View Full Version : Omega so American

05-07-2008, 07:29 PM
It seems sad that Omega is basically Yankee cast-off characters.

They could have sprinkled in more Canucks, or created some new faces

05-07-2008, 07:41 PM
Honestly, I doubt anyone but Joe Q would disagree with you. So many rich characters with so many story possibilities (AF defends Canada's soveriegnty from SHIELD, AF fights Plodex hordes, a new Master rises, Dreamqueen, AF takes out a Skrull battalian before they can infest the Earth, Sasquatch deciphers the Skrull code and saves many lives by killing hidden Skrulls before the War is a lost cause, AF defeats the Badoon who are trying to take advantage of the Skrull War.... and so many more stories) it is a no-brainer to bring back AF and do it without making it another Force Works.

05-07-2008, 07:58 PM
It is sad more Canadian superheros aren't out there, DC has none that I know of, Spawn is by a Canadian but is not a canuck, not sure if any indie's are being printed these days either

05-09-2008, 04:33 AM
Technically, Marvel has/had quite a few Canadian superheroes (and villains), but they've whittled them down so much with depowerings, deaths, vacations to limbo that there is very few still active.

These mutants haven't been stated as being depowered, so where are they?

Diamond Lil
Flashback (we know he's sort of retired)


Daydreamer (with the Young Gods, if they're still alive)
Sasquatch (he's sort of active)
Snowbird (we know she's making an appearance soon...Maybe)
Talisman (sort of, kind of active)
Wild Child (we know he's evil...Again)
Wolverine (we know he's solo and on every Marvel team, but Alpha or Omega)

Dept K's Weapon P.R.I.M.E. team :P
Killspree (not a very heroic name)

...And Deadpool (would he be considered an Anti-Hero? Isn't he getting a new solo book soon?)

Who else would be considered "active" and out there somewhere?

05-09-2008, 04:51 AM
is deadpool canadian ?

is tigerstryke a good guy or villian ?

05-09-2008, 04:54 AM
is deadpool canadian ?

is tigerstryke a good guy or villian ?

Deadpool was supposed to be Canadian (I don't know if that was retconned, though)...But all the Handbooks said he was.

Tigerstryke works for the Candian Govt (like I said Dept. K), so it depends on what sort of mission they send him on, I guess.

05-09-2008, 10:20 AM
Major Mapleleaf Senior. :D

He's retired, but when last we saw him he was alive and kickin... and capable of going toe-to-toe with Northstar.

I always thought a couple of interesting stories might be to provide a little more context to his implied/perceived abuse of his son, Major Mapleleaf Jr. The memories that implied such to some, were those of a young, less favoured boy who was caught redhanded doing something his dad had expressedly forbidden afterall.

I think such a story would redeem him in the eyes of those who are absolutely convinced he was a bitter old child abusing.

And another, possinly related, would deal with the delibating psychological effects that the Super Soldier Serum has had on all it has been adminstered too... with the exception of Steve Rogers. It would also establish, as opposed to merely suggest, that a SSS program was indeed the origin of his powers.

He would also be a good source for reminiscience type stories... untold tales of the Invaders (whom he is said to have fought alongside in WWII)or his early career figthing crime or whatever in Canada (which he is said to have enjoyed).

05-09-2008, 02:41 PM
Here's a list of Canadian superheroes:

FYI, DC has a few [not many] Canadian villians/heroes

05-09-2008, 04:40 PM
I was searching DC found a Sparx that's it as far as I can tell

05-09-2008, 04:48 PM
I was searching DC found a Sparx that's it as far as I can tell

Plastique who is on the Suicide Squad is from Quebec

05-09-2008, 05:07 PM
There's Centrix who is a member of the Global Guardians.

05-09-2008, 05:24 PM
As for Weapon Prime, I recall they changed Killspree to Killjoy in the Northstar Limited Series (and the last time they were featured)

05-09-2008, 05:45 PM
Anyone have a pic of the DC Sparx character?

05-09-2008, 07:56 PM
Joe has no reaspet for the fans alone with benins-of whateever name is.

we need more Canadians!!

05-10-2008, 12:40 AM
As for Weapon Prime, I recall they changed Killspree to Killjoy in the Northstar Limited Series (and the last time they were featured)

Actually his name was originally Killjoy, it was changed to Killspree. I believed Marvel changed it to avoid legal issues with Steve Ditko's character Killjoy (I could be wrong about that...I recall hearing something about it).


05-10-2008, 12:41 AM
DC also has Flying Fox.


05-12-2008, 02:48 AM
Wasn't there a deceased character named Silver Fox, or something like that, who was from Canada?
A Marvel character, i have always wanted her to be somehow brought back, she sounded so interesting. Make a good Alphan, perhaps?

05-12-2008, 03:06 AM
the list grows a little. Still can't find a pic of Sparx anywhere online

05-12-2008, 12:06 PM
Wasn't there a deceased character named Silver Fox, or something like that, who was from Canada?
A Marvel character, i have always wanted her to be somehow brought back, she sounded so interesting. Make a good Alphan, perhaps?

You mean Silver Fox from Wolverine's past? She did return briefly in a Wolverine arc awhile back, but was killed off again. Unless that was the story you are refering to, then you can ignore this post.

05-12-2008, 12:20 PM
You know as I research a bit Canadian heroes are even rare in the Indie comic world, unless I am missing something

05-12-2008, 04:31 PM
Wasn't there a deceased character named Silver Fox, or something like that, who was from Canada?
A Marvel character, i have always wanted her to be somehow brought back, she sounded so interesting. Make a good Alphan, perhaps?

You mean Silver Fox from Wolverine's past? She did return briefly in a Wolverine arc awhile back, but was killed off again. Unless that was the story you are refering to, then you can ignore this post.

Yes, Silver Fox. That was who I was thinking of, thank you.


Anybody , off-hand, have any idea what issues of what series she would have appeared in with Logan?

05-12-2008, 06:03 PM
As for references for Canadian superheroes, I found this one page with a list of quite a few Golden Era comic characters from Canada
