View Full Version : Northstar news from JQ.

07-04-2008, 05:15 PM
From MyCup o' Joe

27 June, 2008 (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=92159514&blogID=411606972)

Michael asks:

Hey Joe, Whats up with Northstar these days? Will we see him get some development as a character beyond appearing once, saying a line and the disappearing for a year or two?


JQ- Michael, funny you should mention Northstar as we've been talking about him quite a lot these days. Near the end of this month we're having a big X-Men creative summit in Los Angeles and I have a strong feeling that his name will be coming up there as well.

07-04-2008, 05:21 PM
if i were to read into that, i would say that Northstar will NOT be part of a new AF then!

unless...AF is spinning out of X-Men somehow?...

07-04-2008, 06:14 PM
Maybe the X-Men summit will include all of the creative teams for all the X-books and a new AF v4 will spin off as an X-book, the way it did with v1 (Exploding from the pages of the X-men!)?


07-04-2008, 06:27 PM
i was thinking the same thing.

maybe back to their roots, with a launch out of that book.

07-05-2008, 12:42 AM
Northstar and Aurora join Wolverine to form their own mutant-a-licious Alpha Flight...Called X-Alpha (with Diamond Lil, Madison Jeffries, Flashback, Manikin, Persuasion, Pathway, Goblyn and Feedback) with Colin Ashworth Hume tagging along as the token depowered mutant.

It's Joe's "new and original" idea to make Alpha different from other Marvel teams...Another X-Book...Yay!


07-05-2008, 01:04 AM
Northstar and Aurora join Wolverine to form their own mutant-a-licious Alpha Flight...Called X-Alpha (with Diamond Lil, Madison Jeffries, Flashback, Manikin, Persuasion, Pathway, Goblyn and Feedback) with Colin Ashworth Hume tagging along as the token depowered mutant.

It's Joe's "new and original" idea to make Alpha different from other Marvel teams...Another X-Book...Yay!


Oy! I see you are busy using up your full ration of bitterness for the day, eh?
Yeah...and how does this roll into the rumours of a new AF series that has more in common with the original AF?
Okay, i am trying to think...were any of the "killed" AF members mutants? Cuz, maybe then they could be brought back to life and join this team.
Yes, i can see it now. This team of Canadian mutants, brought together for one unifying purpose - to seek a replacement for USAgent (at the command of Super-Skrullian Tony Stark), who died within the borders of Canada.

I say it lasts 6 issues tops, then everybody but Wolverine dies (off-panel, of course). At the hands of Wild Child himself, no less! 8) :twisted: 8)

07-05-2008, 03:36 AM
Northstar and Aurora join Wolverine to form their own mutant-a-licious Alpha Flight...Called X-Alpha (with Diamond Lil, Madison Jeffries, Flashback, Manikin, Persuasion, Pathway, Goblyn and Feedback) with Colin Ashworth Hume tagging along as the token depowered mutant.

It's Joe's "new and original" idea to make Alpha different from other Marvel teams...Another X-Book...Yay!


Oy! I see you are busy using up your full ration of bitterness for the day, eh?

Nah....It's more of a joke (and a bit of frustration being vented), than anything.

Yeah...and how does this roll into the rumours of a new AF series that has more in common with the original AF?
Okay, i am trying to think...were any of the "killed" AF members mutants? Cuz, maybe then they could be brought back to life and join this team.
Yes, i can see it now. This team of Canadian mutants, brought together for one unifying purpose - to seek a replacement for USAgent (at the command of Super-Skrullian Tony Stark), who died within the borders of Canada.

I say it lasts 6 issues tops, then everybody but Wolverine dies (off-panel, of course). At the hands of Wild Child himself, no less! 8) :twisted: 8)

Nah....12 issues with the 12th issue being the required and very tired "who will die?" issue (cover complete with each X-Alphan framed in a gunsight). Or maybe it should be a "Who will live?" issue? :P


07-05-2008, 04:54 AM
Well, venting frustration at Marvel over Alpha flight's treatment, that could be a lot like Mt Vesuvius blowing!

Seriously, as much as we all "hope" for our beloved team to be treated with due respect...we may get it from occasional writers and such, but we will likely have to live with those small victories amidst a smelly pile of overall defeat.

07-07-2008, 02:29 PM
i saw north star with an x-men outfit, does he appear in the x-men comics as a regular?
If not, would you like to see him as a regular x-man?
in which comic?

07-07-2008, 05:56 PM
i saw north star with an x-men outfit, does he appear in the x-men comics as a regular?
If not, would you like to see him as a regular x-man?
in which comic?
Northstar was an X-Man for some time, starting in Uncanny X-Men 414. He was an active member until after they resorted the team, and he was relegated strictly to teaching economics, as well as leading the new mutant group, Team Alpha. He kept this capacity until he was killed by brainwashed Wolverine, resurrected by Hydra, led an attack on the SHIELD Helicarrier, and again went up against a deprogrammed Wolverine, where he was captured (Wolverine #25-28).

Personally, I'm with most members of the board: I'd rather have him in Alpha Flight again. But, barring that, I'd like to see him do something different with his life, and not be remembered as simply a Mutant. Maybe join one of the Avengers teams, or perhaps Excalibur.

07-23-2008, 11:30 AM

The other part of your question is which X-Men are involved. We’ve tried to bring all the current line-ups in with the exception of X-Factor, and we’ve also got some cameo appearances from characters who aren’t currently on X-teams -- Husk, Northstar and Aurora, to name but three.

07-23-2008, 12:26 PM
i saw north star with an x-men outfit, does he appear in the x-men comics as a regular?
If not, would you like to see him as a regular x-man?
in which comic?

No...Been there, done that and it was a joke....All what Allan said above. I'd rather he (and Aurora) return to Canada and Alpha.
