View Full Version : 13 province / territory initiative

05-18-2008, 09:10 AM
On another thread I just speculated as to what would happen if Canada decided to follow the US' lead and create a team for each territory and province of Canada, with one additional team of experienced and / or exceptionally powerful members who would be the rapid response to handle national threats and back-up the local teams. I think it'd be an interesting experiment to try and come up with such a thing. So, for anyone who wants to play, here's the ground rules.

Teams - for the sake of tradition and argument, we'll assume the teams are identified as Alpha through Omega Flights, using whatever Greek letters you want to in between (eg feel free to skip using Pi Flight if you think that people would be sniggering at their name and heroes would be having the "Why do I have to be Mr. Pink" argument when asked to join it).

You have to cover each of the provinces and territories. That's a team apiece for Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon. Teams covering low population regions can have fewer members, but members for teams covering more inhospitable regions should probably be able to transport themselves (eg fly, teleport, or run really well) without relying too much on teammates. Teams should have between 4 and 6 members in an ideal world.

Members. Existing Canadian heroes from Marvel can be used. You can assume that anyone currently believed dead is still available, because this is Marvel, and no one stays dead forever. I have a theory that after 160 odd issues of Alpha Flight, Marvel has enough pre-existing characters to do this without having to create any more, so no making up brand new characters. Exceptions to this rule - (1) I think it is fair to allow a percentage of Canadian villains to reform and sign up, or where appropriate have someone else take up their mantle as a hero (e.g. Caliber signs away the rights to his armour to the government in return for a reduced sentence, and a new, heroic Caliber joins one of the teams). But there's got to be valid and non-stretching way of how the powers and abilities got transferred over - hence technological characters are probably best for this. (2) Second exception - if you are struggling to make the numbers, then out of copyright non-Marvel Canadian heroes are fair game (there's precendent for this). So you can plunder pre-existing Golden Age Canadian heroes for extra members.

Anyone up for the challenge?

05-18-2008, 10:53 AM
Be gentle...I just woke up...

Some Provinces I really had no idea who would work (one Province, I was at a loss for)...

I went with about two or more heroes for each team (I even used a few very rarely heard of Canadians)...And like John Byrne, I had a lot of them based out of their home Provinces...Oh and I reserved Omega Flight for a villain team (the government decides at the urging of Mac to not use the name of a team of criminals)...

Alberta: Delta Flight - Shaman, Talisman, Earthmover and Wolverine (reserve member)

British Columbia: Beta Flight - Sasquatch, Living Totem and Deadpool (hired by the government, may not last long...He's already bored)

Manitoba: Epsilon Flight - Manikin, Centennial, Flashback and Witchfire

New Brunswick: Lambda Flight - St Elmo, Cascade, Wyre and Mar

Newfoundland and Labrador: Omicron Flight - Marrina, Feedback, Puck II, Major Mapleleaf II and Thunder

Nova Scotia: Dept K's Weapon P.R.I.M.E. Tigerstryke, Double-Trouble, Killspree and Yeti. I think they're based there, anyway.

Ontario: Alpha Flight - Guardian/Mac, Vindicator/Heather, Persuasion, Laura Dean/Gate (I hate the name Pathway)and Goblyn (All three of the kids are in school and help when they can...Mac and Heather can call on any of the other teams to add to Alpha, when necessary)

Prince Edward Island: Sigma Flight - Ben? I have no idea.

Quebec: Gamma Flight - Nemesis, Murmur, Aurora and Northstar

Saskatchewan: Eta Flight - Puck I, Radius, Flex, Flinch, Ouija and Ghost Girl

Northwest Territories: Kappa Flight - Snowbird, Diamond Lil, Madison Jeffries/Mechamage and the Box Bots (his Box robot army)

Nunavut: Zed Flight - Ice Princess and Jack Frost (probably not Canadian, but he is there)

Yukon: Theta Flight - Yukon Jack and Groundhog II (I don't know who it would be, though)

05-18-2008, 04:31 PM
I'll try too; for me, every team has a person wearing a Guardian suit, or something techno; team names are tricky, but I'll try again:

Newfoundland and Labrador: Flex, Ghost Girl, Marrina, Emerald Star (Guardian suit) [led by Emerald Star, a military woman] {Chi Flight}

