View Full Version : Inhumans, Heather, and more

11-06-2009, 05:06 PM
Okay, so, I just read, for the first time, the Alpha Flight Volume 2 Annual guest-starring the Inhumans.

For those of you who do not know or who may have forgotten, in this issue, Heather ALMOST elects to stay with the Inhumans. She is basically told that she can stay, but in the end she goes back to normal life with Alpha Flight.

So, two thoughts rattle around in my head.

One, could we use Heather's link with the Inhumans to have them somehow bring her back to life (or have somehow saved her from death)?

Two, because of Heather's link to the Inhumans, could they take her child and expose in to the Terragen Mists, thereby granting it superpowers, and raising it as an Inhuman until such time as the child is old enough to come back to Canada and join Alpha Flight?

Again, just some thougths rattling around (generally speaking, there is almost always a rattling noise in my head).

Any thoughts out there?

BTW, I was actually very impressed with this issue. I enjoyed it immensely.

11-06-2009, 10:10 PM
I recall enjoying that story...I'm not sure how Heather could be resurrected via the Inhumans, though.

I still say, she could be said to be in a long coma and one day...Just wake up (same could be said for Puck). Sasquatch saying he was the only "survivor" could be taken as meaning he was the only one to "walk away" from the massacre...

I think Pointer could be used to possibly resurrect the dead Alphans...

Talisman is also another possible way to bring the dead Alphans back...She can resurrect the dead, perhaps she just doesn't know how...Maybe Shaman's spirit could guide her into doing so (but he could elect to stay in the afterlife with his wife, as was suggested?)...

There are many possible avenues to bringing the characters back.


11-07-2009, 05:24 AM
Two, because of Heather's link to the Inhumans, could they take her child and expose in to the Terragen Mists, thereby granting it superpowers, and raising it as an Inhuman until such time as the child is old enough to come back to Canada and join Alpha Flight?

Actually, no, the Terragen Mists wouldn't help Baby Hudson in the least. In fact, it'd prolly kill her. This has been mentioned several times, esp. recently since Beast and X-Geek squad are looking at ways to prevent the mutants from going extinct. Basically, unless you're Inhuman by birth, Terragen is BAD.

Besides, aren't the Inhumans still on Kreelar??

11-07-2009, 07:03 AM
Besides, aren't the Inhumans still on Kreelar??

Truthfully, what I know about the Inhumans is based on this Annual, plus a few comic appearances I remember from the '80s.

But don't I remember hearing that after House of M, Quicksilver stole the Mists and was using them to re-power mutants?