View Full Version : If you could have a drink/dinner with any 5 people...

04-24-2008, 12:27 AM
If you could have a drink/dinner with any 5 people alive or dead who would they be? You can if you choose say why. Here is my list in no specific order

1) George Lucas
2) Stan "The Man" Lee
3) Carl Sagan
4) Albert Einstein
5) John Lennon

They have all in so many ways made me the person I am today. They have inspired me in more ways than I can explain and I know I will carry that inspiration with me till I pass from this life. But...if only to share with you all an example of what began my interest in the above listed. Here is at least one reason for each to explain my passion and perhaps to ignite that same passion in you.

1) George Lucas: If you have not seen the Star Wars saga. Free up a day. Find a big screen TV, Alot of popcorn, and release that big kid in yourself. May the force be with you...always.

2) Stan Lee: The god father of Marvel Comics. As much as George Lucas inspired and entertained me with 6 simple movies. Stan Lee and his creations have inspired and entertained me every Wednesday for over 20+ years. I know George Lucas is done with his saga. But the thought that when I pass from this life I wont be able to read the stories of my favorite heroes saddens me. He made me a true believer...Nuff Said

3) Carl Sagan: To much to say...If I had to choose one thing to share his wisdom. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pale_blue_dot Read the paragraph he wrote. It changed the way I look at life.

4) Albert Einstein: What can I say. Who would not want to sit and talk with perhaps the greatest mind this world has ever known. His theories changed they way we all look at the world.

5) John Lennon: Like Carl Sagan and his "Pale Blue Dot". John Lennon and his song "Imagine" have shaped and defined me in so many ways. http://www.oldielyrics.com/lyrics/john_lennon/imagine.html While the link conveys the lyrics. If you have not already...sit with a clear and open mind...and listen to the song.

04-24-2008, 02:39 AM
Great list, D...I would love to have a talk with Carl Sagan, Einstein, Stan Lee and Lennon. I'd prefer to replace George Lucas with My Great Grandfather (he passed away about 16 years ago and he was the most briliant, wise and inspiring man I knew growing up...He was more like a dad than my own father). He'd also love to be able to speak with these men...Well, I don't know if he really knew anything about Stan Lee, but I think he would still find the conversation interesting.


04-25-2008, 01:56 AM
I'm terrible.

I'd like to talk at length with Jesus of Nazareth, why not try and find out why God created life and what it all is about (I am a learner, after all); then Da Vinci, a man of so many talents and ideas, just to pick his brain; Hero of Greece/Alexandria would be interesting and quite a change of pace, a guy out of time and often overlooked for his genius; Michael Faraday, to learn from him and see how his ideas worked; and finally, at this moment, I don't know, maybe Kopernic or Boscovic or Fessenden, or Schoedinger, or Rutherford, so many scientists who opened so many doors and asked the right questions...

No matter how I look at it it's tough.

04-26-2008, 10:50 PM
am a stay at home drinker.
did me moment...

05-01-2008, 09:46 AM
5 people...well. let's start.
Einstein. I've always been devoted to him as person. he was a deep man.
Tolkien. my favourite English autor of ever. Valerio Massiomo Manfredi, my Italian favourite author of ever. (ok, 2 to go...) renèè de chartes, the phylosopher, and Spielberg.

05-01-2008, 10:58 AM
5 people...well. let's start.
Einstein. I've always been devoted to him as person. he was a deep man.
Tolkien. my favourite English autor of ever. Valerio Massiomo Manfredi, my Italian favourite author of ever. (ok, 2 to go...) renèè de chartes, the phylosopher, and Spielberg.

Nice choices Firestar :D Ill have to go and learn abit more about the author and philospher. Thanks for sharing.

05-01-2008, 09:51 PM
Benjamin Franklin, goes with growing up in Philly. The man was ahead of his time.

Jesus, any guy who can influence this many 2,000 years later has got to be able to spin a good tale or two. Plus we'd never run out of wine to drink. :wink:

Leonardo Da Vinci, sheer brilliance in everything he did and he did alot.

Sun Tzu, Imagine what he would have to say about today?!

Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers is one of my favorite books. If he just said "Don't panic." and left me sitting at the table that would be more than enough.

05-03-2008, 05:04 PM
5 people...well. let's start.
Einstein. I've always been devoted to him as person. he was a deep man.
Tolkien. my favourite English autor of ever. Valerio Massiomo Manfredi, my Italian favourite author of ever. (ok, 2 to go...) renèè de chartes, the phylosopher, and Spielberg.

I'm just too curious. I found this in wikipedia, is that the same Manfredi? Very interesting man, just by this summary.

Valerio Massimo Manfredi (born 1946) is an Italian historian, archaeologist and journalist. He was born in Piumazzo di Castelfranco Emilia, province of Modena and is married to Christine Fedderson Manfredi, who translates his published works from Italian to English.

Valerio Massimo Manfredi defines himself "Ancient World Topographer". Since 1978 he spends his time teaching in several European universities, digging ruins in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East, and writing novels.

The Professor of Classical Archaeology in the "Luigi Bocconi" University of Milan and a familiar face on European television, he has led scientific expeditions, excavations and explorations in Italy and overseas. In addition to this, he has published a number of scientific articles and essays as well as thirteen novels, including the Alexander trilogy and The Last Legion. Alexander was published in thirty-six languages in fifty-five countries and The Last Legion was sold for a major film production in the USA, The Last Legion film was released in 2007.

As for the philisopher, I don't know him but that look like René Descartes, Discours de la méthode and the famous « Je pense donc je suis » ("I think, so I am").

05-06-2008, 04:21 PM
5 people...well. let's start.
Einstein. I've always been devoted to him as person. he was a deep man.
Tolkien. my favourite English autor of ever. Valerio Massiomo Manfredi, my Italian favourite author of ever. (ok, 2 to go...) renèè de chartes, the phylosopher, and Spielberg.

I'm just too curious. I found this in wikipedia, is that the same Manfredi? Very interesting man, just by this summary.

Valerio Massimo Manfredi (born 1946) is an Italian historian, archaeologist and journalist. He was born in Piumazzo di Castelfranco Emilia, province of Modena and is married to Christine Fedderson Manfredi, who translates his published works from Italian to English.

Valerio Massimo Manfredi defines himself "Ancient World Topographer". Since 1978 he spends his time teaching in several European universities, digging ruins in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East, and writing novels.

The Professor of Classical Archaeology in the "Luigi Bocconi" University of Milan and a familiar face on European television, he has led scientific expeditions, excavations and explorations in Italy and overseas. In addition to this, he has published a number of scientific articles and essays as well as thirteen novels, including the Alexander trilogy and The Last Legion. Alexander was published in thirty-six languages in fifty-five countries and The Last Legion was sold for a major film production in the USA, The Last Legion film was released in 2007.

As for the philisopher, I don't know him but that look like René Descartes, Discours de la méthode and the famous « Je pense donc je suis » ("I think, so I am").
yes , it's him, I don't know why i wrote massiomo... yes, he is my "beloved" v.m. manfredi. I have almost all his books, i really like him. and he is as good in the historic ones as in the "fantasy" ones...