New Brunswick: Ouija, Auric, Silver, Acadian Red (Guardian suit) [Acadian Red is ex-Epsilon guard female, leads] {Marine Flight}

Nova Scotia: Feedback, Flinch, Tech-Noir, Acadian Blue (Guardian suit, male) [Feedback leads] {Flight Brigade}

Prince Edward Island: Stitch, Radius, Acadian Green (Guardian suit, male) [Radius leads] {Island Flight}

Quebec: Murmur, Aurora, Northstar, Manbot, Wendigo, Zuzha Yu, Major MapleLeaf (Guardian suit) [Northstar leads] {Canadien Flight}

Ontario: Guardian, Nemesis, Vindicator, Wyre, Centennial, Manikin, Yeti [Guardian leads] {Alpha Flight}

Manitoba: Firebug, Goblyn, Pathway, Windshear, BoxMan (Roger) [Windshear leads] {Beta Flight}

Saskatchewan: Puck, Killspree, Depth Charge, Witchfire, Double Trouble [Puck leads] {Outcast Flight}

Alberta: Box (Madison), Diamond Lil, Persuasion, Flagstone, Shaman, Smart Alec, Grizzly [Shaman leads] {Omega Flight}

British Columbia: Sasquatch, Talisman, Arachne, TygerStryke, Groundhog, Flashback, Cleft [Sasquatch leads] {Delta Flight}

Yukon: Yukon Jack, Wild Child, Snow Men (Boxbots) [Wild Child leads] {Gamma Flight}

North West Territories: Snowbird, St. Elmo, Raven's Claw (Guardian suit, female) [Raven's Claw leads] {Boreal Flight}

Nunavut: Moon Tribe, Earthmover, Silver Fox (Guardian suit) [Silver Fox leads] {Ijiraq Flight}

05-18-2008, 06:30 PM
Prince Edward Island: Sigma Flight - Ben? I have no idea.

Who Me? I could be the leader, and here is my team!

Bud The Spud - Armed with a potato gun and a bad attitude
Guard-e-Anne - Red pigtails flying in the wind
Fisher-Man - Fights crime in the off-season while on pogey


Bill P
05-19-2008, 05:45 AM
Gaurd-e-Anne ... Now thats funny.

Good one.

05-20-2008, 12:11 AM
Prince Edward Island: Sigma Flight - Ben? I have no idea.

Who Me? I could be the leader, and here is my team!

Bud The Spud - Armed with a potato gun and a bad attitude
Guard-e-Anne - Red pigtails flying in the wind
Fisher-Man - Fights crime in the off-season while on pogey



05-20-2008, 06:39 AM
Prince Edward Island: Sigma Flight - Ben? I have no idea.

Who Me? I could be the leader, and here is my team!

Bud The Spud - Armed with a potato gun and a bad attitude
Guard-e-Anne - Red pigtails flying in the wind
Fisher-Man - Fights crime in the off-season while on pogey


Awww, DAMMIT BEN!! You KNOW I gotta do something with this line-up now!! Remember the LAST time you gave me ammunition?? No?? Well, here's a clue... http://forum.alphaflight.net/album_pic.php?pic_id=15

05-20-2008, 09:05 AM
tee-hee :lol:


05-21-2008, 03:40 AM
tee-hee :lol:


It's official.... You're EVIL!!!

(btw, grown men shouldn't 'teehee'... at least, that's what my wife says :P)

05-23-2008, 08:41 AM
Was just doing some research in this thread (be scared, and blame Ben), and I reread your post, Dana...

Nova Scotia: Dept K's Weapon P.R.I.M.E. Tigerstryke, Double-Trouble, Killspree and Yeti. I think they're based there, anyway.

How about "Mu Flight" For these guys?? They're just a REALLY bad version of Alpha anyways... and the only things that'd respect them anyway are a herd of cattle...

Nunavut: Zed Flight - Ice Princess and Jack Frost (probably not Canadian, but he is there)

While I DO appreciate the use of the Canadian pronounciation of "Z", the Greek letter is actually "Zeta".

Aside from that, I have to REALLY stop myself from wanting to draw ALL these Flights!! I have a LOT on my plate already, drawing-wise (ie: two comics on the go), and if I get myself bogged down with too much fanart, I'll NEVER get it done!!