View Full Version : Eaglemoss Guardian Figure

01-17-2009, 02:53 PM
Eaglemoss have been churning out Marvel figures for what seems like forever and #89 happens to have been GUardian.


Picked it up today and gotta admit I was quite taken with it. The fuigure itself looks like it could do with a major repainting, but I'm gonna leave it as it is, gotta that kinda battle grime on it that imho gives it that authentic look.

Each figure comes with a booklet with a write up of the character. Most of the stuff in the Guardian one covers what we already know, but a couple of bits caught my attention.

"Pointer rampaged across the Artic and killed most of Alpha Flight. Someone in a Guardian costume was amongst the casualties. Was it the primary James Hudson, who may have returned unannounced from the Plodex homeworld? Or was it his temporal counterpart from a time before he died the first time. Neither would make uch sense, so was it someone else altogether, perhaps the Plodex duplicate ?"

In regards to a little write up on Heather "It's unknown if Heather died battling the Collective, or remains in space heading towards the Plodex World"

Nothing specific, but I thought it was worth a mention.

Kal Brindle
01-25-2009, 06:26 PM
Hi, I'm an avid collector of the Eaglemoss Figurines and I think the Guardian figure is awesome. The best part about the magazine that came with the figure is that it focussed on Jimmy Hudson and not Michael Pointer.

Richard the Editor at Eaglemoss has mentioned that Northstar and Aurora are likely to be slated as a two pack some time in the future and we've already seen one artist's proof of Sasquatch. Very cool, though not quite Byrne's version of Walter.

What's really exciting right now, is that Eaglemoss is allowing the fans to choose the next eight figures for the collection. In the X-Allies category there are several Alphans listed - Aurora, Marrina, Northstar, Puck and Snowbird. Snowbird is currently in third place behind Sunfire and Cannonball. The polls run until February 22, 2009. So if you want to go check it out and vote like I did, for the three Alphans you'd like most to see represented that would be awesome. You have to register on the site and make a post on the welcome thread, but after that the whole site is open to you as are the Eaglemoss Official Online Polls.

The online polls sanctioned by Eaglemoss are at www.superherofigurineforum.com . I am a mod on the site and one of the few Canadians, though one of many Alpha Flight fans. If you'd like more information feel free to PM me. We have been encouraged by our Admin to spread the word on related fan sites which is why I am here, but since I'm asuch a rabid Alpha fan - I think I'll stick around if that's okay.

01-25-2009, 07:02 PM
Hiya Kal, welcome to the forums. Another one of your members posts here 'Ryan Maxwell', and I joined up the other day on his recommendation. good to hear that Alpha get support there and also that others characters may appear.

Ryan Maxwell
01-25-2009, 11:11 PM
Glad to see you here, Kal! I've been posting my customs in another thread here for a little while. Thanks for getting the word out about the voting, it'd be fantastic if some of the other AF fans went over and put Snowbird, Puck, Northstar, Aurora and Marinna down (well, 3 of them anyway). Snowbird has a great chance of winning if we can get the numbers to vote. Once we get a few of them made, I hope Shaman starts getting some notice as well.

Oh, here I am http://www.forum.alphaflight.net/viewtopic.php?t=2355

01-26-2009, 06:52 AM
Any chance of the image, or link to the image, of the sasquatch artists proof?

Ryan Maxwell
01-26-2009, 12:20 PM
This is a sculpt by a fan, not Eaglemoss, though the same guy did sculpt the Man-Thing figure out now.


01-26-2009, 11:01 PM
Blech... :P

Ryan Maxwell
01-27-2009, 11:32 AM
Hi, I'm an avid collector of the Eaglemoss Figurines and I think the Guardian figure is awesome. The best part about the magazine that came with the figure is that it focussed on Jimmy Hudson and not Michael Pointer.

Richard the Editor at Eaglemoss has mentioned that Northstar and Aurora are likely to be slated as a two pack some time in the future and we've already seen one artist's proof of Sasquatch. Very cool, though not quite Byrne's version of Walter.

