a third angle with the Master and Dream Queen.

Really? I always just saw her as a somewhat reckless, very fun-loving young lady who had a good heart but just a little bit of a shallow streak...to be honest though, I haven't quite finished the series (up to the issue with the Forge guest appearance...the one where they find Mac...AGAIN!); I do hear tell the writers screwed with her personality quite a bit later on...damned shame...I LOVED her character...one of my favorites (obviously). Can't wait to finish this series so I can feel more secure in my assessments, though I'm really NOT looking forward to Mac's third incarnation...I thought Heather was a good enough leader (not to mention a sexy redhead...hoo hooey!).

Live, love, laugh & be happy,