View Full Version : What was the first comic book you ever bought?

S. Michael Simms
02-17-2008, 12:48 PM
What was the first comic book you ever bought with your own money? I am proud to say mine was


featuring the first appearance of Kara Killgrave (probably explains why I'm a Purplehead).

So, what was yours?

- Smikes

02-18-2008, 12:26 AM
If I recall correctly, it was Alpha Flight #127. Feedback became one of my favorite characters, so I bought earlier issues. Ah, Feedback, Box, Witchfire, Nemesis, Windshear....

02-19-2008, 05:02 AM
Something in the Defenders line, i do not recall what issue. And I think i bought it used, lol!
My first AF comic i bought was issue 25 or 26.

02-19-2008, 07:33 AM
To be honest I don't remember, but it was most likely a Spiderman, Batman or a Superman comic. At least my earliest comic book memories were of those.

02-19-2008, 09:27 AM
I wish I could remember the Issue #. However it was a copy of Uncanny X-Men. The cover sported Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde, and Cyclops pitched in battle against the Brood. The X-Men's uniforms where all tattered and torn. But the thing I remember most about the cover was the image of Colossus. He was in the center of the cover much bigger than everyone holding a Brood over his head. I knew nothing about X-Men at the time but I recall just how cool I thought this big metal dude looked. The issue itself was very creppy from what I can remeber and although I cant be sure I think this issue was right when Kitty Pryde found Lockheed.

02-19-2008, 11:17 AM
my first comic that 'I' bought was Avengers when they fought the lava men and a signal was sent out to the WCAs. Till this day I have a liking to the Wackos

the first AF book I bought was ish 75 and I started buying back issues after that.

02-19-2008, 01:37 PM
For me, the very first comic I ever bought was X-Men (v.2) #9, 1992, featuring the X-Men (Blue Squad), Ghost Rider and the New Orleans Assassins Guild versus the Brood. I remember opening up the book and seeing Jim Lee's FANTASTIC protrayal of a Brood-infested Ghost Rider and thinking "Yup, I'm stuck". I was 12.

My first AF issue came a couple years later with AF 123. I vividly remember the more-demonic-looking Witchfire (for years later, I always assumed it was the Dream Queen until I reread the issue some ten years later) on the cover, and I always remembered Northstar in his Red'n'Whites in there.... Ah, good times.

02-21-2008, 09:05 PM
Hmmm... the earliest memory that stands out would be Uncanny X-Men #175 in which Mastermind messed with everyone's head making them think that Cyke was Dark Phoenix returned and he had to take them all on.

Le Messor
02-23-2008, 07:34 PM
I wish I could remember the Issue #. However it was a copy of Uncanny X-Men. The cover sported Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde, and Cyclops pitched in battle against the Brood... Colossus... was in the center of the cover much bigger than everyone holding a Brood over his head... I think this issue was right when Kitty Pryde found Lockheed.

I've just checked. You have described UXM#166, and yes, Kitty does meet Lock' for the first time in it.

My first issue? Actually it was a 3-pack. An issue of Spider-Man, a Teen Titans annual, and Alpha Flight! #s 8 and 9.
I bought it for the Alpha.

They're Australian editions, so I can't give you the actual numbers on the first two... The AF has the main stories from 8 & 9, but not the origin back-ups. Better colour printing than the originals.
#8 is still possibly my fav'rite issue--'least, it contains the Nemesis appearance that makes her my fave.

- Le Messor
"Expertise in one field does not carry over into other fields. But experts often think it does."

02-24-2008, 02:42 AM
I wish I could remember the Issue #. However it was a copy of Uncanny X-Men. The cover sported Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde, and Cyclops pitched in battle against the Brood... Colossus... was in the center of the cover much bigger than everyone holding a Brood over his head... I think this issue was right when Kitty Pryde found Lockheed.

I've just checked. You have described UXM#166, and yes, Kitty does meet Lock' for the first time in it.

I suppose having a member of the Skrull intelligence community among us has its advatages. You have gained a bit of my trust...for the moment at least.

02-24-2008, 02:44 AM
legion of superheroes from the 2004 run...yeah i didn't start reading comics until a couple years ago

02-25-2008, 03:09 AM
legion of superheroes from the 2004 run...yeah i didn't start reading comics until a couple years ago

hey, better late than never, Smurfy. Welcome to the Dork Side :P.

02-25-2008, 10:18 AM
my second comic ever read was the original alpha flight run cause I found it on ebay..BOO YA!

02-25-2008, 10:10 PM
I honestly can't remember what issue it was exactly, but my first comic book was an Uncanny X-Men issue where they were dealing with Proteus. Then, several years later, when I was in junior high, I walked into a comic shop and bought a 'grab bag' with, like, five comics in it. AF #1 was in it and I got hooked.

After picking up a few issues of AF, I went back to X-Men and became a big comic nerd.

Le Messor
02-27-2008, 05:39 AM
I've just checked. You have described UXM#166, and yes, Kitty does meet Lock' for the first time in it.
I suppose having a member of the Skrull intelligence community among us has its advatages. You have gained a bit of my trust...for the moment at least.

Who says I'm in the intelldgeness conumity? :-s

I honestly can't remember what issue it was exactly, but my first comic book was an Uncanny X-Men issue where they were dealing with Proteus.

