View Full Version : Avatar

Le Messor
12-20-2009, 07:46 PM
is good. Really good. Watch it in theatres in 3-D. Otherwise, not so good.

I'm talking about the new James Cameron movie here, not the Last Airbender cartoon (also really good, but you can't see it in theatres, not until M. Night Shyamalan is through with it).

Okay, the movie's a bit of a cliche storm, and anvilicious, but it is absolutely beatiful; hence why the seeing it in theatres thing.

- Le Messor
"No trespassing
Items for sale"
- road-side sign

01-28-2010, 08:00 PM
Completely agree. The story is nothing new, but the visuals are beautiful. See it if only for the floaty, jellyfish thingies.

03-04-2010, 07:41 PM
I saw the movie in 3-D as well. Loved it! While yes the story has been done before(someone once said there where only 4 stories ever written and that all others are essentially versions of those but I digress). Visually it was nothing short of breath taking. By the end I found myself very encouraged that movies as a medium are evolving and that I'll be around to enjoy it. I encourage anyone who has not to see it in 3-D.

03-21-2010, 03:15 PM
I loved Avatar. A great breath of fresh air in a time when most movies are either sequels, remakes, adaptations, or just plain bad. Yes, the story had a lot in common with other stories (ie, Pocahontas, Fern Gully) but, as other artists have said, originality is a myth (someone I know from Deviant Art) and all art is derivative (one of my art instructors). It's virtually impossible to make something that is 100% original. But Cameron was able to take those elements and present them in a way that was very exciting and fun (not to mention visually amazing).