View Full Version : Captain Canuck !

07-12-2009, 07:22 AM
I recently (two days ago) wandered down to my local comics shop and perused their selection of used comics. You have probably all done the same thing yourselves at one time or another, searching for an entertaining read of some sort. You know the comics I am talking about - either comics from a few years ago that the store ordered way too many copies of and could not get rid of them, or some partially dog-eared obscure copy of something never evn heard of, all of them with a black diagonal felt pen line on their cover marking them as the dreaded (to collectors) "used".

While there, i uncovered a gem. Though to be sure, i was unaware of how rare of a gem it might actually be...

I brought home with me that day, issue number 7 of Captain Canuck. Although i had heard of Captain Canuck, I have never seen one of his comics before. I read it, and was pleasantly surprised! He certainly is...iconic! Reading it made me pine for the departed Guardian (and despise the current one even more!). This comic was published in 1979, and was in pretty great shape, all things considered!

So, I then did some research, and discovered the website CaptainCanuck.com where i began to read and discovered that these comics may be extremely rare. I do not know what the value fo such a comic, in used condition, would be, but i for one am pleased and proud to own it now, and to me it is priceless!

I am now wholeheartedly wishing that Marvel would buy up the rights to this character and bring him back as the iconic Canadian hero that he is, at the helm of our favourite group, Alpha Flight!

Cheers! Sorry, have had no chance to take any pictures of this issue yet! Maybe later!