Now there I canno' help you. Do you have any more information? (They've had to deal with Proteus a lot. Never seemed to stick.) Was it the Byrne era?

- Le Messor
"The line between pleasure and pain
can never be measured by means of the brain.
Mere reason alone will never explain
How the heart behaves."
- Was (Not Was)

02-27-2008, 05:14 PM
Well, the only thing I seem to remember was that the issue dealt a lot with Proteus jumping from host to host, and burning out their bodies quickly. I almost want to say (and could almost swear) it was Adams' art, but honestly it could have been Byrne. It's been so long since I held the comic in my hands.

I was seven at the time (I'm thirty now) and I don't know how I got the comic. I only can seem to remember that the first page was a picture of a woman that Proteus had posessed.

If you could help me that would be great...since it was my first comic, it would be cool to get my hands on it again. :)

02-27-2008, 07:40 PM
That sounds like the original Proteus saga that ran from something like UXM 125 - 128.

That one is also one of my earliest memories, as I had just recently started collecting comics, the UXM in specific, and I found an old crumbled issue of UXM 125 in a stack o' comics that belonged to my friend's friend... and then bought it off him for, like, a dollar... which was fair given the condition of the comic.

So that was the first back issue of the UXM that I ever really looked at, and the old danger room, the old costumes, et al. just blew me away. It wasn't long after that I picked up the rest of the saga, at considerably greater of an expense. But it was worth it. It was perhaps one of the single BEST X-Men stories EVER... with a truly terrifying enemy and some awesome X-Moments.... like Wolvie's first encounter with Proteus, and then Cyke trying to shake him out of it by picking at him and trying to stir him into a berserker rage.... and then procreeding to manhandle the Wolfman when he did attack!!!

And of course Colossus... every villains punching bag up until that point, finally got to enjoy a moment of glory.

As for the artist... well, between my memory and the consideration that AF's first appearance was just a couple of issues earlier, I'd have to say it was Byrne.

02-27-2008, 09:27 PM
This one is easy...

The X-Men
The Fantastic Four
and the Badoon...

What kid could resist?


03-01-2008, 10:22 AM
If we are talking Marvel heroes book then my first bought with my own money would be Uncanny X-Men/Teen Titans, which I picked up around 1984. A few weeks after that I went back and picked up the first ten issues of Alpha Flight.

Le Messor
03-01-2008, 09:23 PM
Well, the only thing I seem to remember was that the issue dealt a lot with Proteus jumping from host to host, and burning out their bodies quickly. I only can seem to remember that the first page was a picture of a woman that Proteus had posessed.

That sounds like the original Proteus saga that ran from something like UXM 125 - 128.

None of those issues exactly match what you describe, but according to this (http://www.chronologyproject.com/p.htm), there's not much chance of it being something else. I'd vote for #126, which has him possess several people, including a woman. (It is Byrned.)

- Le Messor
"Extreme good--naturedness borders on weakness of character. Avoid it."

Beta Ray Daz
03-02-2008, 07:53 AM
Thor Vol 1. #391
It's still my favourite Thor issue, features Spidey & i'm pretty sure it's the first issue with Eric Masterson :)

S. Michael Simms
03-04-2008, 07:51 PM
I noticed a lot of people brought up the first comic they ever READ. Not the same thing...that one's a little tougher for me, since it was several years before I actually bought one that I was picking them up and reading them whenever I could get my hands on them. The earliest recollection I have of reading a comic book is Captain America when I was five or six. I remember that in the story he changed his name to Roger Stevens (instead of Steve Rogers) and was disguising himself for some reason. I believe Bucky was in it, and I think Jack Kirby (or someone who very much imitated his style) did the artwork. I also remember a lot of Green Goblin oriented Spidey comics from those days and good old Thor when he was still disguised as a wimp with a walking stick part of the time...ah, lots of fond childhood memories...

live, love, laugh & be happy,

03-09-2008, 09:00 PM
I always read the comics my big Brother Yves was buying. What is the first one I bought myself? I have no clue. When he was in England and he could not bought everthing he liked, so I helped him.

03-10-2008, 10:57 AM
I noticed a lot of people brought up the first comic they ever READ. Not the same thing...that one's a little tougher for me, since it was several years before I actually bought one that I was picking them up and reading them whenever I could get my hands on them.

If I remember correctly, the uncanny issue I had read way back when was bought with money my dad had been putting aside for me as my 'allowance' so it would be the first one I bought.

And I believe you are right, that it was #126...as the cover looks awfully familiar. Thanks, now I can save up the money to buy it again. :D

03-11-2008, 01:07 AM
I don't remember back that far...Sorry.


03-19-2008, 11:46 PM
Well other than the cartoon ones I got as a kid the firstone I bought was AF #28. My friend had a double of #27 and gave me one to read because I used to bug him about having comics. Now I sit with 20 boxes beside me and another 13 under the bed.

As for the first book i read also other than cartoon books I had as a kid I somehow had aquired a copy of Superman and a copy of What If..Shang-Chi something someting Fu Man Chu. Yeah helpful ain't I. Anyway that what if was the first one I remember reading.


10-26-2008, 10:23 PM
Alpha Flight 28. Cloak and Dagger, Aquaman miniseries 1985 (That I picked instead of Watchmen#1).


10-27-2008, 12:35 AM
My first comic book was Cabel #1