View Full Version : I wish they would just kill off...

04-15-2008, 02:01 PM
We all hate it when Marvel kills off our beloved Flight, and it makes the pain even worse when characters like Strong Guy or Henry Pym are still running around pissing people off. I want to hear who you want Marvel to just kill off, either hero or villian, and why.

Strong Guy - I have an irrational hatred for this character. His name for starters. The worst part is how, every time he is in a fight, someone always has to comment about how he absorbs energy and that if he absorbs too much he could DIE. Apparently not, since he was getting pounded by the Hulk and was still alive. I just want that stupid looking guy to POP and be gone from Marvel forever.

04-15-2008, 05:11 PM
I had to really think about this one. I have always been of the opinion that every character in the hands of a great writer can be a great character. But since I must pick. I choose Cable. While I dont have any real disdain for the character. I have always felt like he was out of place in the current X-Universe. There have been times when I didnt mind him that much. But overall I would not mind seing him be killed off.

04-15-2008, 05:17 PM
The Irredeemable Antman. Can't stand the character, and I hate how these new characters show up and are treated so much better than AF ever has. They're given stories that interact and impact what's going on in the MU while AF was always kept seperated and rarely/barely involved in major stories. :x

04-15-2008, 06:19 PM
LOL I love Ireedeemable Ant-Man. I read every issue and love that hes in the Initiatve. Hes not a hero by far but a bastard and a funny one at that.

04-17-2008, 12:52 AM
LOL I love Ireedeemable Ant-Man. I read every issue and love that hes in the Initiatve. Hes not a hero by far but a bastard and a funny one at that.

I guess to each his own, eh? :P

04-17-2008, 02:34 AM
Its what makes the world go round. I think my attraction to the character came from surprise. Initially I checked out the book because I have always enjoyed Ant-Man. I was quite surprised to see what an absolute bastard the character was. After a short while I admired the creators for going in the direction they did and found the book geuinely funny. But yes ineed to each their own. The character appealed to my sick sense of humor. But I can see how someone would want him dead. That just happens to be the exact reason why I like him.

04-17-2008, 01:07 PM
Is the Irrideemable Ant Man the same guy as G.I. Ant Man from Avengers: The Initative?

04-17-2008, 01:13 PM
Is the Irrideemable Ant Man the same guy as G.I. Ant Man from Avengers: The Initative?

Yes it is. His series was canceled after #12 than they put him in the Initiative book.

04-17-2008, 01:15 PM
Is the Irrideemable Ant Man the same guy as G.I. Ant Man from Avengers: The Initative?

Yes it is. His series was canceled after #12 than they put him in the Initiative book.

Ok. That makes alot more sense now. I am enjoying the stuff between him and Taskmaster. The bit about G.I. Ant man have the first two episodes of "Chuck" on his iPod and the two of them watching it instead of joining the fight was pretty funny.

04-18-2008, 12:28 AM
I found that bit funny as well. Mostly due to the fact that Im very addicted to Lost. Chuck comes on right before Lost. So I hate the show chuck cause I only catch the last minutes and as a consequence seems quite silly.

04-18-2008, 12:30 AM
BTW terribly sorry this excellent thread has been derailed due to my irrational attraction to the Irredemmable Ant-Man. KILL CABLE!! ok someone elses turn now.