View Full Version : Beta Ray Bill-spoilers question

08-22-2008, 11:45 PM
He appeared in Thor and it was revealed it was really him. I dont think as BRB as an Alphan but do you think that the BRB in OF was a Skrull cuz he is going to defend Asgard with Balder with all his might

08-27-2008, 09:03 PM
Yes BRB is back. Basically it was said that the Skrulls came and got him. They took his hammer and sent him to Earth/Asgard as a message of the Skrull invasion.

08-28-2008, 02:30 AM
Still could be a Skrull, there was a skrull BRB in Black Panther and Avengers: Initative just this week and they had Stormbreakers.

08-28-2008, 05:37 AM
Feh...Most of Marvel has been full of imposters for years now, anyway (Marvel characters or Marvel staff...I don't know which). :wink:


08-28-2008, 09:49 AM
The BRB that came back is not a Skrull. Loki had actually tried to convince the Asgardians of the same thing. To prove that it was the real BRB Thor had him wield Mjolnir and turn into his BRB form. BRB is actually using Thor's hammer in the mean time while Donald Blake(Thor's human form) is giving medical attention to local townspeople. So as anyone that knows Thor knows only a select few have been able to wield the hammer. Also its worth mentioning. When BRB crashed to the earth he was not in his BRB form nor Simon Walters. BRB was in his natural alien form. Im curious If he is still bound to Simon Walters.

08-28-2008, 01:02 PM
The BRB that came back is not a Skrull. Loki had actually tried to convince the Asgardians of the same thing. To prove that it was the real BRB Thor had him wield Mjolnir and turn into his BRB form. BRB is actually using Thor's hammer in the mean time while Donald Blake(Thor's human form) is giving medical attention to local townspeople. So as anyone that knows Thor knows only a select few have been able to wield the hammer. Also its worth mentioning. When BRB crashed to the earth he was not in his BRB form nor Simon Walters. BRB was in his natural alien form. Im curious If he is still bound to Simon Walters.

The Skrulls can mimic the people's memories and thoughts their impersonating now and for all we know BRB is a sleeper agent just like how Captain Marvel was. The Skrulls have even made their own Stormbreakers so I still wouldn't past it he could be a Skrull

08-28-2008, 01:13 PM
BRB grabbing mjonir made me believe that was the real BRB. It does give me a thought for a good Omega Flight

Beta Ray Bill

08-28-2008, 01:13 PM
Memories and thoughts have nothing to do with it though. There is an enchantment on Thor's hammer. Only a handful of people have ever been able to lift it. Donald Blake, Beta Ray, Captain America was once able to lift it as well. Only someone pure of heart and some such restiction can lift it. Because of the very nature of what the Skrull was doing was a deception he would never be able to lift and use the hammer.

08-28-2008, 03:22 PM
Memories and thoughts have nothing to do with it though. There is an enchantment on Thor's hammer. Only a handful of people have ever been able to lift it. Donald Blake, Beta Ray, Captain America was once able to lift it as well. Only someone pure of heart and some such restiction can lift it. Because of the very nature of what the Skrull was doing was a deception he would never be able to lift and use the hammer.

Actually it does, as a person who is worthy who has the same ideals of Asgard can lift it as many other then Thor or Beta Ray Bill has. The Skrulls can copy people's bodies identitically as well as their memories. Their in a sense really the person their pretending to be. So the Skrulls can copy body and mind of BRB so if he was a Skrull I would not be suprized he could lift it. Even the skrull captain america didn't even know he was a skrull even right up to his death and had all the memories of the true Cap.

Like I said he could be a sleeper agent like Captain Marvel as he didn't even know he was a Skrull till it was revealed to him by other people. In Captain Britain and MI-8 the Skrulls showed they can tap into magic and even steal it. So in short we know they can copy body/mind of a person, we know they can manipulate magic (hell their "new" trasnformation is magical now), we know some Skrulls don't even know their skrulls, we saw some skrulls already change into BRB and have their own Stormbreaker (Black Panther and the Initiative). So could BRB be a skrull? It's possible, guess we have to wait and see.

08-28-2008, 11:37 PM
I hear what your saying. I didnt say it in earlier posts cause I thought it was understood. Because its a magical enchantment on the hammer. I felt that the science could not get past an enchantment from Odin.

08-29-2008, 12:59 AM
I hear what your saying. I didnt say it in earlier posts cause I thought it was understood. Because its a magical enchantment on the hammer. I felt that the science could not get past an enchantment from Odin.

Even I'm not sure about that as they did in Avalon with no problems

08-29-2008, 01:16 AM
it is possible cuz like you said, Mungi, they stormed Avalon with no difficulty till Brian showed up with Excalibur and Pete Wisdom doing his Scarlet Witch imitation. they learned to calculate the magic into their science

10-31-2008, 02:36 AM
Bill: "I was in Limbo, Thor. I was nowhere and everywhere all at once. Then these fiends (Skrulls) somehow found me and tortured me. They took my hammer. They took my purpose. I have work to do, and answers to seek, beyond the stars"

and that's the explanation how BRB escaped the Realm of the Beasts

10-31-2008, 08:07 PM
Red Hulk managed to lift Mjolnir. He expressed some lame logic behind his ability to do so. A split second before RH gave us "his" lame logic in being able to do so, Thor suggested that Odin's enchantment migth no longer be in place.

I can only hope that Thor's reasoning is the truth behind it.

Has anyone else tried anf failed to lift the hammer since Thor's return?

If not, and if BRB is still a Skrull, that might explain how he was able to lift it -- the worthiness enchantment is no longer in place.

10-31-2008, 11:43 PM
If I remember correctly. the reason red Hulk was able to lift it was because they where in space. Also in the build up to Thor's return Dr.Doom attempted to lift the hammer to have its power for himself. He failed. Right after the ever lovin blue eyed Thing attempted and also failed to lift it and right after that Donald Blake(Thor's human host). Came and took the hammer with him.

11-01-2008, 04:02 PM
If I remember correctly. the reason red Hulk was able to lift it was because they where in space. Also in the build up to Thor's return Dr.Doom attempted to lift the hammer to have its power for himself. He failed. Right after the ever lovin blue eyed Thing attempted and also failed to lift it and right after that Donald Blake(Thor's human host). Came and took the hammer with him.


Yeah, there was the "you're holding the handle, I'm merely holding the head and jumping" line of logic, and the "zero G" line of logic.

Really, if it were that easy, does anyone doubt some other villain would've figured it out by now??? Loki? Zeus? Hades? Dr.Doom? Nah, Marvel's right, they would be too uninformed, too dumb, and too "magically challenged" to either figure it out or place a zero G gravity field around the hammer/their hand and own it themselves.


11-08-2008, 04:43 PM
Have been away, but isn't it possible that the AF who died where skrulls? Don't all jump down my throat on this one, as I haven't had time to read every thread yet! :P

11-08-2008, 05:09 PM
You know, I'd say maybe, simply because it's a comic book. After all, Sherlock Holmes, Jean Grey, Colossus, and so many more have come back from more obvious deaths in literature.

But to say that Byrne AF isn't dead but were Skrulls would be a big retconn at this point, after all the Skrulls who died in Secret Invasion all turned green awfully fast, some even when wounded.

But all those years Puck had with Razaar may have given him some immortality, Mac is a cyborg and was in one piece, Heather is a mother now and killing both parents of a baby is bad karma....