View Full Version : Marrina in Dark Reign: the List

11-06-2009, 09:58 AM
I Byrne Stole this at Indigo yesterday, so I'm sorry if I'm vague on the details.

This line is my concession to the concept of spoilers.

The <a>Wiki entry</a> seems to summarize it pretty well.

Marrina resurfaces in Norman Osborn's custody, and he uses her as an endgame plan against Namor, who had recently betrayed him and allied with the X-Men. How she came to be his prisoner is unknown, however Osborn reveals that he had her D.N.A. spliced and modified, making her a leviathan/snake-like being, driven by a hunger that can only be satiated with Atlantean blood. Once released, Marrina wreaks havoc in the undersea kingdom, injuring many and killing even more. Namor and the X-Men devise a plan: using Magik's and Pixie's teleportational powers they transport all of the Atlanteans across the globe leaving Namor as the sole bait. Once she approaches the X-Men's new base, Utopia, Namor realizes who she is. The Stepford Cuckoos scan her mind revealing that there is nothing but rage, hunger and hate. Having no choice, they engage her. Eventually Namor drags a weakened Marrina underwater, where he performs a mercy killing, ending Marrina's life.

That's kinda brutal, to be honest.

She still went out better than the rest of Alpha Flight, eh? There was at least some acknowledgement of her past as a hero and with Namor.


11-06-2009, 10:36 AM
See http://forum.alphaflight.net/viewtopic.php?t=2646&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0