View Full Version : How to get AF back

12-08-2008, 02:30 PM
Obviously, since Guardian is a cyborg, basically, he can be 'rejuvenated' and live again as Guardian, maybe with less engineering acumen but more heroism and such. Heather as Nemesis, since it's a cool role and Mistress of Fate is better than being just dead. Puck may have residual immortal magic.

Of course, depowered Flex or Radius could be Guardian, with interesting twists for other characters.

I wonder how many proposals Marvel has gotten for Flight this time around? I'm betting around 3 per month.

12-08-2008, 06:25 PM
Obviously, since Guardian is a cyborg, basically, he can be 'rejuvenated' and live again as Guardian, maybe with less engineering acumen but more heroism and such. Heather as Nemesis, since it's a cool role and Mistress of Fate is better than being just dead. Puck may have residual immortal magic.

Of course, depowered Flex or Radius could be Guardian, with interesting twists for other characters.

I wonder how many proposals Marvel has gotten for Flight this time around? I'm betting around 3 per month.

I think you mean Mac can be revived, he's been rejuvenated once already in Volume 2...I think most fans have had enough of teenage clones.

Heather could easily be revived as well, considering her Geo-suit potentially had roots in magic too (mentioned several times in Volume 2).


12-09-2008, 02:17 AM
There are in infinite amount of Deus Ex Machina out there to explain an AF return. Sadly it only comes down to whether or not Marvel wants to. I seriously doubt a viable way to raise them from the dead is what's holding an AF return back. Marvel/Joe Q's will to bring them back is all that matters.

12-09-2008, 10:16 AM
I was thinking of "what fans might believe". How to bring back favorites without cheesing off fans who want a fair exaplanation that doesn't just "raise the dead" but brings back solid characters in good roles, no need for retconns. Shaman could be done but we already have Talisman there.

Just my shot at how to bring them back, and keep the fans, and grow more....

I think AF is best with cool charcter names and designs, Guardian and Nemesis. Yee haw!

12-09-2008, 02:10 PM
Obviously, since Guardian is a cyborg, basically, he can be 'rejuvenated' and live again as Guardian, maybe with less engineering acumen but more heroism and such. Heather as Nemesis, since it's a cool role and Mistress of Fate is better than being just dead. Puck may have residual immortal magic.

Of course, depowered Flex or Radius could be Guardian, with interesting twists for other characters.

I wonder how many proposals Marvel has gotten for Flight this time around? I'm betting around 3 per month.

I remember thinking James Hudson/Guardian should've been left dead, and that was about 15 years ago when I was still collecting comics! Heather really came into her own and was the best leader AF ever had.

I'm not sure what they've done with Nemesis and Puck and I don't know anything about Flex and Radius. I do know that the best line-ups were within the first 30 issues. They had great characters and relationships and I know people alway b***h and moan about Bill Mantlo's work but I thought the worst happened with Hudnall and then Nicieza, etc.

12-11-2008, 10:19 AM
I think the first step would be for someone to be in charge at Marvel who actually respects Alpha Flight and wants it to succeed. Without support from the key decision makers, nothing else can happen.

So we might be waiting a good long while.