View Full Version : Marvel talks about what titles should be brought back!

03-23-2008, 10:54 AM
And #3 on the list is... well of course it's Alpha Flight... I mean why else would I bring it up?

Previous Runs: ALPHA FLIGHT v1 (1983-1994), ALPHA FLIGHT v2 (1997-1999), ALPHA FLIGHT v3 (2004-2005)
Learn More … here
Why It Should Be Brought Back: "Alpha Flight broadened the Marvel Universe, adding a truly global feel by examining how heroes in other countries operated and tapping into the rich mythology of Canada. We've already seen Canada's new super team in OMEGA FLIGHT, so it'd be great to see another incarnation of the originals!" –OneManDynasty
Spotlight Comic: ALPHA FLIGHT v1 #1 Canada's premiere super team in their first ever solo adventure.

Link (http://www.marvel.com/news/comicstories.2933.Take_10~colon~_Series_Revivals)

03-23-2008, 01:46 PM
Dazzler made the top 10? :lol:

03-23-2008, 04:30 PM
Dazzler made the top 10? :lol:

I guess disco isnt dead after all. Good to see us up there. Maybe its a good sign. Dont want to get my hopes up.

BTW Legerd I love the new sig

03-23-2008, 06:43 PM
Sometimes I wonder, is it promotion or just coincidence that we get all this AF stuff at once. This Marvel buzz, Iron Man Adventures, MCP, the Atlas (OK that one's a coincidence), Hercules.

With the way things are going Pointer may turn out to be a Skrull, for all we know. Very unlikely AF will play any role in it but House of M brought back Excalibur and Civil War awkwardly brought back Thor and New New New Warriors. So why not have Secret Invasion bring back AF?

I know, I know, it won't happen. Heck will freeze over and all that.

Koslowski says Marvel is 'aware' of the high interest in AF, but that means squat I guess. No point in getting hopes up until concrete news arises.

Sort of like Cubs fans...

maniac mike
03-23-2008, 07:59 PM
Sometimes I wonder, is it promotion or just coincidence that we get all this AF stuff at once. This Marvel buzz, Iron Man Adventures, MCP, the Atlas (OK that one's a coincidence), Hercules.

With the way things are going Pointer may turn out to be a Skrull, for all we know. Very unlikely AF will play any role in it but House of M brought back Excalibur and Civil War awkwardly brought back Thor and New New New Warriors. So why not have Secret Invasion bring back AF?

I know, I know, it won't happen. Heck will freeze over and all that.

Koslowski says Marvel is 'aware' of the high interest in AF, but that means squat I guess. No point in getting hopes up until concrete news arises.

Sort of like Cubs fans...

Maybe Marvel is in the process of "fixing" the problem AF has become with this lil' Secret Invasion event.

One can only hope!

MM :oops:

03-24-2008, 01:39 AM
BTW Legerd I love the new sig

Thankee kindly. It's a quote from Pierre Trudeau that I thought fit the situation well. I've got another one I use on Newsarama that I really like as well. It's a quote from Tommy Douglas.

Sometimes I wonder, is it promotion or just coincidence that we get all this AF stuff at once. This Marvel buzz, Iron Man Adventures, MCP, the Atlas (OK that one's a coincidence), Hercules.

...So why not have Secret Invasion bring back AF?

I know, I know, it won't happen. Heck will freeze over and all that.

Koslowski says Marvel is 'aware' of the high interest in AF, but that means squat I guess. No point in getting hopes up until concrete news arises.

I like to think we're seeing more AF 'cause TPTB are testing the waters. They did this before, unfortunately, it was with one of the non-AF AF books.

Maybe Marvel is in the process of "fixing" the problem AF has become with this lil' Secret Invasion event.

One can only hope!

That's what I'm thinking will happen, not that they'll play a big part, but something like Snowbird discovers and rescues the team. From there the original AF returns!

03-24-2008, 02:04 AM
Optimism is a good thing. Before Seagle's Flight (and yes, I liked his stories) they had AF popping up in various ways, too, though one (In X-Man) was quite obviously a lead-in to Seagle's book.

If we're lucky, not only are TPTB going to give us a series, but that Snowbird's story in Hercules may be a lead-in, so to speak.

03-24-2008, 07:14 AM
i liked the seagles stories as well, it was the art in that series that drove me bonkers.

i agree, with alpha popping up in various places it can only be a good thing.

03-24-2008, 10:16 AM
Good to see them on the list and at number 3 no less.

Really cant argue with the first two so three is pretty good.

03-24-2008, 04:09 PM
I'm pleased to see Alpha so high on the list. (And I was also happy to see the Invaders, another underrated team, there as well.) Maybe we can take this as a good sign?

03-24-2008, 08:50 PM
I would as even the Invaders are making a comeback soon.

03-25-2008, 01:05 AM
Maybe a lot of good things are happening with AF talk. After all, 55000 issues sold a month for OF and all the letters and emails should tell them something, easily. Nobody at Marvel is saying anything but I can't get too high or low about that, after all no news means zip.

I haven't been buying comics since they ended OF. I bought those two AF graphic novels for the library and my son got a Teen Titans graphic novel, nobody has anything since but library books. Seems only a Flight series will light a fire around this household.

Kids aren't reading Spider-Man or Flash anymore, or Transformers.

So the push is on for Alpha Flight!

03-25-2008, 06:14 PM
This just proves that there is a soft spot for AF at Marvel HQ. If we get a series or even just a small run in MCP at a later date is just fine with me.