What's really exciting right now, is that Eaglemoss is allowing the fans to choose the next eight figures for the collection. In the X-Allies category there are several Alphans listed - Aurora, Marrina, Northstar, Puck and Snowbird. Snowbird is currently in third place behind Sunfire and Cannonball. The polls run until February 22, 2009. So if you want to go check it out and vote like I did, for the three Alphans you'd like most to see represented that would be awesome. You have to register on the site and make a post on the welcome thread, but after that the whole site is open to you as are the Eaglemoss Official Online Polls.

The online polls sanctioned by Eaglemoss are at www.superherofigurineforum.com . I am a mod on the site and one of the few Canadians, though one of many Alpha Flight fans. If you'd like more information feel free to PM me. We have been encouraged by our Admin to spread the word on related fan sites which is why I am here, but since I'm asuch a rabid Alpha fan - I think I'll stick around if that's okay.

I'm quoting Kal as a reminder to folks that this voting is going on for another few weeks. Even if you don't intend to buy any of the figures, it'd help out a lot of AF fans if you ladies and gentlemen signed up and voted in the X-Men Allies and Alpha Flight poll, especially for Snowbird. She really needs the help!

VERY IMPORTANT if you do sign up: Please do so under one screen name only. Multiple accounts/IP's will be deleted and their votes will not be counted. They are very much against cheating and are taking every step possible to stop it.

03-28-2009, 11:21 AM
Ryan just posted this link (http://marvel-figurines.blogspot.com/) at the JBF.

One for Birdy Girl?

04-01-2009, 03:48 PM
Nice one.

Good to see Northstar & Aurora and Sasquatch in the list for potential specials too.

05-09-2009, 10:49 PM
I just received my Eaglemoss Guardian today. :D Great figurine, and wonderful accompanying magazine, with lots of terrific AF history in it.

05-12-2009, 11:19 PM
Yar, got mine too, and was very lucky to get a pristine copy of the magazine. Why the comic shops hang them from hooks and let the magazines get all bent up, I have no idea. Every time I see them on display, the magazine is bent up from hanging precariously on a hook with the boxed-up lead figure bending the magazine in half.

I've spoken to everyone I see who carries them and indicated they could display the figures in a case and store the magazines separately in a box inside a bag with a board to keep them in good shape, which takes up a lot less space and preserves a high quality product.

The cover of the very shiny magazine is taken from the cover of Marvel Comics Presents #4 and is Michael Pointer in the suit, but at least they mention this fact very clearly on page 9 rather than take us for a ride.

ANYWAY, yeah I love the magazine, which is written in an oddly irreverant yet respectful tone. For example, when describing the off-world Plodex trip from vol 3, "Alpha Flight members came to believe that the Plodex race was not beyond redemption and decided to return the eggs to their home planet. This was magnanimous beyond imagining, though the Hudsons had seemingly forgotten about their own infant daughter left parentless on Earth." Heh, true dat!

The magazine also suggest that the version of Guardian killed in the unfortunate events of New Avengers #16 might be one of the Plodex Guardians defeated in volume 3, dunno where they got that from... but it sure is optimistic.

Two awful spellling errors: Jeanne-Marie Barbier and Walter Langowski... grrr.... but they did get Jean-Paul Martin (Northstar) correct.

The magazine had plenty, plenty, plenty of Alpha Flight images, which was a real treat, mostly Guardian, but taken from nearly all parts of Alpha Flight history. Notable images are: a very rare panel of the POP! disappearance from Marvel Two-In One #84 (1982) when Guardian sets himself still relative to the motion of the Earth to avoid Ranark's energy blast and a little-known piece by Kieron Dwyer from the inside front cover of Classic X-Men #27 featuring Weapon Alpha zapping Wolverine.


05-13-2009, 11:09 PM
For fun I uploaded the picture mentioned in my previous post of Weapon Alpha zapping Wolverine. I also uploaded the picture next to it from the same issue.


I put both pictures in the Photo Album of this site.


07-01-2009, 04:38 PM
Where did you guys order the statue from? And how much does it run?