View Full Version : Grey Cup

11-30-2009, 12:23 AM
OK, I have to say this:

Though I have a soft spot for Saskatchewan, and grew up their, I'm not a Roughriders fan. And right now, BOY am I glad MY TEAM didn't blow the Grey Cup, somebody else's did!

I mean, 14 up at half and the other team's O looking inept, 16 up with less than 10 to go, have the ball up by 8 with 6 minutes left but throw an interception, get a lucky no call to keep a two-point lead, have the ball and can run out the clock but punt, force the opposition to take a long field goal with no time left, they miss, win!!

But hold on, after praising the fans all year for being the '13th man' have 13 men on the field and gift the other team a second, shorter FG attempt, which they make!

I know how mad I'd be if it was my team, so does my wife, but my team didn't do it! I feel sorry for Sask fans, fans of all teams feel sorry for them, but all of us are glad it wasn't our team (Too bad it wasn't Edmonton).

11-30-2009, 11:03 AM
Yeah, I feel bad for Sask. fans too. They seemed so sure to take it, only to have it slip through their fingers for something so stupid as too many players on the field. Bad way for a final to be decided.

11-30-2009, 06:41 PM
For the non-Canadians out there; we also have a football league (sorry Auzzies and Europeans, not THAT kind of football), the CFL, and a lot of us are sort of proud of it.

Some of us even admit that it is better than American football, a much more exciting game with more offence.

And now you know all there is that you need to know about that. Yer welcome.
PS - Neighbours to the South - government healthcare; you really do not want that, trust us. Makes our government constantly broke, and we have far less people in our country than you do. Yer welcome, again.

12-01-2009, 10:47 PM
PS - Neighbours to the South - government healthcare; you really do not want that, trust us. Makes our government constantly broke, and we have far less people in our country than you do. Yer welcome, again.

Load of crap folks, don't believe it.

12-02-2009, 12:47 AM
I like not paying $5000 for a hangnail, thanks.

Medicare has kept a lot of people safe.

12-02-2009, 12:48 AM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Canadian_and_American_health_care_sy stems

is the link to read up on comparisons between the two systems for yourselves, make your own informed opinion..

"This study rated the US "responsiveness", or quality of service for individuals receiving treatment, as 1st, compared with 7th for Canada."

Seems to me, if you have medical coverage in the US (yes, it is expensive), you are far more likely to receive good services when they are needed. In Canada, most procedures that are not life-n-death, require a long waiting list, with plenty of "bumps" (sometimes mere hours before your surgery is supposed to happen, you can go back on the waiting list for many more months).

I do not, personally, believe that either system works all that well. I just happen to beleive that the US government cannot afford to go even farther into debt than it already is.

12-02-2009, 03:27 AM
Seems to me, if you have medical coverage in the US (yes, it is expensive), you are far more likely to receive good services when they are needed.
Seems to me, if you're nice and well off in the US, you are far more likely to receive good services when they are needed. For the rest of us, however, when the options are either the Canadian system (potentially have to wait a little while to get decent services, which has rarely been a problem for me) or the American system (not get services at all because you're already living cheque-to-cheque), guess which one I'll go for? The system is far from perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

12-02-2009, 05:39 AM
Well, if you read the part entitled: Price of health care you'll see it says:

Health care is one of the most expensive items of both nations’ budgets. In the United States, the various levels of government spend more per capita on health care than levels of government do in Canada. In 2004, Canada government-spending was $2,120 (in US dollars) per person on health care, while the United States government-spending $2,724.

More than 31 percent of every dollar spent on health care in the U.S. goes to paperwork, overhead, CEO salaries, profits, etc. The provincial single-payer system in Canada operates with just a 1 percent overhead.
Not to mention this part under the section: Coverage and access:

One indicator of the consequences of Americans' inconsistent health care coverage is a study in Health Affairs that concluded that half of personal bankruptcies involved medical bills. Although other sources dispute this, it is now clear that medical debt is the principle cause of bankruptcy in the United States.
So if you do the math, the US could have cheaper health care than us if they adopted our system since they have a larger population amongst which to divide up the costs.

12-02-2009, 06:03 AM
"So if you do the math, the US could have cheaper health care than us if they adopted our system since they have a larger population amongst which to divide up the costs."

This may be true.

But Americans have a much lower rate of tax than we do here in Canada. The question, then, is how high are they willing for their taxes to go, to get "free" healthcare?

Look, I do not have the answers. But as far as I am concerned, none of the plans I have seen by politicians, so far, have erased my doubts and fears about what the cost will end up being to the American people. I mean, I love my neighbours to the South, but they still have no plan to deal with people being in the country illegally. I am betting there are far more illegals in America, than there are Canadians in Canada. If the politicians cannot solve this problem, then i do not trust them to solve even bigger issues like healthcare.

Anyways, as always, the Grey Cup game was a beauty. Unfortunately, i was working during it, but I did manage to see the last ten seconds live. What a way to win (or lose, depending)!

Sorry if I opened a can of worms, usually I stay out of political discussions because of this, but this time i seem to have started one instead! lol.

12-02-2009, 07:58 PM
Ah, don't sweat it FP, all the misinformation that has been thrown around in the States (ie: Death Panels :roll: ) regarding health care really pisses me off, so I like to defend it. IMO it is better than none at all.